Symptoms of brain concussion in adults

Craniocerebral injuries (TBI) are divided into two types: closed and open. Closed injuries include concussion, bruising and compression of the brain. Concussion of the brain occurs more often than others in the overall structure of TBI, it accounts for up to 90% of all brain injuries.

Concussion of the brain is a functional disruption of the brain that occurs after a head injury and is not associated with organic and vascular lesions.

It is based on the violation of intracellular and intercellular interactions at the molecular level, which do not lead to the death of neurons and their processes after traumatic effects.

The most common cause of brain damage are bruises and head bumps when getting sports, traffic, crime or domestic injuries. In terms of severity, concussion is considered to be the easiest of all species, it is not subdivided into separate degrees.


  • 1Clinical manifestations
  • 2Post-traumatic disorders
  • 3Help with concussion of the brain
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Healing measures
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Clinical manifestations

A symptom characteristic of a concussion is loss of consciousness lasting up to 15-20 minutes.

Concussion of the brain is caused by functional changes due to trauma, organic pathology is not detected. Symptoms last for several days, after a full recovery or development of post-comedic syndrome occurs.

Loss of consciousness, as a rule, is absent or lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. A person may experience vomiting, nausea, headache, dizziness. Appearance is painful with the movement of the eyeballs, the pupils can be dilated or narrowed, but their reaction to light persists. In some cases, retrograde amnesia arises - it is the loss of memories preceding the trauma. Amnesia is reversible. After getting injured, there may be slight disorientation in the space, noise in the ears, flashing of "flies" before the eyes. The skin turns pale, the heart rate increases. The person becomes sluggish, drowsy.

Post-traumatic disorders

The emergence of persistent consequences of lung trachearthrosis, including after concussion of the brain, is combined into the concept of a postcommunism syndrome, which can persist in humans for several years. Today there is no single answer about the mechanisms of the emergence of post-comon syndrome. A number of authors believe that it is based on the development of persistent dysfunction in the work of nerve cells in conjunction with neuropsychological disorders.

The syndrome includes the appearance of headaches, rapid fatigue, decreased efficiency, memory, attention, sleep disturbance. Symptoms may be permanent or episodic. Headache worries from 30% to 90% of people who have had an easy TBI, accompanied by rapid irritability, decreased concentration of attention and noise in the head or ears. The nature of the pain may be different: local or diffuse, aching, pulsating or migraine-like.

Help with concussion of the brain

A person with a head injury should be examined by a specialist without fail. Before the arrival of the ambulance brigade, a number of simple manipulations must be performed to alleviate the condition of the victim:

  1. Lay on a horizontal surface, slightly raise the head.
  2. Light and sounds indoors mute.
  3. To the bruised place apply cold compresses.
  4. Liquid intake is limited.


Diagnostic measures are aimed at confirming the diagnosis and excluding severe brain damage (hemorrhages, bruises, compression, swelling, etc.).

  • Traumatologist, neurologist.
  • Radiography of the skull is done to determine the integrity of the bones of the skull, the presence of fractures, penetrating wounds, bone fragments, hemorrhages.
  • CT or MRI with concussion of the brain does not reveal any changes, but is necessary to exclude severe pathology.

Healing measures

A person with a brain concussion is hospitalized in a trauma or neurological hospital, where he is supervised by medical personnel for at least 24 hours.

A person with a brain concussion is hospitalized in a traumatological, neurosurgical or neurological department, depending on the profile of the hospital where the patient was taken to.

Observation in the hospital is carried out during the day, after which the patient is released home. Daily monitoring of the condition of the victim is associated with the risk of developing delayed hemorrhages in the brain.

CM. ALSO:Concussion: symptoms, treatment

Medicamentous treatment is aimed at removing symptoms of the disease.

  1. Analgesics (Analgin, Nyise, etc.).

Used to relieve headaches.

  1. Histaminomimetics (Betaserk, Vestibo, etc.).

Improve the work of the inner ear, lead to a decrease in dizziness and noise in the ears.

  1. Vascular medications (Cavinton).

Improve microcirculation in the brain.

  1. Nootropics (Piracetam, Nootropil, Gliatillin).

Increase metabolic processes in the brain, stimulate the work of nerve cells.

  1. Vitamins (Pyridoxine, Milgamma, etc.).

The treatment of post-co-morbidity syndrome presents some difficulties, since the symptoms are nonspecific and difficult to treat. In this case, the therapeutic approach is individual.

On the concussion of the brain in children and adults in the program "Live Lively!" With Elena Malysheva:

Live healthy! Concussion in children and adults. (07.06.2016)

Watch this video on YouTube

TSV, a video about the symptoms of concussion of the brain:

Symptoms of concussion

Watch this video on YouTube