Exercises with protrusion of intervertebral discs of the lumbar region


  • 1Therapeutic exercises with lumbar protrusion of vertebral discs
    • 1.1The basic rules of exercise therapy with protrusions
    • 1.2Basic Exercises
    • 1.3Hyperextension
    • 1.4Contraindications in protrusion of the spine
  • 2Exercises with protrusions of lumbar discs - the benefit of studying at home
    • 2.1What are the benefits of billing
    • 2.2Correct execution
    • 2.3Where to begin
    • 2.4Denial of responsibility
  • 3Lfk with protrusion: exercises with protrusion of the spine
    • 3.1How protrusion forms
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Indications and contraindications for curative gymnastics
    • 3.4Complex of exercises
    • 3.5Loin and Sacrum
    • 3.6Neck
    • 3.7Thoracic department
  • 4Gymnastics with protrusion of the lumbar spine
    • 4.1Briefly about the disease
    • 4.2Principles of curative physical culture
    • 4.3Rules for performing gymnastics
    • 4.4Indications and contraindications for exercise of exercise therapy
    • 4.5The main medical complex
    • 4.6Fitness gymnastics
    • 4.7The benefits of yoga with protrusions
  • 5LFK - gymnastics with protrusion
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Therapeutic exercises with lumbar protrusion of vertebral discs

Exercises with protrusions of the lumbosacral spine are considered the most effective method of treatment in this disease. However, this is a non-self-sustaining disease.

This is a pathology in which the intervertebral disc protrusion extends beyond the spine, but the fibrous ring remains intact. Those.

it is not yet a hernia, but it can become it if you do not take action.

And just like the hernia, protrusion is accompanied by painful sensations. Especially strong they are in the lower back, because it always has a big load.

A set of exercises for the back will help partially solve this problem, although completely such a condition is not cured.

That is why with sedentary work, which is one of the risk factors for such a disease, it is important to do these exercises for preventive purposes.

The basic rules of exercise therapy with protrusions

Therapeutic exercise in this disease is carried out according to certain rules. Since protrusion of the intervertebral discs are already affected by the processes of destruction, sharp and jerky movements become dangerous for them.

In addition, in these cases, loads associated with lifting weights are prohibited.

There should be no sharp flapping of legs and hands, and turns of the head.

Performing exercises with protrusions of the lumbar spine, you need to ensure that all movements are smooth, without excessive effort.

It is desirable to pre-warm the muscles with a light massage. Some experts advise you to first take a warm bath at home.

But it's better not to study at home, but in a special center, under the supervision of a trainer or rehabilitation physician who can check the correctness of the exercises.

When starting for the first time to exercise, you need to check each movement, doing everything with the utmost care. If some action causes pain, then you need to stop training and inform the doctor about it.

A specialist can advise you to replace this exercise. But more importantly, he must check if the disease has passed to the next stage.

If after a week of training there are no uncomfortable sensations, you can increase the number of approaches.

Do not expect that therapeutic gymnastics with protrusion of the lumbar spine will give an immediate effect.

It takes a few months of regular training, so that the first results are noticeable.

If parallel treatment is carried out using other techniques - electrophoresis, acupuncture, other physiotherapy procedures, then the process will accelerate.

In addition, many people try to combine several goals at once in performing these exercises, for example, get rid of back pain and lose weight. It does not work out that way.

The complex of exercises was developed exclusively for the spine, and with their help it will not be possible to reduce the waist or puff up the press, although, of course, it will be necessary to get rid of excess weight, since it is one of the factors in the appearance of protrusion and its further development.

As with any other type of charging, it is very important to monitor your breathing so that there is no failure. But, unlike other types of physical education, drinking water during class is not recommended.

When performing any of the exercises described, it is necessary for the body to freeze for a few seconds in each position. In addition, for each exercise you need to do several approaches, and between them to take a short break.

Basic Exercises

There is a set of exercises that you can do while standing, sitting and lying down. No pillows can be placed under the sacrum, it only hurts.

  1. You need to sit on the floor (for training it is better to take a rug for yoga, so that the surface remains semi-rigid), the legs are bent, knees bent to the sides, and the feet are brought together to touch each other. After that, the legs folded in such a "lock" without excessive efforts are gradually attracted to the trunk, helping themselves with their hands and tilting their head forward. Do the exercise so that pain does not appear. If they appear, the exercise is stopped. When the spinal column strain is felt, this position will need to be maintained for 5-7 seconds, then return to its original position. Repeat exercise 5-7 times.
  2. The next exercise should be done lying down. Legs need to be stretched, the trunk to relax. The right arm is sideways at shoulder level. It lies entirely on the floor. With this, the right leg is bent at the knee, as long as sensations allow it, that is, so that it does not hurt, pull her to the chest, without trying to help with the hands. It should be done so that the leg is at least at the level of the belt, this is enough, do not try to pull it as high as possible, for such lessons, records are not needed. The right knee is withdrawn to the left and tries to touch the floor on the left side. This time you can help yourself a little. The right arm and neck all the time remain in the preset position. For the right leg, the exercise is repeated at least 3-5 times. And then a similar exercise is done for the left.
  3. Another 1 exercise is done in a standing position, for example, near such a table, so that the table top is at the level of the waist. The fingers should touch the edge of the table. Then you need to move away from him as far as possible, but you can not tear off your hands from the countertop. The back will be slightly curved. The head should be tilted forward and down. Perhaps the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the lower back, but most importantly, that there was no pain. In this position, you need to stay for a few seconds, then return to the original. Exercise is repeated 5-7 times.

LFK with protrusion may include other exercises. Some of them can be done on Evminov's board - it is a wide and smooth inclined board, which is exposed at a certain angle, depending on the growth of a person.

She has special fasteners and straps that help to fix the shoulder girdle.

As a rule, this is just a physical stretching of the spine, and painless, and the traction force is regulated by changing the angle of inclination.


One of the most useful exercises for back is hyperextension. It helps not only to strengthen the muscles of the back in the lumbar region, but also to tighten the stomach.

With protrusion of the spine it is very important to do everything correctly and avoid the main mistakes, namely:

  • Too deep lowering. Slopes greater than 60 ° in the presence of diseases of the spine can not be done.
  • Too strong deflection when returning to the starting position. In this case, a considerable part of the load rests on the muscles of the shoulder region, i.e., hyperextension simply does not give the desired effect.
  • Performing pendulum movements. The body must be raised and lowered only in an upright position. Pendular movements can lead to deterioration of the spine.
  • Deflections in the knee area, incorrect fixation of the hands (it is best to simply bend them in the elbows and press against the chest).
  • Use of weaning, especially at the first lessons, when even in the lightest version it is impossible to do more than 2-3 approaches.

With protrusion of the waist, it is very important to choose the right shell. In gyms and centers of therapeutic physical education, there are special simulators and boards for this.

They can be bought for home use. But not always it allows the area of ​​the apartment, and the simulator is quite expensive.

Therefore, it may well be replaced by a fitball - a large elastic ball, which, when performing this exercise, should be supported by the hips.

Legs can be fixed with improvised means, for example, a padded stool or catch them by the radiator. From this position, carefully bend, so that the torso remains straight.

Since fitball is not stable, it is better to contact the household for help so that they keep their feet. Such an elastic ball is a useful projectile, it can be used to perform many exercises, and if you need to make room, it can simply be blown off.

In addition, it is important to perform such an exercise as hyperextension on a bench or bed, it is important to press the hips to the plane, and keep the torso on weight. Again, you need help in keeping your feet.

In extreme cases, the exercise can be done on the floor, pre-laying a yoga mat.

The initial position and fixation of the legs remain the most important components of the correctly performed exercise, and in this case.

Contraindications in protrusion of the spine

Many are accustomed to think that charging is useful in any case. In fact, this is not so. There are situations where even the simplest exercises can not be done. In protrusion, for example, it is contraindicated to perform exercises during a period of exacerbation, when a person experiences severe pain.

Contraindications are also headache and general deterioration of well-being (nausea, dizziness, vomiting). You can not engage in exercise therapy with an increase in body temperature (even up to 3, °), the presence of infectious diseases and neurological disorders.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/protruziya/uprazhneniya-dlya-poyasnitsy.html

Exercises with protrusions of lumbar discs - the benefit of studying at home

With pathologies of the spine, the work of internal organs, associated with it with nerve endings, is disrupted. A person experiences pain in a diseased area.

lumbar vertebrae called protrusion of the intervertebral disc beyond the vertebra, in which a fissured compressed ring formed by cracks, and the contents of the core can go beyond its boundaries.

Experts recommend performing effective, stretching vertebrae, and simple in exercise during protrusion of the lumbar spine to prevent formation in this region.

An important condition!You can not load a physically diseased site until the acute stage of the disease passes!

What are the benefits of billing

For spine discs in the lumbar region, the physical load, directed at stretching the muscles and ligaments, gives good results. The lumbar and cervical parts are the most mobile.

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Thanks to them, a person can make head movements, torso torso, change the pose. A strong muscular corset does not allow vertebrae to move, pressure on the intervertebral discs decreases.

"Weakened" state of the muscles leads to the fact that the pressure with an incorrect position of the body on the vertebrae increases substantially, and their gradual deformation occurs.

Normal, straightened position of the vertebrae, in which the blood circulation is not disturbed, there is no compression of the spinal canal - it ensures the full nutrition of the cells through the blood.

The functions of the spine remain, it still remains mobile and flexible.

Correct execution

For intervertebral discs affected by the process of destruction, dangerous jerks, sharp flaps of hands and feet, lifting weights. Performing exercises for the back, you should pay attention to:

  1. The movements were smooth and slow.
  2. Muscles were warmed up and plastic (preliminary massage, easy preliminary exercises).
  3. The body was held in the selected position for a few seconds.
  4. There were several approaches with small intervals of rest between them.

Parallel use and others will have a positive effect on the vertebrae in the lower back, enhancing the effect of physical exercises.

Where to begin

The approximate complex takes into account the not completely healthy state of the spine, therefore, after passing a sharp a painful attack, exercises should be mastered one after another, not hurrying and not overloading vertebrae exhausting training.

Treatment continues until there is a significant improvement in well-being.

The proposed exercises can be used in the future as a necessary measure of prevention, supporting the muscular corset in a firm and resilient state.

Do it preferably on a semi-rigid surface, laying on the floor a thin mat or blanket.

You do not need to put pillows under your head and lower back - this will create excesses in the spinal column, and the benefits of training will be reduced to nothing.

Fiz exercises are performed in different poses: standing, sitting, lying:

  • It is necessary to stand near the table, the surface of which is at the level of the waist, fingers touch its edge and move as far back as possible. The palms should not be torn from the table. The back should be bent with the wheel back, the head tilted forward and down to the hands. At this time, there will be a slight discomfort in the area of ​​the diseased disc. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds, you need to return to the original. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • What exercises do you do when sitting? They should not cause pain and not be difficult in technology. One of them: sit on the rug, legs bend, spread apart; The soles of the feet are brought together, so that they touch each other. Then, the "lock" from the legs should be gradually pulled to the trunk with your hands, while tilting your head forward. You need to closely monitor your feelings. If there is a lot of pain, it's better to stop medical treatment. Hold at the moment of the maximum tension of the spinal column for 3-5 seconds, return to the original. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Take a pose lying down. Legs are stretched out, the body is relaxed. The right arm is set aside at the shoulder level and completely touches the floor. It is necessary to bend the right leg, as far as possible, in the knee and pull it up, as it will and without helping hands, to the chest. Of course, it will not grow so high, but it will "harden" about somewhere at the belt level. Then you need to start the right knee to the left side, trying to touch the floor on the left side of the body. You can help yourself in this difficult task with your left hand, putting it on your knee and pushing it towards the floor. In this case, the right arm and neck should remain in the previously accepted position. Repeat all movements should be 3-5 times for the right foot and the same number for the left, winding the left knee already on the right side of the trunk.
  • The starting position is lying. Legs are stretched out, hands in a relaxed state lie along the trunk. Bend the right leg in the knee and pull it to the chest. Hands folded "lock" under the knee of the right leg and help the strength of the hands to reach the goal. Of course, the knee of the breast does not touch, but you need to pull your leg as far as possible. Repeat the cycle of these exercises for the left foot. For each leg - 5-7 repetitions.

Very easy and effective exercises for the lower back can be performed. If there is no time and no desire to make a complex complex, you can take a free minute, sit on the fitball, straighten your back, put your hands on your belt and make circular movements with your pelvis left and right.

It will not take long, but the benefits of such manipulations will be enormous. It is a pity that in offices there is no provision for fitball - the price would not have such a guide, and the employees would not take hospital sheets with diagnoses of lower back disease.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/uprazhneniya-pri-protruzii-diskov-poyasnichnogo-otdela-polza-zanyatijj-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh.html

Lfk with protrusion: exercises with protrusion of the spine

Now more often people over 30 turn to the surgeon with complaints about painful sensations in different parts of the spine: neck, chest, waist.

The pains are spastic or permanent, accompanied by numbness of the limbs, development of inflammation in the muscles and a decrease in sensitivity and jamming of the nerve roots of the spinal column.

Most often, malaise indicates the presence of protrusion of the intervertebral disc or hernia. These are two different stages of the degenerative process in the spine, caused by osteochondrosis.

The disease can be cured with the help of complex therapy, including the use of antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs drugs, adherence to proper nutrition and daily regimen, manual therapy, as well as special exercises with protrusions the spine.

How protrusion forms

The causes of the disease are congenital and acquired. The first include heredity and its influence on the development of ailments in the human body:

  1. hereditary predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  2. hereditary diseases of the endocrine system;
  3. Inadequate tonus of the muscular corset back.

The acquired factors that affect the degenerative processes of vertebral discs include:

  • elderly age;
  • Rheumatic processes and inflammation of tissues;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • prolonged load on the muscles of the back and spine in the static position (professional problems of office workers);
  • disturbance of sleep and nutrition;
  • lack of mineral substances and fatty acids, necessary for the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue organs;
  • failure of the endocrine system (metabolic processes are disrupted);
  • excess weight;
  • excessive load on the muscles of the cortex and spine (professional athletes).

The listed factors of protrusions morbidity depend on the degree of neglect of these causes.


The difficulty in diagnosing the disease lies in the fact that protrusion in 20% of cases is asymptomatic, determine its presence is obtained as a result of the diagnosis of other diseases: when passing the uzi or mrt.

In 80% of cases, patients complain of the following symptoms of protrusion:

  1. shooting back pain, aggravated with tilting and physical exertion;
  2. numbness of limbs;
  3. depending on the localization of the protrusion, the compression of the nerves disrupts the blood circulation, which creates problems with the internal organs of the small pelvis and the abdominal cavity;
  4. weakness in muscles, inability to tolerate normal physical activity.

Symptomatics is nonspecific and may indicate the presence of various diseases of the spine. To confirm the diagnosis of protrusion of intervertebral discs, complex analysis is required.

Indications and contraindications for curative gymnastics

LFK with protrusion is appointed by the attending physician only after a complete examination of the patient and evaluation of his abilities to perform the prescribed exercises.

Strictly forbidden gymnastics for people with acute pain syndrome at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. Be careful!

In other cases, when the diagnosis is made at the stage of development or chronic course of the disease, gymnastics is conducted according to the instructions of the surgeon and under the supervision of a specialist. With the recommendations of LCF are taken into account such indicators as:

  • the point of origin of protrusion;
  • psychological problems of the patient;
  • stage of the disease;
  • age of the patient.

Therapeutic exercises are designed to eliminate or reduce the ailments in the patient's body with the help of:

  1. improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of organs;
  2. elimination of jamming of nerve roots;
  3. stretching of displaced vertebrae;
  4. restoration of motor activity;
  5. remove the disc offset and align its contents.

When performing exercises prescribed by the doctor, the patient must observe the correct technique of performing tasks in order not to injure the spine even more and not exacerbate the protrusion.

The main contraindications for classes are:

  • inflammatory exacerbations in tissues;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • internal organs bleeding.

Complex of exercises

LFK with protrusion of the lumbar, cervical or thoracic department is appointed in order to restore normal sensitivity of extremities and blood circulation in internal organs, whose work is disrupted as a result of a deficit nutrients.

So, with the help of physiotherapy exercises, the patient's health improves noticeably, as the attending physician appoints a uniform physical load for all parts of the spine, capable of increasing the tone of muscle fibers, increase blood flow and metabolism in cells tissues.

There are various training schemes depending on the location of the protrusion.

Loin and Sacrum

Most often, the attending physician is faced with a diagnosis of protrusion of the lumbar spine. Exercises recommended to the patient can be performed only in the absence of inflammation or complications.

Lfk with protrusion of the lumbar spine is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Lying on the back of the legs to take turns in the sides.
  2. Lying on his back in a quiet position, the person practices diaphragmatic breathing (the breast remains immovable, breathing is carried out by the stomach). During inhalation, the abdomen expands, and, as it exhales, it retracts under the chest.
  3. Tilts to the sides. You can stick to a wall or chair, performing standing or sitting.
  4. Standing on all fours, the patient takes his legs back and forth in turn.
  5. Standing on all fours, the patient performs squats with a touch of heels without tearing the palms off the floor.
  6. Standing on all fours, the patient reaches out to the knee of the opposite leg and vice versa.
  7. Raising a leg that lies cross on the cross of the opposite leg, from a position on four limbs.

Each exercise is performed 10 times on each side for 4 approaches (40 repetitions of movement for each side of the body).


The cervical spine suffers from protrusion almost as often as the lumbosacral spine. If the lower back of the upright has a large axial load, the cervical rest suffers from the disease because of the extreme mobility of the vertebrae.

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LFK with protrusion of the cervical spine (video instruction see below) allows you to eliminate pain in the muscles of the neck, headache due to spastic compression of nerves, sharp changes in blood pressure, cervical vertebrae.

Before carrying out the complex gymnastics of the NFL for the neck, the patient should undergo a massage course, manual methods of spinal column traction, and also a course of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Exercises are performed in the following order:

  • The ups and downs of the pelvis lie on the back. Hands are parallel to the body.Do not tear off the blades from the floorand move the weight of the body on the shoulders. The goal is stretching in the cervical region.
  • From the supine position on the back, the patient tears off the body and reaches out to the toes with his hands, then descends smoothly backwards.
  • Lying on the stomach, the exercise of the boat is performed - tearing the front of the body from the floor, working on the extensors of the back. Legs, abdomen, pelvis remain on the floor. Hands can be stretched out in front of you or support your chin.
  • From standing on four limbs, the patient alternately lifts the opposite arm and leg at the same time, lingering in the final position for a few seconds.

Just like in the previous exercise complex, the execution requires several approaches (3-5) for 10-20 repetitions in each exercise.

Thoracic department

The most difficult to correct is the protrusion of the thoracic spine. An effective method is considered a conservative method - the operation of protrusion of intervertebral discs. The operation not only removes pain, but also struggles with the root cause of the onset of the disease.

Drug therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs is used when the pain syndrome is extremely strong and brings suffering to the patient.

Therapeutic exercises with thoracic protrusions include a number of features. Its use is possible only as an additional measure at the stage of remission of the disease or during rehabilitation after surgery.

Below is a series of exercises with protrusion of the thoracic spine, using which, you can significantly reduce pain and improve blood flow to the internal organs of the peritoneum:

  1. From standing position, hands rise up on exhalation, the trunk with elongated hands descends back and inhales, then tilts forward with a rounded back on exhalation.
  2. Sitting on a solid surface, a person crosses his arms behind his head, inhales with his body torso back, leaning his shoulder blades on a chair, and returns to its original position.
  3. Exercise the cat on all fours. On inhalation, a back bend is made, on the exhalation the back is rounded.
  4. Lying on his stomach, the patient performs an exercise "cobra". The palms are parallel to the shoulders, the person tries to tear off the upper part of the trunk from the floor with the help of tension in the back and pushing the palms off the floor.The main thing - do not throw your head back, squeezing your neck.
  5. Exercise "boat". A person lying on his stomach tears off the chest and legs from the floor, creating a deflection in the back. Hands remain directed along the trunk.

Exercises require 8-10 times for 4 approaches.


Therapeutic exercises can help get rid of the pain syndrome that accompanies the patient during the development of pathological protrusion in the spinal column. And also increase inadequate blood circulation and nourishment of internal organs.

Exercises are a complex of movements affecting the target spine, organs and muscles located near it. By such simple methods a person can improve his body and strengthen a muscular corset.

A source: http://vsetelo.com/bolezni/zabolevaniya-oda/gryzha/gimnastika-pri-protruzii.html

Gymnastics with protrusion of the lumbar spine

Gymnastics with protrusion of the lumbar spine is an important aspect of conservative treatment of protrusions.

If the medicinal preparations are aimed at the elimination of pain and inflammation, then the physical therapy can eliminate the cause of the appearance of the pathology and prevent its further development.

Treatment in the form of physical culture should be carried out in accordance with all the rules under the supervision of the attending physician.

Briefly about the disease

Protrusion is a degenerative change in the body of the intervertebral disc, occurring most often against the background of osteochondrosis and some other pathologies.

Due to the compression of the disc and its distortion, the cartilage is protruded to one side without violating its integrity. In medical practice, protrusion is considered an intermediate state between osteochondrosis and the formation of a hernia.

To prevent hernia, it is necessary to diagnose the pathology in time and start treatment as soon as possible.

Principles of curative physical culture

Therapeutic exercise with protrusion of the lumbar region is designed to ease the patient's condition, prevent the formation of hernias and other complications. Treatment with the help of exercise therapy is carried out taking into account the following principles:

  • In acute disease, physical culture is not used.
  • Therapeutic exercises are aimed at restoring the muscle tone, strengthening the ligaments.
  • During the performance of the gym the patient should not experience discomfort, pain, extreme fatigue. If such feelings arise, the complex should be reconsidered.
  • LFK with protrusion of the lumbar spine should contain exercises for stretching the spinal column.
  • The gym should be performed regularly.
  • Charge is carried out 2 hours after meals or an hour before it, during the session you can not drink water.
  • During the session, sharp and violent exercises are not allowed.
  • Gymnastics are best spent in a room with fresh air.

The first training is recommended to be conducted under the supervision of a specialist. The coach will tell you how to correctly and safely perform the complex to achieve the best result.

Rules for performing gymnastics

The complex of exercises with protrusion should be carried out taking into account the important rules. They will help not only to achieve the optimal treatment effect, but also to avoid complications of the disease.

Charging with protrusion of intervertebral discs is performed with extreme caution. During the exercises the patient should listen to the state of his health.

If the movements are accompanied by pain, and after the end of physical education the painful sensations increase, it is impossible to use the movements in the future.

The important rules of performing gymnastics include:

  1. Do not immediately try to do the maximum number of repetitions.
  2. After each exercise, you need to rest for a few seconds, to regain your breath.
  3. It is recommended to conduct therapeutic exercises after taking a bath.
  4. Therapeutic exercises with protrusions of the lumbar spine are performed at a measured pace, you can not hold your breath and overstrain yourself.
  5. The lesson should last no more than 15 minutes, too long trainings can negatively affect the state of health.
  6. After the termination of employment it is necessary to lie down in a relaxed state of 20 - 25 minutes for restoration of forces.

Adhering to simple rules, you can achieve the expected result in a relatively short period, to prevent possible complications.

Indications and contraindications for exercise of exercise therapy

Treatment of protrusion of discs with physical exercises has its own indications and contraindications. LFK is indicated for mild or moderate pains, in cases of mobility restriction, to prevent the development of hernias and other complications.

Contraindications include:

  • the presence of temperature;
  • headache, severe back pain;
  • mental disorders in the patient;
  • presence in the body of foci of bacterial infection;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • recently transferred operations;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • open wounds on the body.

The main medical complex

The complex contains the most popular exercises with protrusion of the lumbar spine:

  1. Raising the pelvis. Exercise is designed to increase the flexibility of the spinal column and strengthen the muscles of the back and legs. To do this, from the prone position, you need to slowly tear your hips off the floor, your knees are bent, the brushes, feet and shoulder blades serve as a fulcrum. In this position, stay for 3 - 5 seconds.
  2. Exercise the string. Very good exercise for stretching and strengthening of the dorsal muscles. The patient becomes on all fours, extends the right arm forward, the left leg back, tries to fix for 5 - 10 seconds. After this, the limbs change.
  3. To restore mobility and eliminate stiffness, the following exercise is perfect. The patient lies down on the floor, the waist is pressed against the rug, hands along the trunk. When you inhale, raise your head, stretch
  4. Lying, inhale air, maximally straining the muscles of the peritoneum, relax with exhalation. You must perform at least 5 repetitions.
  5. In the same position, when inhaling, tear your shoulders off the floor, stretch your hands to your toes, fix for 3 to 5 seconds, return to the starting position.
  6. From the prone position, tear off the scapula from the floor, pull your knees to your chest, hold for a few seconds, relax.

All physical exercises are performed at least 5 - 7 times. In the future, the number of repetitions is gradually increasing.

Fitness gymnastics

Fitness with protrusions of the lumbar spine is also an excellent option for the treatment and prevention of the disease. To restore mobility of the lumbar disc and to eliminate pain, patients are advised to perform the following complex:

  1. The starting position is standing, take the ball in both hands, carry out the rolls in such a way that the top left then is the right hand.
  2. Execution of the press on the ball. Sitting on the ball, the patient should slowly bend and rise, as when performing a routine exercise on the press. If it's hard to hold your hands behind your head, they can be on your belt or knees.
  3. Rifts. The patient lies down on the fitball, performs reruns in different directions. Exercise is performed until fatigue appears.
  4. Operate the ball against the wall, press your back against it. Run a few rolls first to the sides, then down and up. Such an exercise is designed for stretching the spinal column, strengthening blood circulation and metabolic processes.

The benefits of yoga with protrusions

Yoga is one of the popular and safe types of gymnastics for the treatment of protrusions. Regular and regular classes help to achieve the following effect:

  • achieving flexibility of the spinal column;
  • strengthening of muscles;
  • restoration of mobility;
  • eliminated pain, discomfort;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes.

Yoga positively affects the work of all body systems. With the development of protrusions in the lumbar region, it is recommended to perform such exercises:

Yoga exercises will help in the treatment of protrusion and prevention of hernia

  1. Lie on the floor, with your stomach down, rest your hands on the floor, tear off your chest from the surface, slowly bending your lower back. During the exercise, you should feel a pleasant tension, but in no case is it pain.
  2. Standing on all fours, lower your pelvis to your feet, rounding your back. Fix in this position for 10 - 15 seconds, return to the starting position.
  3. In the same position, first bend the back up like a cat, while the chin stretches to the chest, then the back of the lower back is squashed, nape reaching for the back. Run 5 to 7 approaches.

Gymnastics should be performed on a daily basis, do not wait for immediate results, you need to have patience to achieve the therapeutic effect.

Only a properly selected complex and its regular execution can have a positive effect on health during protrusion. The optimal result is achieved through a combination of gymnastics with medication and physiotherapy.

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A source: https://proods.org/protruzii/gimnastika-pri-protruzii-poyasnitsy.html

LFK - gymnastics with protrusion

Protrusionis a disease in which the tissues of the spinal disc protrude beyond the vertebral column, but the fibrous ring does not break.
Protrusion is a specific disease of the spine and is observed in cases of degenerative disruption of the structure of intervertebral discs, when their height is significantly reduced.

Protrusion of the intervertebral discis the result of the dehydration of the disc, its height and elasticity decrease, and cracks appear in the fibrous ring.

In most cases, the protrusion continues to the intervertebral foramen, with the lower part of the holes, as a rule, filled with the tissue of the disc. As a result of protrusion, vertebra fixation worsens, instability develops in the affected area of ​​the spine.

There are several types of protrusions, namely:

1) protrusion of the disk in the cervical region

2) protrusion of the disc in the thoracic region

3) protrusion in the lumbar region.

The main cause of protrusion of the spinal disc is osteochondrosis - the emergence of a lack of water, as well as trace elements and amino acids.

Thus, protrusion is a consequence of osteochondrosis and leads to the fact that the elasticity of the discs deteriorates significantly and their height decreases. It should be noted that the presence of protrusions can also lead to the formation of a herniated disc of the spine.

In addition, due to protrusion of the disc, the distance between the vertebrae decreases and pain appears.

In general, the group at risk of developing this disease consists of athletes who experience increased spine and, as a rule, neglect the reference to doctors, also protrusions of the vertebral disk often occur in the elderly of people.

Spinal disc protrusion is also often formed due to birth trauma, intrauterine spinal anomalies, infectious diseases.

In addition, such diseases as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, as well as various fractures and traumas of the spine can provoke a protrusion.
Because of the protrusion of the disc, the spinal canal narrows, the nerve roots are squeezed, and the adjacent tissues swell and become inflamed.

At the same time, the protrusion causes a very tangible pain in the area where the disc protrudes, also the pain is felt the course of the spinal nerves, as a result of all this, coordination of movements can be disrupted, and muscle strength - to decrease.

Symptoms of protrusion

Symptoms of this disease depend on how large it is and where it is located. For example, because of the protrusions of the lumbar region in the groin area, numbness is observed, and in the back - pain.

A protrusion of the cervical spine is characterized by numbness of the hands, headache, dizziness.

In turn, numbness of the fingers, shoulder pain, pressure jumps, intercostal neuralgia are symptoms of the disease, which is called - protrusion of the thoracic spine.

The most characteristic symptoms for all types of protrusions are the following:

  • Migrating pain or pain with irradiation
  • local back pain of a chronic nature (most often seen in the neck or lower back)
  • lumbosacral radiculitis (with protrusion of the lumbar spine)
  • stiffness, burning sensation
  • weakness in muscles
  • chuvsvto tingling or numbness in the hands and feet.

It should be noted that the protrusion and hernia of the intervertebral disc are two stages of one degenerative disease, therefore, if the diagnosis of "spinal disc protrusion" is confirmed, treatment in no case is impossible save.

Diagnosis of protrusion

As a rule, the protrusion is diagnosed by visual examination, using X-rays, as well as computed tomography and myelography (introduction of a contrast medium before the x-ray). If the protrusion is triggered, this leads to the fact that the diameter of the spinal cord decreases, resulting in a general condition the patient deteriorates significantly, and also very favorable conditions for the development of various inflammatory processes.

Treatment of protrusions

The disc protrusion is treated both conservatively and operatively. However, surgical intervention with protrusion is used only as a last resort. Conservative treatment of protrusions is a series of measures aimed at removing pain and swelling, as well as restoration of the spine in the affected areas and normal sensitivity.

Non-drug treatment of protrusionsconsists in the appointment of acupuncture, laser therapy, vacuum therapy, pharmacopuncture, etc. Medications, Used in the treatment of protrusions, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as muscle relaxants and group vitamins AT.

It should be noted that protrusion of any part of the spine can be cured, and the duration and amount of therapeutic procedures depends on the patient's condition. As a rule, the protrusion is treated in a complex manner. First, the spine is fixed and stretched, and in the future, therapeutic exercise with protrusion and hardware physiotherapy is used. Thanks to these measures, the protrusion is significantly reduced, that is, the increased load on the changed the disk is removed and there is a restoration of a tone of muscles, work of all backbone becomes coherent.

It should be noted that the treatment of spinal disc protrusion, as well as prevention, should be carried out subject to the use of certain techniques, under the supervision of a specialist. Self-treatment of spinal disc protrusion should be ruled out.

Of great importance in the treatment of this disease is gymnastics with protrusion, the purpose of which is training of muscle tissues of the trunk, as well as strengthening and development of the spine and all its functions.

Exercises in the protrusion of the spinal disc are aimed at both treatment and prevention of the disease. The complex of exercises with protrusion is designed for people suffering from back pain, which are caused by protrusion or hernia, and have been observed for quite some time.

Complex of exercise therapy with protrusions

1) AND. P. - lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, hands along the trunk. Raise the pelvis, while leaning on the shoulder blades, shoulders and feet, and fix this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.

2) I. P. - standing on all fours, leaning on his knees and palms. At the same time raise the opposite arm and leg, stay in that position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.

3) I. P. - lying on his stomach, put the brush under his chin. At the same time, raise your arms, chest and head, while still keeping your legs, pelvis and abdomen from the floor. Hold this position for 5-7 seconds. Run 3-4 times. Repeat the same exercise while lifting your straight legs.

4) I. P. - lying on the back, arms stretched along the trunk. At the same time raise your head and shoulders, then stretch your arms straight back to your legs - take a breath. Return to the starting position - exhalation. Repeat 3-4 times.

5) I. P. - lying on the back, arms stretched along the trunk, legs slightly bent. Without holding your breath, strain your abdominal muscles so that they become firm. Then relax. Repeat 10-15 times. The easier option is to lie on your back stretching your legs to the right and to the left.

6) I. P. - lying on the back, arms stretched along the trunk, legs even. Raise the upper part of the trunk, while keeping the feet all the time on the floor. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds, then slowly move to the starting position. Take a break of 5-10 seconds, then repeat this exercise. Do 10-15 times.
7) I. P. - lying on the back, legs slightly bent. The right arm should be stretched slightly forward so that the hand is on the left knee. Then bend the left leg, while simultaneously resting on the knee with his right hand, thereby not allowing the foot to approach the head. Rest 15 seconds, then repeat 5-10 times with both right and left hand.

After this physical exertion, one can not get up at once, it is necessary to let the muscles of the legs, arms and trunk completely relax.

Therapeutic exercises with protrusions(special exercises with protrusions are performed to relieve pain and create favorable conditions for the restoration of the spine):

Extension on an inclined board.You need a wide and smooth board, to one edge of which you need to attach straps about 50 cm long (on the end of the board on the width of the shoulders). The upper edge of the board should be installed at a height of 100-130 cm from the floor (you can use the table, window sill). It is necessary to lie on the board with your back or belly, while passing the straps into the straps (straps fix the shoulder belt and are under the armpits).

In this case, the muscles of the trunk should be relaxed, for which under the knees (when lying on the back) or under the shin (lying on the stomach), one must lay a pillow. The stretch should be painless, the traction force can be adjusted by changing the angle of the board. Extension of the spine should be done every day for 5-20 minutes.

Forward stretching.To stretch it is necessary to lie on the abdomen on a pedestal, knee-high. The support can be a narrow stool (for the shoulders and pelvis to hang), for convenience, you can put a pillow.

When stretching, a part of the body weight should fall on the knees and elbows, and the other part - on the support under the belly. It is necessary to relax muscles as much as possible and breathe the upper part of the lungs.

Extension with a slope in the side.If it hurts one side, then it should be lying on a healthy side, if the pain is felt on both sides of the spine, then lie alternately on both sides. Place the roller under the blocking area. The upper part of the body should be turned slightly back, on the back, and the bottom - a little forward, on the stomach.

Walking on all fours.It is necessary to take a position, standing on all fours, while the arms are straightened, the back is straight. In this position, go around the entire room (during the movement, make sure that your hands do not bend).

AND. P. - lying on the back, the body and legs are straight. Pull the toes of the feet slowly on yourself, try to touch the sternum with your chin. As a result - due to the tension of the muscles of the neck and lower leg, the spine is stretched.

It is also very important to go swimming with protusion. Thanks to the exercises in the water, the load on the spine becomes minimal.

Swimming with the crawl and on the back provides a natural position of the spine.

But swimming style breasts strains the long muscles of the back and neck, so that at the initial stage of protrusion treatment this style of swimming is not recommended.

A source: http://lfk-gimnastika.com/lfk-v-ortopedii/192-lfk-gimnastika-pri-protruzii