Fracture of ankle without bias


  • 1Fracture of the ankle
    • 1.1Symptoms and signs of trauma without bias
    • 1.2Is it possible to step with a damaged leg
    • 1.3Effective Damage Treatment
    • 1.4When a plaster is applied to the foot
    • 1.5Fracture with displacement
    • 1.6Possible complications of this ailment
    • 1.7Duration of the healing process
    • 1.8Lateral fracture of the ankle
    • 1.9First aid
  • 2Fracture of the ankle without bias: treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation
    • 2.1Types of damage
    • 2.2Treatment of ankle fractures
    • 2.3How much to go in plaster
    • 2.4How many heals
    • 2.5Rehabilitation and recovery after removal of gypsum
    • 2.6When you can walk
    • 2.7How long does my leg ache after an ankle fracture?
  • 3Fracture of ankle without bias: symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1General information
    • 3.2Main symptoms
    • 3.3First Aid
    • 3.4Features of treatment
    • 3.5Rehabilitation period
  • 4Signs, treatment and rehabilitation methods after ankle fracture
    • 4.1Anatomical features
    • 4.2Causes and varieties of fractures
    • 4.3Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 4.4First aid
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6Conservative treatment
    • 4.7Surgery
    • 4.8Rehabilitation period
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Fracture of the ankle: how much to go in plaster
    • 5.1general characteristics
    • 5.2Clinical picture
    • 5.3First aid for ankle fracture
    • 5.4Diagnosis of the victim

Fracture of the ankle

Many patients are concerned about the question of when to step on the foot after an ankle fracture without displacement.
This is what we will talk about in this article.

Speaking in general, it is possible to step on the foot only when the doctor fixes the complete fusion of the bones.

The ankle consists of 2 parts - a small and a large shin bone. Small - refers to the lateral part, large - to the medial.

  1. Open type. With him, the patient can independently see the bare bone. This is due to the fact that such fractures are associated with tissue rupture.
  2. Closed type. Characterized by a lack of visibility of bones. In this case, a large bruise on the leg spreads out.

As a rule, the closed one is characterized by a large swelling and a tumor of the damaged zone. The patient is not able to independently carry out foot movements.

Symptoms and signs of trauma without bias

If the external ankle fractures without displacement, as well as the inner ankle, the integrity of the bone is broken, and the debris remains in place.

Characteristic features:

  1. Acute pain.
  2. Deformation of the ankle.
  3. Changes in the color of the skin of the foot towards the reddish side.
  4. Cyanotic manifestations or bruises.

Some cases of ankle fractures suggest that these symptoms do not always manifest.

For example, sometimes slowing patients on the issue of going to the doctor is due to the fact that they do not feel any painful sensations in the ankle.

It shows a slight cyanosis, which is associated with stretching.

Sometimes the problem of timely diagnosis of a fracture is associated with individual features of the bone.

Nevertheless, with an ankle fracture, the patient will not be able to stand fully on his leg, and the skin will look very taut. The possibility of flexion and extension of the limbs is absent, and when trying to do this, a burning pain appears.

Apparently, a fracture without displacement is very difficult to diagnose independently. Therefore, at the appearance of the slightest signs, it is necessary immediately to contact a traumatologist for help.

Is it possible to step with a damaged leg

If the patient has undergone a surgical operation, self-formation on the leg is prohibited for 30 days. Whatever the damage, the patient will have to get up and move on crutches.

The duration of wearing a cast is 2-3 months. A full load on the leg is possible 3-4 months after the removal of gypsum. Be it external (external) or internal fracture of the ankles.

For the fastest healing of the injured (external or internal) part, the following measures are recommended:

  • adherence to a diet rich in calcium;
  • carrying out of massage and medical gymnastics;
  • application of physiotherapy procedures;
  • if necessary, compliance with bed rest.

At the same time, the patient must always devote himself to the warm-up of the sore spot. On the Internet there are many photos with simple exercises. Only the implementation of these measures will increase the speed of recovery of the injured place.

Effective Damage Treatment

Cure this pathology at home can not.

Usually in this case, it is advisable to use conservative methods that involve the following activities:

  • ensuring full immobility of the foot;
  • superimposing a longette and fixing it with a bandage;
  • The application of the bandage is carried out in a direction from top to bottom, while its thickness should be the same on all sides.

When a plaster is applied to the foot

Gypsum imparts to accelerate the process of convalescence and healing of trauma. It helps to reliably fix the broken places.

The duration of wearing gypsum is about one and a half months and completely depends on the severity of injury and the age category of the patient.

After the positive results of the radiography, which will show that the bone has recovered, you can already remove the plaster.

Often, patients are concerned about the question: When can I step on my leg after an ankle fracture without displacement? Doctors believe that after the removal of plaster gradually it is necessary to restore the leg and you can attack it. When plaster is better not to make any sharp movements, because the bone grows very slowly.

Fracture with displacement

Characteristic features are the inability to fully stand on the foot and the appearance of large swelling with a hematoma in the ankle, ankles or ankle. It is often possible to contemplate the unnatural position of the shin. When touched to the injured place, the patient feels small movements of the fragments.

As a rule, in this case the doctors conduct the following treatment:

  • activities to give the bones of the original situation;
  • gypsum with local anesthesia.

Possible complications of this ailment

Often, with an ankle fracture with displacement, a repeated displacement of the fragments occurs.

Therefore, do not be surprised that during the treatment the doctor will repeatedly refer the patient to the X-ray and explain how to behave in the event of sudden pain.

This is necessary to control the correct fusion of the injured place.

The preparatory stage for the operation can be a skeletal traction, which helps to prevent the displacement of debris. To do this, the needle is guided through the heel bone of the left or right leg, and a 12 kg weight is hung to it.

The duration of the extract is one month, after which the plaster of the injured place is plastered. At an operative intervention the fracture is fixed by a special metal construction.

Duration of the healing process

  • with ankle fracture with displacement heals 2-3 months;
  • with severe forms of fracture - 3-5 months.

The rehabilitation process, which begins after the removal of gypsum or metal structures, involves the holding of a massage and a complex of therapeutic physical training.

Lateral fracture of the ankle

It is characterized by the strongest pain sensations and the bone fragments move outward or backward.
The application of gypsum is carried out under the influence of local anesthesia, while the fragment is placed in its original place.

First aid

If the limb is broken or there is a crack, then it should act as follows:

  1. To reassure the victim as much as possible.
  2. Call an ambulance.
  3. Minimize the possibility of attacking a damaged limb.
  4. Provide freedom to the damaged area: remove shoes, remove debris of any kind.
  5. Provide the damaged location with a comfortable position. It is enough to put a soft roller under the foot. However, its height should not cause discomfort. This helps minimize puffiness.
  6. With a visible open fracture, do not allow the injured person to touch the wound themselves.
  7. In case of bleeding, cover the injured area with ice and apply a tourniquet. Do not forget to take it off every 20 minutes. Otherwise necrotic tissue can occur.
  8. Apply cold. This will help stop bleeding and reduce swelling of the tissues.
  9. Impose an improvised tire, which can be either a conventional branch or a plywood. Give your foot maximum immobility.
  10. In case of impossibility of arrival fast carry out transportation of the patient independently with extreme caution.

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Fracture of the ankle without bias: treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation

The ankle is the process of the bone of the shin, which participates in the formation of the ankle joint. According to statistics, it is this area of ​​the human body that is exposed to injuries much more often than others. One of the varieties is a fracture of the ankle without bias.

Types of damage

It is customary to treat the ankle as a single joint, but in fact, it is composed of two joints: ankle and talon-heel.

The cause of damage can be a sharp or rapid movement of the ankle to the inner or outer side. Very often fracture is accompanied by sprain.

Fractures of the ankle without bias are divided into the following types:

  1. Damage to the outer (lateral) ankle;
  2. Damage to the inner (medial) ankle;
  3. Fractures of the inner and outer ankle (double-arm).

Fractures without bias, as a rule, are closed. Depending on the orientation of the damage, each species is divided into subgroups with a transverse or oblique direction of the fracture line. With a transverse fracture, the lateral surface of the talus bone presses against the apex of the external ankle, and as a result breaks it.

The direction of the fracture has a horizontal orientation. As a rule, the cause of such damage can be a strong podvorachivanie feet outside.

With an oblique fracture of the external ankle, the rupture line is oriented from below upwards from the front to the back.

Such damage can be the result of the turn of the foot in combination with its withdrawal (abduction) or excessive reversal of the foot outward.

With a transverse fracture, the tension of the deltoid ligament of the foot results in detachment of the inner ankle at the base or its apex. The cause of this type of damage is a strong turn of the foot in the outer side.

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The oblique fracture of the medial malleolus occurs when the foot is turned inwards due to pressure on the inner ankle of the calcaneus. As a result, the inner ankle is broken. The direction of the fracture has an oblique or vertical orientation.

Less common in the practice of traumatology is a fracture of the inner and outer malleolus (double-arm). There is such a fracture with excessive retention of the foot. Two-arm fractures can be of two types:

  • Pronational-abduction;
  • supination-adduction.

Treatment of ankle fractures

Symptoms of an ankle fracture are:

  1. Crunch when injured;
  2. Acute pain in the ankle, intensifying with exercise. May occur immediately after damage, or after some time. When palpation also felt a sharp pain in the area of ​​the fibula;
  3. Swelling or mild swelling. The puppy increases in size. Tumescence is pressed down when you press it and after a time is aligned again;
  4. Hemorrhage in the area of ​​trauma as a result of vascular injury;
  5. Limited functioning of the ankle joint - the removal and bringing of the foot is painful, difficult and accompanied by a crunch. The stop involuntarily takes the wrong position.

The diagnosis of an ankle fracture is made in the presence of all the listed symptoms and after carrying out a radiographic study in several projections:

  • Straight - the patient lies with a foot bent in the knee;
  • oblique - the patient on a healthy side with bent legs, a diseased leg at an angle to the table;
  • lateral - on a sick side with bent legs, a weak leg slightly ahead.

If the gap is deformed and has a wedge shape, this indicates the presence of a subluxation of the foot. If the diagnosis is difficult with the help of an X-ray, an additional study may be prescribed: a tomography or an ultrasound of the ankle.

Therapy of fractures without displacement consists in the introduction of anesthesia (a solution of novocaine) into the injured limb and immobilization with a plaster bandage. The foot is fixed at a right angle to the shin.

Gypsum helps to correct the location of the bone and fix it for proper fusion. In case of fracture of the inner ankle, a gypsum "boot" or a U-shaped bandage is applied to the lower leg.

The decision about the operation is usually taken in relation to fractures with a displacement or old and incorrectly accreted ankle injuries. Indications for surgery in this case may be permanent pain in the place of injury.

How much to go in plaster

With a favorable course of treatment and with the implementation of all the recommendations of the treating doctor, the maximum period of wearing a cast bandage with fractures of the external ankle will be -2 months.

How many heals

The period of healing of fractures is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and ranges from 12 to 15 weeks.

Rehabilitation and recovery after removal of gypsum

The recovery period lasts from 1 to 2 months and includes special procedures and exercises, which, in a short time, the patient can fully restore limb mobility. The rehabilitation period includes:

  1. Exercise therapy;
  2. Massage procedures;
  3. Physiotherapy;
  4. Orthopedic footwear and insoles.

Timely rehabilitation will help prevent muscle atrophy, eliminate circulatory disorders, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, and strengthen the ligaments and return the leg to its former mobility.

When you can walk

You can rely on an injured limb in a couple of days. For walking use crutches, replace them with a cane after 3 weeks.

How long does my leg ache after an ankle fracture?

Painful sensations after an ankle injury are not immediate and can accompany the patient for a long time.In order to reduce pain and discomfort, it is necessary to begin to develop the joint as soon as possible, preferably under the guidance of a rehabilitation physician.

If the rehabilitation is over, and the leg continues to ache, the doctor will appoint a bandage or brace that will gently fix the foot, reducing the stress exerted by walking. If, after walking, the patient is often concerned about the pain in the heel, then you need to take a control photograph, then to make sure that the bone has grown properly.

If there are no repeated injuries, it is recommended that the guard regime of the injured limb be observed: it is more to keep the foot in a raised position and continue the prescribed treatment.

With an incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis or lack of treatment, ankle fractures without bias can lead to the development of diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis of the ankle.

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Fracture of ankle without bias: symptoms and treatment

According to traumatologists, fracture of the ankle is one of the most frequent injuries of bones. Usually the trauma is fixed in winter in those areas where the fight against ice and snow is not given proper attention.

Also in the risk zone are athletes, children and women who prefer shoes with high heels.

Almost all cases of fractures can be explained by an anatomical feature of the ankle, which takes on the greatest weight load.

Fracture of the ankle without bias is an injury, which is very easy to obtain. But completely after it can not recover.

10% of such cases result in disability, especially in elderly patients.

This is explained by the fact that in the treatment of recovery is not only a bone, but blood circulation, joint work, as well as innervation of the damaged area.

General information

Fracture of the ankle is a complicated but fairly common injury

The shin consists of two bones: the inner bone, which has a considerable thickness, and the outer one - is thinner.

Each of them gradually turns into an outgrowth: below, in the inner bone region is located the inner ankle, and in the lower part of the outer bone there is an external ankle.

The heel bone with ankle form an ankle joint, thanks to which a person can walk.

With an open fracture of the ankle, bone fragments can either move or not. At the same time, soft tissues are damaged. If a closed fracture of the ankle occurred, only the fragments are displaced in the damaged bone. The most common types of ankle fractures include:

  • fracture of the medial (inner) ankle;
  • fracture of the lateral ankle (external);
  • fracture of the external ankle with displacement;
  • fracture of the external ankle without bias;
  • fracture of internal ankle without bias and with displacement;
  • ankle fracture.

Main symptoms

X-ray of an internal fracture of the ankle with displacement

Depending on what type of injury is received, the victim can feel different symptoms.

In open form, when there is a violation of the integrity of soft tissues and skin, bone fragments protrude from the wound. Here the displacement is obvious, since it is the damaged bone that has broken through the skin and flesh.

Closed fracture of the leg is much more difficult to determine, as soft tissues are damaged inside, and only the presence of minor hematomas may indicate severe injury to the limb.

Fracture of the external ankle in the absence of displacement is considered not dangerous, if we talk about possible complications.

The developing symptoms depend not only on the type of injury, but also on the place where bone tissue was broken. If the ankle fracture is external without displacement, the main symptom is severe pain.

A man can not lean on his leg. In addition, a small edema is observed from the outside of the lower leg. The ankle joint bends and unbends, but such movements are very painful.

Especially acute is pain, if you try to set your feet in different directions.

With an internal fracture of the ankle with displacement, the victim feels a sharp pain. From the inside of the shin there is edema, smoothing the contours of the ankle.

Sometimes the victim still gets to stand on his foot and even make steps, more leaning on the outside of the foot or heel.

Articular movements are limited, pain increases with the slightest attempt to move a limb.

With the rupture of the medial part with displacement, the symptoms very much resemble a fracture without displacement. However, since soft tissues and blood vessels are damaged, a large number of hemorrhages are observed.

This is due to the presence of arteries in this area. Physicians know a lot of cases when the symptoms of fracture were weak, and pain - tolerant.

Therefore, the final diagnosis can be established only after studying the X-ray.

First Aid

The first thing to do is to remove the effect of the traumatic factor. For example, in case of an accident, release the ankle from squeezing.

After this, you need to try to calm the person who was injured, and if there is such an opportunity, give him an anesthetic. Then you need to call an ambulance.

It is very important not to make sudden movements and forbid the injured person to stand on a sick limb - this can trigger a displacement, which will lead to damage to blood vessels and nerve endings.

It is desirable to fix a sick limb with some improvised means, and if possible, a special transport tire.

As an improviser, a wooden board, a piece of reinforcement, etc., should be used, which must be tied to the leg with a bandage or a regular cloth.

In the case of an open fracture, it is desirable to apply a sterile bandage to prevent any infection from entering the wound.

If there is an arterial bleeding that can occur in case of a fracture of the inner ankle, the tourniquet should be placed above the wound itself, best of all on the thigh.

It is worth noting that with arterial bleeding, scarlet blood is observed, which pulses and quickly escapes from the wound. But with venous bleeding, dark blood flows slowly and without pulsation.

In this case, a pressure bandage is required.

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In the case of a closed fracture, it is advisable to apply cold to the painful place - with its help it is possible to reduce edema and reduce pain.

If possible, care should be taken to ensure that the injured limb takes an elevated position. For this purpose, a roller, prepared with hand-made materials, is suitable.

To "fix" the bone is strictly prohibited. This, if necessary, will be taken by a traumatologist who has studied the results of the X-ray.

Features of treatment

Treatment of fracture of the ankle with and without bias differ significantly. If after the examination and X-ray, no displacement is found, a conservative method is used.

It consists in imposing a bandage on a broken bone and then fixing it with a bandage. Doing this procedure, you do not need to excessively tighten the bandage, so as not to disturb the normal blood flow.

The dressing is applied from the top down to the very toes, and then the bandaging continues in the opposite direction.

The victim should wear plaster for at least one and a half months, although the final decision is made by the attending physician, who, by determining the term, is guided by the patient's age.

Immediately after removal of the plaster bandage, an X-ray photograph should be taken, from which a rehabilitation course is assigned.

If the bone after the fracture is displaced, then the conservative method is used only when it is possible to restore the natural position of bones as accurately as possible.

As a rule, the affected person under local anesthesia is put back into place, and then a plaster bandage is applied.

In some cases, if the displacement occurs repeatedly, the ankle is fixed in the immobilizer.

Rehabilitation period

Victims of such injuries are most often concerned with the question: how quickly to cure an ankle fracture and how long it will take to restore.

It should be noted immediately that each person takes different time to heal - this depends on the type of injury and the age of the victim.

After the removal of gypsum, a person for some time can not step on the aching leg fully.

After a fracture of the right or left ankle, it is very important to undergo a rehabilitation course. Some activities can be carried out even before the removal of gypsum, others are allowed only when the dressing has already been removed.

Rehabilitation consists of:

  • In a balanced and proper diet enriched with calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other components and that are involved in the formation of bone tissue. Also important is the intake of vitamins.
  • In carrying out a massage, which develops atrophy after orthosis, muscles. How many sessions are needed for recovery - determines the attending physician. During these procedures, the use of warming ointments is recommended.
  • In carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, which are possible even during the presence of gypsum on the limb. Traumatologists strongly recommend them, because they believe that the trauma, while they are carried out, heals faster.
  • In the performance of physiotherapy exercises. How much and what exercises need to be performed is determined only by a specialist. Initially, physical education should be gentle, and in the future, gradually increase the load.

For a complete recovery, it's important to get psychologically tuned. After all, many at first are afraid to step on the injured leg. However, the development of the ankle is an important and indispensable stage of recovery. Otherwise, you will not be cured completely.

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Signs, treatment and rehabilitation methods after ankle fracture

Fracture of the ankle is one of the most common types of injuries associated with violation of the integrity of the bones of the lower extremities.

The frequency of such fractures is associated with both increased stress on this part of the leg, and with seasonal factors (most often the ankle injuries are due to glaze).

Injuries to the ankles are not at all harmless, and without proper treatment can lead to serious complications, even disability.

Anatomical features

The ankle enters the ankle as one of the constituent elements.It belongs to the lower (distal) part of the lower leg.

Connects the foot with the bone structures of the tibia - the ankle, which is a Block-shaped formation interacting with adjacent joints (subtalar, talon-navicular-calcaneal).

The ankle provides the following tasks:

  • working capacity of the foot;
  • support function;
  • depreciation function;
  • pivotability around the axis.

Ankle bones:

  • external ankle;
  • inner ankle;
  • distal endings of small and large tibia;
  • talus.

Ankle bones seize the talus bone, thereby creating an ankle joint. On the articular surfaces there is hyaline cartilage. Inside the joint, a synovial fluid is produced, which acts as lubricant and transport to feed the hyaline cartilage.

Other components of the shin:

  1. Bundles. They are a connective tissue that fixes the position of the bones and contributes to the proper functioning of the joints.
  2. Tendons. Fragments of skeletal musculature, formed from connective tissue. Tendons unite muscles with bones, imparting impulses to bones during movement.
  3. Vagina of the tendon. It isolates the tendons, preventing their friction.
  4. The joint capsule. A case from the ligaments in which the joint is located.

Causes and varieties of fractures

Breach of the integrity of bones occurs for the following reasons:

  • direct impact (accident, falling heavy objects on the foot, blows, etc.);
  • indirect impact (turning the limb, falling, slipping, etc.).

Predisposing factors:

  1. lack of calcium in the diet;
  2. lack of vitamin D;
  3. age features (children, adolescents or seniors);
  4. pregnancy and lactation;
  5. reception of hormonal contraceptives;
  6. diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, bones;
  7. genetic diseases (eg, Volkov's disease);
  8. specific inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis);
  9. oncological diseases.

There are following types of fractures:

  • closed (lateral or medial malleolus);
  • with displacement (lateral or medial malleolus);
  • fracture of both ankles (without bias, with displacement, with dislocation or subluxation of the foot);
  • open.

Depending on the type of injury, these types of fractures are distinguished:

  1. Pronational (turning outward);
  2. supination (inward turn);
  3. Rotational (turning around the axis with a fixed foot).

Symptoms and Diagnosis

General symptoms:

  • pain syndrome, increasing when trying to walk;
  • In severe injuries - pain shock;
  • Puffiness, sometimes extending far beyond the injured area;
  • deformation;
  • Crisp sounds when palpating a damaged area;
  • hematoma (with damage to blood vessels);
  • violation of joint function.

As a rule, pain in such cases is written off as a bruise, and therefore the doctor is treated late, when the pain becomes unbearable. To avoid the development of complications, it is advisable not to delay the visit to the hospital with injuries.

Fracture of the inner ankle is accompanied by swelling at the site of the injury. The ankle increases in size to such an extent that the bone becomes almost invisible. When palpation pain is felt in the inner part of the foot.

Diagnostic measures include a number of studies:

  1. Radiography. It can be performed in three projections, one of which is direct - mandatory. X-rays are taken before the diagnosis, after the operation and after the rehabilitation.
  2. Additional research methods used in difficult situations. Such methods include CT, MRI, ultrasound.

First aid

If an ankle is injured and the symptomatology of the fracture is present, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the hospital without delay or to call the ambulance team.

However, before meeting with the doctors can take a lot of time, so you need to be ready to give the person who received the injury, first aid.

It should be borne in mind that incorrect actions can lead to the development of a number of complications:

  • transformation of a closed fracture into an open fracture;
  • fracture of the ankle without bias can find signs of bone displacement;
  • development of pain shock;
  • increased blood loss;
  • dislocation or subluxation of the foot;
  • traumatism of blood vessels.

Actions for first aid:

  1. Soothe the victim.
  2. Call an ambulance.
  3. Do not allow the patient to rely on the injured limb.
  4. Free your leg from clothes. Do not remove, but gently cut it.
  5. Move the foot into a comfortable position.
  6. If an open fracture of the ankle occurred, do not touch the wound.
  7. Stop the bleeding. To do this, it is necessary to impose a cold on the wound and apply a tourniquet just above the source of bleeding. Every 15 to 20 minutes, the tourniquet is removed for a while to avoid tissue necrosis.
  8. Treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic.
  9. Apply the tire. For its manufacture any long solid surface on which it is possible to fix a foot will approach. The lower extremity should be carefully fixed on the tire with a bandage or improvised means. The task of the tire is to ensure the immobility of the leg during transportation to the hospital.
  10. Introduce an analgesic intramuscularly or give the victim a tablet drug. You can use Analgin, Novocaine, Ultracaine, Ketanov, etc.
  11. Take the victim to the hospital or give it to the ambulance brigade.


Assistance to the victim in a hospital can be provided by both conservative and operational means.

Conservative treatment

Fracture is treated conservatively, if there are following indications:

  • if it is a fracture of the ankle without bias;
  • closed type of fracture;
  • minor trauma of ligament apparatus;
  • there is an offset, but the direction gave the result;
  • there are contraindications to the operation.

The correction is most often performed under local anesthesia. After this, a plaster bandage is applied, which covers the foot and the back of the shin.

Immobilization of the limb is necessary in any case, but in recent years, instead of gypsum, special immobilization bandages are often used.

These bandages are metal or plastic products with the presence of adjustments and the ability to remove them at night or for procedures.

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In case of incorrect or untimely treatment, such complications are possible:

  • arthrosis;
  • a false joint;
  • dislocation or subluxation of the foot;
  • articular deformity.

The result of complications can be lameness and chronic pain syndrome.


There are several indications for surgical treatment of ankle fracture:

  • open fracture;
  • unsuccessful direction;
  • a chronic fracture;
  • fracture of two ankles;
  • trauma of the intercostal region, rupture of the ankle ligaments.

Varieties of operations for fracture:

  1. Fastening of the intercostal area. Using a drill, create a channel in the bone, and then install a bolt there to fix the bone.
  2. Osteosynthesis of the lateral ankle. The bone is fixed with a pin and a medical nail.
  3. Osteosynthesis of the medial malleolus. A nail with two blades is used, which is installed at right angles to the fracture line. The lateral ankle is fixed with a pin.
  4. Osteosynthesis of fragments of the tibia. Introduce a long screw through the ankle and combine fragments of the tibia.

After the surgery, a plaster bandage is applied. This leaves access to the damaged area for subsequent manipulation.

Rehabilitation period

Immediately after the fracture of the ankle, the load on the injured leg is completely eliminated. After 3 - 5 weeks, the patient starts using crutches. Wearing gypsum is stretched on average by 2 - 3 months. After the plaster bandage is removed, an elastic bandage is temporarily applied to the leg.

The fasteners fixed during the operation are removed after 4 to 7 months.To do this, again perform the operation. The final recovery occurs within 3 to 4 months to 2 years.

The rehabilitation period is shortened by such factors:

  • young age;
  • absence of diseases contributing to brittle bones;
  • bed rest after surgery;
  • absence of a complex fracture;
  • balanced nutrition (a sufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, etc.) elements);
  • the passage of a recovery course (physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy).

Physiotherapy in the rehabilitation period is aimed at preventing stiffness in the ankle. The course begins after 7 - 10 days after the removal of the plaster bandage.

At the first stage it is recommended to dip a damaged leg in a warm bath with sea salt before exercises to help reduce puffiness.

The main rule in physical exercises is the gradual increase in loads. The course of exercises is determined in agreement with the doctor-instructor.

Of particular importance for rapid recovery after a fracture are physiotherapy procedures that include:

  1. Electrophoresis. Thanks to manipulation, the penetration of calcium into the bone is accelerated.
  2. Magnetotherapy. The procedures improve the tone of muscles and nerve endings, preventing atrophic process.
  3. Irradiation with ultraviolet. The technique provokes the accelerated production of vitamin D3, there is a more complete assimilation of calcium and other elements.
  4. UHF. Due to ultra-high frequencies, the state of the vessels improves, inflammation and swelling decrease.
  5. Laser infrared therapy. Accelerated absorption of calcium, strengthened ligaments and muscles.
  6. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Provoked increased formation of bone tissue.

To effectively recover from an ankle fracture, as a rule, one method is not enough - an integrated approach is needed. The doctor chooses the specific procedures based on the patient's condition.

A source:

Fracture of the ankle: how much to go in plaster

If there is a fracture of the ankle without bias, when you can step on the foot, every patient wants to know. After all, few people want to stay in bed for a long time or jump on one foot, leaning on crutches. But in order for the limb to grow together faster, it is very important to try not to load it ahead of time.

On the bone of the shin and ankle, there is a huge load when a person walks or even just stands. After all, such thin bones (in comparison with the hip bone) should withstand the weight of the whole body.

Naturally, at first time on the foot after the fracture can not be, as this can lead to the displacement of bone fragments and cause a lot of pain.

The bone that grows together is very sensitive to any strain and therefore the injured limb should be at rest for a while.

general characteristics

The ankle is part of the ankle joint, in each leg there are two of them - on the inside of the limb and with the outer (lateral and medial ankles).

To break one of them or even both at the same time is possible, having got into a car accident, failing to fall, having hit hard or tucked a leg.

Injury can occur during exercise, at home, at work, and in other situations.

Due to the presence of skin lesions, the fracture can be open or closed, traumas without displacement of bone fragments are usually of a closed nature. If the bones are displaced from their places during the injury, then sharp fragments tear tissues and skin.

After an ankle fracture without displacement of fragments, the clinical picture can be not pronounced, sometimes a person can even get up gradually moving, writing off the symptoms for an ordinary bruise.

Such actions lead to complications in the form of secondary displacement.

Fracture of the inner ankle occurs less often than the injury of the external ankle. Both types of damage can occur due to injuries, or because of age-related changes in the body.

Traumatic factors include the treading of the foot in either direction or a sharp turn of the foot.

Degenerative factors - changes that arise due to a lack of calcium in the elderly, oncological diseases, tuberculosis of bone tissue, rheumatism, osteomyelitis and other diseases, negatively affecting the strength bones.

The most common can be a broken ankle in patients who are overweight, bad habits, lack of nutrition.

Traumatized women are subject to injury, since there is little calcium in their bodies.

Women during pregnancy, although they suffer from the fragility of bones, but, bearing a child, try to walk very carefully, so they do not often face fractures.

Clinical picture

Fracture of the ankle without bias is an easier type of injury than trauma, burdened by the displacement of bone fragments. His symptoms are as follows:

  1. Appearance of sharp painful sensations during the trauma;
  2. Rapid build-up of swelling at the site of injury and nearby tissues;
  3. The presence of a hematoma on the heel, which occurs due to damage to blood vessels;
  4. Deformation of the foot outward or inward, depending on which ankle was damaged;
  5. Crepitation (the sound of rubbing fragments against each other);
  6. Violation of the functionality of the ankle joint.

With a fracture of the medial ankle, the leg is turned inwards. This kind of damage is more common than turning the feet outward.

Sometimes the ankle fractures on both sides in this case there is an unstable fracture, which often occurs with a shift of bones and a rupture of the skin. In a number of cases, no symptoms other than bruising and minor pain are observed.

And given that with an ankle fracture, blood from the damaged vessels is poured into the heel area, the injured person may not notice this sign of injury.

First aid for ankle fracture

When there is a fracture of the ankle, how many to walk in a cast, each victim wants to know. It depends not only on the type of injury and treatment, but also on how timely a person has been given pre-medical care.

If there is at least one indication indicating that the ankle is broken, you need to call an ambulance, which will take the victim to a medical facility.

Waiting for the doctors, people who provide first aid, perform such actions:

  • The victim is placed on a hard surface, giving the injured limb an elevated position;
  • With a broken leg, shoes are removed, as this will be difficult to do after the limb is swollen;
  • to relieve swelling and painful sensations, make a cold compress using ice, frozen foods, a heating pad or a plastic bottle with cold water;
  • with a strong pain syndrome, the victim is given non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • the limb is immobilized in a stationary state with the help of a specially or improvised tire from the heel to the knee joint.

If the fracture is open, which is very rare in fractures without displacement, the bleeding stops primarily, by applying a tourniquet over the area above the lesion. After the blood has stopped, antiseptic treatment of the wound with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide is carried out and a sterile dry bandage is applied to the wound.

Such actions, performed not by a professional, lead to displacement, tissue rupture, damage to blood vessels and nerve processes. Any manipulation of the broken bone should be performed by the doctor with the use of anesthetics and, sometimes, during surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of the victim

After the victim is taken to a trauma clinic or hospital, the doctor will conduct a full examination. Setting the right diagnosis plays a big role in the patient's recovery.

First, the doctor is interested in the details of the injury and records them in the patient's medical history. Next is an external examination of the injury site and its palpation.

The doctor assesses the degree of edema development, examines hematoma. With the help of palpation, the doctor can find out if there is a displacement of the fragments.

After the examination, the patient is sent to a more detailed examination using radiography, which will show the type of fracture and its localization.

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