Operation Marmara at varikotsele: how passes or takes place, indications, possible complications

From this article you will find out: at what disease Marmara surgery is performed, what examination should be performed before it is performed. Preparation for intervention, the technique of its implementation and postoperative recovery.

Indications and contraindications for operation Marmara

  • Preparing for surgery
  • Performing operation
  • Recovering from operation
  • Possible complications after surgery Marmara
  • Results and prediction
  • Marmara surgery( or, alternatively, subunginal microsurgical varicocelectomy) is oneof the types of surgical interventions performed to treat varicocele. For other indications, this procedure is not performed.

    Varicocele is a disease in which the veins coming from the testicle expand due to a problem with the valves controlling the outflow of blood from the scrotum. Varicocele can cause three main problems:

    1. Male infertility.
    2. Decreased testosterone production in testicles.
    3. Pain or discomfort in the scrotum.
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    Subingual microsurgical varicocelectomy is a rather effective surgical intervention. In most patients, symptoms of varicocele disappear, testosterone levels rise, and sperm quality improves.

    The essence of the Marmara operation, like any other surgical intervention for the treatment of varicocele, consists in stopping the blood flow through the enlarged veins. In Western countries, this is one of the most frequently performed procedures for varicocele. But for its implementation, a microscope and a special microsurgical toolkit are required, which not every medical institution in our country can afford. Therefore, the operation of Marmara is still being performed less often than other methods of surgical treatment of this disease.

    Urologists undergo subinviral microsurgical varicocelectomy.

    Indications and contraindications for the operation Marmara

    The operation of Marmara is performed solely for the treatment of varicocele - enlargement of the veins of the clustate plexus and internal seed vein. This disease is observed in about 15% of the male population, 35% of men with primary infertility and 75-80% - with secondary. It is believed that varicocele is the main cause of secondary male infertility.

    However, not all men or adolescents with varicocele need surgical treatment. Varicocelectomy - including Marmara surgery - is performed with:

    • having a clinical picture of the disease( pain or discomfort in the scrotum);
    • oligospermia - a reduced number of spermatozoa;
    • infertility for more than 2 years;
    • the presence of infertility in a married couple, which could not be explained by other reasons.

    Also, varicocelectomy is recommended for adolescents with progressive development of the testicle, which is confirmed by several examinations of the urologist.

    Doctors do not recommend surgical treatment in men who do not have symptoms of this disease, and infertile men who have a normal spermogram( sperm analysis).

    Changing veins in varicocele

    Preparing for surgical intervention

    Marmar operation in varicocele is performed in outpatient or inpatient settings.

    Before the surgery, patients undergo a screening, which may include:

    • Blood tests to determine the level of hemoglobin, blood group.
    • Functional hepatic and renal tests( "testing", "checking" of the kidneys and liver).
    • Urinalysis.
    • Electrocardiography, which records the electrical activity of the heart.

    To clarify the diagnosis and establish the stage varicocele ultrasound( ultrasound) of the scrotum is performed - this method allows you to measure the extent of veins that is needed to determine the tactics of treatment. During this examination, a gel is applied to the skin in the area of ​​its application, then the sensor that emits ultrasound and receives the waves reflected by the tissues of the body is pressed to this place. Then the received signals fall into the ultrasound machine, which displays the image on the monitor.

    Ultrasound with varicocele

    Men who undergo Marmara surgery to improve fertility( the ability to conceive children), before the intervention must spermogrammu.

    Important advice on correct preparation for varicocelectomy:

    1. Before surgery, tell your doctor about all medicines and traditional medicine that you are taking. Some of them may increase the risk of bleeding and interact with drugs used for anesthesia.
    2. If you are taking a blood-thinning medication( eg, warfarin, clopidogrel or aspirin), tell your doctor about it. Only a doctor can cancel the use of these drugs before the procedure.
    3. Before entering the hospital, take a shower or a bath. Do not use deodorants, cologne or lotion.
    4. Do not eat or drink anything on the day of surgery.
    5. Remove all jewelry or piercings. If you wear lenses - remove them.
    6. If the operation is carried out on an outpatient basis, ask a loved one or a friend to take you home after it has finished.

    The operation of

    For the first time, the technique of subunginal microsurgical varicocelectomy was introduced in 1985 by Dr. Marmar, so she received his name.

    Marmara surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. After the patient is anesthetized, the doctor makes a skin incision 2-3 cm long in the groin area below the inguinal ligament. Then the wound is deepened to reach the spermatic cord, which with the help of clamps is carefully out. After this, the doctor, using an enlarged image using a microscope, carefully bandages all the enlarged veins coming from the testicle. After stopping the bleeding, the spermatic cord is returned to its place, and the wound is sutured layer by layer.

    Microsurgical subincinnal varicocelectomy has the following advantages over other surgical procedures for the treatment of varicocele:

    • The incision below the inguinal ligament allows access to the spermatic cord without crossing the muscles and the muscular membranes of the abdominal wall, thereby reducing postoperative pain and earlier restoring the functional state of the patient.
    • Clear identification of all veins that need to be crossed, thereby minimizing the risk of re-development of varicocele.
    • Clear identification of arteries, so that they are not accidentally damaged.
    • Clear identification of lymphatic vessels, which helps to avoid accidental ligation, which can lead to the development of a one-sided dropsy( fluid accumulation in the scrotum).
    Scheme of operation Marmara

    Recovery after operation

    If the operation was performed on an outpatient basis, it is better to bring a person close to him or a friend to the patient's home.

    The patient should lie and rest after the operation on the day of the surgery. The next day he is allowed to get up and walk carefully around the house or ward. In the supine position every hour you need to do exercises for gastrocnemius muscles. Walking and these exercises help prevent blood clots in the veins of the lower limbs.

    On the day of surgery, it is better not to eat or drink, especially if the intervention was performed under general anesthesia. The next day you can start using clear liquids - tea, broth. If there is no nausea, you can gradually expand the diet.

    After surgery, patients experience pain or discomfort. With microscopic sublingual varicocelectomy, most of them have moderate pain. To make it easier and increase your comfort, you can do the following things:

    • Talk with your doctor about the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, dexketoprofen, ketorolac.
    • Apply ice through the tissue to the scrotum and cut area for 20 minutes every hour. This method of relieving pain is particularly effective in the first few days after surgery.
    • When you are lying or sitting, raise the scrotum on a small towel or pillow to reduce discomfort and swelling. This is a particularly effective measure during the first days after the intervention. The scrotum needs to be raised so that the testicles are at the level of the front surface of the thighs.
    • During the first weeks after surgery, wear a special bandage for the scrotum that supports it and reduces discomfort during walking or exercising.
    Bandage for the scrotum

    For the postoperative wound, doctors are given a sterile bandage, which must be changed daily. The shower can be taken 48 hours after the operation, trying not to direct the water jet to the wound. Sutures from the skin are removed after 6-7 days.

    Other tips after surgery Marmara:

    1. You can not take a bath and swim for 2 weeks.
    2. Do not lift anything heavier than 5 kg and avoid standing for at least 1 week.
    3. After 1 week you can begin to engage in light physical exercise.
    4. You can return to work after 3 days.
    5. Sexual activity can be restored in 1-2 weeks.

    Possible complications of Marmara

    operation Some potential complications of varicocelectomy include:

    • , deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities is a dangerous complication that can lead to pulmonary embolism;
    • infectious process at the site of the surgical procedure;
    • decrease in testes on the side of the operation;
    • hydrocephalus - accumulation of fluid around the testicle;
    • re-development of varicocele;
    • failure in eliminating pain syndrome;
    • the appearance of pain in the scrotum in patients who had not had it before the operation;
    • continued infertility.

    Thanks to the use of microsurgical techniques, after the operation of Marmara these complications are less common than with other methods of surgical treatment of varicocele.

    Results and Forecast

    Microscopic sublingual varicocelectomy is the gold standard in the treatment of varicocele, since it has the greatest safety and efficacy among all surgical procedures used.

    After varicocelectomy, about 66-70% of patients improved spermogram parameters, and 40-60% of men could conceive a child.