Eye Drops Ofthan Catachrome

Cataract is a disease characterized by a clouding of the lens, a loss of its elasticity and in the future its complete atrophy. Such changes are caused not only by age changes, but also by the specific nature of the sphere of human activity, its way of life. Because cataract is a frequent ophthalmologic disease, then there are a number of medications that help slow its development, and Oftan Katahrom refers to them.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2pharmachologic effect
  • 3Application
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2During pregnancy
    • 3.3To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Features of use
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Description of the preparation

Refers to a group of vitamin preparations aimed at improving the regeneration of lens tissue, its protection and better functioning. Has received wide application in medicamentous practice of a cataract.The analogs include: Kataraks, Taufon, Taurine, Emoxipin.

The composition of this medication includes: nicotinic acid, cytochrome, adenosine, and additional supplements necessary for the normal action of the drug.

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Oftan Catachrome helps slow the development of cataracts

Drops are delivered in a 10 ml plastic bottle with a dropper. It has a reddish-transparent shade. The kit contains an instruction that must be studied before instillation.

Does not apply to prescription drugs, but before use, consult an ophthalmologist.

pharmachologic effect

The action of Oftan Kathahrom is aimed at cataract treatment.Substances that make up the medicament have an antioxidant effect, stimulates the exchange of important components in the organs of vision. Such a component, as Cytochrome C, is very active when interacting with free radicals. It protects the lens from heavy damage and destruction.Its main action is to prevent the clouding of the lens.Drops belong to the group of stimulants.

Adenosine is aimed at vasoconstrictive action.Its presence improves blood circulation, increases the activity of metabolism, removes inflammatory processes and their severity.

Cells of the lens very well restores such a component as nicotinic, which reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Oftan Katachrom - drops from cataracts, which due to their composition improve the overall condition of the eyes.


This is a narrowly directed drug, therefore its use is limited only by cataracts of different species.


This medication is not used in case of individual intolerance of the components and the active substance of the drug.It is not recommended to sit behind the wheel immediately after instillation, and take care with those who have there are pronounced clinical reactions to nicotinic acid - nausea, diarrhea, increased pressure, shortness of breath.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women, as well as during lactation, this drug is contraindicated.At the moment there is no precise information about the consequences of taking the drug. There is also no official information on the effect on the baby with natural feeding.

To small children

Before the age of 18, ophthalmologists do not prescribe this medication.Studies on this account were not carried out officially. In the event that the diagnosis is confirmed, then you can treat.

Do not self-medicate, in this case the disease can begin to progress even faster.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Oftan Katachrom can cause the following complications and show side effects:

  1. Probability of dyspnea.
  2. Can begin to feel sick.
  3. Decrease blood pressure.
  4. Short, inflamed condition of the eyes.

The last three factors are possible with intolerance of nicotinic acid or nicotinic acid.Also, there may be temporary congestion hyperemia, burning, itching.Symptoms pass after absorption of the active substance.

If complications arise, you need to re-visit the ophthalmologist.

Features of use

If you use contact lenses, they must be removed before the instillation procedure.Otherwise, vision can deteriorate even more. After 20 minutes, the lens can be put back on. The same time interval should be observed when used with other ophthalmic drugs.

During the reception, you should drip 1-2 drops of Kathamroch into the lower eyelid.The tip of the dropper must never touch any other surfaces, the dirtier. This can lead to the development of infection.

Take medication three times a day until the complete removal of cataract signs.The length of the course of treatment depends on the cause of the patient's illness. If the membrane of the organs of vision normally reacts to substances, then there is no restriction on the duration of application.

It is necessary to take into account all the features of taking Kathachrom in order to reduce the risk of complications.



Cataract is a serious disease that should be treated immediately. It is important that the treatment course is made by an ophthalmologist, self-medication is strictly prohibited. It is worth remembering the contraindications and complications, in the detection of which the use of the drug should be discontinued. Also, the patient should remember the peculiarities of instillation of the medicament to prevent further problems with the eyes.

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