The Epstein-Barr virus is one of a variety of herpesvirus. Getting into the human body, the VHC type 4 remains in it forever. But the disease does not manifest itself in all cases, so a person, being his carrier, may not even know about it.
This virus provokes diseases of autoimmune and lymphoproliferative nature. Infection with herpesvirus type 4 occurs, as a rule, even in childhood. And it is in children that the pathologies caused by them are manifested much more often than in adults.
As you can see, each type of HHV type can be infected by everyone, without exception. But the pathologies caused by it are manifested only when the immune system is weakened.
What it is?
The Epstein-Barr virus is transmitted in several ways, but most often the infection occurs through saliva. Children can pick up HF 4 types:
- through toys and household items;
- during vaccination;
- with injections (especially intravenous);
- when the saliva of the infected person hits the skin or mucous membranes of a healthy child.
Infectious mononucleosis - a disease caused by the herpesvirus type 4 - in adults often develops when infected with herpesvirus during kissing. Therefore, the pathological process is also called a "kiss disease".
In addition to contact, there are other ways of transmission of the Epstein-Barr virus:
- fecal-oral;
- contact-household;
- transplantation.
As you can see, you can catch this virus under any circumstances, and anywhere.
After entering the human body, cells of type IV VH begin to actively divide. Subsequently, they enter the lymph and bloodstream, and are carried throughout the body. Viral varions cause rapid cloning of pathological cells, which subsequently fill the lymph nodes. It is for this reason that in adults and children suffering from manifestations of the pathological processes that causes the HHV of the 4th type, lymphadenopathy primarily develops.
However, as noted earlier, not always getting the Epstein-Barr virus into the blood is a guarantee of the development of the disease. The main predisposing factor to the emergence of characteristic symptoms is a significant weakening of the immune system of the infected person. This can happen when:
- supercooling;
- uncontrolled or prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;
- frequent colds;
- severe stress, emotional or nervous overstrain, etc.
In particular, the diseases caused by this type of herpes virus are affected by HIV-infected people. With AIDS, human immunity is practically at "zero", which creates the most comfortable conditions for the long-term finding and active multiplication of HPV 4 cells.
Methods of diagnosis
The clinical picture caused by type 4 HHV can be confused with the features of manifestation:
- cytomegalovirus (type 5 HHV);
- herpesvirus type 6;
- HIV and AIDS;
- anginal form of listerosis;
- measles;
- hepatitis of viral etiology;
- localized diphtheria of throat;
- tonsillitis;
- adenovirus infection;
- hematological diseases.
Proceeding from this, only the methods of differential diagnosis can confirm or deny a diagnosis. To determine the type of herpesvirus, urine, blood and saliva should be analyzed.
Diagnosis of the Epstein-Barr virus
Serological tests help determine the body's response to a virus. With their help, specific antibodies to herpesviral infection of type 4 are determined:
- Antibodies of group M (IgM) - are found out in the event that disease proceeds in an acute phase, and also at an exacerbation of chronic VEB-infection.
- Antibodies of class G (IgG) to the capsid antigen. They are detected 3 months after the onset of the acute phase of the disease. They can also be found throughout the life of the patient, even after the course of treatment of EBV.
- Antibodies of class G (IgG) to the early antigen. This group of antibodies is also produced by the immune system in the acute course of the disease caused by type 4 herpesvirus.
- Late antibodies of class G to the nuclear antigen. They appear in the blood of a person after recovery. This occurs approximately 6 months after the end of the course of therapy. Their presence indicates that the body has developed a permanent immunity to HHV type 4.
With a positive result, the level of these antibodies is much higher than the permissible standards. In this case, they are set by each laboratory separately. It all depends on the equipment used, the technology and the AT measurement units. As a rule, normal indicators are indicated in special columns in the form with the results of a clinical trial.
PCR method
To detect the DNA of the EB virus using the PCR method, biological material is used in the form of saliva, mucus from the pharynx or oral cavity, secretions from the genitals, Polymerase chain reaction is a highly sensitive diagnostic technique, however it is informative only during the active multiplication of the cells of the virus. However, the procedure takes into account the fact that it gives the most accurate results when detecting herpes simplex virus types 1-3. With HPV type 4, the test accuracy is only 70%. As a consequence, the study of saliva with PCR is necessary only to confirm the presence of the EB virus in the human body.
Another diagnostic procedure that helps to confirm or deny the infection of HPV 4 - liver tests. In almost 80% of cases, an increased amount of liver enzymes is detected when the herpes virus type 4 enters the blood.
Between the moment of infection and the normalization of the level of liver enzymes is, as a rule, 3 months. But sometimes high rates can persist for 1 year.
Infectious mononucleosis
The acute course of the Epstein-Barr virus is called infectious mononucleosis. Infection occurs, usually through the mouth, so the pathology is also called a "kiss disease".
VEB begins active multiplication in the cells that form the lymphoid tissue. Already after 7 days of active activity of the virus, the first characteristic symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the infected person, which are similar to the features of ARVI manifestation. Patients with infectious mononucleosis complain about:
- an increase and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of palatine tonsils; In parallel with these on the glands appears a whitish coating;
- enlargement of lymph nodes - cervical, occipital, inguinal, axillary;
- fever (febrile, and sometimes pyretic);
- pain behind the sternum and in the abdomen.
With a pronounced pain syndrome in the sternum or abdomen of the patient, doctors often have an increase in lymph nodes in the abdominal or mediastinal region. In addition, some internal organs also increase in size: in particular, the spleen and liver. At carrying out of laboratory research of blood at the patient are found out atypical mononuclears. These are young blood cells that are similar to lymphocytes and monocytes.
With infectious mononucleosis, no specific treatment is performed. First, ordinary antiviral drugs simply will not have any effect. Secondly, antibacterial or antimycotic drugs, too, use is inexpedient. They are appointed only in case of attachment of a secondary bacterial or fungal infection.
Patients with infectious mononucleosis are recommended by doctors:
- to comply with bed rest;
- use as much warm liquid as possible;
- take antipyretics;
- gargle throats with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions or herbal decoctions.
Often the normalization of body temperature takes place 5-7 days after the manifestation of the disease. Lymphadenopathy is carried out on day 20-30, and blood test parameters are stabilized after 4-6 months.
It is remarkable. The organism of a person who has undergone infectious mononucleosis, produces specific antibodies of class G, which further protects him from recurrence of pathology caused by type 4 HHV.
Chronic EBV infection
If the immune system is not strong enough to withstand the attack of the virus, the acute phase of the VEB infection may change into a chronic one. The second, in turn, is divided into:
- erased;
- active;
- generalized;
- atypical.
Let's consider each of the forms of chronic VEB infection separately.
With this form of EBV infection, body temperature reaches subfebrile or febrile markings. In this case, both frequent cases of its increase are possible, and persistent fever. Patients complain of lethargy, drowsiness, fast fatigue. Muscular or joint pains develop, lymphadenopathy develops.
Atypical form
For this type of disease is characterized by frequent development of intestinal diseases, pathologies of the urinary system, or persistent relapses of acute respiratory infections. In this case, the diseases that have arisen differ in the persistent course, and are not amenable to therapy.
Active form
In this condition, frequent recurrences of the characteristic symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are observed. In addition, angina, hepatomegaly and other pathological processes are supplemented by the addition of a secondary bacterial and fungal infection. Patients experience nausea, an intestinal disorder, a digestive disorder, and vomiting.
Generalized form
This form of EBV infection is the most dangerous. It leads to damage to the nervous system and brain, liver, lungs and heart. Frequent companions of the patient are meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, pneumonitis, or hepatitis.
If the EBV infection occurs in a chronic form, then using the PCR method, specific antibodies or the type 4 herpesvirus itself are found in the patient's saliva. As a rule, they appear only 3-4 months after infection. However, it is not always possible to rely on research data, since such deviations are often detected in a healthy person who is a carrier of type 4 HHV.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The feeling of fatigue and drowsiness is quite normal, if it arises as a reaction of the body to intense physical activity, and passes after a proper rest. However, if fatigue and loss of strength is a daily condition, not related to the volume of performed physical work, in addition, malaise tends to progress, this should alert. Most likely, in this situation, we will talk about the syndrome of chronic fatigue - SCU.
Recent studies have found that a constant feeling of fatigue is often associated with abnormal activity of herpetic infection. Anyone from the HHC can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. However, in most cases, the cause of this deviation is precisely the Epstein-Barr virus. Most of all, CSUs are affected by young people - from 20 to 40 years.
The characteristic manifestations of a pathological condition include:
- fast fatigue;
- a constant sense of weakness;
- prostration;
- an ache in a body;
- muscle weakness;
- headache;
- a subfebrile condition;
- nasal congestion or rhinitis;
- sleep disorders;
- nightmares;
- depressive conditions;
- psychosis;
- apathy;
- dissatisfaction with life;
- decreased concentration of attention;
- memory impairment;
- distraction.
Psychological abnormalities in CFS are explained by the lack of full-fledged emotional discharge. As a consequence, the brain is constantly in an overexcited state.
What is the danger of the Epstein-Barr virus?
Below are the dangerous consequences of EBV infection, which can occur in the absence of a timely response to previously described symptoms.
Genital Ulcers
This is an extremely rare phenomenon, found mainly in the fairer sex. Against the background of infection with the EB virus, the following symptoms of genital lesions can develop:
- the appearance of small (at first - painless) sores on the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
- an increase in ulcers and the appearance of pain syndrome in the area of their localization is a symptom that manifests itself as the pathological process progresses;
- increased body temperature;
- an increase in inguinal or axillary lymph nodes.
It is noteworthy that ulcers caused by the activity of type 4 HHV do not respond to any therapy. Even the highly effective drug Acyclovir, used in genital herpes, is absolutely useless in this situation. But over time, sores can disappear on their own without the risk of reappearance.
It is important! The danger of genital ulcers is that a bacterial or fungal infection is easily attached to the damaged mucous membranes. Depending on the type of microflora, the patient will have to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy or antifungal treatment.
Oncological diseases associated with EBV
To date, the number of oncological processes associated with the activity of the human herpesvirus type 4 virus is:
- Burkitt's lymphoma;
- nasopharyngeal carcinoma;
- development of lymphogranulomatosis;
- lymphoproliferative disease.
Let's consider the basic features of each of the pathological processes described above.
Burkitt's lymphoma
This deviation is often found in African preschool children. Tumor neoplasms are localized in lymph nodes, upper or lower jaw, ovaries, kidneys and adrenal glands. There are no drugs that contribute to the successful cure of pathology.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
This is a tumor whose location is the upper segment of the nasopharynx. Patients with this disease complain of permanent nasal congestion, frequent and profuse nasal bleeding, reduced acuity, sore throat and intense, persistent headache. The disease is also common on the African continent.
This disease is characterized by an increase in whole groups of lymph nodes. Patients lose weight sharply and complain of frequent attacks of fever.
To confirm the diagnosis, a lymph node tissue biopsy is performed. If the disease does occur, during the study, fairly large Hodgkin cells are found. With the help of radiotherapy, you can achieve a stable remission in 70% of cases.
Lymphoproliferative disease
This is a whole group of diseases, with the development of which the pathological proliferation of lymphoid tissue occurs. The disease is characterized by abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes, and confirmation of the diagnosis can be carried out only after a biopsy. The effectiveness of chemotherapy depends on the type of tumor.
Diseases of an autoimmune character
VEB has a negative effect on the functioning of the immune system. Often, type 4 HHC results in:
- autoimmune hepatitis;
- chronic glomerulonephritis;
- Sjogren's syndrome;
- rheumatoid arthritis.
There is no single therapeutic regimen for VEB infection. Despite the wide range of antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Famvira, Zovirax, etc.), their purpose is not advisable. In most cases, they are prescribed only as symptomatic therapy.
To what doctor to address?
When developing a VEB infection, it is necessary to consult an infectious disease specialist. If the disease is supplemented with complications, the patient may be referred for additional consultation to other specialists:
- hematologist;
- the neuropathologist;
- cardiologist;
- to the pulmonologist;
- rheumatologist.
In some cases it may be necessary to consult an otolaryngologist to exclude the development of bacterial tonsillitis.
Prevention of EBV in the child
There are no specific measures aimed at preventing VEB infection. Vaccination is also not carried out, since the vaccine has not yet been developed. This is due to the fact that the proteins of the virus often change their structure and composition, which significantly affects the stage of development of pathology.
But since the diseases caused by VEB can lead to serious complications, it is still necessary to think about possible methods of prevention. They consist in:
- Full, balanced nutrition, enriched with vitamins, micro- and macro elements.
- Hardening. Reasonable approach to the hardening process helps to strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant and resistant to the effects of various representatives of pathogenic microflora, viruses and fungi.
- Physical activity. During exercise, walking or practicing different kinds of sports, the circulation of blood throughout the body improves. His cells are saturated with oxygen, and, therefore, get well. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the movement than to spend whole days indoors in front of a computer monitor or a TV screen.
- The use of immunomodulators of plant origin - Immunal or Immunorm. They are released in the form of drops. Take them 20 drops three times a day. They not only stimulate immunity, but also contribute to the recovery of cells and tissues of different organs. Instead of medicines, you can use herbal preparations.
Prevention of EBV infection in children is not only to stimulate immunity. It also requires the exclusion of the possibility of contracting the virus from its carriers. To do this, you should limit contact with infected children, and also ensure that the child is less in contact with their toys.
But that's not all. The child from the early childhood should be accustomed to observance of sanitary norms. The implementation of hygiene rules is a guarantee of health, and children should learn this from their parents!

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