Inflammation of the joints: how to treat arthritis and relieve the symptoms of inflammation?


  • 1Inflammation of joints - causes and diagnostics, drugs, folk remedies and physiotherapeutic procedures for the disease
    • 1.1What is inflammation of the joints?
    • 1.2Causes of inflammation of the joints
    • 1.3What is dangerous arthritis
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Treatment of joint inflammation
    • 1.6Medicine
    • 1.7Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 1.8Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 1.9Proper nutrition
    • 1.10Treatment with folk remedies
    • 1.11Prevention
  • 2Inflammation of joints: treatment and symptoms | How to treat joint inflammation
    • 2.1How to treat joint inflammation with traditional methods?
    • 2.2How to treat joint inflammation with folk remedies?
  • 3What and how to treat joint inflammation
    • 3.1Medication for inflammation of the joints
    • 3.2Non-drug therapies for inflammation of the joints
    • 3.3Alternative methods of treating joint inflammation
  • 4Inflammation of the joints: how and what to treat (medicines)
    • 4.1Common symptoms and complications of arthritis
    • 4.2Traumatic, dystrophic arthritis
    • 4.3Autoimmune arthritis
    • 4.4Infectious arthritis (Reiter's syndrome, serous, purulent)
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Inflammation of joints - causes and diagnostics, drugs, folk remedies and physiotherapeutic procedures for the disease

Quickly remove the inflammation of the joints can be folk remedies at home, but it is first required to find out and eliminate the underlying cause of the pathological process.

Otherwise, the positive dynamics of such conservative treatment is moderate, completely absent.

If you have problems with mobility of the joints, you need to contact a specialist because the characteristic pathology can be associated not only with excessive physical exertion, but also internal diseases.

What is inflammation of the joints?

In fact, it is the body's response to a harmful irritant, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, reduces the mobility of foci of pathology and the quality of life of the patient. Such a pathological process can not be started, otherwise a person will be disabled.

The focus of pathology can be a specific segment of the musculoskeletal system, then the disease proceeds in the form of monoarthritis.

However, doctors do not exclude the development of polyarthritis, when several joints are involved in the pathological process with a rapid "seizure" of the subsequent articulation.

Inflammation of the joint on the leg first of all limits the mobility of the patient, accompanied by a sharp attack of pain when trying to make a step.

The pain has a paroxysmal, shooting character, fetters the motion, while it does not disappear in a state of rest.

The inflamed joint will continue to ache until you use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect externally or inward.

Separately it is worth noting that in addition to painful swelling of the skin near the joint with inflammation blushes, acquires a purple hue.

If this is purulent arthritis, the apparent densification of the focus of the pathology seems to be alarming with obvious accumulation of pus of the pus under the upper layer of the epidermis.

In the latter case, immediate surgical intervention is required. The rest of the inflammation is accompanied by signs of intoxication:

  • high body temperature;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • dizziness and cephalalgia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the instability of the emotional sphere;
  • muscle weakness.

In acute inflammation of the hip or other joints, the patient's body temperature rises sharply.

This symptom is more characteristic of the acute stage of a characteristic ailment, it can reach 39-40 degrees, requires immediate hospitalization.

As a result of chronic inflammation of the knee joint or other cartilaginous structures, the temperature regime is disturbed insignificantly - within 37-3 degrees. With such violations, you must immediately contact your doctor.

Causes of inflammation of the joints

The inflammatory process is mostly concentrated in the synovial membrane of the joint, it is characterized by synovial fluid in excess volume.

In such a clinical picture, favorable conditions for stagnation of venous and lymphatic drainage are created, which leads to the development of joint arthritis. The state is dangerous, and together with the immobility of such structures comes disability.

To avoid further destruction of the joints, it is important to know which diseases lead to a vast internal imbalance. It:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • trauma in the spine;
  • bouts of gout;
  • lupus;
  • tick-borne borreliosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Crohn's disease.

Inflammation progresses with autoimmune diseases, and eventually it can end for the patient with joint tuberculosis.

To treat such a pathology is required immediately, and for this, the first thing to eliminate such provoking factors like hypothermia, malnutrition, poor immunity, the presence of chronic infections and injuries the spine.

What is dangerous arthritis

If there are foci of infection, a purulent process develops, which requires immediate surgical intervention. Deformation of the joints is one of the potential complications, other, no less dangerous diagnoses and pathological processes are presented below:

  • contractures;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • pathological dislocations;
  • osteolysis;
  • necrosis of bone tissue;
  • disability;
  • generalized sepsis with infection of blood.


If there is inflammation, and swollen joints continue to hurt, you need to see a doctor for advice, get a diagnosis.

The specialist first collects the data of the anamnesis, probes the foci of pathology, looks at the apparent edema.

It is very important not only to identify the problem areas, but also to reliably identify the disease, which provoked their unexpected appearance. To determine the cause and nature of the pathology, the following examinations are necessary:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • synovial fluid intake;
  • general urine analysis;
  • a laboratory test to determine uric acid, antibodies to streptococcus hemolytic;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • CT and MRI;
  • arthroscopy;
  • biopsy of existing nodules;
  • puncture of the focus of pathology.

Treatment of joint inflammation

Arthrosis and arthritis of joints can be successfully treated with conservative methods, folk remedies, physiotherapy procedures.

It is very important not only to reduce inflammation, but to prevent an abnormal process of cartilage destruction, especially with symmetrical lesions.

General recommendations of the expert are as follows:

  • it is required to exclude from the diet fatty meat, sausage products, salt and sugar, fast food, preservatives, semi-finished products, by-products;
  • on specially selected exercises in the training complex can overcome inflammatory diseases of the joints, but in parallel treat the disease by official methods;
  • it is important to control your own weight, avoid obesity and increased stress on the joint with inflammation;
  • take pain medication is allowed to relieve pain; However, a full-fledged treatment of joint arthritis is not possible in this way;
  • with lesions of the skin it is necessary to additionally use ointments with a regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect.


With extensive lesions of the ankle, shoulder, elbow and other joints can not do without the use of tablets.

If inflammation is associated with increased activity of pathogenic flora, infection, the doctor recommends a complete course of antibiotic therapy.

In the remaining clinical pictures, the following pharmacological groups and their representatives are relevant:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac sodium, indomethacin, Piroxicam;
  • antipyretic drugs: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Panadol;
  • glucocorticosteroids: Triamcinolone intravenously, Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone;
  • immunosuppressants: Methotrexate, Cyclophosphamide, Azathioprine, Sulfasalazine;
  • muscle relaxants: Midokalm, Sirdalud;
  • chondroprotectors: chondroitin, glucosamine;
  • preparations of calcium.

With inflammation of the articular bags, doctors prescribe a whole range of medications, but the following positions have proved particularly effective:

  1. Chondroitin. A natural medicine that can restore the broken structure of cartilaginous tissue. You can simultaneously use capsules and be treated with ointments, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect. Tablets are allowed to drink no more than three per day, the outdoor make up to 5 to 6 times per day.
  2. Prednisolone. It is a hormonal drug in the form of tablets, which should be taken in the afternoon. If the joint is inflamed, the physician determines the daily dose individually, side effects can not be ruled out with a drug course of 7 to 14 days.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Effective treatment of inflamed joints unequivocally involves the use of painkillers, no matter where the pathological process is concentrated - in the tendons or cartilages. In the fight against painful stiffness of movements, doctors recommend the following representatives of the pharmacological group of NSAIDs:

  1. Diclofenac. The tablets relieve pain and inflammation, they act after a single dose. Doctors recommend taking 1 pill up to 3 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear in the hands, knees or feet, and other joint cavities.
  2. Ketorolac. With inflammation and damage to the joints, this is a reliable medicine in the form of tablets. In the stage of relapse, it is necessary to drink 1 pill every 3 hours, then reduce daily doses to 1 tablet in 6 hours.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Medical preparations with inflammation of the joints are highly effective, but in order to strengthen the overall therapeutic effect, physicians additionally prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures at home or in hospital. This will help to remove inflammation, to stop acute pain syndrome and to postpone its recurrence. It is about the benefits of the following procedures:

  • course of massage;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • hydrogen sulphide baths;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • application of magnetic fields;
  • ultra-violet rays.

Proper nutrition

Treatment of the joints of the legs and hands is ineffective without a special diet that eliminates the consumption of salt and starchy foods.

This is only a small part of the prohibitions that the patient must adhere to in such a dangerous diagnosis.

So, the foodstuffs banned in inflammation are stated in the following list:

  • red meat and meat by-products;
  • vegetables of the Solanaceae family;
  • leguminous plants;
  • alcohol;
  • spice.

Allowed with characteristic inflammation food:

  • poultry meat;
  • lean varieties of fish;
  • fermented milk products;
  • walnuts.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the joints begin to ache badly, knowledgeable patients are already used to put warming compresses on the foci of pathology, use natural ointments from plant and natural components. Effective formulations that will treat the skin of the foot or other part of the lesion:

  1. It is required to connect 1 part of aloe juice, 2 parts of May honey and 3 parts of vodka. Stir, pour into a glass container and press for 2 weeks. Use externally, make compresses or lubricate the skin around the affected joints. Course - 2 weeks.
  2. Grind 1 large black radish. Then ready to mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, mix. Use the composition as an ointment for 7-14 days daily.


Since the characteristic inflammation has a genetic predisposition or develops against the background of others chronic diseases, as a complication, doctors recommend daily adhere to the elementary rules prevention. This is especially true for patients at risk. Effective preventive measures for every day:

  • it is important to control your own weight, eliminate obesity;
  • You need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle;
  • avoid hypothermia and frequent colds;
  • to strengthen immunity in a timely manner;
  • to train weak muscle groups of sports.

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Inflammation of joints: treatment and symptoms | How to treat joint inflammation

Inflammation of the joints can be inflammatory or anti-inflammatory.

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According to information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 46 million Americans suffer from some form of the disease.

thereforetreatment of joint inflammation- Today, more than ever actual and popular topic.

Inflammatory processes can occur due to infection in the joint tissue of the infection. It can be an inflammation of the ankle, shoulder or any other joint. The severity of the infectious disease is characterized in the further development of the disease.

Symptoms of inflammation of the joints are usually manifested


2. bills,

3. changes in the shape of the joint,

4. redness of the skin above it,

5.a also by increasing the temperature of the skin over the joint

6. and violation of its functions.

Pain in inflamed joints starts suddenly, often in the morning or in the second half of the night. In the process of movement, these pains decrease.

If the disease is acute, then there may be constant and more severe pain.

And with a chronic form - pain occurs only during movement.

Inflammation of the joints causes a change in the shape of the joint, which occurs as a result of soft tissue edema, arising on the background of the manifestation of muscle and tendon disease, as well as the exit of the joint from the cavity of the joint surface.

The functioning of the joint with inflammation stops due to the sharp soreness and changes in the tissues that surround the joint.

The disease is characterized by such pronounced violations of the joint, that it becomes stationary, and the patient is no longer able to work in his profession.

If treatment is carried out at milder stages of the disease, the function of the joints is restored completely.

Symptoms of inflammation of joints of different types

  • Rheumatoid arthritis,
  • gout,
  • arthritis,
  • lupus, etc.,

Types of inflammatory arthritis. They can develop as a result of the fact that the body is not able to recognize its own tissues and begins to destroy them (autoimmune diseases), or because of a bacterial attack.

Pain, swelling, redness, fever in the joint, stiffness, etc. - symptoms of inflammation of joints of this type. Early diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory arthritis will help control the condition to some extent.

To identify the nature of this disease, a complete examination is performed, after which the external symptoms with X-ray studies, laboratory analyzes of intraarticular fluid, blood and urine.

How to treat joint inflammation with traditional methods?

Treatment of the disease can be carried out using some medications that help get rid of the symptoms, or with the help of some natural remedies.

To reduce inflammation of the joints, prescribe Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin or Diclofenac.

These non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce inflammation and pain. They work by blocking the production of certain chemicals that lead to inflammation.

Within a few hours after taking these drugs, there will be relief.

In order to slow down the course of this degenerative disease, the drugs used in the treatment are Methotrexate and Sulfasalazine.

However, these medicines have their own side effects, such as

  • abdominal pain,
  • heartburn,
  • rash,
  • labored breathing,
  • ulcers,
  • dizziness,
  • headaches, etc.

Again, most drugs do not cope with the cause of arthritis, but only relieve the symptoms.

The disease must be treated for a fairly long time, since this disease can go on a chronic form. If the case is severe, the illness is treated permanently.

Treatment of inflammation of joints of an infectious type is carried out with medicinal preparations, antibiotics, which increase the body's immunity.

If the disease has occurred against the background of some other disease, then in the beginning it is necessary to cure it, and only then to proceed to treatment. At the end of therapy, massage and exercise therapy are prescribed.

Unqualified treatment can lead to complete destruction of joint tissues.

Treatment of joint inflammation with diet

Diet plays an important role in reducing inflammation. Taking only healthy food can help relieve the pain associated with inflammatory arthritis.

Food can be divided into inflammatory products and anti-inflammatory products. Unwanted products such as pizza, hamburgers, fried chickens, etc. should be avoided in case of inflammation.

In addition, milk and other dairy products should also be avoided.

When symptoms of inflammation should eat foods such as fruits, vegetables and foods high in fatty acids

  • a fish,
  • walnuts,
  • flax-seed.

This will help reduce inflammation in the joint, thereby alleviating the pain.

How to treat joint inflammation with folk remedies?

In the life of every person there is a feeling of pain in the joints. Usually this is due to deferred salts in the spine and joints. It is at this point that the need for treatment begins to arise.

People's councils are known for a long time. That's why they are considered so effective. Treatment of joints and procedures with the help of these folk remedies are considered the standard set of the process of healing the body.

Before carrying out various courses of treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the intestines, since any component can cause an allergic reaction.

How to treat joint inflammation with folk remedies:

1.Laurov leaf with the diagnosis of inflammation of the joints. This folk remedy is quite effective for removing accumulated salts from the body.

To do this, take 20-30 pieces of laurel leaves, pour two cups of boiling water. Boiled five minutes, then poured into a thermos, and insisted another 3-4 hours.

The broth should be taken in small sips for the next 12 hours. Term of treatment - 3 days. After a week, the course of treatment can be repeated.

After rapid dissolution of salts and their removal from the body, urination becomes more frequent. After a week the procedure is repeated. Treatment of joint inflammation can be carried out once or twice a year.

2.The grain of rye will help to cure the inflammation of the joints. To do this, they take in the amount of 250 grams, pour 2 liters of water and boil well. After that, the broth is cooled and carefully filtered.

To the mixture is added a tablespoon of the root of barberry, 1 kg of honey and a half liter of vodka. All components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark room for 3 weeks.

Take the drug should be 3 tablespoons before meals.

3. Treatment of joint inflammation with horseradish. One kilo of horseradish is poured into 4 liters of water, brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes. After that, the broth is cooled and 500 grams of honey is added. Take should be 200 grams daily.

The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Inflammation of the joints is effectively treated by the inclusion in the diet of calcined cottage cheese. To make it, you need to buy calcium chloride in the pharmacy.

The floor of a liter of milk is heated, to which is added, tablespoons of calcium chloride. After draining the milk, it is removed from the heat, cooled and thrown back to the sieve. After that, it is covered with gauze and left overnight.

In the morning you can eat cottage cheese in any quantity.

4. Treatment of inflammation of the joints with chestnuts. A half liter of vodka is added 300 grams of crushed chestnuts, and insists 14 days.

To reduce the symptoms of joint inflammation, it is necessary to shake this mixture daily and take it by prescription. You can keep the tincture for many years.

She daily rubs sore spots, preferably at night.

5. Inflammation of the joints is a lot of inconvenience, it is a painful process, but folk recipes offer various ways to relieve this inflammation.

Mainly used herbal medicinal herbs - St. John's wort, marigold, cranberries and the like. Brew them can be individually or in collection.

It is necessary to take herbs in equal proportions, pour water, boil over low heat for about 30 minutes, then add to the broth boiled water to make up the one that evaporated.

Allow the broth to cool and take half a cup several times a day. Treatment of joint inflammation lasts several months.

6. You can make an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe, which you need to rub into a sore spot. To make it, you need to grind the leaves of Kalanchoe and mix them in equal proportions with alcohol. Insist for a week in a dark place, after which you can use and treat inflammation of the joints.

Effective treatment for pain, swelling and joint inflammation

There are quite a lot of folk methods. This is not surprising - because the pain in the joints are familiar not only to the elderly, but also to young people. What should I do if there is pain, redness and swelling around the joint?

1. Treatment of inflammation of the hair root.

Grind one tablespoon blackcorn and one spoonful of comfrey root, mix with the melted pork smalt and heat for 20 minutes a couple.

Then insist, until the broth cools down, strain and pour into the jar. The remedy for the joints should be rubbed into the joints affected by the inflammation.

2. Make a compress of two teaspoons of ginger, a teaspoon of turmeric, half a teaspoon of chili pepper and hot vegetable oil. The mixture of these ingredients is heated and applied to a cotton cloth, then attach to the affected joint and secure with a woolen shawl.

3. Symptoms of inflammation will help to remove the folk recipe with olive oil. Mix one tablespoon of olive oil, half a spoon of grated garlic and a glass of boiling water. Received infusion drink in the morning and in the evening for 100 grams.

4. Take a raw chicken egg, whisk the yolk and mix with one teaspoon of turpentine and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

Blend the mixture again, then lubricate a small amount of the joint with inflammation, without rubbing it into the skin.

Repeat the procedure every night before going to bed, if you need to speed up the process, you can do it twice or thrice a day. Already after the third time you will feel easier.

5. Heat the affected joint with a compress of sea salt and rub clean fir oil into the skin of the diseased area.

6.To remove the inflammation of the joints, make lotions from a three-percent solution mummy.

7.Zaleyte 250 grams of grains of rye two liters of water and boil.

In a cooled and strained broth pour half a liter of vodka, a kilo of honey and a tablespoon of chopped barberry.

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The infusion is thoroughly mixed and left in a dark place for three weeks. When it is ready, drink with inflammation of the joints before eating 3 tablespoons of the drug.

8. Symptoms of inflammation will remove the laurel leaf.. Boil two glasses of water and pour boiling water on 30 laurel leaves. Boil for five minutes, then infuse for 4 hours.

Ready to drink the broth all day long in small sips. After three days of treatment, take a week off.

This means will help to remove from the body an excess of salts, which causes joint pain.

So, there are a lot of agents for treating inflammation. It is important only in time to pay attention to the alarming symptoms of the disease.

A source: http://www.

What and how to treat joint inflammation

What and how to treat inflammation of the joints, to eliminate not only unpleasant symptoms, but also the cause of the disease.

Inflammation of the joints is not only a painful condition that deprives a person of the normal quality of life, it also negatively affects the appearance of the limbs, gait, etc.

Inflammation of joints can develop as a result of mechanical damage, joint disease and periarticular segments, diseases of internal organs and systems.

People of mature age often have arthritis, which can affect one or more joints. Among other inflammatory diseases, the presence of rheumatism, gout, lupus, osteoarthritis, etc. is highlighted.

How to treat inflammation of the joints, so that the effect of treatment is qualitative and lasting? For this, there are treatment regimens with the use of medicines and various procedures, folk remedies etc. The main thing is to turn to a doctor in time when the most insignificant, at first glance, symptoms appear.

Medication for inflammation of the joints

How to relieve the inflammation of the joints without resorting to medication? It is extremely difficult to do this and it is possible only at the initial stage, later it will be necessary to use medicinal preparations prescribed by a doctor.

As a general therapy, funds are used that help to eliminate the cause of the disease and its main symptoms.

Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, the cause of which is often beta-hemolytic streptococcus. In general, antibiotics of the first generation or macrolides are prescribed for this purpose. In the future, patients who have suffered rheumatism undergo antibiotic treatment for many years to prevent damage to the heart valves.
  • Reactive arthritis, caused by infection - urogenital or intestinal. This is a fairly common pathology that can occur in young people 25 years and older. As treatment of the disease, macrolides are used - Azithromycin, Roxithromycin.
  • Purulent arthritis, which occurs due to pathogenic microorganisms, entered into the joint area with blood. Medications for inflammation of the joints in this case are selected depending on the pathogen. To do this, samples are taken to identify the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibiotics.

Treatment of inflamed joints is performed with mandatory use of NSAIDs. These remedies are a great find for various joint diseases, because they simultaneously fight with the symptoms and signs of the disease.

There are several types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that differ not so much in action as in the possible negative effects on the body. So, for people with healthy organs and systems, one generation of drugs - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc., can be used.

But if there are diseases of internal organs - liver, kidneys, stomach or intestines, you should only use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are modern, which have virtually no side effects - Nimesil, Nyz. Before use, always consult a physician.

How to treat an inflamed joint in more neglected cases? For this, glucocorticoids are often prescribed - drugs that are used by the scheme and only under strict medical supervision.

Inflammation of the joints is sometimes treated with the use of immunosuppressants.

These drugs are prescribed for autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis), in which the cause of the inflammatory reaction of the joints is the increased effect of the immune system. Cyclophosphamide, Sulfosalazine is often prescribed for this purpose.

Additionally, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, vitamins, enzyme preparations can be prescribed. For local treatment, which is used during the main therapy and between treatment courses, ointments and gels are prescribed (if there is no acute inflammatory process).

The most popular of them is Diklak gel, Voltaren, Fastum gel, Finalgon ointment, etc. These ointments help to anesthetize, eliminate edema, but they need to be used only after eating and strictly on the prescribed medical scheme.

Non-drug therapies for inflammation of the joints

How to treat inflammation of the joints when the acute period has passed, but complete recovery has not occurred? For this, a number of procedures are applied, from a number of conservative methods not medicamentous.

Physiotherapy is prescribed most often to eliminate pain symptoms and improve the structure of the cartilaginous tissue.

It is applied only after the acute signs of the disease have been eliminated.

As a physiotherapy, the use of paraffin and ozocerite thermal applications, magnetotherapy, UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis, laser therapy, etc. is shown.

It is important to remember that some of these procedures are banned for people who have malignant formations or have treated them earlier by irradiation.

Massages and exercise therapy are shown during the recovery period. These procedures help the joint to recover, and the person - to get an opportunity to improve motor activity. When the disease worsens, it is forbidden to conduct such activities.

To immobilize the joint, use bandages, orthoses that help fix joints, limit unnecessary (often painful) movements, reduce puffiness and pain symptom. The joint is fixed only for a short time - not more than 1 week, so that it does not lose its efficiency.

Alternative methods of treating joint inflammation

Alternative treatment is the use of folk remedies, which at many stages help to cope with the signs and symptoms of the disease. In inflammation of the joints, the treatment is used primarily in the first place, and alternative medicine is used as an auxiliary or preventive medicine.

As folk therapy, they use drugs for inflammation of the joints, such as:

  • Birch leaves, which are torn from the birch, are covered with boiling water and applied to the sick edematous joint. To fix such a compress you need a woolen scarf. Improvement of the disease comes after 2-3 such procedures.
  • A raster of young sunflower seeds should be prepared in advance, but in the effectiveness of this tool, many have been convinced by their own example. To prepare triturals, you need to collect a third of 1 liter of a jar of young sunflower seeds per season, pour alcohol, add shavings from baby soap, and put for infusion for 2 weeks. After the finished product is used to rub the joints.
  • A mixture of clay. For this, the clay is purchased at the pharmacy, which must be mixed with any oil so that a creamy consistency is obtained and applied to the diseased joint. Keep the product on the skin you need no more than hours, after which the clay needs to be washed off. Daily use of this product helps to remove pain and reduce inflammation.
  • A warming compress, for the preparation of which dry mustard and alcohol are used, is applied Only in the absence of severe inflammation (during this period it is forbidden to use any warming preparations). To prepare the product, take 20 g of dry mustard, pour 200 g of quality vodka, insist and lubricate the diseased joint.
  • Removes from the body excess salt broth from corn stigmas, which need to be filled with water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. on 200 ml of water, boil for 7 minutes and drink in a strained form several times a day.
  • Decoction of celery roots heals rheumatism of the joints well. To prepare the broth you need 2 tbsp. l. crushed roots pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist, wrapped, until complete cooling. The finished product is taken 20 ml before meals.
  • In the infectious lesion of the joint, white dry wine with wormwood helps well. To do this, 500 ml of natural wine should be poured into an enamel container and put on fire, adding 2 tbsp. l. wormwood. After boiling, the broth is cooked for another 5 minutes, after which it is infused, filtered and taken 100 g daily. Improve the taste before eating can be honey.
  • The piles, namely its roots, help to cope with many diseases of the joints. To prepare the broth you need 1 tbsp. l. plants pour 150 ml of milk, boil, wait for the broth to cool and drink. Every day, you need to prepare such a decoction twice, drinking on the eve of eating.
  • Quickly remove the pain and reduce the edema will help cabbage leaf, which to enhance the effect can be smeared with a small amount of honey. Cabbage leaf can be scalded with boiling water, then attach to the inflamed joint and fix it with a scarf. You can replace the cabbage leaf with plantain leaves.

As a preventive measure of inflammation of the joints, you must follow a diet or adhere to the correct and integrated nutrition.

This will help to maintain the immune system and the work of the internal organs in order, and also become an obstacle to the appearance of obesity (if the excess weight is already there, it must necessarily be disposed of).

Every day you need to perform simple exercises to strengthen the joints, go for a walk, stretching your legs and oxygenating the blood.

It is not superfluous to give up bad habits and normalize the regime of work and rest.

In cold weather it is necessary to dress warmly and take a complex of vitamin preparations

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Inflammation of the joints: how and what to treat (medicines)

The inflammatory process can cover not only a specific joint, but several at once. If the patient has the first case, then he develops monoarthritis. In the second, we are talking about polyarthritis.

Depending on the stage of inflammation and its nature, it is common to divide arthritis into chronic and acute ones.

Arthritis is often an independent disease, but its development is possible as a consequence of other pathological conditions in organs and systems.

All types of arthritis are divided into groups (this depends on the prevailing pathological process and its nature): dystrophic, traumatic, autoimmune, infectious.

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Common symptoms and complications of arthritis

Despite the wide enough variety of clinical variations of arthritis, all of them are associated with general specific symptoms.

Thus, almost always there is an acute pain syndrome of varying degrees of intensity. It hurts constantly, even at rest.

With the slightest movement, the pain increases sharply.

Also, the patient will note the swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint, the redness of the skin and their tension, the appearance of swelling.

The temperature rises locally (over the inflamed joint) and throughout the body, up to 40 degrees.

Movement in the deformed joint is tight and accompanied by a characteristic crunch.

The patient has to feel stiffness after a long stay in one position, for example, after a night's sleep, sitting at a table, driving a car.

Inflammation of the joints is often complicated. This is due to the fact that arthritis is a long-term disease. So, doctors note:

  • purulent inflammation in the surrounding tissues, bones;
  • immobilization of the joint;
  • displacement of bones, rupture of ligaments, sprains, sprains;
  • sepsis.

Traumatic, dystrophic arthritis

In the group of traumatic arthritis should be attributed to those diseases that have developed as a result of any joint damage: sprain of the ligamentous apparatus, bruise, fracture, dislocation. Usually, these conditions occur after physical overload and car accidents.

People can overload themselves in those cases when proper attention is not paid to the proper technique of carrying heavy loads, their capture or even the technique is ignored. The likelihood of developing arthritis in professional athletes and people suffering from flat feet.

The most common variant of arthritis traumatic is osteoarthritis.

Often the inflammation of the joints does not become the cause of complete immobility, but it is characterized by periodic pain in the joints and impaired mobility of the legs and hands.

Near the small joints of the feet and brushes, prominent dense new growths from the deformed bone are actively forming, which can be quite painful to the touch.

Dystrophic inflammation of the joints occurs as a consequence of metabolic disorders in the body as a whole and joints. Most often, doctors diagnose gout.

Gouty arthritis usually affects men of mature and advanced age. In almost all cases gout is combined with obesity of varying degrees.

Gout is characterized by congestion in the joints of uric acid. These urates in the form of crystals are deposited in tissues, but primarily in the joints of the legs. Inflammation of the joint begins with metatarsophalangeal, and then a pathological process is observed in the remaining fingers.

The disease can last for many years, and painful attacks and the state of remission are constantly alternating. Symptoms are especially exacerbated after eating a diet that is forbidden for the disease:

  • a fish;
  • red meat;
  • wine;
  • chocolate.

Often provokes attacks of discomfort injuring the joints. A feature of gouty arthritis in intensifying pain at night and reaching a peak of unpleasant sensations a day after the onset of an attack. To dull such discomfort is simply impossible without medicine.

Laboratory indicators during the pain attack will show a jump in the parameters of CRP, ESR, an increased concentration of uric acid in urine and blood.

Autoimmune arthritis

This group includes arthritis: rheumatoid, psoriatic, lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, Bekhterev's disease.

The key link in the emergence and progression of the named pathologies has become autoimmune reactions, when the patient's body actively produces antibodies against its own cells.

For this reason, almost all the connecting elements found in the human body are affected: stroma of internal organs, vessels, cartilage. Due to these pathogenetic principles, autoimmune arthritis causes specific manifestations of general disorders.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis begin with inflammation in the joint bag. Then the process passes to the articular surfaces, gradually destroying them. Destruction of tissues proceeds against a background of special immune complexes formed against their own cartilage cells.

This condition is chronic and lasts for years. If adequate treatment has not been undertaken, then rheumatoid arthritis provokes absolute immobilization of the joints of the hands and feet.

People who have crossed the threshold of 30 years usually suffer and suffer from a latent infection. The disease makes itself felt by the symmetrical lesion of the small joints of the fingers on all the limbs. Fingers become spindle-shaped. Discomfort and inflammation of the joints have been troubling the patient for many years.

If the development of lupus erythematosus, it is visually easy to determine the symmetrical lesions of several joints at once. In other words, there is polyarthritis. Along with the inflammatory process of the joints, other symptoms of arthritis are clearly pronounced:

  • nephritis (inflammation in the kidneys);
  • crimson rash on the face (in the form of a butterfly);
  • malfunctions in the central nervous system;
  • pathology of the blood.

In laboratory studies of blood there is an increase in ESR (sedimentation rate of leukocytes), the presence of LE (lupus cells), the presence of antinuclear antibodies (ENA). This requires the use of the appropriate medication.

The defeat of the psoriatic joints (psoriatic arthropathy) is characterized by the involvement of the middle and small joints in the inflammatory process. Such lesions are asymmetric.

Suffer feet feet and hands - formed sausage-shaped fingers with a characteristic bluish-purple skin. The pathological process affects the sternoclavicular, temporomandibular, cervical, sacroiliac joints. In addition, for psoriatic arthritis symptoms are inherent:

  • skin diseases;
  • pathology of the nail plates (a symptom of a thimble).

Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) is hereditary. When the disease develops a symmetrical lesion of several joints.

The symptoms of this arthritis are completely similar to those of rheumatoid. The formation of a destructive process in the sacroiliac joints, chronic ileitis (inflammation of the small intestine) is noted. As a rule, there is a combination with uveitis (inflammation of the eyes).

When rheumatism develops, joint damage is also symmetrical. The painful attack lasts from 10 to 14 days. After this period, the disease completely stops.

An attack of pain in the joints can change its location.

In other words, the following exacerbation of rheumatic disease occurs in another group of symmetrical joints.

This phenomenon is called "alternate flares" and is the main distinguishing feature of the rheumatic aetiology of inflammation.

Rheumatism is usually detected in children and adolescents from 6 to 15 years as a result of a streptococcus:

  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Often after 3-4 days after the beginning of a sore throat, an attack of joints begins, and there may be several in a row. If the period of the disease is acute, then the CRP index, ASTO titer, and ESR sharply increase.

Infectious arthritis (Reiter's syndrome, serous, purulent)

Infectious inflammation of the joints are closely related to the penetration into the body of the pathogen. Usually the patient suffers from viruses, bacteria, fungi.

This extensive group of arthritis is called reactive arthritis. The infectious focus in this case is located outside the joint: tissues, organs.

Moreover, most often we are talking about the intestinal tract or urogenital.

The transition to inflammation of the joints occurs when there are one or several pathological conditions in the patient's body:

  • transfusion of blood, its substitutes;
  • infections of soft tissue (bursitis, erysipelas, burn injuries, panaritium, furunculosis);
  • infectious ailments (hepatitis, yersiniosis, tonsillitis, chlamydia);
  • osteomyelitis;
  • specific inflammation (gonorrhea, leprosy, syphilis, brucellosis);
  • Diseases of the skin (vitiligo, psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus).

Among the arthritis infectious special place is given to Reiter's syndrome. This form of pathology develops during chlamydial damage of the urogenital tract, joints and mucous eyes. In this case, arthritis develops extremely acute immediately after infection.

As a rule, knee joints, metatarsophalange, ankle suffer from the problem. As the disease develops, involvement in the destructive process of the spine and joints of the hands, legs is observed.

Symptoms in such patients are manifested by pain near the sacrum and regular morning muscle stiffness. Leg lesions become a prerequisite for the development of flat feet. In addition, people with Reiter's syndrome mark their spurs on their heels and sciatic bones.

Acute arthritis in the syndrome is always combined with skin lesions: keratoderma, hyperkeratosis, psoriasis-like rashes.

Usually such a rash develops on the covers of the trunk, legs, palms and under the hair.

The disease becomes the cause of pathologies of internal organs, for example, the heart, eyes, kidneys, lungs and nerve endings.

Also, patients who do not know how to treat joint inflammation suffer from aortitis, pleurisy, neuritis, carditis, urethritis, thrombophlebitis, glomerulonephritis, conjunctivitis.

Infectious arthritis, which was caused by other infections, is much less common. Their clinical manifestation depends on the form of the pathological process.

Medicine knows two types of inflammation: serous, purulent. Causes of inflammation of the joints in dropsy or serous synovitis is a congestion in the joints of the blood.

There is a pinpoint hemorrhage, inflammation of the synovial fluid in the bag of the joint, swelling.

In this case, soreness and swelling in the places of accumulation of exudate is expressed quite strongly.

A patient with a serous lesion complains of an irregular shape of the leg joint. The extremity is forced to acquire a semi-bent state.

This pathological process is accompanied by fever and chills. Often this inflammation can be cured completely.

However, if serous inflammation has passed into the chronicle, almost always relapses that require the use of a medicine are inevitable.

The purulent form of infectious arthritis is characterized by the accumulation of pus in the articular pouch. And the surrounding tissue is also affected. Inflammation of the joints includes bone tissue and subcutaneous tissue. Gradually arise:

  • epiphysitis (painful ruptures between bone and apophyses);
  • abscesses (abscesses);
  • phlegmon (purulent inflammation without clear boundaries).

In addition to a fairly strong soreness, redness and limited mobility, the inflammatory process is accompanied by general muscle weakness, high body temperature. A person is so unwell that he can not sleep normally at night. There is a high probability of dislocations, dislocations and subluxations.

It is strictly forbidden to postpone the treatment of joint inflammation and purulent arthritis. They are extremely dangerous for the development of complications, because there may be a need for surgical intervention and even removal of the joints, legs and arms destroyed by the disease.

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