Myopia of a high degree: what is it?

To date, about one-seventh of the world's population suffers from myopia and is forced to wear glasses or contact lenses. This disease leads to the fact that the vision becomes fuzzy and blurred when a person looks into the distance.

Why there is myopia, and how to properly treat it, we will tell you further.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a pathology of vision, in which a person can clearly see objects located at close range, but does not see well into the distance. Code of myopia according to ICD 10: H 52.1.

With myopia, the human eyeball lengthens, and the cornea moves away from the back of the eye. Therefore, when the light rays enter the eye, they are focused in front of the retina. Normally, the rays should create a focus on the retina.

Degrees of myopia:

  1. Weak(before, diopters);
  2. Average(from, to, diopters);
  3. High(more, diopter).

Myopia can progress or not progress.

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In the case of progressive (malignant) myopia, the dioptric value can reach 3, and even 4,. It greatly impairs vision and leads to the development of complications. If myopia does not progress, then special treatment may not be required, since vision in this case is well amenable to correction.

When the eye becomes lengthened as a result of the appearance of myopia, the vessels become weak, and bleeding can occur in the retina and vitreous. If they dissolve poorly, the vitreous body may become turbid.This can lead to detachment or detachment of the retina and the development of cataracts.


There are several reasons that can trigger the onset of myopia:

  • Hereditary factor.Myopia is transmitted from parents to their children, and if the parent's boa is short-sighted, then the likelihood that the child will also have this disease is fifty percent. The probability is reduced to eight to ten percent if both parents have normal vision.
  • Excessive visual load.In most cases, myopia begins to develop in schoolchildren and students, since it is at this age that my eyes experience the maximum load.
  • Incorrectly chosen means of vision correction or lack thereof.Picking up glasses or lenses, you need to follow all the selection rules to prevent the progression of the disease. In the future, you must follow the rules for using glasses and lenses.
  • Primary accommodative weakness.It leads to the fact that the eyeball is stretched in length.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.If in the daily diet there are no useful vitamins and trace elements for the eye tissues, myopia may develop.
  • Absence of a balance between tension of accommodation and convergence.This leads to a spasm of accommodation and the development of false myopia, which then passes into the true.
  • Disturbance of the blood vessels of the eyes.When the blood supply is disturbed, and some areas of the eyes do not receive sufficient nutrition, the risk of myopia increases.
Degrees of myopia


Symptoms of myopia are highly similar to those of mild and moderate myopia.

The main symptom is a deterioration of vision when viewing in the distance, while distant objects become indistinct and spread out.

To make the image more visible, a person starts to screw up his eyes.

Other signs of nearsightedness:rapid fatigue of the eyes, headaches.

In most cases, the symptoms of myopia appear in children from seven to twelve years, after which it begins to progress.In men, myopia progresses to twenty-two years, and in women to twenty.After that, vision can stabilize or continue to decline.


To diagnose myopia, only an ophthalmologist can. For this, the doctor must:

  • Conduct an examination, determine visual acuity without glasses, pick up glasses.
  • Determine the refraction and degree of myopia.
  • Using the ultrasound method, measure the length of the eyes and the thickness of the cornea.
  • Conduct ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus to check the condition of the retina, optic nerve and vessels.

When the first symptoms of myopia appear, one should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Without correction, vision will begin to decrease more rapidly, and progressing myopia may develop.


Treatment of this disease depends on its degree. In addition, associated pathologies should be considered.

In the presence of myopia of high degree, the status of the retina should be checked regularly, since this disease is fraught with its thinning and the likelihood of ruptures and detachment.

With high degree of myopia, wearing glasses or contact lenses on an ongoing basis is mandatory.But they can not restore sight, but only maintain it at the necessary level. Today, for the treatment of high degree of myopia, surgical methods and laser correction are used. But the laser operation is prescribed only if the visual acuity is not less than -1, diopters.

Laser correction of vision in high degree myopia

For the treatment of myopia to -20, diopters, a refractive lens replacement is performed. It is removed and replaced with an artificial one.The operation is carried out one day, after which the patient can go home. Another method is the implantation of phakic lenses. This method allows you to restore vision to -2, diopters.Phakic lenses are installed in the posterior or anterior chamber of the eyes.

Phakic lenses

Keratoplasty is an operation to restore the normal functioning of the cornea and its shape.The cornea is replaced by an artificial or donor transplant, which is transplanted to the patient under local anesthesia.The choice of method of treatment depends on the individual features of vision, eye structure and degree of myopia. This can only be decided by an experienced doctor.


Myopia worsens the quality of life first of all. The person has different limitations, it is difficult for him to perform some ordinary actions. You have to constantly screw up your eyes, and this leads to their overstrain and headache.With high degree myopia, the risk of developing glaucoma and cataract increases very much.

A rupture or detachment of the retina may occur, as the eye lengthens and stretches the retina behind it, and it becomes thinner.

If flashes, dots, shadows, objects began to appear before your eyes, then you need to turn to the ophthalmologist. This may be the first symptoms of retinal detachment.

Complications can occur at any age.


  • Observance of the visual regime.You need to pause when watching TV or working on a computer. At this time, it is recommended to do light gymnastics for the eyes in order to relieve tension.
  • Good lighting.The light in the room should not be very bright or too dark. Both of them lead to overexertion of the eyes. Well, if the lighting is uniform.
  • Do not read lying on your back or on trips on transport.Eyes quickly become tired. It should be remembered that the book should be at a distance of thirty to forty centimeters from the eyes.
  • Proper nutrition, exercise, walking in nature.



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How difficult is the treatment of strabismus in adults read here.

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Myopia is a disease that can occur at any age. It is dangerous if it progresses. Therefore, you should regularly be examined by an ophthalmologist and follow his recommendation for treatment.

And of course do not forget about prevention. Its methods are simple enough, but effective. Otherwise, this disease can progress and bring to such serious diseases as retinal detachment.