Dislocation: Definition, Symptoms and Treatment


  • 1Dislocation - symptoms, first aid, causes, types
    • 1.1Types of dislocations
    • 1.2Causes of Dislocation
    • 1.3Symptoms of dislocation
    • 1.4Shoulder dislocation
    • 1.5Hip Dislocation
    • 1.6First aid in case of dislocation
  • 2Dislocation
    • 2.1 :
    • 2.2Definition
    • 2.3Causes
    • 2.4Symptoms
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6Prevention
    • 2.7Dislocation in the ICD classification:
  • 3Symptoms of dislocation, types and treatment
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Classification of damages
    • 3.4Congenital dislocation
    • 3.5Acquired damage
    • 3.6Diagnostics
    • 3.7Treatment
  • 4Dislocation: what is it, the symptoms and types of dislocations
    • 4.1What is the dislocation of the joints
    • 4.2Types of dislocations
    • 4.3Shoulder
    • 4.4Hip Joint
  • 5Dislocation
    • 5.1Causes
    • 5.2Symptoms
    • 5.3Diagnostics
    • 5.4Types of disease
    • 5.5The patient's actions
    • 5.6Treatment
    • 5.7Complications
    • 5.8Prevention
  • 6What is a dislocation?
    • 6.1Classification of dislocations
    • 6.2The main types of dislocations
    • 6.3Symptoms of dislocation
    • 6.4First aid for sprains
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Dislocation - symptoms, first aid, causes, types

Dislocations are a mutual displacement of the articular ends of the bones that join each other. Displacement of the joint with a dislocation - persistent, with limited physiological mobility and a pronounced pain syndrome.

Types of dislocations

Dislocation of joints are divided into the following main species, depending on the nature of their occurrence:


Occur as a consequence of mechanical impact on the joint, for example, when it falls or strikes.

This type of dislocation, as a rule, is accompanied by ruptures in the joint bag.

Traumatic dislocations are often complicated by fractures of the bones, infringement of soft tissues, damage to the skin, nerve endings and tendons.


This type of dislocation of joints refers to the pathology of the development of the musculoskeletal system and arises even at the intrauterine stage of fetal development. The most common congenital dislocation of the hip.


Pathological dislocation of the joints arise as a result of inflammatory processes and further destruction of the joint ends of the bones, under the influence of diseases such as osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, etc. Forecasts and tactics of treatment are primarily based on the therapy of the underlying disease, taking into account the maximum possible recovery of mobility of the affected joint.


The formation of habitual dislocation is most characteristic of the shoulder joint. A habitual dislocation of the shoulder is formed in the event that after an injury the immobilization fixation of the joint was insufficient in time.


A short period of immobilization leads to the fact that later dislocation of the shoulder occurs repeatedly, as a result of the slightest physical effort or careless movement.


To eliminate the consequences of habitual dislocation, tactics of operative surgical intervention aimed at normalizing the state of the ligament apparatus is usually chosen.

Causes of Dislocation

The origin of dislocations can be both congenital (intra-uterine dislocated hip dislocation) and acquired character (consequence of trauma or inflammatory diseases surrounding the joint of tissues).

The most common causes of dislocation of joints are the following factors:

- falling or impact, with a sharp contact of the joint with a solid surface, for example, falling with a blow to the elbow causes a dislocation of the shoulder;

- A sharp and significant contraction of muscles;

- physical impact on the joint itself or on the area adjacent to it;

- unnatural and strong straightening or bending of the joint.

Symptoms of dislocation

The most common symptoms of dislocation include:

- at the time of injury, characteristic cotton is heard;

- around the injured joint, edema and swelling are formed (the most common symptom of a dislocation);

- Sharp and strong tenderness;

- bruising;

- with damage to nerve endings, decreased sensitivity;

- restriction of mobility;

Tingling and numbness;

Pale and cold skin;

- visual deformation, etc.

The specific symptoms of dislocation are different from the place where the joint is injured.

Shoulder dislocation

Dislocations of the shoulder are among the most common types of dislocation of traumatic origin (according to statistics - more than half of all cases).

This fact is explained by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the shoulder joint: a disproportionate correlation of articular surfaces, insufficiently strong by nature anterior muscular division, a significant motor range in different planes, a volume capsule joint and others.

Dislocation of the shoulder, as a rule, occurs as a result of indirect effects, when falling on the elbow or forearm, almost a hundred percent of the cases are accompanied by rupture of the capsule, sometimes with damage to the rotator cuff and detachment of the large humeral tubercle (most often the shoulder dislocation - in elderly patients).

Hip Dislocation

Traumatic hip dislocation in the general statistics of dislocations is diagnosed relatively rarely (no more than 7 percent of the total number of cases). The iliac hip dislocation is leading (85 percent), then - blocking, sciatic and supratemoral dislocations of the hip.

The subtypes of hip dislocations, depending on the directed force impact on the head, are classified as follows:

- iliac (posterior upper);

- Oblique (front);

- ischial (posterior);

- suprong (anteroposterior dislocation of the thigh).

First aid in case of dislocation

In order to render the first aid to the victim with a dislocation, fixation (ensuring immobility) of the limb is necessary position, which she took after the injury, it is obligatory to apply a cold compress to the place of injured the joint.

Attempts to self-correct the dislocated joint are by no means unacceptable, since only an experienced physician in a medical institution can accurately determine whether the dislocation is combined with fractures or cracks bones.

from the topic of the article:

The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes only. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor. Self-treatment is dangerous to health!

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A source: http://www.neboleem.net/vyvih.php



  • Definition
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Prevention


Dislocation (luxatio) is characterized by complete incongruence (separation) of articular surfaces with rupture of the capsular ligamentous apparatus of the joint. Partial displacement of articular surfaces is called subluxation.


Dislocations most often occur as a result of mechanical trauma (traumatic dislocation), which accompanied by rupture of the articular bag and the exit of the joint's head from the joint cavity in outer fabrics. More often there are dislocations of the hip, shoulder and elbow joints and the thumb of the hand.


The main symptoms of dislocations are sharp, acute pain in the joint area, real estate, deformation of the joint. Any attempt to change the position of the limb increases the pain. So the patient tries to keep the limb in a forced abnormal position. The joint changes its configuration.

When palpation can identify the articular cavity, the dislocated bone head is palpable in an unusual position outside the joint. Passive movements in the joint area are limited, sharply painful and have an elastic character.

In the joint area, swelling of the tissues and spastic muscle contraction are noticeable.

Dislocation of the clavicle occurs in the region of the acromial or sternal end. With complete dislocation, clavicles determine deformation in the region of the clavicular-acromial junction.


When you press in this area, the acromial end is lowered, and when released, the key symptom is raised. In the presence of a dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle, protrusion in this region is detected.


Determine the pathological mobility in this zone, but less pronounced than in the acromial dislocation.

Dislocation of the humerus is characterized by deformation in the shoulder joint region, absence of the head of the humerus in the articular cavity. The upper limb is placed in a somewhat retracted state.

Dislocation of the bones of the forearm is characterized by deformation in the elbow joint area, an increase in the volume of movements in the latter. The forearms are bent at an angle of 120-140 °.

With a sharp rear bend of the wrist in the radiocarpal joint, a dislocation of the wrist bones occurs. The semilunar and navicular bones are often damaged.

A dislocation of the main phalanx I of the finger of the hand is often observed, which is characterized by a "rod-like" deformation with extension of the proximal and flexion of the nail phalanx.

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Dislocations of the femur (anterior or posterior) occur as a result of a general trauma, accompanied by a rotation of the femur. The pain and deformity of the lower limb are determined.

With anterior dislocation, the thigh is in the flexion, abduction and external rotation position. At the rear - in the position of extension and internal rotation.

Dislocations of the bones of the lower leg are rare. Distinguish between anterior and posterior dislocations of the shin bone in combination with medial or lateral displacement.


A typical deformation is determined. When the posterior dislocation is palpated, the distal end of the femur is shifted anteriorly, with a tightly fixed knee. In the anterior dislocation, the front movable part of the shin bones and the moving knee are palpated underneath.


Dislocations of the foot, as a rule, are accompanied by fractures of the ankles. Deficiency and edema in the ankle are determined. The foot can be displaced laterally or medially.

With internal dislocations, the feet are determined by the displacement of the foot medially and the protrusion of the external ankle.

When the external dislocation of the foot is determined by the displacement of the foot laterally, protrusion of the inner ankle.


The mechanism and cause of the injury (direct or indirect), complaints of the patient, and the presence of such injuries (dislocations) in the past should be clarified.

When examining the patient, the symptoms characteristic of the dislocation are revealed:

  • deformation of the joint site, depends on the displacement of the articular surface of a dislocated (located distal) bone;
  • edema, hemorrhage in the joint region;
  • elastic fixation of the limb in the forced position (when trying to passive movements, resistance is determined with the return to the initial forced position);
  • sharp pain and limited mobility with passive movements of the affected limb;
  • pain in palpation of the articular region.

The diagnosis of the dislocation is confirmed by X-ray examination.

Congenital dislocations are observed in the hip joints.

They are the result of insufficient or incorrect development of articular surfaces in fetal development of the fetus.

The diagnosis of congenital dislocation is based on shortening and displacement of the limb, violation of movements in the joint region and radiographic data.


The injured are transported to a traumatological station or hospital, where dislocations are directed.

In case of traumatic dislocations, the treatment consists in the urgent correction of the dislocation, which is done by the surgeon or traumatologist.

Emergency care is provided by immobilization with bandages and the administration of morphine hydrochloride (promedol, omnopon) with severe pain.

The patient should be quickly delivered to a medical institution, since for the first time hours after trauma to correct the dislocation easier than in later terms.

Dislocations of a week or more are called obsolete, and to correct them, surgical intervention is required.

Dislocation of the dislocation is started after the injection of 10 ml of a 2% solution of novocaine into the joint cavity. Anesthesia is used in cases of difficulty in directing the dislocation, late delivery of patients and in the direction of dislocation of the hip.

When correcting, it is necessary to restore normal anatomical relationships of the joints. This is achieved by relaxing the muscles with the subsequent insertion of the joint end of the dislocated bone through the rupture of the joint capsule into the joint cavity.

For this, local anesthesia is used. By the method of Dzhanelidze, physiological fatigue and relaxation of the muscles are achieved by the weight of a freely hanging limb.


It is difficult to direct the dislocation by the method of Kocher, which is especially often used with shoulder dislocations. Correction should be done carefully, without much effort, so as not to injure the extra joint capsule and bones. Cases of fracture of bones are described at rough updating.


After correction, the control X-ray is taken and the limb is fixed for 15-20 days. In the future, prescribed therapeutic exercise, massage, baths.

In early terms with congenital dislocations of the femur, bloodless correction is used by extraction and corrective gypsum bandages. At the age of 5-6 years resort to surgical treatment.

With habitual dislocations, surgical treatment is indicated. The operation consists in strengthening the joint capsule and the plasticity of the tendons.

In pathological dislocations of treatment, it is mainly directed to the elimination of the underlying disease (tumors, tuberculosis, etc.).

Dislocation in the ICD classification:

Online doctor's consultation

Specialization: Traumatologist

To them: 6.12.

Hello, after so long registration I ask to answer my question there is a pain in the right knee, under the knee a little swelling pain is aching, motion is not limited while "pulling" the entire leg on the back of the thigh conclusion of the MRT MR-signs of chronic injury of the horn of the medial meniscus, partial damage to the anterior cruciate ligament, changes in the signal in the horn of the lateral meniscus class I (according to Stoller). There is a complex rupture of the posterior horn the medial meniscus. In the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus of a rounded shape, the area of ​​the pathological signal intensity that does not extend to the surface of the joint. The posterior cruciate ligament is intact, has normal thickness and signal characteristics. A pathological increase in the signal from the anterior cruciate ligament is detected with a violation of its structure. Collateral ligaments without features. this is the final conclusion, or you need additional diagnostics, what, the cost? where you can go through it?

Good afternoon. For a more complete answer to your question, call me back and you can chat. 066-418-28-61 Valentin Vasilievich

Sincerely, Vasilov Valentin Vasilievich

This conclusion is already a sufficient basis for planning surgical treatment.

Sincerely, Igor Guzhevsky

A source: http://med36.com/ill/257

Symptoms of dislocation, types and treatment

Dislocation is considered to be a pathological condition, which results in a process of displacement of the surface of bones and deforms the shape of the joints.

Often, this trauma is accompanied by rupture of muscles and ligaments, damage to nerve tissues and vessels, as well as extra-articular fracture.

Joint dislocation is considered one of the most common injuries, as approximately 3% of all injuries associated with the musculoskeletal system are due to this pathology. That is why it is important to know what a dislocation is in order to start treatment in a timely manner.


The signs of joint dislocation have their classification according to the following types:

  1. Traumatic, in which there is increased traction of muscle tissue.
  2. Pathological, which is the consequence of the pathological process. In this case, the capsule and ligaments lose their habitual strength, and as a result, the joints are not fixed in the correct position.
  3. Congenital arises when there is a development of pathologies in the structure of the joint.

The main reasons for the dislocation are:

  • the presence of trauma resulting from a direct blunt attack;
  • falling from height;
  • the development of a destructive process, manifestations of arthritis or arthrosis.

In a constant zone of risk there are professional sportsmen, whose activities are connected with such sports as football, hockey, basketball and others.


Absolute signs of dislocation:

  • presence of severe sharp pain;
  • deformation of the joint, loss of its integrity and normal working capacity;
  • complete or partial immobilization of the upper injured limb;
  • damage to nerve endings and arteries;
  • puffiness and bruising of the affected area;
  • increased body temperature;
  • another hallmark is the presence of heat throughout the body, which replaces the feeling of a strong chill.

Joint deformation as a sign of injury

Accordingly, it can be concluded that the signs of dislocation have a pronounced character and it is almost impossible to notice them. It is the symptoms that contain information on how to recognize the dislocation.

Classification of damages

Having studied the causes of education and the symptoms of trauma, it is necessary to determine what dislocations there are.

Classification by such a feature as the degree of joint disorder includes two types of injury:

  • complete dislocation - lack of contact between the joints;
  • incomplete - the presence of partial contact between the joint tissues.

Depending on the presence or absence, the following classification is distinguished:

  • complicated trauma - there are signs of such: damaged bones, nerve endings, displacement with a dislocation, as well as fracture;
  • uncomplicated trauma - absence of any complications, which greatly simplifies the treatment process.

Considering how much the soft tissues have suffered, these types are distinguished:

  • an open dislocation does not exclude the appearance of a wound;
  • closed - all skin damages around the affected area are excluded.

Depending on the period of limitation of injury, there are such types:

  • the most neglected species - a long-lasting dislocation - received more than twenty days ago;
  • fresh - since the time of injury, more than three days have passed;
  • stale - damage was formed at least fourteen days ago.

The main classification of dislocations is as follows:

  • congenital pathology;
  • acquired trauma.

Congenital dislocation

This species can be formed due to the fact that fetal development of the fetus was incorrect.

As a result, the baby's bones were not sufficiently shaped and underdeveloped.

This anomaly is extremely rare - in,% of all cases, and, more importantly, girls are more prone to such a disease.

In most cases, there is a deformation of the hip joint, the cause of which can be such factors: heredity, medication intake during mother's pregnancy, poor ecology.

Symptomatic can be seen with the naked eye. It has the following visual manifestations:

  • The affected limb is markedly shortened;
  • asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • limited movement, the presence of a specific click.

Acquired damage

This dislocation occurs when an injury or in the process of an inflammatory or infectious process.

This species is most often found in children under the age of four, young people associated with excessive motor activity and the elderly people whose body is deficient in calcium, as well as the process of joint disease, the joints are progressing inevitable changes.

This type includes such types of dislocations:

  1. Traumatic.
  2. Pathological.
  3. Habitual.

The most common is the traumatic appearance, as it can be obtained by falling on the upper limb, with the impact of a blunt impact or excessive stretching of muscle tissue. The most vulnerable are the elderly.

Symptoms of dislocation almost immediately become obvious and deprive the patient of the habitual way of life.

A pathological dislocation occurs when the human body has undergone processes that destroy the structure of the joints. The reasons may be the transfer of extremely serious diseases - tuberculosis, syphilis, arthrosis.


A habitual, chronic, dislocation can occur in cases where the joint capsule and ligaments stay in a stretched position for a sufficiently long period.


That is why a relapse can occur even in a familiar life, and increase the level of risk may decreased immunity, malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, lack of proper muscle tone.

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You need to familiarize yourself with the classification in order to know, if necessary, how to determine the dislocation.

Treatment the doctor begins with the oral questioning of the victim, during which the medical worker will receive all the necessary data - the presence or absence of damage, the circumstances under which the injury was received, the period prescription.

Similarly, the doctor must find out whether the patient has suffered such diseases before, especially in the same location. This is done to exclude or confirm the presence of chronic lesions.

Performing a primary examination, the doctor will check the pulse, and then with the help of palpation examines the affected limb.

As it is right, at this stage the specialist is able to distinguish the present type of injury, but additional measures are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Dislocation of the elbow on the x-ray

One such activity is radiography, which will help clarify the severity.

Having studied the obtained data, the surgeon will make an accurate diagnosis and give detailed recommendations on how to treat the dislocation.


Treatment of dislocation is a closed type of closure, which includes the following steps:

  • directly self-correction;
  • further it is necessary to fix the hand in a certain position;
  • rehabilitation period, the main goal of which is the return of the limb to the former functions.

Operative intervention begins after the patient is given local or general anesthesia to minimize pain.

After the limb is completely immobilized, the doctor begins to correct the joint. The event itself should be done carefully, the doctor must comply with all the necessary rules, exclude sudden movements.

The presence of a characteristic click indicates that the joint took its proper place.


Further treatment of dislocations is to attend sessions of massage, physiotherapy and acupuncture.


If correctly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, the injured limb will recover within a month, and the negative consequences of the dislocation will be absent.

It is important to remember that in case of dislocation, intensive loads on the injured arm are forbidden, and mobility should be limited to a minimum. Active loads are resolved only thirty days after the rehabilitation period.

A source: https://PerelomaNet.ru/vyvihi/chto-takoe-vyvih.html

Dislocation: what is it, the symptoms and types of dislocations

A dislocation of the joint is a complete and persistent displacement of the articular surfaces of the bones, which is why the connection is broken in the area of ​​contact. According to statistics, the joints of the hands are injured 8 times more often than the joints of the legs.

The causes of dislocations may be different. Often their appearance is preceded by traumas, during which the joint capsules and ligaments are torn. This phenomenon is also promoted by a sharp contraction of the muscles and a fall on the bent or half-bent limb.

In addition, congenital dislocations appear due to abnormal joints and bones.

Another reason lies in the diseases of the joints, because of which the articular surfaces are deformed or destroyed.

Such diseases are osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow and bones), tumors and tuberculosis.

In addition, premature termination of immobilization of the joint also causes the development of a normal dislocation.

What is the dislocation of the joints

Dislocation is the displacement of the articular limbs of the bones. In this case, the ligamentous-capsular apparatus is injured and limb dysfunction occurs. As a result, the structure of the articulations is disturbed, but their integrity is preserved.

Moreover, joint dislocations are often accompanied by trauma to soft tissues.

Also, the joint capsule, ligaments, vessels and tendons of the muscles located nearby can be damaged, resulting in a violation of limb functionality.

Types of dislocations

Allocate congenital, habitual, pathological and traumatic dislocations. The cause of the usual damage can even be a minor injury. A traumatic appearance is open (in the joint zone is visible wound) or closed.

The main symptoms are painful sensations, puffiness, dysfunction, configuration, inability to perform active and passive limb movements. Most often, people suffer from dislocations of the knee, hip and shoulder joints.


The dislocation of the shoulder is a persistent displacement of the connecting surfaces of the articular cavity of the scapula and the humerus head. As a rule, the shift of the shoulder happens due to physical violence or pathological process.

Damage to the shoulder joint may be congenital or acquired. The latter species in its turn is divided into traumatic and non-traumatic (chronic pathological or voluntary) dislocation.

Traumatic injuries of the humeral joint make up 60% of all types of dislocations. There are such forms of shoulder dislocations of traumatic character:

  • old people;
  • complicated;
  • pathologically repetitive;
  • uncomplicated;
  • with a rupture of tendons;
  • habitual;
  • open;
  • with damage to the neurovascular bundle;
  • with fracture.

The main manifestations of the shoulder dislocation are the lack of working capacity of the joint after receiving trauma and pain sensations. The joint is deformed and the patient tries to fix the position of the affected limb with the help of a healthy hand.

There are such symptoms of dislocation of the humeral joint, as wave-like pain and swelling. There is also a violation of the sensitivity of the hand, forearm and shoulder.

Outwardly the shape of the shoulder changes, while the joint loses its former smoothness and rounded forms.

If there is a pinched nerve or damage to the blood vessel, then in the affected area often there is a bruise, stitching and numbness in the arm.

Due to the exit of the head of the humerus from the joint, a person can perform a limb only by spring movements.

Diagnosis of a dislocation of the humeral joint consists of a medical examination of the patient, an x-ray study and information on the nature of the lesion. In certain cases, as a supplementary examination, computer and magnetic resonance imaging can be prescribed.


After the diagnosis and investigation of the main manifestations of dislocation, the doctor anesthetizes the articulation, and then corrects it. And to assess the correctness of the procedure of correction, the doctor conducts control x-ray.


To reduce the pain syndrome after adjustment, anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents such as Paracetamol, Orthofen, Ibuprofen are often prescribed. Moreover, during 2 days on the shoulder it is necessary to adjust ice compresses.

Also after the first days of treatment, the patient should undergo a course of therapeutic physical training, which is one of the most effective ways of recovery.

If the dislocation of the shoulder is primary, then often the only way to treat it is surgical intervention.

Hip Joint

Also often there is a dislocation of the hip joint, the causes of which lie in indirect damage.

In this case, the femur serves as a lever acting on the hip joint.

In case of excessive exposure, the joint capsule is broken by the head of the hip bone. The head emerges from the joint cavity, while damaging the ligaments.

There are such types of dislocations of the hip, as the rear or front.

The latter arises because of a fall from a height to a retracted, turned outward or bent leg.

Rear injury often occurs in the event of a motor vehicle accident. It is due to the rotation of the bent, turned inward, recessed leg.

The main manifestations of hip dislocation are strong pain sensations appearing in the hip zone. During this phenomenon there is a shortening of the affected leg, which is visually noticeable. Also, the hip joint is deformed, and its mobility is limited.

Active mobility of the joint is impossible. And passive movements are accompanied by pain, springing resistance and limited.


A sign of the foreground appearance of the dislocation is that the aching leg is bent in the hip and knee joints, turned outward and set aside. In the presence of a posterior dislocation, the limb is turned out by the knee inward, is bent or bent.


Sometimes, along with a hip dislocation, the sciatic nerve becomes bruised, the nerve is damaged, and the vascular system of the thigh is squeezed.

Treatment of diseases of this kind is reduced to the correction and subsequent fixation of the joint.

Then the patient undergoes a course of physiotherapy and physiotherapy.

If a dislocation of the joint has taken place, the first medical aid provided correctly is of great importance for its successful recovery.

Self-dislocating is not worth it. This should be done only by the doctor.

When the joint was immobilized, the patient is given an anesthetic, and a cold compress is applied to the affected joint. And then you need to take a comfortable pose and wait for the arrival of an ambulance.

If there is no possibility to call for medical help, then the injured person is given a bandage or a tire, and after that he is transported to a medical facility located nearby.

The first help in detecting hip dislocation is that the injured leg must be pribintovat to a healthy one, while it is important not to change the position of the diseased limb. The patient is transported in a prone position on a rigid surface.

A source: http://sustav.info/travmy/vyvikhi/chto-eto-takoe-2.html


Dislocation - joint damage, in which the articular surfaces of the bones are displaced relative to each other, which accompanied by a violation of their proper contact (congruence), stretching or rupturing the capsule the joint. Most dislocations occur during falls and bumps.


The cause of the dislocation may be an indirect trauma (falling with an emphasis on a bent or unbent limb), as well as a sharp contraction of muscles.

In addition, dislocation can occur as a result of joint diseases with destruction, changes in articular surfaces (tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, tumors), congenital anomalies of bones and joints.


Characteristic symptoms of dislocation:

  • sharp pain;
  • forced position of the limb;
  • deformation of the joint region (depends on the presence of hemarthrosis, soft tissue edema, dislocation of articular ends);
  • change in the direction of the axis of the dislocated limb;
  • lack of active movements in the joint;
  • change in limb length;
  • severe limitation of passive movements in the joint;
  • the dislocated articular end of the bone is palpable in an unusual place or not palpable;
  • a symptom of "springing fixation in which an attempt to make passive movements to withdraw the limb from a forced position, meets a springing resistance, the limb again takes the same position;
  • habitual dislocation - these are often dislocations.


  • Determination of sensitivity and presence of active movements, pulsations of blood vessels in the injured limb;
  • Radiography in two perpendicular projections;
  • Ultrasound examination of the affected joint.

Types of disease

Congenital dislocation- this is a dislocation as a result of a violation of the intrauterine development of the joint elements in the fetus (usually the hip).

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Old age dislocationIs a dislocated dislocation following a trauma, which does not lend itself to closed repositioning as a result of changes in the surrounding tissues.

Subluxation (incomplete dislocation)- this dislocation with the preservation of partial contact of articular surfaces.

Pathological dislocation- this dislocation in the pathological processes in the joint, leading to a violation of the characteristics of the articular surfaces of bones.

Paralytic dislocation- a pathological dislocation, which occurs as a result of paralysis of one group of muscles of the limb, which gives the majority of the muscle-antagonist group.

Full dislocation- this is a dislocation with a complete divergence of the articular surfaces.

Traumatic dislocation- this is a dislocation, which is caused by external mechanical action.

Complicated dislocation- a dislocation that is accompanied by certain complications (intraarticular and periarticular fractures, damage to nerve bundles, main vessels).

Habitual dislocation- this is a dislocation in one and the same joint, which is systematically repeated. The habitual dislocation is caused by the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the joint, surrounding its muscles and / or anatomical changes in the articular ends of the bones.

Irreversible dislocation- a dislocation complicated by the introduction of soft tissues between the jointed bones, as well as chronic dislocations.

The terms of the dislocation are different:

  • fresh dislocation (prescription of injury less than 3 days);
  • stale dislocation (prescription of injury up to 14 days);
  • old dislocation (the duration of the injury is more than 2-3 weeks).

Also, the dislocation can be open and closed.

The patient's actions

Do not self-medicate or delay treatment for qualified care. Only a qualified doctor (surgeon, traumatologist) can assess the severity of the damage, prescribe effective treatment and identify possible complications.


Treatment consists of an early correction after anesthesia, immobilization of the injured limb in functionally favorable situation (for a period of not less than three weeks), restoration of the function with the help of physiotherapy, curative physical culture. With old, habitual, irreparable dislocations, surgical treatment is indicated. With pathological dislocations, surgical treatment is performed, and orthopedic devices are also used.


  • Partial or complete rupture of the joint capsule;
  • Rupture or squeezing of a large blood vessel;
  • Damage to nerve trunks passing in the area of ​​injury;
  • Damage to the bone with marginal fractures in the attachment zone of ligaments, muscles.


To reduce the likelihood of injury and dislocation, it is necessary to use available protective equipment (knee pads, elbow pads) during contact sports.

If a dislocation has already occurred, even after the end of treatment, one should continue to perform a set of special exercises recommended by the physiotherapist. This strengthens the ligaments and muscles, making them more elastic, which helps reduce the likelihood of a repeated dislocation.

A source: http://www.likar.info/bolezni/Vyvih/

What is a dislocation?

Dislocation is the displacement of one or more joint bones, which occurred as a result of mechanical action, trauma or destructive changes in the joint-ligament apparatus. It can affect the joint capsule, accompanied by damage to the muscle tissue and ligamentous articulation.

Classification of dislocations

Depending on the origin of the injury is divided into several basic varieties, starting from the most common type.

  1. Traumatic. Any force on the joint area, impact or fall, can cause such damage. Often traumatic dislocations are accompanied by fractures, bruises of soft tissues, infringements of nerve endings, ruptures of tendons, injuries of the articular structure and other complications.
  2. Spontaneous. Such pathological dislocations occur due to inflammatory diseases, which leads to pernicious changes in the functioning of the joint apparatus and the quality of bone tissue. Treatment is primarily aimed at the underlying disease that causes such damage: tuberculosis, osteomyelitis.
  3. Congenital. Damage of this kind either occurs during intrauterine development of the fetus, or is a consequence of birth trauma. Such damages often occur in girls. Presented mainly by dislocation of the hip.
  4. Repeated. Otherwise, this variety is called habitual damage. Happen to people who already had similar injuries, but underwent insufficient therapy and rehabilitation period. Accordingly, after a conditional cure, such a group of persons risks to damage the joint again in the same place. Repeated dislocations can occur even with clumsy movement.

The main types of dislocations

They are subdivided according to the degree of displacement, the location of the localization, and also the nature of the injury: open, without damaging the surface of the skin and closed.

By how much the joint is displaced, differentiate the complete or incomplete type of injury.

Full - the absolute divergence of the structure of the joint, and incomplete - joint surfaces touching in several places (it is also called subluxation).

List according to the location of the dislocation:

  • Shoulder joint;
  • phalanges of fingers;
  • elbow fold;
  • knee-joint;
  • ankle;
  • ankle area;
  • jaw dislocations;
  • collarbone trauma;
  • the hip joint;
  • cervical spine.

From the localization and nature of the injury, as well as the degree of severity, the sensations and signs accompanying a particular dislocation will depend.

Symptoms of dislocation

Each damage is individual, but there are absolute signs, according to which, with a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the patient has a dislocation of the joint or other type of injury:

  • inflammation in the area of ​​injury;
  • significant hyperemia of the affected joint;
  • morbidity, aggravated by movement;
  • at visual observation it is visible, how much the area of ​​the injured joint is deformed;
  • sometimes there is hyperthermia, fever;
  • impaired motor functions;
  • if the nerve endings are damaged, there is a lack of sensitivity, numbness and immobility;
  • The skin in the area of ​​injury is much warmer than in undamaged places;
  • chills and sweating caused by a painful shock.

The most common types of injuries occur in the block joints (knee, shoulder, thigh, ankle). For example, a hip dislocation. It is accompanied by such characteristic symptoms:

  • fixation of limb in forced position;
  • intense pain;
  • visible deformation in the area of ​​injury;
  • active movements become impossible.

Dislocation of the ankle often happens, too, but this is a rather insidious kind of damage.He is often confused with the usual bruise, so you need to contact the doctor at the slightest suspicion of such a trauma. Dislocation of the ankle is accompanied by:

  • very strong, sometimes gradually growing pain in the joint;
  • leg movements are limited;
  • severe swelling and inflammation in the area of ​​injury;
  • at the time of damage, a characteristic snapping sound can be heard.

With a dislocation in the joint of the shoulder girdle, asymmetry in the area of ​​the injured shoulder becomes clearly visible, as well as:

  • stitching paroxysmal pain;
  • swelling;
  • severe hematoma;
  • possibly the disappearance of sensitivity;
  • sharply limited movement.

A dislocation of the knee is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • sharp intense pain;
  • hemorrhage;
  • significant hyperemia;
  • sometimes there is numbness of the limb;
  • the deformation of the joint is visible visually.

In any case, the definition of severity and type of such injuries is the prerogative of a traumatologist or orthopedist.

The main percentage of such injuries is caused by the consequences of injuries: bumps, falls, irregular and abrupt movements. But there are conditions and diseases that can also lead to dislocations:

  • arthritis or arthrosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • injuries, during the treatment of which the joint was fixed;
  • tuberculosis.

Of course, there is a possibility of congenital dislocations that occurred in the perinatal period and caused serious impairment of the motor system. But the frequency of such injuries is negligible.

First aid for sprains

Independent medical care is the most important measure in any trauma, so it is very important to provide it competently.

Further, if the dislocation is complicated by damage to the skin and soft tissues, it is necessary to treat the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and other antiseptic agents.

It is necessary to apply a cold compress as soon as possible to remove the inflammatory and edematous process to the site of the dislocation.


In the event that the pain syndrome is of high intensity, it is necessary to offer the patient an analgesic for the removal of discomfort.


Within the next few hours, the victim must be transported to the clinic, preferably by car, and if there is a dislocation of the lower extremities, then the patient must be transported in a horizontal position.

To begin with, the doctor will conduct the correct diagnosis with the help of instrumental research and examination of the victim, differentiate the dislocation from fracture and other types of injuries. And only after the conducted measures the doctor decides on the choice of therapy.
Treatment of dislocation:

  1. Making the limb natural, conditioned by the physiology of the situation. For this, the trauma specialist uses local or general anesthesia and immobilization of the damaged joint.
  2. If the joint returns to its place after manual reposition, then this process will be accompanied by a characteristic click.
  3. In rare cases, dislocations (mostly pathological) require surgical intervention.
  4. Often the need arises for an elastic bandage or gypsum to be applied.
  5. After the procedure of correction are appointed massage, physiotherapy manipulations, reflexotherapy.
  6. If the dislocation is caused by the disease, then the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the injury.
  7. The therapeutic tactics of congenital dislocations are different: the earlier the treatment begins, the better the result will be seen. It will take wearing orthopedic adaptations, and sometimes a surgical operation.
  8. Rehabilitation in mild and moderate cases lasts about a month.

When dislocated in the joint, sometimes recipes of traditional healers are used in parallel. Properly selected medicinal plants and other home remedies with success relieve inflammation, swelling and pain.
For the removal of the pain syndrome apply:

  • tortillas of flour flour with the addition of vinegar;
  • lavender-sunflower oil mixtures;
  • gruel from wormwood;
  • cornflower blueberry.

For recovery use:

  • lotion from baked onions with sugar;
  • crushed barberry root with boiled milk;
  • herbal alcohol tinctures for grinding.

But in the case of injuries, you first need to visit a doctor and coordinate with him further actions, including the use of traditional methods of treatment.

Forecasts after such injuries are usually favorable.

In order to minimize the possibility of dislocations, you must regularly exercise, visit the pool, eat right, including in their diet vitamin complexes and products containing minerals necessary for the effective work of the joint-ligament apparatus.

A source: http://1PoSustavam.ru/travmy/vyvix-eto.html

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