Eye drops from allergies: types, features of application

The human eye, in view of its anatomical features, is affected by a variety of allergens: house dust, animal hair, plant pollen, mold, cosmetics, volatile chemicals. Allergens can be some medicines, food, chemicals. Manifestations from the eyes are very diverse in the clinical picture: from inflammation of the skin of the eyelids and lachrymation of varying intensity to damage to the optic nerve and retina.How to apply for allergies eye drops?


  • 1Application area
  • 2Types of allergies
  • 3Main symptoms
  • 4Advantages of using drugs
  • 5Types of drugs
    • 5.1Antihistamine drops
      • 5.1.1Cromohexal
      • 5.1.2Lecrolin
      • 5.1.3Opatanol
      • 5.1.4Zodak
      • 5.1.5Allergodyl
    • 5.2Anti-inflammatory
    • 5.3Vasoconstrictive drugs
      • 5.3.1Okumel
      • 5.3.2Vizin
  • 6Application rules
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Application area

Allergic reactions are observed nowadays quite often in children and adults.And the symptoms of allergies can be very different. One of the most unpleasant reactions is allergic conjunctivitis.

Drops with eye allergies will help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms: increased tear, soreness and discomfort.

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Drugs used for allergies have their indications and contraindications. Therefore, before using eye drops, you should consult your doctor.

One of the characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction is lacrimation. Tear fluid is needed to feed the eyeball. In norm it should be allocated no more than 1 ml per day. When the stimulus hits the mucous membrane of the eyes, a protective system works, and the tear gland begins to produce a greater amount of secretion.The main way to combat the increased work of the tear gland is eye drops.

The list of drugs that can stop the symptoms of an allergic reaction is wide enough.It can be both antihistamines eye drops, and drugs that have anti-edema or anti-inflammatory effect.

Types of allergies

The most common types of allergic eye diseases are:

  • Allergic dermatitis.It affects the skin of the eyelids: redness, swelling, and bubble rashes. The cause of the reaction is most often sensitivity to the components of cosmetics. The reaction can also occur against the background of exposure to occupational hazards.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.It is accompanied by abundant lacrimation, reddening of the eyes, pronounced edema of the mucous membrane.
  • Pollinous conjunctivitis. Characterized by a clear seasonality of exacerbations. The clinical picture includes sneezing, runny nose, skin reactions, shortness of breath.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis.Appearance on the conjunctiva of the papillary growth. Suffer more often boys. They are troubled by severe itching, watery eyes, photophobia.
  • Angioedema, edema of the eyelids.Characterized by the rapid spread of edema on all parts of the eyeball, may be accompanied by increased intraocular pressure.

At users of contact lenses allergic displays meet much more often. Reactions may be caused by components of the lens material or solutions used for storage. Volatile chemicals, plant pollen and other allergens settle on the lenses and can also cause allergic symptoms.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • Reddening of the mucosa and inner eyelid;
  • Lachrymation;
  • Itching;
  • Burning;
  • Sensation of rubbing inside the eye;
  • The swelling of the eyelids.

Advantages of using drugs

In order to remove allergic eye symptoms as soon as possible, local drug therapy is required.

Eye drops from allergies are medicinal solutions used to treat local allergy symptoms.

The use of eye drops for allergies does not relieve the disease itself (this requires complex treatment), but will eliminate the symptoms: dry eyes, redness, burning, itching, lacrimation, etc.

Types of drugs

In ophthalmic practice, several categories of eye drops are used to relieve allergy symptoms:

  • Antihistamines;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Vasculature.

They are used separately or combined.

Antihistamine drops

Antihistamines suppress allergic reaction. They have a rapid anti-allergic effect, and even in the acute period of conjunctivitis, they can quickly remove the itching and stop profuse lacrimation.

The active substances of eye drops from allergies perform the following functions:

  • The release of histamine is blocked;
  • Prevent its release into the intercellular space;
  • Suppress the activity of mast cells involved in the formation of allergic reactions;
  • Stabilize the permeability of mast cell membranes;
  • Reduce the possibility of contact of cells with allergens.

According to the principle of their action, antihistamines do not differ from antiallergenic drugs of systemic application, but their use gives fewer side effects. Consider the most common and popular examples of such drops.


These eye drops are considered an effective antihistamine drug for the treatment and prevention of chronic eye diseases (keratoconjunctivitis).Also, the drug is used to reduce symptoms of dryness and eye irritation, as well as fatigue and overexertion of the eyes.

The drug has an anti-edematous local effect, eliminates the main symptoms of eye irritation, which occur when different contact allergens affect the eye mucosa.

According to the instructions for use, eye drops Kromogeksal used for such manifestations as:

  • Visual overwork;
  • Syndrome of "dry eye
  • Redness and irritation of the eyes caused by the harmful effects of intense eye strain.


The drug is a stabilizer of the membranes of mast cells. It prevents the release of histamine, bradykinin and other substances that contribute to the emergence of allergic reactions.

Lecrolin is especially effective in its preventive application before the season of flowering of allergenic plants.The convenience of using drops is that the solution is released in tubes-droppers, the dose in which is sufficient for a single application in both eyes.

The drug has very few side effects.

Lecrolin "is not used in children under 4 years old.


This is another blocker of histamine receptors. Its action is very selective, since the drug does not affect in any way those receptors that do not cause allergic reactions.

The effect of drops is based on the properties of the basic olopatadin to inhibit the release of bioactive substances provoking inflammation and to heal the membranes of mast cells.The drug is able to alleviate the various symptoms of allergies: burning, itching, redness and irritation of the mucous eyes, a strong discharge of tears.

Eye drops Opatanol fall into the systemic bloodstream to a small extent, has a local effect and does not change the size of the pupil.

Drops are recommended for admission in adults and children from 3 years of age.


Drops for eyes Diclofenac

All about viral conjunctivitis in children is told here.

Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/katarakta/osobennosti-techeniya-bolezni-i-effektivnoe-lechenie.html



The drug Zodak has a systemic effect.These drops are taken orally, which determines a greater number of side effects in patients: they spread to the digestive and nervous system.Produced Zodak not only in droplets, but also in the form of syrup and tablets.


Antihistamine eye drops Allergodil is used to stop the main symptoms of allergic eye damage, but most of all in the case of seasonal allergic manifestations.

This drug has a long and powerful anti-allergenic effect, is well tolerated and does not cause dangerous side effects even during prolonged use. Removes such manifestations as hyperemia and edema of the mucous around the eyes, itchy eyelids, discomfort, lacrimation and sensation of foreign body in the eyes.

Allergodyl is used to prevent and effectively treat chronic conjunctivitis that develops at harmful influence of different contact allergens: house dust, animal fur, pollen of plants, etc.In addition, the drug can be used to reduce dryness and irritation around the eyes, which are caused by overwork

According to users, these drops can be called one of the most effective and fast-acting means, despite the high cost. The drug is not addictive.


These drugs are corticosteroid (Lotoprednol) and non-steroid (Akular).Anti-inflammatory drops effectively relieve itching and allergic edema.The purpose of these eye drops is indicated in the case when an infectious-allergic inflammatory process develops in the surface layers of the eye.

Use anti-inflammatory drugs should be cautious and only under the supervision of your doctor. Their prolonged use can provoke the development of glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, and clouding of the lens.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed by a doctor to reduce edema, inflammation and other allergy symptoms. They are used solely for the prescription of an ophthalmologist.

Corticosteroid eye drops are prescribed to relieve the acute symptoms of eye allergy.However, due to the development of side effects with prolonged use, these drugs are prescribed only for a short time. Eye drops of this group:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prenatsid;
  • Maksodex.

Both non-steroidal and corticosteroid eye drops (glucocorticosteroids) have very pronounced side effects.

Vasoconstrictive drugs

Vasoconstricting eye drops (Okumil, Vizin, Octilia) reduce edema and redness of the eyes, smooth out the symptoms of allergies.

Long-term use of vasoconstrictive drops for the eyes quickly leads to addiction: when drops are dropped, all the symptoms of the disease appear again. In addition, these drugs are well absorbed through the vascular system of the eye and enter the systemic circulation, so they affect all organs and tissues of the body.


These drops reduce the edema and redness of the eyeballs, effectively remove allergy symptoms (lacrimation, itching, tenderness in the mucous membrane).

According to user feedback, most of these drops still helped, but there are also those who did not feel a change in the state of the eye in a positive way.


Antihistamine vasoconstrictive Vizin drops eliminate symptoms 10 minutes after instillation.The effect of using this drug is observed within 12 hours.


  • This is a relatively safe drug.
  • Effectively eliminates the main symptoms of allergies.
  • Good user reviews.

Application rules

Any eye drops should be used as directed by a doctor and in accordance with the recommendations below:

  • Do not change the dosage and do not cancel the treatment prescribed by a specialist, at your discretion.
  • In the case of a combination of several types of drops should be observed in strict order and withstand the intervals between the methods of different drugs.
  • Eye drops should not be replaced with other ones, even if they have a similar composition.
  • Keep eye drops in the refrigerator, but before heating, lightly heat them, briefly dropping the bottle into hot water.
  • If after the application of the drug within 2-3 days does not pass a burning sensation, then stop the treatment and see a doctor.
  • It is better not to use contact lenses for the duration of treatment, or at least it should be worn 10 minutes after instillation.

Dexa-Gentamicin Eye Drops

What is the purpose of eye drops Taufon will tell this article.

Eye drops with broad-spectrum antibiotic http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/glaznye-kapli-s-antibiotikom-shirokogo-spektra-dejstviya.html




So, eye drops against allergies come in different forms. These are sufficiently effective drugs that relieve allergy symptoms, but do not treat the disease itself. It is important to remember that eye drops from allergies have contraindications and side effects, so the choice of the drug, the dose setting and the frequency of application, entrust to a qualified ophthalmologist.

Eye drops from barley on the eye are described here, and ointments from conjunctivitis here.

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