Today, more and more people who are over 40 years old are diagnosed with glaucoma and various pathologies that are characterized by increased intraocular pressure. Such patients need to constantly monitor these indicators, detect abnormalities in time and take measures to combat them. To do this, in ophthalmology use tonometry according to Maklakov. The regularity of this manipulation is once a year. Let us dwell in more detail on how the procedure is performed and how the intraocular pressure is calculated.
1Method definition
2When a procedure is assigned
3How is diagnostics performed?
4What is assessed by results
Method definition
Tonometry is a diagnostic method by which it is possible to measure the amount of deflection of the shell, or more precisely, measure the intraocular pressure.External pressure exerted on the eyeball can lead to a change in the internal. This method is based on measurements of various deformations, for example, retinal detachment.
In domestic ophthalmology, the methods of contactless tonometry and the measurement of intraocular pressure by Maklakov. The last method of diagnosis was developed in 1884, but he was able to get a wide popularity later.
The essence of this technique is that for a short time on the cornea of the organ of vision a weight is set, and then a contact surface impression is obtained. The area of this surface will need to establish an indicator of intraocular pressure.
The set of the tonometer assumes the presence of the following elements:
Cylindrical weights- 2 pieces. Each of them weighs 10 g. They are expanded at the ends and have flat end faces.
Holder, which is necessary for making measurements. In it it is possible to fix at once two грузика.
Measuring rulers- 3 pieces. They serve to estimate the diameter of the print.
The cargo is hollow inside.They contain a lead weighting agent. Their end surfaces are made of frosted glass, so that the color solution can be kept evenly.Tonometer kit
The need for the holder to ensure that during the measurement measures with fingers do not cause excessive pressure on the blood pressure meter Maklakova.
When a procedure is assigned
Assign this diagnostic method to measure intraocular pressure, which can occur against the background of such pathological conditions:
Overwork of the organs of vision,which occurs when you work at the computer for a long time.
Hormonal imbalance.
Traumatisation of the organ of vision;
Intoxication with chemical components.
Glaucoma,which can be primary, secondary and congenital.
Tumors of the eye.
How is diagnostics performed?
Before proceeding to the procedure, it is necessary to perform simple preparatory measures.
First of all, the patient's eyes are dripped with an anesthetic, and then the Maklakov tonometer is put on it.This is a metal empty cylinder, whose weight is 10 g. Inside it is a lead rod. The ends of the tonometer are matte glass, the diameter of which is 1 cm. They need to be treated with alcohol and covered with a thin layer of paint from glycerin, collargol and distilled water.
Meanwhile, the patient took the position lying on the couch, his face directed upwards. It is necessary to perform intraocular pressure measurements after 5 minutes have passed since the application of the anesthetic. Specialist is at the head of a man. With his left hand he spreads the eyelids of the right eye, and the right one - lowers the tonometer strictly vertically to the center of the cornea.As a result of these actions, the load will exert pressure on the cornea, and the paint on it transfers to the cornea.
Carrying out tonometry according to Maklakov
Once the procedure has been completed, the patient is dripping drops with antibacterial effect. This is an excellent prevention of infectious consequences.
What is assessed by results
The higher the intraocular pressure, the denser the eye, and the contact area of the tonometer with the organ of vision is less. Then the diameter of the white disc, which is held after the contact of the cornea with the paint, will be less. If the intraocular pressure is low, then the diameter will be greater.
Now you can go on to measure the pressure on the second eye. All results should be indicated on paper in the form of an imprint of the areas of the tonometers. To measure the diameter of the print, the Polyak ruler is used. It gives the result in mm Hg. Art.The normal value remains 18-27 mm Hg. Art.
How are astigmatism tests performed and what are they?
Symptoms and treatment of temporal arteritis are presented in this article.
Instructions for the use of eye drops Tobropt is described here.
Tonometry according to Maklakov is a popular method of diagnosis, with which it is possible to measure intraocular pressure. And although this method arose long ago, it was only a few decades that it gained wide popularity. Its main advantage remains the accuracy of the result. This procedure can be carried out not only by adults, but also by children, only older.
Also read about how pachymetry and keratotopography are performed.