Back and neck massage: technique of performing


  • 1How to do a back massage
    • 1.1Technique of execution
    • 1.2Technique of back massage
    • 1.3Massage of the lower thoracic department
    • 1.4Massage under the shoulder blade
    • 1.5Massage of the collar zone
    • 1.6Lumbar massage
    • 1.7How to properly do a back massage: the features of holding
    • 1.8Stroking
    • 1.9Trituration
    • 1.10Kneading
    • 1.11Vibration
    • 1.12Indisputable benefit
  • 2The main types of back massage and technique of its implementation
    • 2.1Effective massage rules
    • 2.2Basic views
    • 2.3Relaxing massage
    • 2.4Massotherapy
    • 2.5Basic massage techniques
    • 2.6Stroking
    • 2.7Trituration
    • 2.8Kneading
    • 2.9Pat
    • 2.10Vibration
  • 3Relaxing back massage: exercise technique, benefit and feedback
    • 3.1The Benefits of Massage
    • 3.2Classical massage
    • 3.3Stroking
    • 3.4Trituration
    • 3.5Kneading
    • 3.6Squeezing
    • 3.7Vibration
    • 3.8General massage
    • 3.9Condition of relaxation
    • 3.10Honey massage
  • 4How to properly massage the neck and back of adults and children
    • 4.1The use of neck and back massage
    • 4.2Indications and contraindications
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3The basic receptions of massage
    • 4.4How to properly massage the neck and back
    • 4.5Technique of execution
    • 4.6Massage cushions and accessories
    • 4.7Neck and back massage for children
    • 4.8Conclusion
  • 5The basic techniques of carrying out of massage of a back
    • 5.1The role of massage
    • 5.2How often do
    • 5.3Differences between male and female
    • 5.4Techniques for conducting
    • 5.5Classical
    • 5.6Therapeutic
    • 5.7Relaxing
    • 5.8Thai
    • 5.9Can I learn by myself

How to do a back massage

At all times, massage was known for its curative effect on the body, positively affecting the muscles, tissues, joints and all internal organs.

If you remember a bit about the history of massage - in ancient China, Rome, Greece, doctors and healers used massage for medicinal purposes, for the treatment of various diseases. Back massage took a special place in the art of "healing because everyone felt on himself his curative effect.

Art passed down from generation to generation, eventually improving technology and techniques, but also not forgetting the ancient secrets.

This type of massage has been known since ancient times

Medicine does not stand still. Together with her, the art of massage harmoniously develops. Currently, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular.

The popularity of wellness and therapeutic massage is also growing. Without any doubt, a full body massage will always win positions from the local.

Today we will consider one of the techniques of local massage, which is used both in traditional medicine and at home.

Technique of execution

Sometimes we do not pay enough attention to the condition of the back, thinking that she can endure much.

But we are deeply mistaken: the first signs of problems with the back, we may not notice, but they can occur long before the appearance of obvious symptoms.

Overstrain of muscles can arise because of stressful situations, sedentary lifestyle, with any injuries and bruises.

Our life, often, is restless and dynamic. The crazy rhythm of life does not always have the best effect on health, and in particular, on our back. Thanks to the massage, we can give freedom to our body, relieving it of excruciating tension.

Directions of the main movements in the back, lumbar region. neck and pelvis

Technique of back massage

To date, there are a large number of options for back massage.

The medical practice has shown that the most effective technique is the one in which the preliminary massage of the whole back, duration of 5-6 minutes, and then a detailed study of individual parts: massage of the collar zone, lower thoracic and lumbar region.

Direction of massage movements

Let's move on to the preliminary massage: the patient should lie on his stomach.

  1. The figure shows 3-4 symmetrical lines, along which it is necessary to perform massage movements. First, longitudinal strokes are performed for one minute. Then stroking across the back.
  2. Further, squeezing techniques are performed. Their duration is 1-3 minutes. Squeezing is performed with great pressure, but less intensity, than stroking. It should be noted that the pressure on the spinal processes of the spine should be eliminated, as in any other methods.
  3. After squeezing it is possible to carry out several triturating techniques with moderate pressure on the fabric. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the patient should feel a feeling of warmth.

After the preliminary massage, you should proceed to the main one.

Massage of the lower thoracic department

Under the massage of this area is meant the region from the seventh to the twelfth thoracic vertebra. The figure shows the lines on which it is necessary to perform massage movements.

Direction of massage movements of the lower thoracic department

  1. First, strokes are performed on the indicated lines.
  2. The strokes are followed by squeezing along the lines.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. After rubbing it is necessary to perform kneading.
  5. We pass to the shock and shocking techniques. Their implementation should be applied according to the indications. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

In total, it is recommended to spend 4-5 minutes on massage of this area, with a therapeutic technique - up to 15 minutes.

It should be noted that the 11th and 12th ribs are located near the kidneys. about 5 cm.

Inadequate and too intense implementation of techniques can lead to pain.

Massage under the shoulder blade

Often, in the period of diseases such as osteochondrosis, humerus periortritis under the scapula, so-called trigger points are formed, which are characterized by increased soreness. In this case, massage of these points promotes faster rehabilitation.

The technique of this zone is as follows:

Massage of the scapula zone

The patient lies down on his stomach, hands along the trunk. The masseur gently brings his palm under the shoulder of the patient and slowly lifts it by several centimeters.

It is important to note that at this point the patient must be completely relaxed, otherwise the scapula will not rise. The second hand the massage therapist performs circular massage movements under the shoulder blade, as shown in the figure.

On the second hand everything is the same.


Rubbing of the scapula zone


Then, grinding is performed at the blade angle. The thumb should be as far away from the index finger as possible. Such rubbing is often carried out in a sport massage, hygienic and preventive.

Massage of the collar zone

Massage of the collar zone

Massage of the collar zone is a massage at the level of the cervical and 1-6 thoracic vertebrae. In this case, the pressure on the tissue should be lower than with the massage of the lower thoracic and lumbar.

The patient can assume sitting or lying down position. If there are no contraindications, it is better to perform in a prone position. In this position, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved.

  1. First, strokes are performed along the directions shown in the figure. Stroking is performed within 1 minute.
  2. Then follows the squeeze on the same lines. Performed within 2-3 minutes.
  3. Further, trituration is performed. It can be combined with kneading. The duration of kneading is 7-12 minutes.
  4. They are followed by vibrational techniques. Vibration is performed by fingers, not above the 6th cervical vertebra.
  5. End the massage of the collar zone by shaking with your fingertips and light stroking.

In general, for the entire massage of this area takes 10-15 minutes.

Lumbar massage

Massage is performed on the lumbar region, ranging from 1-5 lumbar vertebrae, as well as the sacral area. The lines that are depicted in the figure are directed laterally from the spine toward the inguinal lymph nodes.

Lumbar massage

The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, strokes are performed.
  2. They are followed by squeezing.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. Then kneading.
  5. After that, shaking techniques are performed: vibration and percussion techniques.

In the general structure, massage of this area takes 5-6 minutes, in therapeutic form - 20 minutes.

The force of the impact will vary: thus, along lines 4 and 5, a more intensive form can be used movements, and along lines 1 and 2 it is necessary to dose the force of the impact, since in this region there are internal organs.

How to properly do a back massage: the features of holding

In each occupation there are some subtleties and peculiarities. We will reveal several important points that will help you to understand the question: how to do a back massage.

  • Massage should begin with the area of ​​the sacrum, smoothly moving upwards.
  • Hands of the masseur during the procedure should be relaxed and warm.
  • In the technique it is necessary to alternate stroking and rubbing movements.
  • The first session should be spent no more than 15 minutes.

And now we turn to the massage techniques, with the help of which the massage is performed.


This method is the right beginning of the massage. Warm your hands and proceed to rhythmic stroking the entire surface of your back. In the region of the waist and neck should be more gentle and gentle movements. Stroking is performed in intensive form.

With stroking, you should start the massage procedure


This method is performed as well as stroking, but a little more intense and with the greatest pressure. As a rule, rubbing starts from the waist, not more than 10 minutes.

Rubbing is a more intense technique


Reception kneading is performed with a deeper effect on the tissue. If you need to increase the pressure on the massaged zone, place one hand on the other. These technical exercises should begin with the area of ​​the forearm. It is recommended not to exceed 10 minutes.

Kneading acts on deeper plots


Basically, the vibration or lungs of effleurage is the end of the procedure. To make vibration it is worth with fingertips on all surface of a back, with the smallest contact.

The final stage of the massage

Indisputable benefit

Many well-known scientists have proved that massage procedures are of great benefit to our body as a whole.

With the help of massage techniques on the body, normalization of blood circulation in the body, as well as relaxation of muscles after exercise.

This also applies to emotional stress - after a qualitatively conducted session, emotional stress and stress disappear, and endorphins come in their place, whose level is also increased by massage.

Professional, therapeutic back massage helps to get rid of problems with incorrect posture and other diseases of the spine. Therefore, do not neglect the massage procedure, which is able to "heal" all problems and diseases.

A source:

The main types of back massage and technique of its implementation

Massage is a very effective tool in the fight against body fatigue, stress, with various diseases.

Back massage is used as a preventive and curative measure for almost any spine disease. To get the most benefit from this procedure, the technique of back massage should be correct.

Therefore, below, we will consider the main points that need to be considered when performing a back massage.

Effective massage rules

If you want the back massage to be most effective, then you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • procedure of back massage should be started from the lower part of the back, smoothly moving to the shoulders;
  • with massage movements directed upward, use the inner part of the palms, while in downward movements, use the outer part of the palms;
  • The hands of the massage therapist should not be cold, during the whole session they should be relaxed to prevent fatigue;
  • during the performance of the massage, continuous contact between the hands of the masseur and the back of the patient should be maintained;
  • all massage techniques should be performed in the right order, smoothly changing each other;
  • when rubbing, move along the fibers of the long dorsal muscles (parallel to the vertebral column);
  • massage begins and ends with stroking, but its final intensity should be greater than at the beginning;
  • in no case can massage the area of ​​the spine;
  • Deep kneading can be performed only in an area with a large number of soft tissues;
  • such movements as effleurage and patting should be used with great care in the projection of the kidneys and between the shoulder blades;
  • the duration of the session depends on the disease, the general condition of the patient, the volume of his body, age, the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • The first session of back massage should not exceed 15 minutes;
  • gradually increase the force of impact during the session;
  • Before the procedure, find out if the client has contraindications, even if the technique is correct, in such cases, a back massage can harm a person.
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Knowing the anatomy and direction of the fibers of the dorsal muscles is the key to the effectiveness and safety of back massage

Basic views

There are a lot of types of back massage and techniques for doing it. But all of them can be divided into 2 large categories:

  1. Relaxing back massage.
  2. Therapeutic back massage.

Relaxing massage

The very name of such a procedure speaks for itself.

Such a massage will help you get rid of the feeling of fatigue, weakness in the body, muscle tension, allows you to improve mood, is an effective method of combating stress, preventing diseases in people who have a sedentary Lifestyle.

Relaxing massage with vegetable oils and aromatic candles is an effective way to combat stress

The technique of performing such a massage and its technique are very simple. Everyone can master the skills and enjoy the pleasant moments of their loved ones. The technique of relaxing massage includes:

  • begin a slight stroking in the direction from the waist to the shoulders;
  • then go to deep stroking the edge of the palms diagonally on both sides;
  • rubbing should begin from the side of the back in the direction of the spine, it is especially recommended to handle the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • further pass to the kneading of tissues with the tips of the fingers, the zone of the spinal column can not be kneaded;
  • then you can make pressure in the paravertebral points with your thumbs (on either side of the spine, retreating about 3 cm from it);
  • vibration is performed in the direction from the bottom upwards with the tips of the fingers;
  • end a relaxing massage with more intense stroking.

The entire session lasts about 15-20 minutes. To achieve even greater relaxation, you can light scented candles and use various vegetable oils for massage. It will be positively displayed on the condition of your skin.


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Massage technique for osteochondrosis

This group includes all massage techniques that are used to treat or prevent silent or other diseases. They can be both manual and hardware. The most common methods of therapeutic massage:

  • classic back massage or Swedish;
  • acupuncture;
  • canned;
  • vibratory;
  • hydromassage;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • sports;
  • therapeutic, depending on the specific pathology (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, etc.)

Most often in practice, classical massage is used, which has therapeutic, preventive and hygienic effects on the body. Therefore, we will consider the technique of its implementation in more detail.

Basic massage techniques

There are 5 main massage techniques for performing the classical procedure procedure:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • patting and tapping;
  • vibration.

Classical massage should include all the basic massage techniques


First, apply a wide surface stroking with the entire area of ​​the palm in the direction from the waist to the shoulders and neck. Then they switch to deep stroking with the edge of the palms along the diagonal. This method starts any massage and ends, too. Its goal is to relax the muscles, to calm them down.


This method is performed by shifting the skin with the palms of both hands, performing vigorous zigzag movements in the direction from the bottom up. During this procedure, blood supply to the tissues of the back and spine improves.


During kneading, one hand is placed on top of the other to increase pressure and strength during massage movements.

Depending on the purpose of the massage, the tissues can be kneaded in several ways - the thumb of the hand or two, the pads of the fingers, all the phalanges.

The movements are circular in character.

First, knead long back muscles on either side of the spine, then process the wide dorsal muscles.


This technique is designed for reflex and local irritation of the back tissue. Produce slamming and effleurage by applying vigorous, gentle strokes of the outer edge of the hands.


The movements during the performance of vibration have the character of rapid concussion of the tissues with the index and middle fingers of both hands.

Massage will be effective only if it is properly performed. It is an integral part of the treatment of a large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other body systems.

If you suffer from some kind of pathology and decided to get better by going through a massage course, then be sure to find a massage therapist with medical certificate, otherwise you risk not only getting no effect for your money, but also significantly exacerbating your state.

A source:

Relaxing back massage: exercise technique, benefit and feedback

Massage is not just a pleasant relaxing procedure.

This is a whole complex of techniques and actions that can reduce or increase muscle tone, improve posture, balance the nervous system, and simply relieve fatigue after a day's work. The spectrum of positive effects is very wide, but to achieve them you need to know the correct technique of implementation.

The Benefits of Massage

The procedure brings not only pleasant sensations and relaxation of the clamped muscles. Massage promotes lymphatic drainage in the skin, increases blood circulation, increases immunity.

With its help, you can eliminate pain and correct the damaged posture.

With prolonged use, it is possible to improve the blood supply of some internal organs and restore their functions.

Classical massage

This kind is used when the purpose of the procedure is to relax the body (or a part of it) or, conversely, increase the overall tone. It can be performed both independently and in addition to spa procedures.

How do classic back massage? Technique of performance, regardless of the goal, always consists of 4 stages: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. These stages always go in this sequence.


This is the initial reception, in which the body is heated superficially. It must be done without moving the skin, from the bottom up.

The direction of stroking is from the lymph vessels to the nodes. While working on the back, the thumb should be set aside from the rest to increase the area of ​​exposure.

Stroking is performed without burdening.

2 basic types of stroking - flat and girth.

This technique is performed by the entire surface of the brush, and it must completely contact the body of the brush.

Planar stroking is used on extensive flat areas - back, abdomen, chest. Movement may be longitudinal, transverse, spiral or circular.

Embracing stroking is used on the upper and lower extremities, the lateral parts of the trunk, in the buttocks. The thumb is set aside to increase the area of ​​impact.


This technique follows stroking, when the skin is already warmed up enough. When back massage, it is performed by the supporting part of the hand. You can grind both one and two hands at once, rectilinear, spiral or circular motions.

The effect at this stage can already be both superficial and deep, affecting not only the skin, but also the muscles.


Can be performed with burdening - one hand is superimposed on the other, increasing the degree of depression.


The purpose of grinding consists in heating the tissues - muscles, ligaments, joints, preparing them for a more intense effect.


The technique of performing a back massage requires that more than half the time of the session be taken away for this method.

The kneading consists in the fact that the area of ​​the action of the hands narrows to the space covered by a single brush. Pressure on the back increases, the force of pressing allows you to stretch deep layers of muscles.

It goes without saying that by this time the muscles should be completely warmed up and relaxed.

The essence of the technique is to grab muscle tissue and press it against the bones. One brush is placed on top of the other for weights.

It is possible to distinguish 3 actions - capture of a site of tissues, pulling and squeezing, then a short relaxation of a brush, rolling and squeezing. Do not twist the tissues.

Movement should be slow, with a gradual increase in intensity.


This method is performed before kneading and in alternation with it. He pays special attention to swelling of the tissues.

Squeezing is not an obligatory action, but in some situations they are supplemented by a basic back massage.

Technique of execution: a medical device implies that the movements will be carried out strictly along the course of the blood and lymphatic vessels. The force of pressing is notable, but does not cause painful discomfort in the massaged.

Squeezing is done in several ways.


The first - with the edge of the palm: putting your thumb to the index, place your hand across the course of the vessels and move forward.


The second way is to squeeze the palm down with the palm of the hand, and the direction along the muscle fibers. The third - with two hands, stacked one upon another for weights.


The essence of reception consists in vibrational influences on a fabric with observance of certain frequency. There are several types of vibration: intermittent - patting, quilting, chopping, effleurage, and continuous - shaking, pushing, shaking.

Intermittent performance of reception consists in a series of small blows, following one after another. This contributes to the flow of blood to the massaged tissues, increased muscle tone and activity of the nervous system.

Beading is performed by brushes, slightly compressed into fists, more often by two simultaneously. Chopping - outstretched hands, little finger facing the patient's body.

It is performed along the course of large muscles and promotes saturation of tissues with oxygen and increase their tone.

Continuous vibration is performed without lifting the hand of the masseur from the body of the patient. In this case, end phalanxes of one or more fingers work. The muscles of the body being massaged must be extremely relaxed. This method improves the lymph drainage, relieves stress, including nervous.

The classic massage is stroked, if necessary or at will - by applying creams or body oils.

General massage

This species has much in common with the classical, but it involves working out not only the back, but the whole body. There are several systems for which a general massage is done.

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Swedish implies a session lasting 35 minutes, Finnish - up to 50 minutes, the Russian - as many as 60.

Depending on the system on which the general back massage is done, the technique of execution may envisage a different sequence and duration of the elaboration of the body parts.


The most common scheme is as follows (with a 60-minute session): 30 minutes for kneading, rubbing together with squeezing - 24 minutes, stroking and vibration - 6 minutes.


Begin a general massage from the back and neck, after that you can choose to work on the upper limbs, neck, pelvis and legs, or in a different sequence - buttocks, lower limbs, arms, neck, chest, stomach.

There is a wide scope for the wishes and needs of the client.

Condition of relaxation

Relaxing massage is one of many types of this procedure, which are loved by many people.

It is based on the impact on the body in such ways that will help relieve muscle tension, remove clamps, and balance the nervous system.

During the session, the use of oily formulations and creams with essential oils with a soothing effect is welcomed.

The main purpose of the procedure is to reduce the tone of the strained muscles. But the actual application is not limited to this.

Insomnia, increased emotional excitability, frequent stress, fatigue - this is not a complete list of conditions in which a relaxing back massage is shown.

The technique of execution assumes the same techniques as in the general case, but excludes the techniques of vibration that lead the muscles into tonus. You can devote more time to stroking and rubbing, to work the cervical collar zone - it is there that there is a particularly pronounced muscular strain.

There are several opinions about how to do a relaxing back massage. The technique in one of the options involves starting with a stop - there are many nerve endings that are connected with all organs and systems.

After this, it is necessary to work the legs from the ankles to the upper part of the thighs, buttocks and only then - the back. In another case, it is recommended to start from the cervical-collar zone, examining the parts of the body from the top down. It is advisable in the final stage to do a head massage.

After the session, it is desirable to cover the client with a blanket and let him lie down for 15-20 minutes.

Honey massage

This species stands out against the background of the others in that the powerful therapeutic effect of honey is added to the effect of massage procedures. Honey in terms of content and balance of components is close to the composition of human blood plasma, and its use is completely physiological.

It cleanses the skin and adsorbs toxins, giving in return natural vitamins and nutrients. Honey massage is useful with reduced immunity, apathy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia, sleep disorders.


Regular his sessions help to cure osteochondrosis. It is not necessary to reduce its beneficial effect to a superficial anti-cellulite effect.


When the correct technique of performing a honey massage of the back is observed, and the waist, and the aching joints, and the internal organs becomes noticeably lighter.

For the procedure, you can take liquid or lightly candied honey. You can add essential oils to your choice.

Citrus oils will give a toning effect, lavender, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and chamomile - soothing. Before applying honey, a short stroking and rubbing is carried out.

The body needs to be prepared, it is undesirable to do the cold muscles.

Honey is spread with large drops over the areas being massaged. Then it starts to slowly rub into the skin with a slight depression. After a certain time (depending on the grade and density of the product), it thickens, and it becomes impossible to massage.

Then they proceed to the next stage: they press their hands to the body of the patient and smoothly, starting from the base of the palm, "shake" them.

Movement can be accelerated, along the way consulting with the massed, so as not to cause pain. Honey loses fluidity and the original texture, gradually turning into a grayish gruel.

It exits the toxins and separates the dead skin cells.

When honey completely turns into a gray mass, massage can be finished. Towels soaked in warm water, remove the "gruel" from the surface of the body.

Waste honey should be washed off under a warm shower as soon as possible - it contains toxins from the body. Then it is desirable to apply moisturizer.


Reviews of this form of massage testify to a feeling of lightness, vivacity, a sense of harmony and balance. The skin becomes fresh and renewed. To fix the effect, it is recommended to drink a cup of herbal tea after the session.


A source: http://.ru/article/226433/rasslablyayuschiy-massaj-spinyi-tehnika-vyipolneniya-polza-i-otzyivyi

How to properly massage the neck and back of adults and children

What could be better than relaxing massage after a hard day's work?

Such a procedure will help relieve tension, remove pain and just a few minutes to be alone with your thoughts.

To itself to make massage of a back and a neck it is problematic, therefore you can address to the expert or ask someone from close people to spend such session in house conditions.

The use of neck and back massage

The benefits of neck and back massage are difficult to overestimate.

The procedure has a powerful overall health impact on the human body

Under the clever fingers of the masseur, the blood flow and metabolism is accelerated, the lymphatic system begins to work better. The body quickly comes into tonus, the processes of skin regeneration and regeneration are started.

Acceleration of blood circulation leads to the training of the heart muscle, it is well reflected in the quality of her work. The arterial pressure is normalized.

Hand massage is often included in the complex against cellulite and fat deposits. A good study of the back and neck allows you to disperse the salt, fighting stagnant phenomena in these areas.

Gradually, the folds on the sides go away, the double chin disappears. The mechanical effect on the skin also gives a noticeable result.

Cleanses the dead layer of cells, the skin and muscles become more elastic and elastic.

Oxygen enters even the deepest layers of the skin, saturating it, giving it a smooth and fresh look. The dermis receives more amino acids, glucose.


Important is the psychological effect that the patient receives from the session.A person is charged with positive emotions and energy.


After the procedure, a "second wind" is revealed in the patient, working capacity is increased. The nervous system calms down, sleep returns to normal, and the psychological state stabilizes.

Indications and contraindications

Neck and back massage sessionsare shown at a paralysis, krivoshe, neuralgia, a neurasthenia, a scoliosis, lordose, and also at some diseases of internal organs and systems. Massage is included in the complex treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

The rehabilitation period after a stroke should often be accompanied by sessions of massage of the collar zone and back

If you are suffering from migraines, then massaging the back and neck is an excellent opportunity to quickly and safely get rid of headaches.

In addition, massage is needed to relax after work, to raise the mood, relax and relieve tension.

But not for all people massage is equally useful. In some cases, the procedure can do more harm than good:

  • damaged vessels, aortic aneurysms, thrombosis, gangrene;
  • recently the spine was seriously injured;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • venereal diseases;
  • on the heart are implants;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe mental illness.

Contraindication to the procedure is just a fresh trauma to the spine. If the patient is in a rehabilitation period, thenmassage, on the contrary, becomes one of the tools that help to quickly recover and recover.

There are temporary contraindications, which are easily removable:

  • skin infections;
  • fungus;
  • high fever, fever, fever;
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • bleeding;
  • alcoholic intoxication.

The basic receptions of massage

When neck and back massage alternate the following movements:

  • Rubbing(from sides to the spine and in the opposite direction, the zone of the neck and shoulders is intensively rubbed);
  • Slapping(palm takes the form of a spoon, pats are produced along the muscles, not touching the shoulders and the kidney area);
  • Stroking(directed along and across the back with the entire surface of the palm, circular motions around the scapula);
  • Tingle(produced by the tips of the fingers from the spine to the neck);
  • Mudshes(reception is carried out by two palms, which need to grab a fold of skin and roll it from the center to the periphery).

It is important to remember the main rule: you can not massage the spine, there is a risk of injury! It is allowed only to work with the zone along the vertebrae

Apply force in the kidneys and between the shoulder blades, too, is not recommended. Here, the skin can be gently massaged with finger pads and cams.

How to properly massage the neck and back

Before starting the session, the muscles should be kneaded slightly and warmed up with a quick warm-up:

  1. The palm rests on the chin, the head is tilted down to the stop.
  2. The palms cover the back of the head, the head tries to bend forward, but the neck resists.
  3. The patient lies on his back so that his head hangs down freely. The masseur presses on the forehead, while the front muscles of the neck begin to work.
  4. Movement is similar to the previous one, only the patient lies on his stomach, and the palms of the masseur are pressed against the back of the head.
  5. Finish the workout with slow circular motions of the head.

Technique of execution

Back and neck massage is performed on a hard surface. You need to wash your hands first. For better slip, use massage oil.

Stroke the back from the spine to the shoulders and back. Trace with the edge of the palms along the spine, increase the force of pressing during stroking in the shoulder area.

Hands grasp the sides of the patient and start actively grabbing the skin from the bottom up. Move to the shoulders, intensively grasping the layers of the skin.


Start on the left side, then go to the right. With a pinching technique, massage each scapula in a circle.


Shoulders work separately. Stop on each shoulder a little longer than on the other sites. Here you can apply a point effect.

Fists gently push the back and neck, without touching the vertebral column. Put your hands in hand and pat on the back up and down. In the same direction, perform patting movements on the back of the palm.

Wave-like techniques stroke on the back in the direction of the neck and down towards the buttocks. End the session with languid strokes of the whole massed surface.

This video lesson will help you better understand the massage lines and movements for the neck and back.

Massage cushions and accessories

It is possible to influence the back and neck area with the help of various devices:

A great popularitymassage sticks, which have a direct effect on acupuncture points. Massage is performed in a circle.

The duration of exposure is determined individually, the point should warm up and completely relax.

Massage balls. Often used in pairs. Two balls are placed on the surface of the back, the study goes in a circle.

Massage pillows. They have different functional depending on the design. The vibration device is universal, it relieves spasm, stress and pain. Roller cushion knead muscles of the back and neck with special rollers.

You will be interested in:Treatment of a herniated spine at home

Tapping massage provides a cushion with jade rollers.Heated massagers are inadmissible for any form of varicose veins.

Neck and back massage for children

Children very well tolerate massage of the collar zone and
The back, if it is represented as a game process.

Familiar to us from childhood "rails, rails" perfectly suited for this relaxing procedure.

  • «Rails, rails With an edge of the palms, drive along the spine, drawing two parallel lines.
  • «Sleepers, sleepers Draw the palm of the hand with transverse parallel lines.
  • «The train was too late with your fist, slightly pressing, lead upwards from the waist to the neck.
  • «From the last window suddenly fell potatoes make light pats with your fingertips over the entire surface of your back.
  • «Came chickens, pecked intensive work on the back and neck with fingertips.
  • «The geese came, they pinched cautious tingling of the back and collar zone.
  • «The elephants came, trampled on and left Press your fists on the back, move your hands along the back.
  • «The janitor came, everything swept Perform stroking the entire surface of the back and neck.

Children's massage should be painless, pleasant and productive. If the child has negative emotions, the session should be stopped.

See next for a useful video about the technique of performing a baby neck massage.


Back and neck massage is a great way to relieve fatigue, restore strength and get rid of various ailments and stress. Make sure that the procedure is carried out correctly, then positive feelings and maximum benefit from the session are provided to you.

A source:

The basic techniques of carrying out of massage of a back

Massage procedures are used to treat almost all diseases associated with problems of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, this is a great way to relieve muscle pain after training or adjust blood circulation in tissues with sedentary work and sedentary lifestyle.

To massage has only benefited, you need to learn the basic techniques and techniques for its implementation. It is about this important aspect that will be discussed in our article.

The role of massage

For certain, when the massage appeared in our everyday life, it is impossible to trace now.

Probably, even in ancient times, people noticed that if you rub the place of a bruise, the pain will gradually go away. Now this is a familiar movement even for children, but the definition of "massage as one of the methods of treating diseases, occurred much later.

In the history of each people there are methods of carrying out all the necessary manipulations, and in our time you can choose from a variety of different tactics is the kind that will have the maximum efficiency.

When massage is used:

  • To relieve muscle pain.
  • Treatment of diseases of the spine.
  • With neuralgias for the removal of hypertonic muscles.
  • To relax and relieve nervous tension.
  • Strengthening muscle tone and increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • To improve blood circulation in tissues.
  • Additional stimulation of the immune system.
  • In the fight against cellulite and excess weight.
  • Prophylaxis of problems with the spine.

The role of massage.

How often do

Despite such a huge benefit to the body, massage should not be abused.

The main moments of the massage:

  • The procedure is bestdo in the morning.
  • Do not massage after eating(the break must be at least two hours).
  • After the procedure alsocan not eat for two hours.
  • Optimum duration -not more than an hour.
  • General strengthening massage can behold with a frequency of 1 - 2 times a week.
  • For pregnantit is not recommended to do classical massage, it is best to confine the collar zone and stroking the waist.
  • During the procedure, the hands of the masseur are constantly in contact with the back.
  • In the area of ​​the shoulder blades and kidneys, massage is performed with minimal effort. Near the thoracic area and the place of lymph nodes massage is not performed.

A qualified masseurbe sure to clarify these points before the procedures.

Massage - the procedure is certainly useful, but alsotreat it as a medical prescription, and not just a pleasant time.

Differences between male and female

The anatomy of the male and female body is significantly different, so they highlight some of the features of the massage.

Firstly,menmore often complain of pain in the lower part - the lower back and the sacrum.

WomenGreat trouble brings the soreness of the collar zone, as well as the area between the shoulder blades.

Intensity of exposurewill also be different, because usually men are able to withstand the pressure of a greater burden than girls.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that women have a regular hormonal cycle that prohibits such procedures.

In general, these are all differences, but there are also special parameters that determine the types and duration of procedures. First of all, these are individual features, as well as the existing problems, to which the therapeutic effect of the massage is directed.

Techniques for performing a back massage.

You will learn about the benefits and harm of back massage from the contents of this article.

Techniques for conducting

Among all the variety of massage movements, we can identify the main directions. They can vary depending on the technology used, as well as the personal preferences of the masseur, but the following are considered priority.

The main types of massage movements:

  1. Stroking. It is considered the basis for performing a massage. Hands must necessarily be warmed, after which rhythmic movements process the back surface. Strong pressure is unacceptable, especially in the cervical and lumbar region. The duration is from 30 seconds to two minutes. The first session lasts a little longer than the rest.
  2. Squeezing. Otherwise, this technique is called deep stroking. Produced for each individual zone, the duration is from two to four minutes.
  3. Trituration. It starts from the waist region, and lasts no more than two minutes. Performed with greater intensity in each individual zone.
  4. Kneading. It is performed on each muscle separately, it takes from five to eight minutes. For a deep impact, you can strengthen the movement by pressing two hands simultaneously.
  5. Shock Techniques. Completion of the massage procedure occurs with light shock movements throughout the back area. Takes up to two minutes per zone.
  6. Extrusion. The movements of the hands are directed along the body with effort. Help relax the muscles and complete the procedure. For this, two or three movements in each direction are sufficient.

On the video: the technique of performing classical back massage

Find out what is included in the overall body massage.

It is the combination and alternation of these movements that is called classical back massage.


The technique of classical massage is a combination of the above techniques. The procedure begins from the lumbar region, gradually moving upwards. Hands of the masseur do not come off from a back, carrying out all movements serially.

More about the indications and contraindications of classical massage.


Wellness should be performedOnly according to the prescription of the doctor certain courses.If everything is done incorrectly, the benefits of such treatment will be doubtful. To be confident in the qualification of a specialist, you should only apply to proven masters.

Among the therapeutic massage are the following types:

  • Sports. It is performed before and after sports loads. Depending on the type of occupation, the type and duration of treatment is determined.
  • Lymphatic drainage. It is used to improve the movement of lymph in the body. Promotes anti-cellulite effect and weight loss.
  • Vibrating. A special apparatus or device with a corresponding effect is used.
  • Can. Additional devices used for massage will help to reach the deepest layers of tissues faster.
  • Therapeutic. It is prescribed depending on the type of diseases. It is aimed at correcting the problem and should be performed only by a certified specialist.
  • Acupuncture. The use of special devices and techniques will stimulate vital points on the human body.

On the video: a therapeutic back massage

Familiarize yourself with the technique of performing honey massage.

A list of possible techniques can be continued further, because there are special complexes and additional devices that provide deep-skin massage. To master such types is best at special courses, because from the wrong procedure will be more harm than good.


The basic skills of a relaxing massage can be mastered by everyone. The main thing here is not to overdo it and do not use too much effort.

The algorithm for conducting:

  1. The patient lies on the massage table, under the shin the roller is placed.
  2. Begins massage with light strokes in the direction from the waist to the shoulders.
  3. Cross stroking is performed with the edge of the palm with great effort.
  4. Next is the trituration of the lateral parts to the spine.
  5. The kneading is carried out with the fingertips, avoiding the vertebral part.
  6. Pressing the thumbs of the hands in the direction of the spine, having receded from it at least three centimeters.
  7. Finish procedure by intensive stroking.

Durationthis session will be from 20 minutes to half an hour. To provide the maximum relaxation effect, you can use aromatic candles and oils in a mixture for grinding.

On the video: a relaxing massage

the main thing- make sure before use that there is no individual intolerance to the individual components of such a mixture.


Special attentionIt is necessary to give this kind of massage procedures.

Features of the implementation:

  • Indoors, there must be a relaxing atmosphere. The client and the master should establish a trusting relationship.
  • The procedure starts with the activation of important points on the feet.
  • The following techniques are used: pressure and "steps" with the thumbs, treatment with the palms, knees or elbows, depending on the area of ​​the body.
  • The duration of the session is from one and a half to two and a half hours.
  • Individual approach is practiced.
  • A characteristic feature of Thai massage is stretching and pushing, but manipulation of this kind should be done exclusively after warming up all the muscle groups.
  • During the massage, important energy points are activated.

The positive effect will be noticeable even after one procedure.

On the video: Thai back massage

Among the varietiesThai massage is celebrated"royal", during which the contact of the hands of the massage therapist and the body of the patient is minimal.

Learning and doing it yourself is quite difficult, because the original technique is not preserved, and modern masters treat each technique in their own way.

A review of Cosmetic Pupa is here.

A description of the cosmetics Lierak here.

Can I learn by myself

The main techniques of self-massage can also be studied at specialized courses or videos.

That's why it's better to give preference to qualified specialists and massage parlors.

Performing a massage is very important, requiring proper qualification.

Using various techniques and techniques will solve many health problems and carry out their prevention.

However, one should not take it lightly, because such an intervention is akin to medical manipulation.

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