How to treat angina without fever in adults

Angina is an infectious disease that is usually accompanied by inflammation of the palatine tonsils. Staphylococci or streptococci are the causative agents of such a disease. Since angina is a contagious disease, it can not be infected by contact with an unhealthy person. Do you have angina without fever? Of course, such an angina happens and quite often occurs in adults. Most often, this angina is called catarrhal. The duration of this form of the disease is usually from 2 to 4 days.

After this, if timely treatment has been performed, the symptoms go away. In case of untimely therapy, such a form of angina may become more serious, with an increase in temperature and other symptoms( see photo).

Can there be a sore throat without temperature?

First of all, the cause of the disease is a special causative agent of the disease, which, in the case of catarrhal angina, is most often a bacterium of staphylococcus aureus. As a rule, sore throat in adults can flow without temperature in the following cases:

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  1. Reduction of the body's defenses - in this case, most likely, a person will be ill very long, and, in addition, he has a higher risk of all kinds of complications.
  2. A relatively small number of viruses enter the body - most often this happens when there is a so-called catarrhal angina characterized by superficial tonsillitis.

Categories of individuals susceptible to this clinical picture of tend to have decreased immunity due to various reasons:

  1. Pregnant women due to hormonal adjustment.
  2. Older people.
  3. Absence of temperature in angina occurs in immunodeficient conditions in patients with HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C, tuberculosis, cancerous tumors, malignant processes in the body.

In general, angina without fever is easy to take for an ordinary cold. In most cases, this is exactly what happens, but such a delusion is dangerous. Even the easiest of angina, catarrhal, needs competent treatment. Otherwise, the disease can take a more severe or chronic form, as well as give many serious complications.

So, let's summarize: is angina without fever? Yes, sometimes. It flows in a lighter form, but can go into a purulent stage and give complications.

Symptoms of sore throat without temperature

So the main group of symptoms includes:

  • absence of temperature or slight increase;
  • appearance of chills, general weakness of the body;
  • persistent drowsiness and general malaise;
  • permanent headache, difficult to treat;
  • pain in limbs and muscles;
  • appearance of sore throat;
  • permanent dry mouth, pershenie.

In addition to these symptoms of angina without temperature, there are also local, which are characterized by:

  • swelling and an increase in the posterior pharyngeal wall, including tonsils;
  • acquisition of tonsils of a red shade, the same applies to the pharynx;
  • presence of turbid mucus on the mucosa of the throat;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Usually symptoms of angina without a temperature are in most cases less pronounced than with usual acute angina( see photo).Sore throat may be mild or moderate, rarely severe, sometimes headaches occur. In most patients, even in the absence of fever, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness is noted. However, some patients complain only of sore throat, and other symptoms are very poorly expressed.

Treatment of sore throat without temperature

When a sore throat without a temperature, treatment of the patient includes the same directions as with a normal sore throat. An important condition remains the requirement to comply with the strict regime and all prescriptions of the attending physician. Recommendations that provide correct treatment of sore throats without changes in temperature include:

  1. Taking antibiotics is an integral part of the treatment of the disease. Without drugs antibacterial effects can not cope with pathogens. Medication should be prescribed by a specialist, as a rule, drugs of the penicillin group( Amoxicillin).
  2. A person must comply with the bed rest regime of .If this is not possible, protect others from infection by using a medical mask.
  3. The patient should have separate utensils and personal hygiene items .
  4. It is necessary for to eat easily assimilated food, rich in vitamins, to increase the consumption of dairy products .It is recommended to drink more liquid, including broth of dogrose, tea with raspberry jam, honey, lemon.

Treatment of symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient:

  1. With , the pain in the throat of is recommended to take drugs with analgesic properties( this is necessary in order to ease the pain when swallowing).Strepsils, Falimint, Faringosept, Mentos.
  2. Rinse ( if the pain is too strong, it is recommended to use a rinse every 30 minutes.) For moderate pain, gargle should be rinsed every 3 hours).
  3. If necessary, use drugs with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action of ( Acetaminophen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

Remember that you can not stop antibiotic treatment yourself, even if you seem to have recovered, otherwise the agent will adapt to the antibiotic and, when you get sick the next time, it will not help. In addition, untreated angina is dangerous for its complications, for example, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis.

Than to gargle?

The rinse procedure should be repeated as often as possible: at the beginning of the disease it is necessary to repeat it every 2 hours, and after - 3-4 times a day. As a solution for gargling, the broths of such herbs are excellent:

  1. Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort, oak, chamomile, sage, or eucalyptus .Strain, cool and use to rinse your throat.
  2. Dilute 1 teaspoon of table salt and baking soda in a glass of warm water, add a couple drops of iodine .Stir and rinse the throat with "sea" water.
  3. Dilute 35 drops of alcohol propolis tincture in a glass of water. Use to rinse your throat.
  4. Carrot juice with regular rinsing has a softening effect on the sore throat.
  5. You can also rinse the throat with solution of Furacilin .

Also do not forget about inhalation - this is a good method of therapy. They can be prepared on the basis of dry fruits of thyme, raspberry or eucalyptus oil. Compress of alcohol, which was mixed with water in a proportion of 50:50, is also used for treatment. It is put for 3 hours at the throat several times a day, but at night you can not leave a compress.

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