Heel spurs - photos, symptoms and treatment

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Heel spurHeel spurs - this is how the people call the inflammatory-degenerative process in the soft tissues surrounding the calcaneal tubercle.In itself heel spur is not a separate disease, it is a syndrome that occurs with certain pathological conditions. Its essence lies in the growth of the bone tissue of the calcaneus.

The growth has a well-defined localization - the plantar surface of the calcaneus, in the area of ​​attachment of the long ligament of the foot. Dimensions of the built-up edge can vary within small limits, and the shape resembles a spur.

The causes may be infection, acute or chronic injury, rheumatism, longitudinal flat feet, vascular Disorders that over the years pass into bone growths resembling a beak or spine. Heel spurs are most common in middle-aged and elderly people.

In this article, we will consider how to heal the heel spur, that is, what methods of treatment will be most effective and fast. Comments on successful therapy can be found in the comments.


Why does heel spur develop, and what is it? The formation of a spur on the calcaneus begins with the appearance of a plantar fasciitis. First, the fascia is inflamed - the connective tissue of the sole, which is located near the calcaneal tubercle and reaches the toes of the foot. Then, if the process is delayed, calcification occurs - impregnation of the inflamed area with calcium salts. In this way an osteophyte is formed, which because of its characteristic form has been called "spur" by the people.

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The provoking factors, which contribute to the development of the spur on the spot:

  • all types of flatfoot with a sharp increase in the load in the heel zone, a sharp tension and permanent injuries of the tendons in the arch of the foot;
  • significant in strength and intensity of physical training, in which large loads fall on the foot area;
  • overweight, when the body needs to redistribute the body weight;
  • age-related changes in ligaments and bones;
  • the effects of foot injuries, especially in the area of ​​the heel;
  • rheumatism;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • lesions of nerves in the zone of lower extremities.

Often there is no apparent reason for heel spur disease, especially in the elderly. A common misconception is that the pain is associated with the bone growth of the calcaneus or "spur". Many people have "spurs" heel bone, but not all develop inflammation of the fascia.

Symptoms of the calcaneal spur

In the case of calcaneal spurs, the main symptom is acute pain in the heel. People describe pain as drilling, stitching, burning.

It has a permanent character, but its intensity can vary throughout the day, increasing or decreasing. In some patients, the most severe pain can be in the morning and decrease with exercise. Other patients noted an increase in pain closer to night, after a prolonged stay on their feet. Sometimes, pain can spread to the entire foot.

Because of the constant, sometimes painful, pain, a person's gait changes. This is due to the fact that a woman or a man spares a sick heel and tries, when walking, to step on the entire foot.

Heel spurs: photo

As the calcaneal spur looks, we offer detailed photos to view.

How to get rid of the heel spur?

Treatment of the calcaneal spur should be complex and be conducted immediately in several directions.

There are several ways to get rid of the spur on the heel: non-drug methods, medicinal methods, physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics, as well as surgical treatment. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Treating the calcaneal spur at home

When the first symptom of the calcaneal spur appears, treatment should be performed. As a rule, such tissues as "ligaments", "fascia" heal rather slowly. This may take several months until the pain disappears completely. However, the following procedures can help accelerate recovery.

The combination of different methods of treating the heel spur at home can help. Together, these procedures are known as conservative methods of plantar fasciitis therapy.

  1. Before treating the spur of the house, it is worth to reduce the load (or remove it at all) from the sole where there is a spur. To do this simply, it will require a rubber roller or "horseshoe", cut out of rubber. Such accessories are stacked or glued to the shoes so that there is space between the heel and the shoes. This will significantly reduce the load and ease the pain.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are medications such as ketorol, Nayz often relieves pain, and for a time relieve inflammation. Take the drug can be 1 tablet no more than two times a day, be sure after a meal, because this group of drugs negatively affects the gastric mucosa. NSAIDs should not be taken more than 5 days.
  3. In addition, in addition to drugs with a calcaneal spur, ingested, often used and various external agents in the form of ointments and gels, which help to further reduce pain, but due to local effects do not give the body common side effects characteristic of NSAIDs.

In addition to the above methods, it is important to wear shoes with special orthopedic insoles and heel pads. Thanks to such accessories, the load on the feet will be distributed evenly, which will ease the pain.
If the basis for the appearance of calcaneal spurs is some kind of ailment, it is necessary not only to deal with the direct treatment of the heel spur, but also to undergo treatment for the underlying disease.

Medicinal sieges

The injections of glucocorticosteroids into the site of spur localization. The most effective are the injections of diprospan, flosteron. The method consists in the following: the drug is injected into the point of the highest morbidity, as a result the pain syndrome is stopped, the inflammation decreases, the accumulation of calcium salts gradually dissolves.

In some cases, 1-2 re-introduction of funds will be required. Only an experienced specialist should conduct the procedure, since it is required to determine exactly the number of drugs, as well as the location and depth of their administration.

X-ray therapy

Influence on the focus of inflammation with the help of X-rays. For the same purpose, use high-frequency currents (UHF), laser therapy, magnetotherapy.

Shock wave therapy of calcaneal spur

The method of shock wave therapy for this disease was developed by Swiss doctors more than a decade ago. To date, this is the most effective way to heal a heel spurs with a minimum of side effects, and its effectiveness is 85%.

Advantages of shock wave therapy:

  • The procedure is easily tolerated by patients of all ages;
  • there is no need for hospitalization;
  • the highest effectiveness.

The main contraindications for UHT:

  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious diseases, intoxication of the body;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, low blood pressure.

Under the influence of ultrasonic pulses, calcium deposits "break" into tiny particles that are excreted from the patient's body with blood flow. Simultaneously, shock wave therapy activates the process of regeneration of soft tissues, reducing inflammation, swelling.

The use of shock wave therapy at the initial stage allows you to remove the heel spur completely. Using the technique in advanced cases removes inflammation, inhibits or completely stops the growth of calcium build-up.

Folk remedies

Along with medicines with a calcaneal spur, folk remedies that can be easily prepared on their own at home are doing well too.

Since among the recipes of folk medicine there are many tips how to get rid of the heel spur, we will consider only the most effective:

  • According to ancient Chinese treatises on health, the presence of metal reduces the processes of growth of bones. For the application is best to usecopper or silver, but in their absence, aluminum foil can be used. It needs to be rolled into several layers, and fastened with adhesive tape to the heel. The course of treatment is 30-45 days.
  • To the leg can be tiedtea mushroom packs. The obligatory condition - during the week not to pour into the jar, where there is a mushroom, sugar. After fixing the tea mushroom on the leg with cellophane, the top of the compress is tied with a towel and left for the whole night. This recipe is used for 10 days, and after a short break, 10 more procedures.
  • Crushed unripe walnut fruitYou need to pour one liter of vodka and put in the sun for 14 days, then strain. Make this a real compress for the night.
  • For treatment it will be required10 hours spoons of honey, 10 h. l, oatmeal and a little patience.Procedure is done at night. We take 1 hour. a spoonful of honey and 1 hour. a spoonful of oatmeal flour, mix, it turns out a small lozenge. Preliminarily we steam our feet, wipe them dry and apply them to the sick heel. We fix the cake with a bandage, polyethylene and put on socks. We do this 10 times. After a complete course of pain will pass.
  • Shreddedroots of a garden irispour a medical alcohol in a proportion of one to one, insist two weeks in a dark place, then make from the tincture daily compresses for two to three weeks.
  • Every evening before bedtimesteam up a spur, cleaned with tweezers as much as possible, then 50 to 50 salt with honey (any) stir (make a serving on 1 time), put on a wound, tightly reel and a sock from above, so that the bandage does not fly off, and sleep. In the morning you shoot and do your business. Every night, repeat the procedure.
  • Kilogram of table saltmix with five liters of boiling water. When it boils, cool a little and steam into the resulting foot solution. The course of treatment with such trays is 10 days. Prepared salt solution simply heat and steam the legs. The pain will subside already on the fourth procedure, but the treatment course is important to do until the end;
  • To get rid of growths, cones, etc., pound them into powder6 tablets of aspirin, dilute them in 50 mg of 5% iodine, in the morning and in the evening lubricate sore spots. The course of treatment is a month. To make bumps, outgrowths and spurs completely resolved, you need to drink silicon-activated water. Use it for cooking, tea, etc. Salts will begin to gradually go away and your legs will stop bothering you. Also make lotions on sore spots with a gauze bandage soaked in flint water.
  • Mix in equal proportions crushedchopped garlic. Undoing the foot in the foot bath, attach the product to the foot. Top with cellophane and warm cloth. Several sessions of such a compress will help ease the pain in the heels.
  • Egg in the shellcarefully washed and poured with vinegar essence, after which it is put for 10 days in the refrigerator. After completely dissolving the shell, the egg is removed, freed from the remaining shell, rubbed in enameled pots and again filled with essence. Add 40 grams of butter to the mixture, after which the ointment is completely ready for use. Shelf life of such a product is up to 3 years (if stored in a refrigerator). The heels are lubricated before going to bed, after which it is necessary to wear cotton socks.

Perhaps, folk remedies will help in treating the heel spur at home, but still the best option is to use they are combined with physiotherapeutic and medicamental methods, appointed by a specialist.

To which doctor to apply

When a calcaneal spur appears, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist. He not only advises medicines for the removal of inflammation, but also helps to choose special insoles and other devices that facilitate walking.

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