Coughing on nerves in adults

How to get rid of a nervous cough

Usually, coughing is the desire of the body to reflex purification, caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during the inflammatory process. However, with a nervous cough, the receptors are not irritated. Such a cough, as a rule, accompanies all kinds of nervous disorders.

Neurogenic cough is a symptom that indicates various deviations of the nervous system. His appearance explains the irritation that occurs in the cerebral cortex, resulting in a cough reflex. In other words, this kind of cough does not have any physical causes, that is, caused illnesses. However, only after the complete elimination of all possible diseases and pathologies can we speak about the neurotic, psychogenic origin of cough.


Neurogenic cough has a number of characteristic features. As a rule, these are frequent, sonorous, and at the same time dry cough, which can intensify in various stressful situations and disappear in a calm state, for example, during sleep.

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Thus, nervous coughing manifests itself to a greater extent in moments of great mental stress. We can say that this is a kind of protective reaction of the organism to this or that event. Such a cough can manifest itself either arbitrarily or unconsciously.

Being arbitrary, it is an artificial symptom designed to help its owner attract attention. Unconscious cough can be a consequence of some previously transmitted pulmonary disease and now more like a fixed reflex. In addition, it can testify to the firmly entrenched psychic experiences, which are sometimes at a subconscious level. Only a qualified therapist can identify the true causes of the patient's anxiety, and a nervous cough as its consequence.

As a rule, after setting the exact diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed complex treatment with drugs that affect the medulla oblongata, where the functions of the cough reflex are suppressed.

Folk remedies in the fight against nervous coughing

Along with drug treatment in the fight against nervous coughing and stress in general, people's means can help. So, help to calm the nervous experiences of various kinds of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

Infusions must be prepared based on 15-20 grams of raw materials per 200 milliliters of boiling water. So, the healing collection of valerian, cudweed, motherwort and heather can not only take off attacks of a neurogenic cough, but also relieve nervous disorders, panic attacks and feelings of fear.

Thyme is not only able to relieve nervous tension and relieve stress, but also strengthens the nerves in general. A valerian removes neurotic symptoms, reducing the excitability of the central nervous system.

It is also useful to make baths with the addition of medicinal broths of valerian, chamomile and lavender. So, lavender is able to restore the nervous system, valerian will help to remove the spasms of the larynx, and chamomile and is at all capable of eliminating nervous coughs.

No less effective are considered to be alcoholic tinctures. The recommended dose for adults is 30-35 drops, for children - is calculated by the number of years. So, hawthorn is useful in excessive excitability and nervousness, and also it strengthens the blood circulation of the brain. Nettle gently tones and invigorates, and peony tincture, on the contrary, has a calming effect and relieves a fit of coughing. An infusion from the motherwort can restore breathing and regain calm, suppressing the constant urge to cough. Sleep-grass is also capable of eliminating a neurogenic cough, generally increasing the tone of the nervous system of the body.

There are a number of other drugs that can help in the treatment and elimination of symptoms of nervous coughs, such as the Aralia Manchurian, Angelica, Echinopanax, thunder-quaker, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea safflower and others. The main thing - remember that any even the most effective plant can have a number of contraindications, so without consulting a doctor in this matter can not do.

Treatment of a nervous cough

About a problem like a nervous cough is not known to everyone, so many mistakenly accept it for colds and start treatment yourself. This is a completely wrong approach to this problem. In order to understand how to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, you should know the reasons for its occurrence, as well as the main features.

Nervous cough: treatment should be based on the cause

Before you treat a nervous cough, you should know that it is initiated by the brain. If you do without complex terminology, then you can say that it appears because of the team, which gives the cortex of the brain. This cough is always dry and paroxysmal. Unlike other diseases accompanied by this symptom, it occurs not at night, when an adult is sleeping or lying in a horizontal position. Attacks can occur at any time, but the cause of their occurrence is a stressful situation. Let's give a simple example. Let's say a person who is afraid of public speaking will have to read a report or make a speech before a large number of people. If, in this case, he begins to perspire in the throat, do not have enough air and there is a coughing, it means that this is the most nervous cough.

He can appear not only because of fear, but also because of increased irritation, anger or aggression. For all these emotions the brain answers. It is he who provokes the emergence of a nervous cough. It should be noted that this symptom is not a symptom of serious mental disorders. So, long-term treatment or supervision at the psychotherapist is not required.

Cough Nervous in Adults Treatment

If you often have a cough on the nerves, treatment should be agreed with a specialist. Contact a therapist who will refer you to the right doctor. Remember that the treatment of the symptom itself is not required in this case. Its elimination is effected by affecting the nervous symptom. Fears, anxieties, stress and excessive irritability are treated with sedatives. No tranquilizers and strong drugs will not have to take. As a rule, to eliminate this neurological symptom, it is enough to take medicines on a plant basis. In this regard, you can help tinctures of valerian and motherwort and preparations such as Novopassit, Afobazol, Tenoten. All of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Learn to control your nerves, perebaryvayte fears and engage in self-improvement. And then, this unpleasant reflex act will pass very quickly and will never bother you again.

Why does a nervous cough begin?


Vladimir Abramov

You have intercostal neuralgia, the ray burns through the upper respiratory tract, m cough occurs.
Set yourself up on a positive line. Be here and now. But with the intercostal - you need to work with the spine, remove the pinching of the disc,
Sincerely, Vladimir.

Olya Vargasova

Immunity when you are nervous falls... So I caught a cold ...


As you know on the nerves of all the ailments begin

tanya mosquito

HEART TO CHECK... a cardiac cough is possible ...

euro pa

but you do not get nervous life is a game,

Shiroki Andrei

Coughing is one of the frequent complaints of patients. Usually, the reason for going to the doctor is the painful nature of a cough that disrupts the quality of life, or the appearance along with a cough of other symptoms.
Cough - a protective reflex, ensuring the removal of foreign substances and pathological secretions from the respiratory tract. It occurs as a result of irritation of the corresponding (cough) receptors of the mucosa of the nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, branches of the vagus nerve, innervating the external ear, pleura, diaphragm, pericardium (outer shell of the heart), esophagus inflammatory, mechanical, chemical and temperature factors.
One of the complex diagnostic situations is coughing as a manifestation of neurotic somatoform disorder, i.e., coughing on nerves. Such a cough is characterized by unproductiveness, often occurs in standard situations for the patient (speaking, conducting lessons, preaching, etc.). The expectation and anticipation of a cough inevitably provokes its appearance.
Usually, patients suspected of lung disease (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis) or cardiovascular pathology, which entails carrying out unjustified and uninformative surveys. The prescribed drug treatment (nitrates, bronchodilators, etc.), the use of antitussive drugs, as a rule, are ineffective.
The key to recognizing a neurotic somatoform disorder in a patient with a recurrent cough of unclear of origin are complaints of the patient, which often pose a deadlock to a doctor who is not sufficiently informed about such violations.


this is bullshit!! I know people, so they spit out when they are nervous. You really take care, try to keep yourself in hand

Coughing on nerves


inga (heng) finkelstein

my sister had the same thing, was not treated, eventually passed away, but my opinion is that it's not a problem to go to the doctor

Tatiana Troshina

Visit a pediatrician, pulmonologist and neurologist. My sister had a similar situation in her childhood. We put bronchitis with an asthmatic component. All her childhood did not let her cry (did not punish, made concessions, ..). Has grown, in part, a parasite with an egoistic bias, but is alive - healthy.

Ira Ivanova

to the neuropathologist


For the beginning it is necessary to exclude cough, as a manifestation of any disease (as it was correctly noted, asthma, bronchitis, etc.) )
If the baby is healthy, then it means coughing and vomiting, as a way to attract more attention to yourself, or achieve something.
Some children can cause coughing and vomiting artificially.
After all, what do we do in adults in such a situation, we run around the child in panic, which is exactly what he needs, because then they can fulfill any of his whims.
My friend's daughter, every morning before going to the kindergarten, arranged a "concert".
First, "in a good way I want to go to kindergarten, and then tears, vomiting.
The same story, if she just left, and her daughter stayed at home with her grandmother.
Crying, vomiting and even fever.


At the son too such, as a sign or consequence of some features of an organism.
But in particular, for example, with a sharp surge of emotions, the pressure rises, and vomiting is a direct consequence.
At me too so happens after a hysterics.

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