Laser treatment: physiotherapy of joints


  • 1Physiotherapy with arthrosis in Moscow
    • 1.1Massage
    • 1.2Laser therapy
    • 1.3Magnetotherapy
    • 1.4Ozokerite - therapy
    • 1.5Electrophoresis
    • 1.6Cryotherapy
  • 2Laser therapy for arthrosis: how is the procedure and its effect
    • 2.1Stages of development and symptoms
    • 2.2Treatment
    • 2.3Laser
    • 2.4Indications
    • 2.5Apparatus for laser therapy
    • 2.6How is the procedure performed
    • 2.7Contraindications
    • 2.8Conclusion
  • 3How is the treatment of joints laser
    • 3.1The essence of the procedure
    • 3.2Directions of therapy
    • 3.3What result can you expect?
    • 3.4When therapy can not be carried out?
    • 3.5Basic Techniques

Physiotherapy with arthrosis in Moscow

Osteoarthritis is one of the most dangerous diseases of the joints, which, if untimely, can lead to irreversible consequences.

And one of the most effective methods of treating pathology is the use of physiotherapy procedures.

Physiotherapy with arthrosis, as a rule, includes thermal procedures.

Warming joints and tissues with the help of dry heat prevents the further development of the disease and the manifestation of its painful symptoms.

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Ozokerite, bags with salt and sand are the most commonly used for thermal procedures. The number of procedures and their duration are determined by the attending physician individually depending on the patient's condition.

In addition, ultrasound, infrared ultraviolet and laser radiation can also be prescribed, as well as mud procedures.

No less effective for arthrosis baths and special wraps.

Physiotherapy is an important stage in the complex treatment of arthrosis. It promotes the improvement of metabolic processes and the restoration of articular tissues, thus, avoiding further relapse of the disease.

The main advantage of physiotherapy is safety and lack of drugs


With arthrosis, massage is useful because it warms the surrounding tissues of the joints, improves their blood supply, reduces muscle spasm.

In addition, it promotes the development of joint fluid and has an analgesic effect. To achieve these goals, techniques of stroking, kneading, rubbing and effleurage are used.

During the procedure, apply conventional massage oils or ointments.

Laser therapy

Light, passing through the skin, affects heat on the affected tissues and stimulates regeneration processes in them. Infrared laser has an analgesic effect on the nerve endings, i.e.

reduces their sensitivity, and also helps to normalize blood circulation in the area of ​​exposure.

Most often, laser therapy is used if the patient has arthrosis of the spine, in particular the cervical or lumbar spine.


Vortex magnetic currents reduce the stagnation and edema of tissues at a depth of 5-10 cm.

With arthrosis, magnetotherapy is useful in that it accelerates the recovery reactions, accelerates the resolution of edema in the tissues adjacent to the joint.

In the affected joint, metabolic processes are improved, and inflammatory conditions occur. 90% of patients note improvement of health after the sessions of magnetotherapy.

Ozokerite - therapy

One of the types of heat therapy is the application of ozocerite.

Ozokerite is a substance of oil origin, which contains mineral oils, paraffins and resins.

Used in the form of compresses or applications on the affected joint. The warming effect of ozokerite improves microcirculation, reduces pain in the joint.


The essence of the method lies in the fact that through intact skin with the help of an electric current, drugs are introduced into the body.

Local administration of the drug allows you to avoid many side effects, in addition, the drug falls precisely on the target. For several procedures, the pharmacological preparation accumulates in the deep layers of the skin and its therapeutic effect is lengthened.

For medicinal electrophoresis in cases of arthrosis, novocaine, dimexide and others are used. drugs that relieve pain and inflammation.


Cold treatment is a relatively new technique in the treatment of arthrosis.

Under the action of the cooled gas, the puffiness of the tissues decreases, pain receptors are blocked, the increased muscle tone decreases.

Thus, after the sessions of cryotherapy pains in the joints stop and muscle spasm is eliminated.

Like any technique, physiotherapy with arthrosis has its contraindications.

Common contraindications include active inflammatory process in the joint, as well as late pregnancy, mental illness, tumor processes and active forms of tuberculosis. In addition, each specific procedure has its limitations.

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Laser therapy for arthrosis: how is the procedure and its effect

One of the effective methods of combating joint pathologies is laser therapy for arthrosis, which allows quickly to stop its unpleasant symptoms. However, it is worthwhile to understand that such a technique is only part of the complex of recreational activities. Why? Now try to figure it out.

Diseases of the joints, including arthrosis - a difficult pathology. The inflammatory process in these parts of the body leads to the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue between the joints. The cartilage begins to gradually wear out.

A person does not immediately feel unpleasant discomfort when the manifestations of a disease first appear. The pathology is still only in the stage of formation, so the inflammation progresses.

This is the insidiousness of the disease.

Most often this disease affects people of advanced age. This phenomenon is associated with age-related deformation of the joints. If we consider the question of how pathology is spread among people by sex, then arthrosis of different species is most diagnosed in women.

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There are several types of this disease, which affects not only the fair sex, but also men. This pathology:

  • the spine;
  • feet;
  • brushes of hands and fingers;
  • knee (gonarthrosis);
  • of the hip joint (coxarthrosis).

Everything in this respect depends on the location of the pathological process.

Stages of development and symptoms

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Some patients are interested in how much time passes from the beginning of the formation of the disease to its most severe form of manifestation? Between these stages of arthrosis passes through three stages of development:

  1. The first degree of lesion is characterized by a slight restriction of the joints. Bone growths are absent. Painful sensations practically do not disturb.
  2. The second degree is supplemented, among other things, by the crunch in the joints. Also during this period, the patient can develop bone joints on the joints.
  3. The third degree differs from the previous stages by a significant degree of deformation of this organ and a sharp restriction of its movement.


Arthrosis always leads to destructive changes in the organ, deformation and restriction of joint mobility. With this pathology, blood circulation in the cartilaginous and bone tissues worsens, which provokes a decrease in the functional capacity of the joints.

Laser therapy for arthrosis contributes to the elimination of these stagnant processes, as well as to improve the mobility of the organ. In addition, laser therapy can even stop painful sensations.

However, laser treatment is effective only in the early stages of inflammation. This technique is not the key against arthrosis.

It can be used as an additional healing procedure.

For the treatment of arthrosis, depending on the stage of neglect of the pathological process, the doctor can appoint the following means and procedures:

  • saturation of the joint with oxygen (intra-articular oxygen therapy);
  • intraosseous blockades;
  • decompression of metaepiphysis;
  • orthopedic treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • pharmacotherapy;
  • diet;
  • Spa treatment;
  • physiotherapy: ultrasound, laser and shock wave therapy, electromagnetic pulse and magnetotherapy.


Laser therapy for arthrosis provides anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic and wound-healing effect.

Treatment of arthrosis with a physiological procedure, in which laser beams are used, at the beginning of the formation disease is quite effective, because it helps to reduce the risk of complications, as well as to avoid operational interference.

The use of laser in the fight against this disease improves the outflow of blood, which contributes to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. Laser therapy for arthrosis has the following effect:

  • increases the ability to regenerate;
  • relieves tension and muscle relaxation;
  • prevents the deposition of salts;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the toxic effects of medicines;
  • improves the motor function of the joints;
  • eliminates pain and cramps.


Laser therapy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • arthrosis (primary and secondary);
  • arthritis (rheumatoid, post-traumatic and gouty);
  • extraarticular diseases, which have a negative effect on the state of cartilage.

With arthrosis (both primary and secondary), treatment with laser beams should be accompanied by drug photophoresis, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis and massage. Enhance the effect of the laser also therapeutic baths performed at home.

Apparatus for laser therapy

Today in physiotherapy the following devices are used for different modes of laser treatment:

  • argon and nitrogen;
  • helium-neon;
  • semiconductor;
  • multicolor radiation.

In addition, there are basic techniques for directing laser beams, which are used in the course of recreational activities. It:

  • intravenous;
  • local;
  • intracavitary.

How is the procedure performed

Laser therapy with arthrosis is a course method, which takes some time. Before appointing therapy, the specialist determines how many sessions are needed for a particular patient. The number of sessions depends on the nature and extent of the inflammatory process.

On average, in the treatment of this ailment, the number of procedures is from 10 to 25 visits. The laser used for treatment affects the affected area for about 15 minutes.

In order to have a higher efficiency from the procedure, in which lasers performing arthrosis treatment are used, doctors recommend that they take a course 4 more times during the year.

This will increase the effectiveness of anti-arthrosis therapy and eliminate repeated degeneration of the joints. Recommendations on the method of laser therapy for lesions of joints:

  1. In the treatment of arthrosis, the patient must perform the first 10 procedures daily. During this period, the laser in special equipment will be tuned to a frequency of 50 Hz. The scanning beam has a beneficial effect on the patient's body.
  2. In the second stage, the radiation frequency of 80 Hz will be applied to the inflamed joints. Visiting sessions takes place every other day for 14 days.

The device emits a light beam penetrating through the tissues to the damaged joint, triggering a biochemical reaction.

As a result of this effect, the metabolism is accelerated severalfold at the cellular level. This contributes to the renewal of cells, as well as the purification of tissues.

Regular use of the laser reduces the risk of progression to the next stage.

Some patients ask if this method helps in more neglected cases. Laser treatment for arthrosis with a stronger lesion is also performed with this device. However, in such a situation, it is assumed that the frequency of the laser action on the affected organ is about 600 Hz. The treatment course is 10 days.

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It is mandatory when choosing this method of fighting with arthrosis, the doctor takes into account side effects from the manipulation performed, as well as the features of the patient's organism and general contraindications to its conduct. As a rule, laser therapy is approved, because side effects on the body are almost non-existent, and the positive dynamics of recovery is evident after several procedures.

To avoid an unpleasant situation, test radiation is performed before the course. This approach makes it possible to determine the reaction of the skin, as well as to reveal an increased sensitivity.

In addition, the preliminary test allows you to assess the subsequent condition of the patient.

In most cases, the doctor gives a positive response to the laser therapy for inflammation of the joints, chooses the necessary course.

However, the procedure has its own specific contraindications. Such negative factors include:

  • serious problems with the violation of the nervous system, provoking excitability, as well as a sudden inadequate condition;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • violation of blood composition;
  • dysfunction of the circulatory system;
  • chronic pathologies, the course of which can be aggravated when exposed to a laser.


Physiotherapy, including the use of laser treatment for joint arthrosis, is just an auxiliary method of treatment.

Without medications, previous diagnostic measures and analyzes that allow to determine the stage of damage to the cartilage and bone tissue, it is undesirable to carry out similar measures.

In addition, the very positive dynamics of the laser action will be markedly reduced in the absence Other medical devices, such as taking painkillers, chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs means. That is why it is important to approach the solution of the problem very seriously, promptly identify the pathology and take the necessary steps to eliminate the inflammatory reaction.

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How is the treatment of joints laser

Laser therapy for the treatment of joints is used not so long ago, but the method has already proved itself from the positive side.

Now the laser is used for therapeutic purposes, including for the restoration of the functions of articulations. Treatment of joints with a laser started relatively recently.

During this time the procedure became quite popular and gained a positive reputation.

The essence of the procedure

Before the passage of laser therapy it will be useful to learn that:

  1. The specialist acts on the laser on certain areas of the body. Several types of laser can be used, but most often use an infrared laser.
  2. Do not worry, the radiation is negligible. It does not harm the body, but it is characterized by good permeability.
  3. The laser beam can affect the joint only thanks to the warming of the soft tissues, the equipment promotes the regeneration of the joints,
  4. Laser treatment of joints helps restore blood circulation in problem areas, remove toxins and accumulated slag, strengthen the spine.

This method of treatment is considered one of the most effective and progressive. The photo shows how the laser beam looks.

Sometimes treatment can last for years, and using a laser, you can significantly speed up this process.

Surprisingly, the laser can penetrate the interior of the skin to a depth of 8 cm. Laser therapy of joints can even warm the bones.

Directions of therapy

Basically laser treatment of joints develop in two directions:

  1. The equipment raises the body temperature in the area that is processed by the laser. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to increase blood circulation, and start metabolism.
  2. Infrared ray treats diseases at the cellular level. No compress or lotion, can not affect this way. A doctor can designate this procedure as photobiological therapy.

Both methods have a positive effect on the body, and in terms of their effectiveness, they practically do not yield to each other. As a result of just one session, it is possible to significantly reduce the inflammation and puffiness of the joints.

After the course of the procedure, patients note how the joints and bones recover, the pain and discomfort disappeared when they move. Why there is pain in the joints and that will help to cure it). There are pains, spasms and stiffness in the muscles.

Among other things, the blood viscosity and cholesterol levels are normalized. This helps to avoid the formation of blood clots in the future.

Laser therapy for joints is prescribed by specialists as a complex treatment, concomitantly with taking medications and curative gymnastics.

The laser enhances the effect of drugs, so you can do with minimal dosages, and this reduces to 0 the risk of side effects. If the patient wishes, the procedure can be performed for preventive purposes.

The price of the procedure is high, but the effect exceeds all expectations.

What result can you expect?

Intra-articular laser therapy will be effective for chronic joint and locomotor system diseases. Sessions help to eliminate pain in arthrosis, arthritis, ligamentous apparatus diseases.

Laser therapy helps to stop the process of destruction with arthrosis and relieve pain. Laser treatment can help relieve inflammation with arthritis and remove swelling of the joints. In the case of joint changes in the ligament apparatus of articulations, laser therapy will also come to the rescue

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In addition to these problems, laser treatment helps:

  • cope with diseases and skin damages;
  • to fight with vascular asterisks and protruding veins;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • restore the work of the heart muscle.
  • to get rid of the problems associated with sexual dysfunction;
  • restore the respiratory system;
  • prevent the development of dental diseases.

There is a certain clear instruction on which specialists should act in each particular case.

For example, laser treatment is often prescribed in the postoperative period for rapid recovery.

Wounds heal much faster, the scars are tightened, and general rehabilitation is much more comfortable.

Using a laser in the postoperative period will help you get through the rehabilitation quicker.

When therapy can not be carried out?

Contraindications can be divided into two types:

  • relative;
  • absolute.

Relative contraindications are not critical, the procedure can still be passed, but with certain reservations. Usually the doctor advises to wait with laser therapy for women in the first months of pregnancy, with breastfeeding, children, with rapidly developing anemia.

Absolute contraindications mean that it is strictly forbidden to apply laser treatment on oneself. A specialist will not admit to the procedure a person with open wounds, ulcers, with malignant tumors and other serious ailments.

In any of these cases, a specialist should objectively consider the situation, and weigh all possible risks. The doctor assesses whether the procedure will be effective for a particular disease, and at a certain stage of its development.

Basic Techniques

Laser therapy of the knee joint, as well as other joints, helps to quickly return the patient to active life.

This type of treatment can be divided into several types:

Methodology Description
Contact information The specialist moves the laser device over the surface of the skin, as if sliding.
Compression During laser manipulation, the apparatus is closely adhered to the skin, and the light beam has the ability to penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis.
Remote In this case, the equipment does not touch the skin areas.

With contact laser therapy, the doctor slides the device over the skin surface. With remote laser treatment, the device is kept above the surface of the skin at a distance of several centimeters.

During the procedure, specialists should apply special dyes. Most often it is methylene blue. Thus, you can achieve the most effective absorption of the laser beam by the body and achieve the desired result can be in record time.

It is necessary to know that:

  1. The duration of the laser beam is no more than 9 μm. A specialist can apply several methods of influencing a painful area: continuous or pulsed. In each case, the doctor decides in which direction to act.
  2. The frequency of influence depends on the stage at which the disease occurs. Laser treatment of the knee joint when exposed to 100 HZ is possible if the disease is pronounced, and is in the acute phase. The frequency is reduced approximately 10 times, when the patient is at the stage of remission.
  3. The peculiarity of the procedure is that the beam acts on the epidermis evenly and stably in all cases, but the impact on the joint is determined depending on the course of the disease and the general condition patient. On average, the laser can simultaneously process only 1 cm of epithelium.
  4. The procedure lasts long enough, because one site, an area of ​​1 cm, can be processed up to 5 minutes. Sometimes a specialist is required to have an impact on a fairly large area. Such manipulations can last 1 but on average one session lasts about half an hour.

To feel the proper result, one procedure will clearly not be enough. Usually, the attending physician appoints a certain course, which consists of several visits. For someone it is enough to visit a specialist 5 - 6 times, and someone is treated with a laser for several months.

On average, for an effective therapeutic result, you need to go through about 15 procedures that are performed in the morning or in the morning. After a short break of 3 months, therapy can be repeated.

Treatment of the knee joint with a laser is perfectly combined with magnetic therapy. It can be carried out in a clinic or at home using special equipment. Combining both procedures can achieve the desired result much faster.

In addition, in the complex treatment of joint diseases, concurrent with this therapy, the use of ultrasound, phonophoresis and other physiotherapy procedures are used.

For example, the patient first goes to a massage session, and only then he undergoes laser treatment.

Additional methods of influence are chosen by the therapist, depending on the clinical picture of the patient.

Laser therapy - though not cheap, but effective procedure.

Therefore, it should be borne in mind and used in the complex treatment of joints, especially when the disease has gone far.

On health it is not necessary to save, the more so that surgical intervention, with the further development of the disease, will cost even more!

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