Composition of pills for cough

Pills for cough with thermopsis

Who never took a pill of cough with thermopsis? In the days of the Soviet Union, packaging of such tablets could be bought for one penny, sometimes they were given at the pharmacy instead of at the delivery. One of the cheapest means, however, is a fairly effective medicine in the treatment of cough. It is still prescribed by doctors to improve the separation of sputum for colds, flu, tracheitis or bronchitis.

Why are pills with thermopsis popular?

If you carefully look at the packaging, you will not find a large list of ingredients in one tablet - only the herb of thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate (or, more simply, ordinary soda). No dyes, flavors and other chemical components. Tablets from cough with thermopsis can be safely attributed to the category of natural medicines.

Although they have long been worth a penny, the drug still remains among the most inexpensive means. Cough usually goes through 5-7 days of taking the pill, the instruction does not advise you to drink the medicine more than the specified time. The course will require only 2 packs of this medication.

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Slightly acidic tablets do not cause negative emotions in children who usually do not like taking medicines, especially if they are bitter.

However, tablets can not be considered a harmless drug that can be taken uncontrolled by any cough. Before taking a harmless, at first glance, medication, be sure to consult a doctor.

Thermopsis lanceolate (mushroom)

This grass, growing in the lowlands of Eastern and Western Siberia, is a fairly poisonous plant. It contains a large number of alkaloids, saponins, vitamin C, tannins. Thermopsis is considered a weed, which is difficult to eradicate. However, the plant has found application in medicine. Small doses of lanceolate thermopsis have such an effect:

  • expectorant;
  • stimulation of the respiratory and vomiting center;
  • anthelmintic;
  • ganglioblocking;
  • increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus

Thermopsis helps with a damp cough with hard-to-excrete phlegm and with a dry cough, when it is required to make it productive.

How does the thermopsis work?

  • increases the secretion of mucus in the bronchial tree;
  • the activity of the ciliary (ciliated epithelium) increases, it helps to quickly withdraw phlegm from the respiratory tract;
  • increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the bronchi;
  • increased respiration, which occurs due to the excitation of the respiratory center, additionally promotes purification from sputum.

After taking the tablets with thermopsis, there is an increase in the amount of mucus in the bronchi and an increase cough, but the medicine also helps to make the phlegm not so viscous and quickly remove it from the respiratory ways.

Another component of the tablets is sodium hydrogencarbonate, which has a thinned effect on sputum.

Undesirable effects of the drug

  • Thermopsis excites in the brain not only the respiratory, but also the vomiting center, which is nearby. Therefore, when using the drug in increased doses, nausea and vomiting may appear.
  • Small children can not expectorate sputum. Its large number accumulates in the lungs, which leads to the opposite effect.
  • Another herb of thermopsis can stimulate the contractile capacity of the uterus. This property of the plant was previously used in medicine to stimulate labor. The use of the same tablets from cough pregnant women can lead to miscarriage.
  • The medicine has an irritant effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract, therefore it is not recommended for patients who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcer.

How to apply?

Tablets from cough, according to the instructions, drink one piece 3 times a day. Duration of application - no more than a week. Children from the age of two are recommended to give infusion of thermopsis on a teaspoon, it is prepared from the calculation, g for half a cup of boiling water. Children with 12 years of infusion can drink already on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

The instruction does not recommend drinking a medicine if the patient has:

  • peptic ulcer,
  • pregnancy;
  • Infant age;
  • individual intolerance.

How and when to take pills for cough?

When the doctor prescribes pills for cough, how to take them he writes in the prescription or informs orally. Still, do not neglect some general rules that will help to get the maximum therapeutic effect and minimize side effects.

Basic features of cough medicine

Of course, choose a cough medicine should not be based on the price or advice of friends, but after consulting a doctor.In addition, it is necessary to be careful, because the drugs intended for cough treatment in adults are not always suitable for babies, which is necessarily indicated in the annotation. Especially it concerns tablets, which, as a rule, are not allowed for children up to 4-6 years of age.

After visiting a doctor who will determine the type of cough and give a recommendation for treatment, you can go to the pharmacy for a medicine. If it is a mild cold with a sore throat that provokes a frequent dry cough, then it's better to give preference to a drug that allows you to transfer a dry cough to a damp, productive one. The timing of treatment is determined by the doctor, so do not stop taking the medication at the first signs of improving the condition.

Exemplary drugs and their effects

For the treatment of dry cough, pills are used that are designed to suppress the cough reflex, thereby giving the sick person time for proper rest. These are Glauvent, Koldakt, Paxeladin, Cofex, Synecod and any others based on codeine. These medicines should be taken with caution, as they can be addictive.

These medicines intended for the treatment of dry type of cough include Kodelak tablets. To avoid negative consequences, taking them for more than five consecutive days is not recommended.

In addition, this medicine has contraindications for use. It can not be used by children, pregnant women, asthmatics, and even those who have problems with the stomach, kidneys, and individuals with excessive cravings for alcohol.

No less effective means are considered tablets against cough Liebesin, which are used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, emphysema, and are also prescribed by a doctor in case of excessive cough in persons with cardiac insufficiency.

Most often this drug is taken three times a day, drinking a pill with a glass of water. The duration of the course of treatment does not exceed a week. And it should not be taken without special need for women during pregnancy or lactation, and for children under 12 years.

A medicinal product such as Stoptussin, based on guaifenesin, is quite common. It not only increases the sputum production of bronchi, but also dilutes this mucus, allowing the body to easily remove it. Use this drug for adults. Children under 12 years of age in the form of tablets are not recommended to take it, however, in the form of drops the drug can be used after reaching the age of six months.

Stopoutsin tablets are taken four times a day, depending on the weight of the patient, and the dose is from half to one and a half tablets at a time. It should be borne in mind that the time interval between taking the tablets should not be less than 4 hours.

This drug is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases, but it is not suitable for the treatment of chronic diseases.

What do you need to consider?

The main thing to remember is that all of the above medicines are absolutely forbidden to take in case of a moist, productive cough. In the allocation of bronchial viscous sputum, in no case can the process of coughing be blocked, because, by doing so, you will most likely get some serious complication in the lungs or bronchi.

In the case of a cough of wet type, but with secretions too viscous, completely different drugs are used, not for the treatment of dry cough. Much more effective in terms of therapy are drugs that dilute sputum.

In this group of drugs, the main active substance is ambroxol, which is a part of many drugs: Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Flavamed, and not only.

An effective active substance is also acetylcysteine, which is often included in the composition of drugs that help in the treatment of wet cough.

Of these drugs for certain, many are known Mukobene, ACTS, Fluimutsil and others. However, with long-term admission, the effectiveness of these drugs may decrease.

Treatment of cough in children

For children, cough medicines are often released in the form of syrups and suspensions. But, since the age of 4, there is already an opportunity to take pills for cough, although this does not apply to all manufacturers.

For babies from 2 years of age and older, pills of thermopsis are used during cough treatment. These are excellent tablets from cough, how to take, you can cope in the pharmacy. Made mainly from natural ingredients: thermopsis, licorice, soda and codeine. Together, it helps the child (and the adult) to cope with the cough quickly enough, but regardless of the results of treatment, it should not be taken for more than a week. In addition, the frequency of reception can not exceed three times a day.

Contraindications to the reception of tablets of thermopsis are people with weak kidneys, prone to manifestations of bronchial asthma, and even pregnant and nursing mothers.

One of the few cough supplements allowed during pregnancy is Mucaltin, but it can only be used after the first trimester of pregnancy. Do not combine these pills with drugs that suppress cough, but they should be taken within a week for 1-2 tablets several times a day. Some sources recommend to dissolve Muciltin tablets, but it will be better to dissolve the drug in 100 ml of water at room temperature and take the time to drink the solution.

For those people who prefer sucking pills for cough, the pharmacy chain can offer medicines based on medicinal herbs. As a rule, it is eucalyptus, sage, Icelandic moss, etc.
In the list of effective suckling tablets from cough are such drugs as Tharyngept and Linkas Lor, and also Travisil. Pharyngosept removes an unpleasant sensation in the throat, which can provoke coughing. Use it is allowed to children from 7 years to 1 tablet after meals, a maximum of 5 times a day.

Linkas Lor helps to increase the productivity of cough along with a reduction in its intensity. It is prescribed for tracheitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis of the smoker. Like most suckling tablets, these can dissolve at intervals of 120 minutes, but not more than 7 consecutive days.

In some cases it makes sense to entrust cough treatment to homeopathic remedies, but in this case still It is extremely important to obtain a qualitative consultation of an experienced specialist in this field before starting treatment.


If, despite the correct intake of the drug, the improvement of the condition does not occur within the seven-day period, the best will repeatedly apply to a specialist, since it may happen that the diagnosis is incorrect and it is required correction.

List of inexpensive but effective cough medicines

Cough is a symptom of catarrhal disease, which causes a lot of trouble. Most people with the onset of colds suffer from coughing, working, resting, sleeping normally and eating becomes harder. Discomfort is not only delivered to the sick person, but to everyone around him. When choosing a remedy for coughing, you do not need to self-medicate, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for help and prescribing the drug. But, if you decide to choose a remedy on your own, remember that the medicine should be bought first depending on the type of cough: dry or wet. Here is a list of not only the most effective tools, but also affordable. Cough medicine is inexpensive and effective.

What can be coughing to a child of 6 months is indicated in this article.

How to treat a cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman is indicated in the article.

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough is indicated in this article here:

How to cure a cough from a baby without temperature, is indicated in this article.

From dry

In the absence of phlegm withdrawal cough is called dry. For its treatment, drugs are used:

  1. The Falimint.By properties similar to menthol. Causes a feeling of coolness and freshness in the mouth. Do not dry the mucous membranes, the effect and cessation of reflex cough is seen after the first application. It is available in the form of dragees for resorption, it can be given to a child, suitable for children from 5 years of age, contraindications, except for minor allergic reactions, does not. Price: 150 rubles.
  2. Libexin.Has a triple action, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, relaxing the bronchi and reducing the reaction to irritation. It is used for the treatment of severe dry cough, the effect is observed within four hours after administration. Produced in the form of tablets and syrup, not contraindicated to children, there are side effects (dizziness, allergy, fatigue). Price: 300 rubles.
  3. Kodelak.An antitussive agent of plant origin. Produced in various forms: tablets, syrups, elixirs. Has a combined effect, reduces excitability, increases the viscosity of phlegm with a damp cough, does not cause respiratory depression. It is not recommended to use a long term - the drug causes dependence. Children are appointed from 6 years. The price: 140 rubles.
  4. Herbion with plantain. Syrup has antitussive and antibacterial effect. Increases the amount of sputum, reduces its viscosity. Due to vitamin C increases immunity. The drug forms a protective film on the mucous membrane, reduces irritation, reduces inflammation. Suitable for children from 2 years. Has almost no contraindications. Price: 250 rubles.
  5. Haliksol.One of the most effective drugs, the effect comes after half an hour after use, dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity, soothes the mucous membrane. Produced in the form of syrup, has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden in pregnancy and with gastrointestinal diseases. Children are appointed from 5 years. The price of the drug: 100 rubles.
  6. Lazolvan.It is prescribed for acute pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, acute bronchitis. The effect is observed after half an hour after administration, the effect lasts up to 10 hours. Cough is eased, sputum is diluted, respiratory tract irritation decreases. Produced in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. Suitable for children over 6 years. Price: 150 rubles.
  7. Ambroghexal.The remedy is used for chronic and acute bronchial diseases, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. Used in the treatment of complications after surgery, as well as to stimulate the fetus during pregnancy. It has well-pronounced properties, well-established in the market. The price: 70 rubles.
  8. Omnitus.Produced in the form of tablets and syrup. Reduces the inflammatory process, fights infections, relieves dry cough, positively affects the general condition of the body. Has a number of side effects, including. drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, stool disruption. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 6 years. The price of the drug: 90 rubles.
  9. Stoptussin.It is a combined remedy, has antitussive and mucolytic effect. It is used in the treatment of dry and unproductive cough, is made in the Czech Republic. Produced in the form of tablets, drops and syrup of vegetable origin. Price: 150 rubles.
  10. Lorraine.The product is suitable for combating dry cough, it is available in various forms: powder, capsules, tablets, suspension and solution. Eliminates the symptoms of ARI and colds, has antipyretic properties, suitable for children from 6 years. Side effects include increased blood pressure, dizziness, mild irritability. The price: 200 rubles.

What causes can be a night cough in an adult, indicated in the article.

From wet

Cough with sputum is called wet or productive. For its treatment, preparations with an expectorant effect are used:

  1. ATSTS.Liquefies phlegm, promotes the productivity of cough, relief comes in the first days of admission. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It does not combine with paracetamol and other cough drugs. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. Price: 130 rubles.
  2. Doctor Mom.Means of plant origin fights with diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, relieves of the common cold, colds and bronchitis. Available in the form of lozenges, lozenges, syrups, tablets, ointments, roller pencils. Suitable for children from 2 years. The cost in pharmacies: 140 rubles.
  3. Broncholitin.It is very popular as a trustworthy tool. Suppresses the center of a cough, does not depress breathing, treats acute respiratory illnesses, displays phlegm, relieves the mucous membrane from swelling. Effective in childhood. Has only a few side effects: allergies, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. The price: 55 rubles.
  4. Bromhexine.The agent is used for acute and chronic bronchial diseases with sputum of increased viscosity. The drug is well tolerated, prescribed from the age of 6, combined with antibiotics, contributing to their penetration into the bronchial secret. When treating, you need to consume more fluid, exclude driving and performing hazardous work. Price: 30 rubles.
  5. Ambroxol.Bulgarian preparation of expectorant anti-inflammatory effect. It is also used for the prevention of respiratory tract infections, it is available in the form of a syrup with a pleasant smell and raspberry taste. Helps in a short time cure cough, tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and bronchitis. The price: 25 rubles.
  6. Mukaltin.A natural remedy fights with a wet cough, relieves viscous sputum, which prevents normal breathing. The effect of taking tablets is observed a couple of days after the start of the course. Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus. It is not addictive, children can be taken from the age of 12. Cost: 15 rubles.
  7. Ambrogen.The chemical preparation expectorant and diluting effect, facilitates the outflow of sputum from the bronchi, neutralizes the damaged molecules. The action is seen after only half an hour after taking, lasts about 10 hours. Produced in the form of capsules, syrups, tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. Children are appointed from 2 years. The packing price: 105 rubles.
  8. Fluidite.It is used for acute diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by viscous sputum. Poorly combined with other drugs, weakening their effect. Struggles with infections without clarifying their form and localization. Available for adults and children in the form of syrup, as well as in the form of granules for suspension. Price: 250 rubles.
  9. Herbion with primrose.The drug is made using plant material. A syrup is prescribed not only with a moist but also senile cough, when the lungs are not adequately supplied with blood. Improves the work of the adrenal glands, is a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, strengthening agent. It facilitates breathing, removes inflammation of the mucous membrane. Children are appointed from 2 years. The price: 200 rubles.
  10. Gedelix.I have recommended myself as a means to combat productive cough in children. Has spasmolytic properties, removes sputum from the bronchi, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract. Form release: syrup with mint extract, eucalyptus, menthol. Side effects usually do not appear, does not contain sugars and alcohol. Price: 150 rubles.
  11. Pertussin.One of the most inexpensive, but very effective tools in the fight against wet cough. Has an expectorant property, dilutes sputum, promotes its excretion. In the preparation of a substance of chemical and vegetable origin, incl. thyme. Children are appointed from the age of 3, during the reception it is necessary to dilute with water. The price: 15 rubles.
From this article, you can find out what can be cured during a pregnancy.

How does a cough of an asthmatic nature look like in this article.

What to do when a child's wheezing and coughing is indicated in the article here:

Among the most effective drugs for dry and wet cough in the Russian market you can find inexpensive means. Before using it is necessary to consult with specialists, since cough is just a symptom of other diseases, it is necessary to fight first of all with the cause of coughing. Remember that timely diagnosis can save a person's life.

Prices for cough medicine

Medicines for cough, the prices of which are low and high, should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor. The fact is that you can get rid of this symptom only if the etiology of origin is detected and the disease that caused its appearance is determined.

How to choose an inexpensive cough medicine, the price of which will not hit hard on your pocket

Not always expensive means quality and super efficiently. Today you can buy inexpensive medicines, the price of which will not strike a tangible blow to your budget. Here is an approximate list of cough drugs, the price of which is relatively low:

  • Mukaltin. These ordinary brownish tablets, available for sale in plain paper packaging, are known to everyone from Soviet times. Before using them, it is recommended to dissolve in a large quantity of sweet and warm liquid. On the basis of the main constituent of these tablets today, a lot of preparations (syrups, tablets and potions) are made, which are called mucolytics. However, one of the most effective and inexpensive for the price are exactly these tablets from cough. The cost of "Mukoltin" in different regions of Russia ranges from 13 to 27 rubles.
  • "From cough". These tablets are a pleasant herbal color is also known to many for a long time. They completely consist of plant substances, perfectly soften cough and make phlegm less viscous. Such tablets are taken orally and washed down with a copious amount of water. Means of "cough" - a medicine, the price of which also does not exceed 30 rubles.
  • Ambroxol. This syrup is considered one of the most effective medicines shown for use in bronchitis and even pneumonia, the price of which does not exceed 100 rubles. "Ambroxol" not only has a mild expectorant effect, but also affects the chemical and physical properties of sputum, making it less viscous.
  • The root of the marshmallow. Tincture of a mountain plant has a cost from 35 to 55 rubles.

More expensive drugs, the price of which is more than a hundred rubles

Today in pharmacies you can buy and more expensive, but not less effective drugs:

  • "Tantum Verde." This medicine has a chemical composition and a pleasant mint flavor. It is supplied for sale in the form of a spray with a convenient dispenser or lozenges. To use it is indicated with dry non-productive symptoms and tonsillitis. The cost of this drug is 250-300 rubles.
  • "Herbion". This syrup is available for sale in two versions - from a dry and wet symptom. "Herbion" is a herbal preparation, which starts to work on the first day of application. The cost of this cough medicine is 240-290 rubles.
  • Gedelix. These drops are intended for soft excretion of sputum from the bronchi. They include an extract of ivy. The cost of drops varies around 250 rubles.

Before you go to the pharmacy, be sure to consult with a specialist. Perhaps in your case, cheap drugs can not do, and save on your health is not entirely appropriate.

Tablets from a cough "penny" dosage tell me !?


Dr. Sexy

[email protected] ed_id = 8692


They almost do not help.


Write what kind of cough, if wet, then for a cough better buy a penny medication, mukaltin, too, but it should be taken correctly.

Denis Titov

A high price is not a guarantee of efficiency.
Cough is different, and is treated differently. From one simple soda helps, the other needs to be treated long and hard.


Child 2 years old, prescribed a pill on the floor "from cough" and the floor of the tablet "Mukholtina" 3 times a day. And at you that age what?

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