Coughing in the dog seemed to suppress treatment

What to do if the dog coughs

Often, anxiety of the owners of dogs causes coughing of the animal. In order to find out the cause of this phenomenon, some seek help from a veterinarian, and many try to find an explanation for themselves. As a rule, the most correct answer can still be prompted by a doctor, making a diagnosis of the organs of the animal.

The first step is to get help from a specialist. The doctor should identify the cause of the cough that has arisen, and then appoint the appropriate treatment.

The most common diseases with coughing are collapse (constriction of the trachea), laryngo- pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. These diseases are associated with upper respiratory tract problems. But also it is not necessary to exclude and pathologies of the lower respiratory tract: pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, chronic or acute bronchitis. Based on the diagnosis, delivered by a doctor, your pet will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

With laryngo-pharyngitis and laryngitis, lymph nodes increase in the dog. She also becomes more sluggish and often the voice disappears. Your dog refuses to eat and walk. In this case, release it from the collar, since it exerts a strong pressure on the throat. Try not to give cold food and water. Limit walking time in cold or rainy weather. If within a week you do not notice improvement, be sure to show up to the veterinarian.

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A dry cough with seizures can be the basis for suspicion of a disease such as a trachea. Often it is accompanied by inspiratory dyspnea and stridor breathing. This disease is caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Infectious disease can be cured only by special medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

Chronic and acute bronchitis is also quite common among dogs. Wet and strong cough is one of the signs of this disease. It appears, as a rule, during a walk or after a dream. With such a disease, do not delay the trip to the doctor, as your dog can get a complication.

Allergic bronchitis can be caused by environmental influences, for example, an insect bite. In this case, long-term treatment with antiallergic drugs is required. In any case, showing the pet to the veterinarian will never be superfluous.

The dog coughs, as if choking

Often our pets fall ill. And, although only the competent veterinarian can understand the symptoms and causes of the diseases, the owner of the animal will also be useful to know what to do if his four-legged friend has overcome this or that disease. Let's find out why the dog coughs, as if she choked or choked.

Possible reasons for the dog coughing

First of all, you must understand that it is not so easy to recognize the true cause of the disease. For this, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the sick animal and evaluate it according to the following indices:

  • general state;
  • character of cough;
  • appetite and activity level of the animal;
  • color of the dog's gums;
  • whether lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • other unusual symptoms (runny nose, watery eyes, hard breathing, fever).

Based on these symptoms, there are several different reasons why a dog coughs and suffocates.

  1. Viral, or avian coughAn infectious disease that your pet can get from a sick dog. It is called aviary (or nursery), because they are often sick animals, which are kept in large numbers in nurseries. The main symptoms of a viral cough: a strong dry cough, as if the dog choked on something. With severe form, loss of appetite, apathy, and unusual discharge from the eyes or nose may occur. For treatment, expectorants and antibiotics are used, and for prevention - vaccination against adenovirus infection.
  2. Invasion- is caused by the migration of worms (toxocars and hookworm) throughout the body. Cough while dry or moderately moist, it becomes stronger when the animal lies down. Treatment of helminthic invasion is necessary, because in time the pathogens fall into the internal organs of the dog and can adversely affect its health.
  3. In addition, if the dog coughs, as if she had choked, perhaps in the airways she really gotforeign body. The dog will cough convulsively, with wheezing and attacks of suffocation. To extract a foreign body follows immediately, this should be done by a doctor in a veterinary clinic.
  4. Allergy- a rare disease that is similar to the human. Allergic cough can be manifested by contact with chemicals, various plants, food allergens, and also with insect bites. In addition to the cough itself, the dog is disturbed by lachrymation, sneezing, and the gums will be of a cyanotic color. To treat such cough separately does not make sense - first you need to eliminate its main cause.

But remember - only a veterinarian is able to recognize the true cause of the disease and prescribe the correct, adequate treatment. On this depends on the recovery of your pet or possible complications.

How to treat a dog cough

Cough occurs in dogs of any gender and age, regardless of breed. As a rule, it occurs against the background of colds or allergies. However, in some cases, cough becomes lingering and may be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if your pet has a cough, you should immediately identify and eliminate its cause.


Coughcan take place in a light or protracted form. In the first case, it can be a symptom of hypothermia, influenza, allergies to pollen and corrosive gases. A long cough, lasting for months and passing into a chronic form, occurs in such diseases as laryngitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis, as well as with certain diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Also cough is divided into dry and wet. Wet is accompanied by swallowing movements and salivation. However, no matter what form of coughingdogs, which caused its cause, if it is not rectified in time, can lead to serious consequences. Even a mild disease can give complications, so it should be disposed of.Ifdogsthere was a cold, then cough usually takes place after a week. In ARVI, the animal is warmed with a warm blanket, they give it to take medicinal plants, for example, licorice and althaea root, and with a more painful cough appoint codeine and glacine hydrochloride. Pets are only strolled in very warm overalls and try to limit their contact with other dogs, since the disease can be contagious.In dogs often happens andallergic cough. In this case, allergic rhinitis, lacrimation, sore throat can join it. However, sometimes with allergies there is also an ordinary dry cough without additional symptoms. Allergies can occur on pollen, synthetic wool, certain foods, washing powders. In such cases, the dog is prescribed dexamethasone, calcium chloride orally or diprazine intramuscularly.The cause of a long, and sometimes chronic cough, can be bronchitis. It occurs against a background of severe hypothermia or poisoning by gases. With bronchitis, cough first becomes painful and dry, and then it becomes wet. Havedogsthe temperature rises, she eats little and becomes sluggish. Just like an ordinary, long and chronic cough caused by an allergy to pollen. Bronchitis is treated by creating comfortable conditions for the animal and applying warming compresses to the chest. Assign expectorants, such as althea root and sodium bicarbonate. Also, antibiotics and vitamins are administered intravenously to the dog. When allergic bronchitis is prescribed antihistamines. To prevent the appearance of bronchitis, you should avoid supercoolingdogs, the ingress of dust and toxic gases into her throat, and also treat diseases such as tonsillitis and laryngitis on time.Bronchopneumonia, like bronchitis, can occur against the background of sinusitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis. With this disease, too, a strong cough and shortness of breath are possible. Havedogsthe temperature rises to 40 degrees, lethargy appears, it refuses to feed. The main cause of pneumonia is hypothermia. For this reason, walking the pet with this disease also follows in overalls only in dry weather. When listening to the chestdogs, suffering from bronchopneumonia, rales are noticeable. Treat any form of pneumonia with antibiotics, such as bicillin-35, cephalosporin, penicillin, sisomycin. The animal is prescribed vitamins and a copious drink.Coughare treated with expectorants, as in bronchitis.
  • Regardless of what caused the cough and which form it took, the dog should only be treated by a veterinarian.

What if the dog coughs as if choking?


Julia Budik

Cough can be for several reasons -
1. Viral infection
(nursery cough with discharge from the eyes and nose))
2. Inflammation of the throat, bronchi, lungs (with wheezing)
3. Cardiac insufficiency (deaf, uterine cough)
4. Worms.
According to your description - it looks more like a puppy is clogged.
If his mother before the viscous TWICE did not drive the worms,
if the puppy himself was not driven for 21, 31 and 45 days from the date of birth of the worm.
Run them and cough will pass, the fact is that gastric worms poison the host's body with stool.
All the muck rises up the esophagus and irritates the mucous throat.

Amadeus Plotnikov

see a doctor

Ekaterina Fatyanova

to take to the veterinarian, maybe she really choked.

- -

my dog ​​had such symptoms twice. 1 time in 5 months, have made a roentgen, have found out a foreign body in a stomach and an intestine. operated. 2 times in September this year began to cough again, took a good clinic, again X-ray, it turned out that he had an enlarged heart that presses against the diaphragm. I advise you to go to the vet.

irina tooth

I have a cat from worms coughing (in the village).. .
and the dog... to the doctor is better ...

Forest Nymph

to a veterinarian and urgently

Elizabeth Kalugina

People, as you do not understand that if the question concerns the diseases of your pet, then you must URGENTLY GO TO THE VETERINARY AND DO NOT HAVE TO WORK, LEADING YOUR LOVE IN THE DANGER.

Rina Ogneva

Nursery cough but better consult with a veterinarian

Oksana Nazarova

to the doctor to conduct-it is possible a number of diseases, as an example-adenovirus

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