Test for testing the vision for color blindness

Color blindness is a pathological process that manifests itself in the inability of a person to distinguish colors and shades. The world first learned about this phenomenon in 1794, when the book of John Dalton was published. In it, the scientist described in detail the features of the perception of colors, based on personal experience.


  • 1Types of color blindness
    • 1.1Hereditary
    • 1.2Acquired
    • 1.3Protopop
    • 1.4Deenerap
    • 1.5Trichromant
  • 2The test for determining color blindness
  • 3Video
  • 4conclusions

Types of color blindness

Color blindness can be hereditary or acquired character.


By inheritance, a pathological process, the transmission of which occurs from relatives of the X chromosomes.In most cases, color blindness is diagnosed in the male population, than in the female population.

To give color blindness to a man, you need only one maternal chromosome with the gene of this pathology. But for women, color blindness is diagnosed only if this gene was transmitted from the mother and grandmother along the line of the father.

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If you look at the statistics, in women, a color perception disorder occurs in,% of cases, and in men - 2-8%


Color blindness of the acquired form can occur against the background of damage to the retina of the optic organ or nerve. Such color blindness occurs in both men and women.


From this form of color blindness about 8% are affected by men and,% of women. Most often it is of an innate nature and is called protanopia. This deviation is accompanied by the inability to distinguish certain shades in the yellow-green range, as well as shades of purple-blue colors.

Protanope is characterized by the absence of a photosensitive pigment in the cones of the retina of the visual organ. This pigment is called erythrolab. It has the maximum spectral sensitivity in the red-orange region of the spectrum.

People perceive the green color as orange, but purple it is difficult to distinguish them from blue. In this protanop is able to distinguish between blue from green and green from dark red. Currently, this defect is impossible to correct.


This is a deviation from the norm of perception of light. Diagnose it very rarely, only 1% of the population. This form of color blindness is based on the inability to distinguish between certain colors and shades related to the blue-green spectrum.The deuteranope in the retina caps of the visual organ has no special photosensitive pigment, the name of which is chlorabol.It has maximum sensitivity in the yellow-green range.

Patients perfectly see light green light, light blue, but to understand where the purple, and where the yellow-green, is not able. But to distinguish lilac from green and green from red deuteranopy can. The considered kind of color blindness has an innate character, so you can not get rid of the defect.


This kind of color blindness is accompanied by the inability to distinguish between shades and colors in the blue-yellow, violet-red sectors.This pathology is diagnosed extremely rarely and is mainly hereditary.

The test for determining color blindness

To diagnose color blindness, the patient will be offered a color blindness test. Nothing complicated in this. You just need to consider special images and say what is depicted on them.

For a qualitative test, you need to have pictures to check your eyesight and follow simple recommendations:

  1. Relax, look at the images at a distance of 1 m.
  2. Do not rush, because to study each picture the patient is assigned about 5 seconds.
  3. Now it remains to read the text written under the image, and compare it with the results seen in the picture.
  4. If you noted certain deviations, you can not immediately panic. If the text is similar to a computer, the cause of the problems may be incorrect image adjustment or the color of the monitor. But all the same will not wave to address to the doctor.

And now you can go directly to the passage of the test.

Picture 1

All normal trichromats, anomalous trichromates and dichromates in pictures equally distinguish correctly such figures as 9 and 6. These images are used to demonstrate the method and detect the simulators.

Figure 2

All normal trichromate, anomalous trichromate and dichromate in pictures are equally correctly seen by two figures - a circle and a triangle.

Figure 3

So, before you a picture. If you saw on it a figure of 9, then it means that you belong to normal trichomes. But those that saw 5, will relate to protanopam and deiteranopam.

Figure 4

Looking at the next image, normal trichromats will see there a figure - a triangle. But for protanopes and deuteranopes there will be a circle.

Figure 5

If we consider this image as normal trichromate, then they see numbers 1 and 3 there. But the protanopes and deuteranopes will read the number 6.

Figure 6

If, looking at this picture, you notice two figures - a triangle and a circle, then you are a normal trichromate. And those for whom there are no figures on this image belong to protanopam and deuteranopam.

Figure 7

Normal trichromates in the picture will show such figures as 9 and 6. But deuteranopy can only see the number 6.

Figure 8

If in the picture you found a figure of 5, then you belong to normal trichromates. But those who noticed these figures with difficulty or did not distinguish them at all, will refer to protanopam and deuteranopam.

Figure 9

If the picture was able to see the figure 9, then you are normal trichromate and deuteranop. But protanopes see there 6 or 8.

Figure 10

Normal trichromates in the picture will show such figures 6. But for protanopes and deiteranopov there will be only two digits - 6, 8 or 69.

Figure 11

When studying a picture, normal trichromatas can strip a circle and a triangle there. In this case for protanopes there will be only a triangle, and for deuteranopes - a circle, as well as a circle and a triangle.

Figure 12

If the picture looks at trichromates and deuteranopes, then they see 1 and 2. But for protanopes, these figures will not be visible.

Figure 13

Normal trichromates in the picture will appear a circle and a triangle. But protanopes there only see a circle, and deuteranopes are a triangle.

Figure 14

Normal trichromates at the top of the picture will show such figures as 3 and 0, and below they will see nothing. Protanopes will read at the top 1 and 0, and below - 6.

Figure 15

In normal trichromates, when viewing the picture above, a circle will appear on the left, and a triangle on the right. But protanopes can read above two triangles, in the bottom a square. Deuteronomists will have a triangle at the top, and a square below.

Figure 16

Normal trichromats can be seen in picture 6 and 9. Protanopes can be seen only 9, and deuteranopov - 6.

Figure 17

If you belong to normal trichromates, then in the picture you will see a triangle and a circle. Protanopes can only wax a triangle, and deuteranopes are a circle.

Figure 18

For normal trichromates in the picture presented there are horizontal rows, in which there are 8 squares in each. In this case, the horizontal rows are monochrome. But they will perceive the vertical as multi-colored.

Figure 19

Normal trichromates when reading a picture can see 9 and 5. But protanopam and deiteranopam only 5.

Figure 20

Normal trichromat, looking at the picture, I can see there is a triangle and a circle. But for protanopes and deuteranopes, these figures will be absent.

Figure 21

Looking at the picture, normal trichromate can read vertical rows, in which 6 squares each. The vertical row is monochrome. But the horizontal - colorful.

Figure 22

Normal dichromate, stroking the image, you will see the numbers 66. But protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to read only one figure.

Figure 23

Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to see the figure 36 in the picture. But patients who have a pronounced form of the acquired defect of color vision, these figures will not be seen.

Figure 24

Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to read the figure 14 in the picture. But people with a pronounced form of acquired color blindness will not see these figures.


Causes of upper eyelid edema

Treatment of macular degeneration of the eye retina with folk remedies is described here.

Treatment of demodectic eyes in humans http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/demodekoz/metody-lecheniya-glaz-u-cheloveka.html


Figure 25

Normal trichromatas, protanopes and deuteranopes, stroking the picture, the figure 9. People who have a pronounced form of color blindness will not be able to read this figure.

Figure 26

People related to normal trichromates, protanopam and deuteranopam, will be able to read the figure 4 in the picture. But patients who suffer from a pronounced form of acquired color blindness, this figure will not be seen.

Figure 27

If a person is a normal trichromate, he will see in Figure 13. But protanopes and deuteranopes can not see these figures.


Why yellow eyes proteins

Redness of the eyes - causes and treatment are described in this article.

Ophthalmic ointment with antibiotic Oftotsipro http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/glaznaya-maz-oftocipro-instrukciya-o-primenenii.html




Color blindness is a visual defect, as a result of which a person is unable to distinguish some shades of color. Such a disease leads to the fact that a person can not be a driver, a sailor and a machinist. Due to the fact that the eye can not perceive some colors, people can not distinguish between road signs. Also, people with color blindness need to check their vision for color perception (test).

Also read about the effectiveness of the diagnosis according to the Sivtsev table and about the developed method of restoring vision to Professor Zhdanov.