Laser vision correction. Restrictions after surgery

Most eye problems, such as myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism can be corrected by laser correction.Laser correction is considered one of the safest methods, while it very effectively eliminates the problems listed above.Thanks to laser vision correction, you can forget about glasses and lenses. In this article we will understand the essence of this method, how it is conducted, and we will tell a lot of useful information.


  • 1All about laser correction
    • 1.1History
    • 1.2Equipment
    • 1.3Benefits
  • 2Indications for laser correction
  • 3Methods of laser correction
    • 3.1LASIK
    • 3.2LASEK
    • 3.4Super Lasik Thin Flap
    • 3.5Femto LASIK WaveLight
  • 4Process of procedure
  • 5Care Tips
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

All about laser correction


Throughout the world, ophthalmologists up to the middle of the twentieth century corrected vision only with the help of eyeglasses.But their main goal was to find the method that will once and for all improve the visual acuity.

The basics of the operation were developed by physician Sato from Japan in 1939. The method was that incisions were made on the cornea. It was called "radial keratotomy." This method, unfortunately, caused a number of serious complications, so doctors refused to use it.

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Only thirty-three years later, our Soviet ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fyodorov made adjustments to the Japanese surgical method.But even a more sophisticated operating procedure to the full extent could not guarantee a good result.Ophthalmologists realized that operations should be performed with maximum accuracy and be safe for the patient.

Distortion of vision inside the eyeball

In the same years (1949), an ophthalmologist from Colombia Jose Barraquer came up with a new way to correct vision problems. It consisted in using a laser.IBM Corporation contributed to the development of the method and created an excimer laser. And already in 1985 the doctors performed the first laser correction in the world.

After the success of the operation, American and European ophthalmologists recognized this technology and began to use it in their practice.

At that time, the laser operation was quite expensive.And now it is fifty percent lower and distributed in more than fifty countries, so many people can afford such a correction of vision.

Advantages of laser therapy


The basic principle of laser correction is that under the action of a "cold" beam, a thin layer of the cornea evaporates.This changes its curvature, and it becomes possible to change the angle of refraction of light rays.As a result, the image is projected directly on the retina, and the person can perfectly see both distant and close objects.

Laser correction makes it possible to correct myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and the quality of vision will improve. You can forget about glasses, lenses, medications and other procedures.

Such a visual correction operation is performed using local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain and discomfort.The laser beam is directed to the cornea and exposed to it for forty seconds or minutes.

A great advantage of laser vision correction is the ability to go home almost immediately after surgery. In addition, even before her doctor will tell you to what extent vision can change.

The operation is conducted from the age of eighteen.Earlier it can not be carried out, because the eyeball grows in children and it is extremely difficult to predict the future state of vision.


  1. The duration of the total operation does not exceed five minutes.
  2. With the help of computer technology, the risk of medical errors is reduced.
  3. The laser beam is evenly distributed over the cornea of ​​the eye.
  4. Absence of blood, there is no need to apply stitches after the operation.
  5. Use of modern high-tech equipment.
  6. Only those parts of the cornea that are deviated from the norm are removed.
  7. Accounting for individual vision and selection of optimal treatment.
  8. The result of the operation is saved.

Laser vision correction is contraindicated in the case of myopia and hyperopia of a high degree, some forms of astigmatism, with refractive errors and insufficient thickness of the cornea.

Indications for laser correction

Laser vision correction is indispensable for those who because of the characteristics of their profession can not wear glasses or lenses, for example, military, fire and so on, as well as working in dusty, smoky and other rooms with aggressive medium.

People who drive a car or other vehicles, this operation is also recommended.

There are also medical indications for laser surgery. It:

  • Myopia or progressive myopia;
  • Farsightedness;
  • Astigmatism;
  • Disagreement.

Diseases are identified in which the operation is not recommended or absolutely contraindicated.

Relative contraindications:

  • Cataract, glaucoma, keratoconus.
  • The absence of one eye.
  • Problems with blood vessels.
  • Diabetes, arthritis, etc.
  • Age-related farsightedness.
  • The presence of a previous operation for detachment of the retina.
  • Poor immunity.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Persons under the age of eighteen.
  • Progressive changes in refraction.
  • Inflammation of the eyes and body.
  • Spasm of the lens.
  • Pregnancy, breast-feeding.
Types of diseases in which laser vision correction is recommended

Methods of laser correction

There are several methods for performing laser vision correction.The doctor selects the method according to the individual characteristics of each patient.


Eye surgery LASIK - micro-evaporation in the deep layers of the cornea.To perform the operation, it is necessary to form a flap of the cornea, which needs to be shifted before using the laser.After laser correction, he returns to the place. Thanks to adhesive processes, the flap of the cornea is firmly fixed back.Than this technique is good:

  • Vision improves right into the day when the correction was performed.
  • It is possible to operate both eyes in one day.
  • There is no complication such as corneal opacity.
  • Practically there are no postoperative limitations.

After LASIK surgery, the patient may complain of discomfort, fear of light, excessive lacrimation. But over time, it all passes.

It is desirable that after the operation the patient is accompanied home by someone from relatives or friends to secure.


LASEK - this operation, which is used to correct refraction.It gives a good and stable result. The operation is performed not on deep corneal layers, but on superficial ones.As a result, the cornea is strengthened, and vision is improved. After carrying out laser correction on the eye, subjected to surgery, put on the lens.It is needed for protection. After four days, the lens needs to be removed, because during this time the cornea will recover.

Advantages of the LASEK methodology:

  • The stroma of the deep layers of the cornea is not damaged.
  • Perfectly corrects sight at farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism.
  • The cornea does not change its structure.
  • Possible correction of vision with keratoconus, thinning of the cornea, degeneration of the retina.

In the postoperative period, discomfort, pain, and reaction to light may occur.The next day after the surgery, there is a noticeable improvement in vision. After a month, vision will be as good as possible.


SUPER LASIK / LASEK - this technique is considered more modern and progressive.The operation is that the cornea is "ground" with a laser, but before that, its aberration analysis is performed.This technique uses the most modern equipment. It provides correction of certain areas of the cornea, and eliminates all visual distortions.

Principle of laser action

The merits of this method include:

  • The accuracy of the operation.
  • Accounting for all the individual features of vision.
  • Eliminates the consequences of previous laser operations.
  • One hundred percent quality of vision after surgery.

After the operation, the same uncomfortable sensations can be observed as in previous techniques. Vision is improved already after the operation.

Super Lasik Thin Flap

Super Lasik Thin Flap is a safe and effective method of vision correction.Its advantage is that it can be performed by people with a thin cornea.Thanks to the Super Lasik Thin Flap, you can separate the thinnest layer of the cornea, which protects the eyes from injury.Pros of this technology:

  • Correction of sight up to ninety-five percent.
  • Safety and absence of injuries.
  • It can be used for people with a thin cornea.
  • Absence of complications.
Process of procedure

Femto LASIK WaveLight

Femto LASIK WaveLight is a laser correction without the use of surgical knives.Before the "polishing" of the cornea is formed its thin flap without cuts.This operation can be carried out even with abnormalities of refraction and thinning of the cornea.Benefits:

  • The accuracy of the laser action.
  • Stable result.
  • Minimized risk of incorrect formation of the corneal flap.
  • The creation of a flap requires an average of six seconds.

Process of procedure

Consider the procedure on the LASIK methodology:

  1. As an anesthetic, eye drops are used.After they act on the eyes fasten the eyelid extensions, which prevent blinking.
  2. The patient's view should be directed towards the luminous point in the device.This is done for centering.
  3. Microkeratome formed a flap of the cornea.After that, it bends, and the laser can reach deep layers.
  4. A new surface of the cornea is formed by the action of a laser beam.
  5. The flap returns to its original place.It is fixed with collagen.
  6. Epithelium is restored independently, so the seams do not impose.
  7. A special solution is used for washing the cornea.Then the anti-inflammatory drug drips.
  8. If necessary, the same is done with the other eye.

Care Tips

After the laser surgery, after a couple of hours, the patient can return home. But before this the doctor constantly controls the condition of the eyes and the cornea.Vision will be restored the same day, but it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist in order to track recovery processes.This is done every other day, then three, seven and fourteen days after the operation.

The doctor may prescribe eye drops that will protect the eyes from getting into and developing infection.Drops should be dripped four times a day, until the specialist cancels their use.

As a means of care, you can use drops, ointments, gels, but only for the purpose of the ophthalmologist.

If there is an excess of tear fluid after surgery, you can not rub eyes.It should be dipped with a clean cloth. It is inadmissible to touch the eyes after the operation within 24 hours.

After the operation, if necessary, you can take a sedative or anesthetic drug. Sleep is recommended on the back.A couple of days after the correction should avoid getting soap and shampoo in the eyes.

Within a week after laser correction can not:

  • Bathe in ponds, swimming pools, visit saunas.
  • Lifting weights and exercising.
  • To use cosmetics, varnishes.
  • Sunbathing in the sun and in the solarium.
  • Drink alcohol.

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Laser correction is a very effective and long-lasting technique for improving visual acuity. It has many advantages. But you should remember about the contraindications to this operation.In this case, consultation with a doctor is mandatory! And in general this operation is not appointed by anybody, except for the doctor.Note that initially you will be treated medically or by contact optics.This type includes toric contact lenses, which are aimed at restoring the shape of the cornea.This method is quite practical, but it has its drawbacks, such as constant wearing, timely replacement of lenses, peculiarities of care for them, etc.Another method can include night lenses, whose action is similar to toric lenses, but their action is limited to one day.Read more about night contact lenses for restoring vision here.

In the postoperative period, all the doctor's recommendations must be followed to avoid unpleasant consequences.If you neglect them, the result from the operation can become zero.