Skeleton of human chest


  • 1The human thorax: which bones form and what protects, the functions of the skeleton
    • 1.1Structure of the chest
    • 1.2Functions and age features
    • 1.3Changes in the chest
    • 1.4Some features of development
  • 2Structure, features and types of human chest
    • 2.1Skeleton of thorax
    • 2.2Thoracic vertebrae
    • 2.3Ribs
    • 2.4Breast - the three main parts
    • 2.5Types of chest
    • 2.6Features of human chest
  • 3Structure of the human chest, features of the structure by age and sex
    • 3.1The basis of the sides of the chest
    • 3.2Types of thorax
    • 3.3Features of ribs in a protective frame
    • 3.4Movement of the frame
    • 3.5Age changes
    • 3.6Features of the chest
  • 4Thoracic cell of a person. Structure
    • 4.1Which organs are located in the chest and its main characteristics
    • 4.2Structure of the chest
    • 4.3Vertebrae
    • 4.4Sternum
    • 4.5The structure of the edges of a person
    • 4.6Functions and functions of chest elements
    • 4.7Types of chest
    • 4.8Hypersthenic form
    • 4.9Normosthenic
    • 4.10Asthenic form
    • 4.11Muscular breast frame
    • 4.12Chest change with age
    • 4.13Physical exercises for the chest and their types
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Skeleton of the trunk

The human thorax: which bones form and what protects, the functions of the skeleton

When providing medical care, it is very important to have knowledge about how the human body functions, what organs and systems it consists of, and what changes occur in it with age. This will greatly simplify the diagnosis of diseases and the treatment process, especially in operational ways.

In order to effectively treat diseases of the respiratory, heart and other organs, you need to know what the human thorax is. Knowledge of this is necessary not only for doctors, but for the patients themselves, since this will enable them to better understand what is happening in their body.

The skeleton of the thorax is quite complex, it presents different types of bones. The bones of the chest are connected by joints and ligaments, and inside this bone skeleton there are organs. This frame protects internal organs from injury and damage.

Structure of the chest

The human skeleton can be divided into departments. One of them is the skeleton of the trunk, which includes the thorax.

The peculiarity of the human chest is that it is wider in the direction from the right to the left than from the front to the back. This is due to the fact that people often stay in a vertical position.

But this is not the only reason. This structure of this site is associated with the impact on him of the muscles of the breast.

In the chest are the bones, cartilage, ligaments and joints. Each element is characterized by separate features and functions. Among the main ones are the following bones:

  • sternum,
  • costal cartilage,
  • vertebrae,
  • ribs.

Structure of the chest

The main element, without which the chest could not perform its functions, are the ribs. In total there are 12 pairs. The top 7 of them are stable, because they are attached to the sternum.

These ribs do not move or move (unless the person has injured them).

Following them, 3 pairs of ribs are also not mobile, although they are not attached to the sternum, but to the upper ribs by cartilage.

The rib skeleton is completed by two floating ribs, which have no connection with the remaining ribs and the sternum. Their back part is attached to the thoracic part of the spine, which allows these ribs to move.

This area consists mainly of bones, so it is inherent immobility. The skeleton of this area in infancy is represented by a cartilaginous tissue, but as the child grows up, it hardens and acquires the same features that are characteristic of adults.

Since the main role of this department is to protect the internal organs, it is worthwhile to find out which organs are located in the thorax. Such organs, which are supposed to be inside the bone skeleton, are many.

  1. lungs;
  2. a heart;
  3. bronchi;
  4. trachea;
  5. liver;
  6. thymus;
  7. esophagus, etc.

In addition to these organs, there should be some areas of the lymphatic system.

Since the ribs and other bones that make up the frame of this site can be damaged due to careless behavior, one should treat your body very carefully and carefully. Any unfavorable symptoms, including pain, which are manifested too often, are the reason for going to the doctor.

Functions and age features

The main function that this design should perform is the protection of internal organs from damages and the influence of the external environment. The internal organs of the human body are sensitive, so they can be harmed by any excessive exposure.

When deformed, there is pressure on the internal organs, which prevents their functioning and increases the risk of pathological changes.

There are other functions of the chest:

  1. With its help, the organs located inside keep their position, and do not move from place to place. This also has a favorable effect on their functioning.
  2. Another function is to properly locate the muscles that are attached to the bones of this site.
  3. Due to the presence of this skeleton, it is possible to perform various movements, including respiratory movements, in which the volume of the chest cavity increases and decreases.

Changes in the chest

This area undergoes a considerable number of changes caused by age. A significant part of these changes occurs as we grow older.

In infancy, most of the structures of the chest are represented by a cartilaginous tissue.

Only with the growth of the child more sites acquire a bone structure.

Another part of the changes occurring in the maturing person is the increase in the size of all the elements.

This is caused by the growth of the entire body and internal organs, hidden inside this skeleton. Their growth promotes the growth of the chest.

Another difference, characteristic of childhood, is that the frontal size of the child's GC is less than the sagittal size.

With the transition of man to the period of aging, too, there are changes in this area. The main one is the loss of rib cartilage elasticity. This weakens the mobility of the ribs.

It also affects the process of breathing, as the amplitude of movements of the chest cavity decreases.

The elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue is also lost in the vertebrae, which affects the mobility of the back and the flexibility of the waist.

This will allow them not to experience excessive anxiety in detecting adverse events, but will not let them ignore the signs of the development of diseases.

Some features of development

Despite the fact that the principle by which this department is formed is common for all, yet different people can find differences. Some of them are caused by age, as the bone structure of this site and the features of its functioning change as it grows older.

However, in addition to age, differences can be caused by belonging to different sexes. Men are characterized by large frame sizes, rather than women. Also, their ribs are more curved. In females, the carcass is thinner and more flat.

The features of this structure are also affected by differences in physique. In people of low stature, breasts seem to be shortened. Those who are very tall, are characterized by the elongation of this department. Influence on the form can also different formations that have arisen in the sternum in the process of life.

The peculiarities of this part of the body can be affected by the diseases, unfavorable living conditions and other peculiarities.

It is important to take care of your body, then it will show much less deviations from the norm.

In order for actions in this direction to be correct, it is very important to obtain the necessary information about the work of the human body.

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Structure, features and types of human chest

The thorax is a skeleton consisting of a set of bones and separated from the abdominal cavity by a flat respiratory muscle - the diaphragm.

Due to its structure of closed hollow space, this part of the trunk protects internal organs from mechanical influences from the environment.

Skeleton of thorax

The composition of the backbone of the human chest includes:

Thoracic vertebrae

They represent 12 unpaired bones, each of which is the basic unit of the spine and has a massive front fragment - the body of the vertebra.

The body is designed to take on the main load and together with the arc forms a ring, inside which is the spinal cord.

Between each other, the vertebrae are connected by discs and a whole network of ligaments and muscles that provide the flexibility of the post.

The discs of an adult can collectively constitute a quarter of the length of the entire spine. In this case, the height of the discs changes in the process of human activity.

Differences can range from, to 2 cm. during one day and occur due to compression of intervertebral discs under the influence of loads.

The consequences of the loss of such elasticity are serious diseases.

Each vertebra on both sides is connected to two ribs.


The shape of the chest frame is 12 pairs of long, narrow and curved plates, consisting of cartilage, spongy bones and called ribs, each of which with its posterior end joins with the body of the corresponding vertebra.

With the breastbone, the joints have only 7 upper pairs. These are the strongest in structure and massive edges are called "true".

Each of the following is attached to the cartilage of the first rib, not to the anterior bone, but to the cartilage of the previous rib.

The latter two are called hesitant and their free ends lie freely.

By its middle part, each rib hangs, as it were, relative to the joints with the spine and the sternum.

This design, coupled with mobile connections allows the cell to freely change its internal volume by lowering and lifting the ribs.

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Due to this, the necessary depreciation of the cell is also achieved.

Breast - the three main parts

In the flat chest bone, three main parts are distinguished:

  • handle
  • body
  • xiphoid process.

In its appearance, the sternum is an elongated convex-concave bone that does not have a pair.

It is located in the front of the cage, being its wall.

The three components of the sternum are mutually joined by cartilaginous interlayers, instead of which a bone tissue forms in the adult age of a man.

The handle is the widest part of the sternum and has in its upper part a thickening and a jugular notch that can be observed in every person in the gate area. On both sides of the tenderloin are the points of connection of the sternum with the twin bones of the upper extremity belt.

The smallest and most variable part is the xiphoid process, which can differ in different people, both in form and size. After reaching a man of advanced age, this part of the sternum completely ossifies and fuses with her body.

The cell's skeleton performs protective functions, covering the heart, lungs and large arteries. Therefore, all the components of the bone skeleton and their ligamentous apparatus function interrelated.

Types of chest

Depending on their morphological and functional characteristics, a person can have one of the following types of chest:

  1. hypersthenic;
  2. normosthenic;
  3. asthenic.

Hypersthenic has the form of a fairly wide cylinder.

For this type are characterized by slightly pronounced fossa of the Morenheim (subclavian) and very small gaps between the ribs located strictly horizontally.

Straight shoulders are widely spaced. Their muscles in the aggregate are moderately developed, the scapulae are located closely.

Normostenicheskaya has the shape of a cone, the basis of which is the shoulder girdle. The cell is squeezed from the front, the ribs are located sparingly obliquely, the distance between them is small. The shoulder line forms a right angle with the neck. The shoulder blades are characterized by unsharp contours, the muscles are developed quite well.

Asthenic is characterized by flattened, narrow outlines, has an elongated shape and distinct fossa of Morenheim.

The ribs are located at a considerable distance from each other and more vertically than all other types, the clavicle is pronounced brightly.

The muscle fibers of the upper extremity belt are very weakly developed, the shoulders are lowered, the scapulae do not adhere to the back.

In addition to the three main types, a number of pathological variants of development of the thorax are distinguished.

Emfizematous shows clearly pronounced hypersthenic features with some differences. Has a slightly larger diameter. Morenheim's pits appear brighter, the ribs are in the horizontal plane. This type is characteristic of people whose lungs are affected by chronic emphysema.

Paralytic has features similar to those of cells with narrow outlines, but in their more vivid manifestation.

As a rule, it accompanies long-lasting lung diseases, leading to their cramping.

Paralytic chests most often suffer from disproportion, since the distance between its ribs varies from one side to the other. Therefore, the scapula in the process of breathing moves asynchronously.

Rickets are most often found in people who have had rickets at an early age. The cell is somewhat elongated from front to back.

The chest bone protrudes forward, representing the so-called "keel." Boka, closer to the front, compressed from both sides inward and with the sternum articulated at a slight angle.

There is a westernization of the lower part of the cell in the area of ​​attachment to the diaphragm.

The funnel-shaped differs in a characteristic way by impressed tissues in the region of the xiphoid process.

This variant of cell development was often observed in various kinds of artisans. More often - in shoemakers. For which he was called the "cobbler's chest."

Today, it is not possible to establish the cause of this pathology.

Scaphoid (from the sl. "Rook") type in the upper region of the breast bone has a small depression in the shape of a boat. Accompanying the pathology of the spinal cord. It occurs, for example, with syringomyelia.

The thorax, which is in a normal state, is somewhat compressed from the front and geometrically represents a distorted cone.

Features of human chest

As a person grows up, most parts of his body are subjected to a variety of metamorphoses in the form of constant corrections of outlines, proportions and structure of composite elements. The number of such changes in the thoracic region significantly exceeds the number of similar processes in other parts of the body.

The baby's chest in its structure is similar to the sternum of animals and has a conical shape.

By the age of 7, its upper edge coincides with the level of 2-4 thoracic vertebrae, and by the time of the final maturation with 3-4 vertebrae.

This is due to the transition to chest breathing and the formation of a spiral line of ribs.

Changes can occur during the course of the illness. As a result of salt deposits in rickets, their accumulation in bone tissues leads to the fact that the thorax can take the form of a keel - a type called the "chicken breast" in the language of doctors.

The angle formed by two costal arches at the point of their connection with the breastbone in a baby is 45 °, and in an adult human - 15 °.

The final form is formed approximately to 18-20 years.

The most significant changes in this area begin to occur at the age of 14 years, when the outline of the cell begins to affect secondary sexual characteristics.

The structure of the human thorax has a strong dependence on sex. The sternum of a man, like the whole bone skeleton of his cage, is much larger than that of a woman. The bending of its ribs is closer to their angles more clearly.

In women, the ribs twist more and tend to a spiral. The front part of the ribs is somewhat lower. This affects not only the shape of the sternum, but also the predominant type of breathing.

The thorax of a woman has a more flat form, and the characteristic type of her breathing is chest. In men, the predominantly abdominal type is observed.

Their breathing is due to the vibrations of the diaphragm.

The newborn has a rather deep (in comparison with the width) thorax. Due to such proportions, his body has rounded outlines.

With age, the ratio of width and depth is transformed, and width becomes the predominant value.

Approximately to 7 years in children the wide and flat thorax is formed for ever.

In elderly people, the costal cartilages gradually lose their suppleness, thus losing their ability to move freely in the process of breathing.

Often there is a change in the shape of the cell as a result of the disease of the respiratory system.

For example, with emphysema, it often takes a barrel shape.

To give the chest a natural and healthy shape and size are capable of active sports. Thanks to them, the chest muscles are strengthened, the volume of the lungs necessary for normal vital activity develops.

While watching the video you will learn about the structure of the skeleton.

A healthy lifestyle protects against cell deformation and prevents diseases of the internal pectoral organs.

Proper nutrition, the rejection of bad habits, the regime of work and rest, regular exercise - all this contributes to maintaining the tone of the pectoral muscles and ensures a normal metabolism in organism.

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Structure of the human chest, features of the structure by age and sex

The structure of the human chest is due to its main function - protection from damage to vital organs and arteries.

The protective frame has several components: ribs, thoracic vertebrae, sternum, joints, ligamentous apparatus, muscles and diaphragm.

The thorax has the form of an irregular truncated cone, since it is flattened in the anteroposterior position, which is due to the straight movement of the person.

The basis of the sides of the chest

In front of the frame form the sternum and the joints that attach the ends of the ribs to it, also include the pectoral muscles, ligaments and diaphragm. The posterior wall is formed by thoracic vertebrae (in the number of 12 pieces) and the posterior end of the ribs fixed on the thoracic vertebrae.

The lateral walls (medial and lateral) are represented directly by the ribs.

With the available on them ligaments and muscles, providing additional rigidity and elasticity of the natural framework of the body.

The structure of the human thorax has been greatly influenced by evolutionary processes, in particular, uprightness. As a result, the shape of the carcass is flattened.

Types of thorax

Depending on the form distinguish:

  • Normostenicheskuyu thorax - has the form of a truncated cone, slightly over-and subclavian fossa.
  • Hypersthenic - a well developed musculature of the thoracic region, similar in shape to the cylinder, that is, the diameter of the anteroposterior and lateral positions is almost identical.
  • Asthenic - has a small diameter and elongated shape, clavicles, over- and subclavian fossa are strongly pronounced.

The structure of the human chest in pathological processes can undergo changes in its shape. This is affected by certain diseases or trauma. The main cause of the change in the shape of the chest is the pathological deformation processes occurring in the spine.

Deformity of the chest has a negative effect on the work of internal organs, can cause their deformations and irregularities in the rhythm of work.

Features of ribs in a protective frame

The strongest and largest ribs are in the upper part of the chest, their number is seven. They are attached to the sternum with the help of bone joints.

The next three ribs have a cartilaginous fixation, and the last two do not attach to the sternum, but connect only to the body of the last two thoracic vertebrae, therefore they have the name of floating ribs.

The structure of the human chest in newborns has some differences, since they do not have bone tissue up to the end is formed, and the natural skeleton is represented by a cartilaginous tissue, which with age ossifies.

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The volume of the carcass increases with the age of the child, which is why it is necessary to regularly monitor the posture and spine, which will allow prevent deformation of the chest and, accordingly, will not allow the development of pathologies in the work of internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and esophagus.

Movement of the frame

Despite the fact that the skeleton can not move, the chest is subject to certain movements.

Minor movements are due to breathing, the inspiratory volume of the chest increases, and on exhalation It is reduced because of mobility and elasticity of the cartilaginous connections of the ribs with vertebrae and sternum.

When breathing, not only the total volume of the chest, but also the intercostal spaces, which on the inspiration increase, and undergoes an exhalation, undergo changes. Such processes provide the anatomical structure of the human chest.

Age changes

In newborns, the shape of the chest is less flattened, that is, the sagittal and frontal diameters are almost the same.

The location of the ends and heads of the ribs is at the same level, but with age, when the baby begins to predominate chest breathing, the position of the sternum changes.

Its upper edge descends to the level of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.

Elderly people more often suffer from problems with the respiratory system due to a reduction in the amplitude of the movement of the chest.

This is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the cartilaginous joints, which is why the structure of the human thorax changes.

Internal organs are also deformed and can not function fully.

Features of the chest

Differences in the shape of the chest are also determined by sex.

Differences are affected by the peculiarities of breathing - in men breathing is carried out with the help of a diaphragm and is abdominal, and in women breathing is thoracic.

Visually, the structure of the human chest can be examined in more detail. The scheme of the male and female skeleton points to the presence of differences that depend precisely on sexual characteristics.

Since men have a larger frame, their ribs have a steep bend, but there are practically no spiral curls on the ribs.

Women, on the contrary, are characterized by the presence of a strongly pronounced spiral-like twisting of the lateral parts of the chest (ribs), which is why the diaphragm of women is less involved in the process of breathing, and a greater burden falls precisely on the chest, that is, the predominant thoracic type respiration.

The structure of the human chest, the photo of which is presented above, indicates the obvious differences in the skeleton of men and women.

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Thoracic cell of a person. Structure

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The thorax is an important anatomical structure, since it contains vital organs, participates in breathing and circulation.

In order to understand its functions in more detail, we will tell you what it consists of, about the features of the structure, and how to determine its shape, depending on the type of physique.

Which organs are located in the chest and its main characteristics

The breast cavity is bordered from below with the abdominal cavity, and on top with the neck. The organs of the human thorax belong to the following systems:

  1. cardiovascular;
  2. respiratory;
  3. lymphatic;
  4. digestive.

The main function of the chest is protection. What organs she protects will be told further. The chest cage of men looks like a cone, the female looks like an oval.

Most of the volume is occupied by the lungs, between them lies the heart and large vessels - the aorta, the upper hollow vein. The esophagus is located in the posterior part.

Above and below there are holes through which pass the nerve trunks and vessels from neighboring areas. From the abdominal cavity the thorax is separated by a flat muscle, similar to a dome - the diaphragm, which participates in breathing. Through the upper opening pass:

  • cervical esophagus;
  • trachea;
  • upper limbs;
  • carotid arteries;
  • jugular veins.

The thorax consists of the following walls:

  • front - includes the sternum;
  • back - its backbone is the backbone;
  • lateral ones - consist of ribs.

To the bone formations attach their own muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Anatomy of the chest provides:

  1. rigidity;
  2. mobility;
  3. elasticity.

Combining these properties, it changes the volume of the lungs by participating in breathing and securing the integrity of internal organs.

Structure of the chest

The breast frame consists of flat bones that form a rigid structure. Connecting between themselves joints and cartilages, they provide mobility and form a reliable support.


Behind the chest is formed by the spine. This department is formed from 12 thoracic vertebrae, which consist of the following elements:

  • transverse and spinous processes with articular surfaces for articulation with ribs;
  • body - a massive part that serves to connect with the same name of another vertebra;
  • arc - a bone crossbar, forming a channel for the spinal cord.

The thoracic spine and ribs have movable joints, strengthened by connective tissue ligaments.


In the anterior chest wall there isarea where the sternum is located in man- the junction of the upper seven edges. This bone is flat. Breast contains:

  1. handle - with her collarbone;
  2. body - a site that has surfaces for the sternal-rib joints;
  3. the xiphoid process is located below and is a direct continuation of the previous department.

Up to 20-25 years in the sternum include cartilaginous layers.

The structure of the edges of a person

They refer to the spongy bones, form the side walls and give the stiffness of the chest. It contains as many pairs of ribs as there are vertebrae in the thoracic spine, i.e. 12. Between them pass the nerves and blood vessels, the latter form roundabout ways of blood flow.

The structure of the edges of man is simple. Each of them includes:

  • a head with an articular surface, which is associated with the vertebral body;
  • neck - the narrowest part, which has a tubercle to form a transverse-otroschatogo joint;
  • The body is the longest department, ending in cartilage.

The upper 7 ribs are relatively rigidly connected to the sternum, VIII, IX, X are fused together, forming an arc. The lower 2 are called free, since they are not connected with anything.

In rare cases, the transverse processes of the lumbar or cervical vertebrae lengthen, forming additional ribs. This is the norm option.

How many edges in a person in the chest, while refining using X-rays.

Despite the fact that the features of the anatomy of the sternum and the ribs ensure the preservation of internal organs, they can play a negative role, since with injuries, broken bones often damage the lungs and a heart.

Functions and functions of chest elements

Due to its structure, the sternum is quite dense bone, which ensures the protection of large vessels and organs - it is extremely difficult to break or puncture it.

In addition, it contains red bone marrow, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells. It is from here that he is taken to evaluate the function of hematopoiesis.

Since the sternum is a good support to it, most of the breast's own muscles are fixed.

In the intercostal spaces lie the same nerves and vessels, which form an additional path of blood flow. From the upper and lower edges begin intercostal muscles involved with the diaphragm in the breath.

The spine is the support on which the remaining bones are fixed. From it, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the entire musculature of the back begin. Connecting together, the vertebrae form a cavity for the spinal cord.

In general, this arrangement of ribs, spine and sternum forms a rigid and at the same time flexible structure.

Types of chest

Depending on the size and shape, several variants of the chest are distinguished. Each of them is determined by visible signs:

  1. the location of the blades and edges;
  2. the expression of depressions above and below the clavicles;
  3. the angle between the edge edges, which is called the epigastrium;
  4. development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Specialists identify these parameters upon examination. The value of the epigastral angle is estimated by placing the fingers parallel to the edge arches so that their nail phalanges are in the xiphoid process.

Hypersthenic form

At the same time the chest cell looks like a cylinder. For the hypersthenic type, the following are typical:

  • smoothed supraclavicular fossae;
  • practically horizontal position of costal arches;
  • tightly pressed blades;
  • an epigastral angle of more than 90 °.

These people can clearly see the narrow intercostal spaces and developed muscles.


This type is similar to asthenic, but the chest is less flat. It is characterized by:

  1. obliquely located ribs;
  2. moderately developed shoulder muscles;
  3. direct epigastric angle;
  4. small spaces between the ribs.

This type of chest is most common.

Asthenic form

The thorax of this type is stretched vertically, occurs in lean faces. It is clearly visible on it:

  • wide spaces between the ribs;
  • strongly prominent collarbones and grooves above them;
  • the epigastral angle is less than 90 °;
  • vertically arranged ribs.

For this type are characterized by poorly developed muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Muscular breast frame

To your own muscles are external and internal pectorals. The first include large and small. The second are divided into internal and external intercostal.

The large pectoral muscle is superficial, which forms the relief of the anterior wall. It begins with broad beams from the ribs, sternum, clavicle and is attached to the humerus. Its functions include:

  1. bringing the arm to the trunk;
  2. lowering of shoulders;
  3. participation in breathing, due to the tightening of the ribs.

The small pectoral muscle lies deeper than the previous one. It originates from the upper five edges, on which it is located. The muscle passes into the tendon and is fixed to the scapula, which moves downward. In addition, it participates in breathing at high loads.

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In the intercostal spaces there are the same external and internal muscles. Both participate in breathing - due to their contractions, the ribs rise and fall, which increases or decreases the volume of the lungs.

Chest change with age

In children up to 1-2 years, the ribs are composed of cartilage, and the xiphoid process is attached to the sternum with a connective tissue. By 15-16 years the sites of ossification merge, forming a full bone. The components of the sternum are fused together completely after 20 years of life.

In children, the ribs are arranged horizontally, forming a thorax in the form of a cone. As the musculature grows and develops, the size between the anterior and posterior walls decreases. The chest extends in length.

After 45-50 years, the bones lose their elasticity, and the cartilages are saturated with calcium and become dense. These factors reduce the mobility of the chest, which reduces the volume of respiratory movements.

Physical exercises for the chest and their types

Systematic stress on the muscles of the breast contributes:

  • strengthening the skeletal structure;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • increased lung volume.

At home, pectoral muscles can be pumped through push-ups. Begin with 3 approaches for 10-15 times, increasing every week by 10.

To strengthen the chest should use dumbbells. In the supine position, you must perform 30 flexions and extension to the 2 approaches.

The exercises with the expander also develop the musculature of the breast.

To form the right muscular relief, you need to perform at least 40 stretches per approach.

The thorax is the division of the human body, requiring attention from both an aesthetic point of view and a functional one. Therefore, careful attitude to it and frequent exercises will help to strengthen health, as well as maintain a normal form.

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Skeleton of the trunk

In the human skeleton, the following departments are distinguished:

I. Axial skeleton, which consists of:

1) the skeleton of the trunk and

2) the skeleton of the head (skull)

II. An additional skeleton, which consists of:

1) the skeleton of the upper limbs and

2) the skeleton of the lower extremities

Skeleton of the trunkform:

The skeleton of the trunk in a person has the following characteristic signs, caused by the vertical position and development of the upper limb as an organ of labor:

1. A vertically placed vertebral column with bends, especially in the region of the sacrum, where a cape projecting forward is formed.

2. Gradual increase of vertebral bodies from top to bottom, where in the area of ​​connection with the lower finiteness, through the waist of the lower limb they merge into a single bone - a sacrum consisting of 5 vertebrae.

3. Wide and flat chest.

Vertebral column(spine) - consists of vertebrae, superimposed one after another, relating to short spongy bones.

Functions of the spine:

1. Support the trunk (because it plays the role of the axial skeleton).

2. Protection of the spinal cord.

3. Participates in the movement of the trunk and skull.

4. Defines the uprightness of a person.

The spine consists of 33 - 34 vertebrae. There are 5 departments of the spine: cervical - 7, thoracic - 12, lumbar - 5, sacral - 5, coccygeal - 4-5 vertebrae.


1. The bodies,performing a support function.

2. Arcs,which is attached to the body behind the two legs and closes the vertebral foramen, from which the spinal canal is formed, which protects the spinal cord located in it.

3. Seven sprouts:

- spinous, moving along the middle line from the arc,

- 2 transversal, along the sides of the arc,

- 4 articular, leaving on pair upwards and downwards.

On the arcs of the vertebrae there are indentations - the upper and lower cuttings. Cuttings of adjacent vertebrae form intervertebral foramen, for nerves and vessels of the spinal cord.

Articular processes serve for the formation of intervertebral joints, in which movements of the vertebrae occur. Transverse and awned - for attaching ligaments and muscles, driving the vertebrae. In different parts of the vertebral column, separate parts of the vertebrae have a different size and shape.

Cervical vertebraein the transverse processes have holes through which the vertebral artery passes. The spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae are bifurcated at the end.

1st cervicalvertebra(atlant)differs in that hethere is no body,but there are 2 arcs - the front and the back, joined together by lateral masses. With their upper articular surfaces, which have the shape of holes, the atlas is articulated with the occipital bone, and the lower, more flat ones, with a 2 cervical vertebra.

2-th cervicalvertebra(axial, epistropic)It hasdentate process,Articulating with the front arch of the atlant, forming a uniaxial atlanto-axial joint-cylindrical shape (turning the head to the right and to the left).

Have7th cervicalvertebrae spinous process is not bifurcated, protrudes above the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae and is easily probed.

Thoracic vertebraearticulated with the ribs, so the body has articular (rib) pit for the heads of the ribs. The spinous processes are long and strongly inclined downwards, so they strongly overlap each other like shingles.

Lumbar vertebraeThe most massive, their spinous processes point straight back.

Sacral vertebraein adolescence they coalesce into one bone - the sacrum. It has a triangular shape with a base facing up and a vertex down. The anterior or pelvic surface of the sacrum is concave, it has 4 pairs of anterior sacral orifices.

The posterior surface of the sacrum is convex, it is distinguished by protrusions - ridges formed as a result of fusion of the processes of the vertebrae, and 4 pairs of posterior sacral orifices - nerves pass through them.

In the place of the connection of the sacrum with the 5th lumbar vertebrae, a cape is formed in front.

Coccygeal vertebrae(coccyx), consists of 4-5 undeveloped fused vertebrae and represents the tail remnant of the ancestors.

In the spinal column there are all kinds of connection of bones.

Between the vertebral bodies are intervertebral cartilaginous discs (synchondrosis) with fibrous rings around them and adjacent anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments.

SYNDESMOSIS are represented by yellow ligaments (between arcs), as well as interstitial, inter-transverse and bony bundles.

Between the articular processes there are flat joints in the upper parts and cylindrical in the lumbar.

Bends of the spine:

1) Lordosis -convex forward (cervical, lumbar).

2) Kyphosis- Converted backward convex (thoracic and sacral).

3) Curvature of the spine to the side is calledscoliosis(normally absent).

Skeleton of thoraxis formed from the joint of the breast bone, 12 pairs of ribs and thoracic vertebrae.

Breast (sternum)- a flat bone consisting of 3 parts;

1. The upper part is the handle.

2. Average - the body.

3. Lower - xiphoid process.

On the upper edge of the sternum, on the handle, there is a jugular notch, on the side edges - scraps for the clavicles and 7 pairs of ribs.

RibsThey are narrow curved bones, flat. Each rib consists of the bone and cartilage.

In the rib distinguish: the body, the two ends - the front and rear, having a thickening - the head, neck and tubercle. In the edge distinguish two edges - the top and bottom and two surfaces - the outer and inner.

On the inner surface of the rib at the lower edge is a furrow - a trace of the adherence of nerves and vessels.

Ribs on each side 12. All ribs at their posterior ends are connected to the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. The front ends of the 7 upper ribs connect to the sternum - thistrueribs.

8, 9, the 10th ribs are joined by their cartilages not to the sternum, but to the cartilage of the previous rib - thisfalseribs.

Ribs 11, 12th - the shortest, the front ends lie freely -waveringribs.

The ribs in the human body lie obliquely - the front ends of them lie below the rear. The thorax serves as a receptacle for important internal organs: the heart, lungs, trachea, esophagus, large vessels and nerves. Thanks to rhythmic movements of the chest

Increases and decreases its volume and takes a breath and exhalation.

The size and shape of the chest depends on age, gender, and have individual differences. There are 3 forms of the chest:

- flat,

- cylindrical,

- conical.

In people with well-developed muscles and lungs, the thorax becomes broad, but short and acquires a conical shape, i. E. the lower part is wider than the upper, the ribs are slightly inclined.

In people with poorly developed musculature and lungs, the chest becomes narrow and long, acquires a flat shape, with which is strongly flattened in anteroposterior diameter, so that its anterior wall stands almost vertically, the ribs strongly are inclined.

Cylindrical form occupies an intermediate position between the forms described.

The thorax of the newborn has a pyramidal shape, the ribs lie almost horizontally. Along with the growth of the chest, the child's shape changes.

The woman's chest is smaller, shorter and already in the lower section than in men, and more rounded.

The shape of the cell can change due to diseases (with severe rickets, the chest resembles a chicken breast - the sternum sharply protrudes). The exercise of physical training and sports contributes to the proper development of the chest.

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