Exercises in the thoracic kyphosis


  • 1LFK with kyphosis for the thoracic spine - video is an effective method of treatment
    • 1.1General principles of treatment of kyphosis with the help of exercise therapy
    • 1.2The main recommendations for performing exercises to correct kyphosis:
    • 1.3Exercises for kyphosis
    • 1.4For the thoracic spine. Lightweight gymnastics
    • 1.5Extension of the kyphosis. Active gymnastics with kyphosis of the thoracic region
  • 2LFK and a set of exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic region
    • 2.1Kyphosis of the thoracic spine: causes
    • 2.2Exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic spine
    • 2.3How to cure folk remedies?
    • 2.4Is it possible to treat with medications or surgery intervention is necessary?
  • 3Effective exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic spine
    • 3.1Features of pathology
    • 3.2Principles of curative gymnastics
    • 3.3Basic rules of the event
    • 3.4Classification of exercises
    • 3.5Approximate complexes
  • 4Therapeutic exercises with kyphosis
    • 4.1Principles of treatment
    • 4.2Gymnastics
    • 4.3Denial of responsibility
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Exercises for kyphosis (thoracic and pr departments): what can and can not + video
    • 5.1General principles of gymnastics
    • 5.2Contraindications
    • 5.3Types of exercises
    • 5.4Exercises depending on the mechanism of action
    • 5.5Approximate complex with kyphosis
    • 5.6Stretching with a fitball
    • 5.7Are there any other options
  • 6Exercises for kyphosis
    • 6.1How is kyphosis classified?
    • 6.2Principles of treatment of kyphosis with the help of physiotherapy exercises
    • 6.3Recommendations for the exercise of exercise therapy
    • 6.4Exercises for kyphosis of the cervical vertebra
    • 6.5Complex of exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic vertebra
    • 6.6Physiotherapy with kyphosis of the lumbar spine

LFK with kyphosis for the thoracic spine - video is an effective method of treatment

Kyphosis is a deformation of the spine in the form of a letter C, so that a person appears a hump. The disease can be congenital or acquired. Treatment is based on exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy. In severe cases, a surgical correction operation is possible.

The causes of kyphosis are stooping, progressive osteochondrosis, back injuries, and elderly people are also at risk.

General principles of treatment of kyphosis with the help of exercise therapy

LFK in kyphosis is recommended to all patients without exception. The exercises strengthen the muscle fiber, and also relieve pain in the spine.

Complexmust be approved by a professional. It is the physician with education that selects the intensity of gymnastics, the number of exercises in one complex and the frequency of classes per week.

When choosing exercises, he takes into account the following factors:

  1. Age of the person suffering from the disease. Adolescents are quite possible to correct kyphosis by intensive exercises.
  2. The patient's physical condition, its capabilities.
  3. The patient's psychological condition, belief in recovery.
  4. Degree of deformation of the spine.
  5. Factors contributing to the development of the disease. With the spine, which suffered the injury, you need to handle very carefully. Classes in this case are appointed with moderate intensity and in a sparing scheme.

The complex of exercises, which is matched by the doctor, works, but very slowly. Instant effect here is impossible. Do not expect results too quickly.

With kyphosis, one should not focus on strength exercises for pectoral muscles. As a result, muscle tissue simply "stretches" forward, and the breasts become visually even smaller.

Maximum permitted weights:men - five kilograms, women - three kilograms. If you want to take more weight, lie down on the floor.

Otherwise, there is a risk of injury to the spine and the appearance of hernias.

The main recommendations for performing exercises to correct kyphosis:

  • During therapy it is important to monitor posture even outside the medical room and the gym. From that moment the patient should always observe the position of the back, shoulders.
  • Do not lift weights.
  • Gymnastics should be preceded by a warm bath and a relaxing massage. These procedures will soften the muscles and prepare them for exercise.
  • One class of exercise should not last longer than half an hour. Otherwise the muscles will overtax.
  • The intensity and amplitude of performance grows very carefully and slowly.
  • It is necessary to observe your own well-being during the lesson. When there is a malaise, painful sensations, spasms, dizziness or nausea, you do not need to continue the gym.
  • Excess load assigned by a physician is unacceptable.
  • Avoid running and exercising on horizontal bars. They can be appointed individually.
  • If necessary, use the back straps that support the frame, relieve tension and prevent injury.
  • Do exercises regularly, do not neglect the advice of a doctor. The effectiveness of exercise therapy in many ways depends on the desire of the patient.
  • The average number of approaches is 2 or 3 for 15-25 times. Between the approaches take a break, let's relax the muscles.
  • If your legs are numb, relax them with a fitball: sit on the couch, put the ball under your feet and roll it slowly. At the same time the calf muscles rest, and numbness passes.

Therapeutic gymnastics has its own contraindications, they include:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. poor emotional or psychological state, stress, fatigue;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. blood coagulability;
  5. the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Exercises for kyphosis

There is a certain classification of exercises for kyphosis. By force of load, light, active, passive and metered exercises are divided.

Complexes can consist of one type of exercise, and have a mixed structure.

It all depends on the choice of a specialist, he collects together different therapeutic exercises for a certain person.

The lighter version is suitable for patients suffering from kyphosis of the thoracic area. It relaxes the muscle frame.

Active gymnastics accelerates blood circulation in tissues and muscles, increase the tone of muscle fiber. In comparison with passive gymnastics, active exercises reduce the risk of displacement of the bony structures of the spine.

Dosed exercises imply the overcoming of some external force. It can be the hands of the coach.

The most popular and popular are active and lightweight exercises.

For the thoracic spine. Lightweight gymnastics

Squats with a stick. Conduct a stick behind your back, placing it on the level of the blades horizontally. Now straighten your chest. In this position, start crouching. It is important not to tear off the heels from the surface. 2 approaches 20 times each.

Slopes with a stick.The starting position is similar. Now also gently stand on your toes. The heels should not touch the surface. Then make a few inclines to the sides. The heels are pressed to the floor. 2 approaches 20 times each.

The Swedish wall. Within 3-7 minutes, depend on the Swedish wall. Start with three minutes, in time, increase the duration of the exercise.

Chair. Sit on a chair. Lean your elbows on the back of the chair, your hands are down. Bend the chest for 5-15 seconds. Make a few approaches.

Extension of the kyphosis. Active gymnastics with kyphosis of the thoracic region

Straightening.Stand up straight, place your arms on your waist, your shoulders lowered. Unbend the chest as wide as possible. The duration of the exercise is gradually increased from 3 to 10 seconds. Do 2 approaches 15 times.

Scissors. In the prone position, lift the straight legs up, hands stretched along the trunk. Cross your legs alternately. Do 2 approaches 10 times.

A bike.In the supine position place your feet at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. Raise one leg, the second while slowly leading to the raised. Repeat 15-25 times. For the second leg, do a similar exercise.

Arc. Lie on your back. Bend the chest so hard that an arc is formed. In this position, stay for 15 seconds.

Cat.Stand on all fours. Pull your arms forward while bending your spine. Stretch for about 15 seconds.

The physiotherapy prescribed by a qualified physician for kyphosis becomes a very effective part of general therapy.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/uprazhneniya-i-gimnastiki/pri-kifoze/lfk-3.html

LFK and a set of exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic region

The best fight against the disease is its prevention. It is better to protect yourself than to fight the consequences of your carelessness.

To avoid treatment, for the prevention of kyphosis of the spine you need to engage in fitness and do complex exercise therapy.

When sedentary work is recommended to exercise, it will help you keep your muscles in a normal state.

During sports games, the back should be protected from all possible injuries that can cause illness. You need to sleep on a solid orthopedic mattress.

The desk and chair should match your height. If you do get sick, it will help you. Also, exercises with kyphosis will help you prevent the progression of the disease.

Take care of your health, because it's easy to lose, and you will not be able to return it.

Kyphosis of the thoracic spine: causes

"C" shaped posture bending is called kyphosis. It causes the stoop of the back, or the appearance of hunchback. The most common is the kyphosis of the thoracic posture.

This disease can be congenital or develop throughout life. Congenital kyphosis is accompanied by internal pathologies. There may be leg paralysis or an abnormality of the urinary tract.

With this disease, the shoulders are tilted down, the diaphragm is lowered.

With this ailment, not only the bony system of muscles alleles undergo changes. Physiological is formed by 7 years and represents a natural bend of the spine.

Posttraumatic is caused by trauma of posture. Sinil kyphosis arises from the degradation of processes, which are the consequences of age-related changes in posture.

Diseases that cause paralysis can lead to the development of paralytic kyphosis.

Tuberculosis is a consequence of immunodeficiency diseases. Degenerative - dystrophic changes in the spine can lead to such a variety of ailment. Rickets develop only in children with rickets.

Children aged 15-17 years are at risk. It is at this age that the probability of developing the kyphosis of the area below the neck is great. Also, this disease is common in weakened children, because they are often in a recumbent position.

The causes of kyphosis:

  1. Injuries of the department below the neck of the spine, such as fracture of posture.
  2. Age disorders occur in the area of ​​the spine.
  3. Keeping a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Operations on posture.
  5. Infectious diseases.
  6. Heredity.
  7. Education in intervertebral discs.
  8. Tuberculosis of bones.
  9. Osteochondrosis.

If this ailment exists, pain can arise, which you need to correct without losing sensitivity. The pain syndrome is aching. The disease can develop because of excessive stress, - spondylitis.The main symptoms are:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Violation of the rhythm of the heart muscle.
  • Numbness of the legs.
  • Cardiac spasms.
  • Weakness of the muscles of the back.
  • Problems with breathing.
  • Flattening.
  • The narrowed cell.

Treatment is possible by such methods:

  1. Complex exercises.
  2. Hormonal therapy.
  3. Surgical intervention.
  4. A complex of vitamins.

Treatment of ailment is quite a long process. The main role in it is played by the regularity of performing the so-called "LFK complex" and swimming. Swimming is very useful for strengthening the back muscles and is cured.

Exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic spine

Therapeutic exercises are developed by the doctor. In order to properly engage in curing gymnastics, you must adhere to general principles.

Charging against kyphosis should be both active and passive. Loads during charging should be gradually increased, but this should be done smoothly.

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A sharp increase can cause complications.

Curing LFK is divided into four types of exercises: light, metered, active and passive. Before charging, it is recommended to do a massage or take a bath.

In order for the effect of treatment to be properly seated.

The lesson should not last more than half an hour, because this will have negative consequences of such healing.

The main task of the specialists developing the exercise therapy is to teach the patient the correct gait and bearing posture.

Useful for treating the disease will be the following set of exercises: lying on the stomach, and lifting the chest area.

Then you need to stand on all fours chest area to throw back.

Many exercises for the treatment of kyphosis of the thoracic spine can be found on Internet resources.

There is even a special forum on which this problem is discussed.

The most effective classes will be if they are combined with wearing a special corset. The healing LFK has contraindications:

  • temperature above 37 degrees;
  • infectious diseases;
  • high pressure;
  • mental disorders.

How to cure folk remedies?

The folk methods of treating kyphosis include basic and additional procedures:

Basic Additional
Massage Vacuum Therapy
Glinotherapy Ointments
Acupuncture Baths
Physical Education Warming up

For warming, river sand is used because it keeps heat well. It is heated in a frying pan and placed in a sachet of fabric. The sachet is applied to the problem areas of the back. Hold it until the sand cools.

After that, the back should be well wrapped, for this you can use a woolen shawl. Up to one spoonful of pork fat, you need to add ground cones to leave the mixture in a dark place for four days. Obtained ointment should be rubbed into the problem area.

Glinotherapy involves wrapping healing mud. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. For therapeutic baths, you need to dilute 100 grams of mustard in warm water and pour into a bath. The duration of taking a bath is 20 minutes, after which you need to take a shower.

Is it possible to treat with medications or surgery intervention is necessary?

No drug therapy can completely cure this ailment. It will help relieve pain and ease the course of the disease. Treatment is assigned by the doctor to each patient individually. Usually doctors prescribe to take vitamins, calcium preparations, glucocorticosteroids.

Surgical intervention occurs when:

  1. rapid progression of the disease;
  2. severe pain;
  3. severe disease;
  4. decompression of the nerve root;
  5. the desire of the patient to get rid of the external manifestations of the disease;
  6. also to protect the neural structures from new damage.

The operation is carried out in two stages. First, the surgeon removes the changed between the vertebral disks. Then inserts the rods whose task is to control the correct posture position. Two years after the operation, when the vertebrae have grown together, the construction is removed.

Surgical intervention, whose goal is to eliminate the pain syndrome is called kyphoplasty.

The method is designed to correct the posture curvature - this is an osteotomy. Surgical intervention carries certain risks.

Therefore, you need to weigh the pros and cons, then decide whether to do the operation.

A source: http://PozvonochnikPro.ru/kifoz/uprazhneniya-pri-kifoze-grudnogo-otdela.html

Effective exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic spine

Exercise in the kyphosis of the thoracic spine can, with proper and systematic execution, eliminate a very dangerous defect.

Today, there are practically no effective ways to get rid of pathology by medical treatment.

Any therapy will help to cope with only symptomatic manifestations and side effects.

Only gymnastics at a kyphosis of a thoracal department of a backbone gives a chance to get rid of a pathology. In childhood, special complexes give a very good prognosis for cure. With age, the problem becomes more complicated, but slowly, stubbornly and, most importantly, it is systematically possible to achieve the desired result.

Features of pathology

Kyphosis is the curvature of the upper part of the spine and can be both congenital and acquired.

This pathology is divided into a physiological type, which is characterized by a gradual development under the influence of external and internal factors, and the pathological type caused by spine injury due to illness, injury or incorrect posture.

Kyphosis of the thoracic spine is presented in the form of a syndrome of "round back" - stoop or hunchback.

Such deformation causes a forced wrong posture: the shoulders go forward and slightly down, the thorax loses its width, the whole upper half of the body leans forward.

Accordingly, the diaphragm (the muscle of breathing) descends, the abdominal muscles become weaker, the spinal muscles stretch and the abdominal muscles become functional.

Kyphosis has several characteristic varieties:

  • genotypic kyphosis;
  • compression type;
  • mobile view;
  • rachitic form;
  • senile appearance;
  • total kyphosis (the whole spine is bent by an arch - usually in newborns);
  • angular.

The severity of the manifestation is 3 stages of the disease:

  1. the first stage (light) - curvature no more than 30 °;
  2. second stage (moderate) - curvature 30-60 °;
  3. the third stage (heavy) - a curvature of more than 60 °.

Principles of curative gymnastics

One of the causes of curvature of the spine is the weakness of the muscles that surround the spine. Strengthening the muscles is the direction to correct the defect. Another important cause is considered to be incorrect posture, resulting in a constant impact of the curving force.

Given these prerequisites, a set of gymnastic exercises can help in the treatment of kyphosis.

The main tasks that the exercises solve are the following:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominal cavity;
  • normalization of the circulation of the spinal column;
  • stabilization of the normal physiological location of the vertebrae;
  • relaxation of spasms of muscle tissue;
  • correction of posture and gait;
  • general strengthening of the body.

Basic rules of the event

The therapeutic effect will be exercised from kyphosis with a properly selected complex, preparation for the procedure and observance of the necessary conditions.Incorrect physical activity can aggravate the situation, so you should follow the general rules:

  • The treatment complex should include static and dynamic loads.
  • The load must be dosed, taking into account individual characteristics.
  • The size of the load and the pace of exercise should increase gradually and begin with a minimum.
  • The duration of the complex should not exceed 40 minutes.
  • Before the session, it is recommended to carry out relaxation exercises for the muscles (bath and massage).
  • The postures during the exercises should correct the posture.
  • In the end, you should make therapeutic walking or overcoming obstacles in the fresh air.
  • With kyphosis 2 or 3 stages gymnastic exercises should be combined with wearing an orthopedic corset.

In some circumstances, gymnastic exercises can harm a person, and their conduct is not recommended in the following conditions:

  1. fever and temperature rise above 3 °;
  2. mental disorders;
  3. poor overall health of a person;
  4. presence of infectious diseases;
  5. risk of thromboembolism and bleeding;
  6. presence of high blood pressure.

Classification of exercises

Depending on the magnitude of the load, the complexes are divided into 4 types: light, dose, active and passive.

The light complex is aimed at unloading the muscular structure in the presence of hypertonus in muscles.

Exercises are designed so that the load is evenly distributed: support on a table, bed or couch, slowing down movements. For dosed loads, dumbbells with a calibrated weight are used.

Active types of exercises are designed to stabilize the blood supply to the spine and maintain muscle tone, based on increased mobility. Passive complex is made on the basis of passive exercises.

On the mechanism of execution of exercises and their target orientation physical culture complexes are divided into physical (with increased load), rhythmoplastic (correction of movement and posture), respiratory and corrective (aimed at specific types of deformation of the spinal column).

Approximate complexes

For example, two widely used sets of exercises for kyphosis can be proposed.

Complex for frequent use

Some exercises with frequent and constant performance have a curative effect, despite their simplicity. We can recommend the following complex:

  • The starting position (PI) lies on the abdomen. Brushes of arms rise to the level of the shoulders, and a deep breath is drawn, emphasis is placed on the forearm, the head is reclined, the chest rises; exhalation is done when lowering.
  • Crawling on all fours. Maximum chest flexes downwards, elbows are diverted to the side, the number of steps is 50.
  • IP - lying on the back, legs bent at the knees. The trunk is bent under support on feet, shoulders and a head (a hemicroscope), in the lifted position the person stays not less than 3 seconds.
  • IP - sitting on the floor, legs straight, brushes on the shoulders. Circular movements are made by hands in a counter-clockwise direction with simultaneous tension of the muscles on the shoulder blades.

The main complex

As the main set of exercises for kyphosis, you can recommend the following:

  1. IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with a gymnastic stick wound behind the back. A squat is done with a deep breath, after exiting the FE, an exhalation is made.
  2. ИП from упр. 1. The patient rises to the socks with raising and raising hands, a deep breath is taken; return to the FE and exhale.
  3. IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands with a gymnastic stick behind, while the stick is at the level of the shoulder blades. Hands straighten with a raised stick, the head throws back, a deep breath; return to the FE and exhale.
  4. Exercise. 2 of the previous complex.
  5. IP - lying on the back, arms straight along the trunk. Arms bend at the elbows, the spine flexes, supported by the back of the neck and elbows, a deep breath; slow return to the FE, exhalation.
  6. IP - lying on his stomach, his hands on his shoulders. The head rises and the chest rises as much as possible, resting on the forearm, and inhaling. Return to the FE and exhale.
  7. IP - lying on his stomach, his hands behind his back with a gymnastic stick, a stick at the level of the shoulder blades. The head is jerked, the spine flexes, the breath is arbitrary.
  8. IP - on all fours. The arms are bent, the chest is lowered, the body moves forward. Slow return to the IE, breathing is arbitrary.
  9. IP - lying on the back, hands along the trunk, maximum relaxation. Hands climb to the head, a sipping, a return to the FE.
  10. IP - standing, brush on the back of the head. The patient rises to the socks with the dilution of the hands to the sides, a deep breath. Return to the FE, slow exhalation.

Remember that exercise therapy with kyphosis of the spine is an effective treatment. However, it will be effective only if it is appointed by a specialist.

A source: http://pozvonochnik03.ru/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-pri-kifoze-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Therapeutic exercises with kyphosis

- Natural curvature of the spine in the thoracic and sacral areas back. The pathological condition is the doctor, if the angle of inclination of the spinal column exceeds 45 degrees.

Much less often the disease manifests itself in the sacral department. The pathological looks like a strong stoop.

There are 4 degrees of severity of the disease. But even a slight curvature has its consequences.

can cause the destruction of intervertebral discs (,), heart and lung diseases, lowering the diaphragm.

At the 3rd and 4th stages, the curvature causes disruption of the liver, GIT, kidneys, heart, blood flow in the brain.

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Diagnosis of the disease by a doctor after a series of medical tests and tests. After that the patient is prescribed treatment. Severe stages are treated through surgery.

Kyphosis 1 and 2 degrees, when the curvature of the thoracic or sacral spine has not yet progressed so much, it can be gradually eliminated by the help of therapeutic gymnastics.

Increases the effect of the sessions thanks to acupuncture sessions, water procedures and other physiotherapy methods.

Important!Do not self-medicate. All procedures and treatment of complex occupations should be selected and approved by a doctor.

Principles of treatment

The instructor selects a set of exercises of therapeutic gymnastics for kyphosis of the spine on the basis of medical examination and prescriptions of the attending physician.

First of all, pay attention to the following factors:

  • age of the patient;
  • physical data;
  • severity of the disease;
  • causes of development.

The latter factor is important because, for example, with back injuries, only sparing exercises are selected with an extremely slow increase in load. Although in any case, waiting for quick results is not necessary.

The meaning of therapeutic gymnastics in thoracic kyphosis is to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals with the help of dynamic and statistical exercises. They will allow to hold the spine in a normal anatomical position.


On average, the duration of gymnastics with kyphosis of the spine in children and adults is 30-40 minutes.

The first time it should be conducted under the supervision of an instructor, but then you can perform therapeutic and strengthening exercises for kyphosis.

For carrying out it is necessary to change clothes in comfortable sports clothes and to prepare stock: a rug for employment, a gymnastic pole and a fitball. But if the last two do not, you can do it.

Exercises gymnastics for the treatment of kyphosis of the thoracic or cervical spine are divided into:

  1. lightweight - aimed at unloading stressed muscles;
  2. dosage - exercises to overcome resistance: dumbbells, gum, coach hands;
  3. active - designed to improve blood flow in muscles and internal organs, as well as increase muscle tone;
  4. passive - minimum load.

According to the mechanism of action, respiratory gymnastics is isolated during kyphosis, correcting (correction of deformation vertebrae), physical exercises (increased muscle tone), and rhythmoplastic (restoration of skeletal functions person).

A single set of gymnastics exercises from kyphosis does not exist. As we have already said, they are selected individually.

But the most frequent and, so to speak, universal can still be distinguished:

  • Squats with a gymnastic stick. Six should be kept by elbows behind the even back, legs on the width of the shoulders. On exhalation we do squatting, without bending our back, on inhalation - return to the original position.
  • Sipping. The legs are placed on the width of the shoulders, with a deep slow inspiration you need to raise your arms straight up and reach for them with your whole body. When the hands at the top need to climb on your toes and feel how the spine is stretched. Stand for so a couple of seconds and slowly with an exhalation will go back to its original position.
  • Back torsion. To do this, lie on your stomach and put your hands on your shoulders. The task is to inhale the chest as much as possible from the floor and bend backwards. Exhaling, comes back.
  • Position on the floor with your stomach down. The arms are bent at right angles so that the palms are at the level of the head. Muscles are all relaxed. On inhalation, the hands should be torn off the floor and raised as high as possible. In this case, the shoulder blades should close. Hold for 3 seconds, lower your elbows, exhale. The palms should remain in the air throughout the exercise.
  • Position on the floor on the back. We divert the right right hand to the side, bend the nails at right angles and take them to the left. It should feel stretching all over the right side. Wait 5 seconds, return to the original state. Repeat for the left hand.

Gymnastics from kyphosis of the back should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, as well as relaxing (stretching) the muscles of the chest.

Proper gymnastics will help not only with thoracic kyphosis, but also with curvatures of the cervical and lumbar spine. Over time, exercises become more complex and new elements are added.

Therapeutic exercises with kyphosis help if you do it daily and for a long time. But it is best not to run the spine to a lamentable condition, but to monitor your health.

Teach your children to do gymnastics to strengthen the muscles and spine from childhood.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/lechebnaya-gimnastika-pri-kifoze.html

Exercises for kyphosis (thoracic and pr departments): what can and can not + video

At the initial stage of kyphosis, when the bulge of the spinal column does not exceed 30 degrees in the thoracic region, therapeutic gymnastics is the base.

By strengthening the muscles and restoring normal circulation, the defect can be eliminated.

Appoint the right gymnastics can only specialist, because there are muscles that need to relax, and there are those that, on the contrary, strengthen. But what in general can wait for the patient - we will consider in our article.

General principles of gymnastics

When performing exercises aimed at eliminating curvature, it is necessary to observe some principles of performance, the degree of severity of the pathological process does not play a role.

Therapeutic physical training in the elimination of kyphosis is carried out using static and dynamic exercises.It is also important not to exceed the load that the specialist originally appointed.

It is not necessary to persist and try to do everything in a single day, the amplitude of the performed movements should increase gradually, from simple to more complex.

It takes into account the time that is allocated to the lesson, it should not exceed 30, maximum 40 minutes. In case of excess of the above-mentioned time, muscle fatigue sets in, and the effectiveness of the exercises falls.

Short-term exercise, too, will not have a positive effect.

The effect will be much greater if you take a bath before the session, or even better, do a relaxing massage. Thus, the muscles are prepared for further exercise.

Observance of correct posture

The effectiveness of the performed gymnastics is completely reduced to a minimum, if after a person improperly sits, sleeps, and also raises gravity.

An important stage in the fight against kyphosis is a constant training during walking.

It is very useful to walk on loose ground or gravel, overcoming obstacles.


When performing therapeutic gymnastics there are also their contraindications, which must be taken into account before the beginning of the classes. So, gymnastics is completely contraindicated:

  • if there is a fever or a temperature above 3, degrees;
  • with disturbed psyche or a serious condition of a person;
  • in the presence of infectious pathology;
  • at a risk of thrombosis and development of bleeding;
  • at the raised arterial pressure.

Types of exercises

Doing gymnastics can be not only in the gym, but in the pool, which is especially useful for kyphosis. There are four types of load, which are used depending on the degree of severity of the person. These are classes:

  1. light type;
  2. dosed type;
  3. active type;
  4. passive type.

Lightweight type is designed to warm up and prepare a person's muscular system.

In case the deformation is located in the thoracic area, it is necessary to pay special attention to the warming up of this group of muscles. Here they are in a state of increased tone and they need to be relaxed.

During relaxation exercises are carried out under the condition of resting on a table or chair, you can also use a couch or a bed.

The dosed type for kyphosis involves overcoming the obstacle of different force of impact. An obstacle may be a dumbbell or the hand of a methodologist.

The purpose of active or dynamic exercises is to improve the blood supply to the skeletal muscles and normalize its tone.

Exercises depending on the mechanism of action

The goal of physical exercises is to consolidate the result achieved. Rhythmic exercises can be practiced only after discharge from the department, with the purpose of correction.

Respiratory gymnastics, both passive and active, is aimed at normalizing breathing and preventing stagnant phenomena in the lungs.

Corrective exercises have the goal of correcting deformations of the spinal column.

Approximate complex with kyphosis

There are many sets of exercises that have as their goal the elimination of kyphotic deformity of the spinal column. The starting position with folded hands on the belt is taken. In this position, it is necessary to perform an extension of the thoracic spine for 5-8 seconds.

Exercises for kyphosis with shells

To strengthen the muscles of the back, you will need a special gym bench. It is necessary to lie down on it and carry out the diversion of hands on the sides.In the position on the abdomen, a circular motion of the arms in the shoulder joints is performed.

To restore the normal axis of the spine in thoracic kyphosis, stretching is used. This will require a Swedish wall. It is necessary to hang on it for 3-5 minutes several times a day.

The effect will be provided by the exercise "bicycle". To perform this, you must lie on your back and spread your legs to the width of your shoulders. The right leg is lifted upwards, the left one is smoothly fed to it through the side.

Then the legs slowly go down and the same is done with the second leg. You need to repeat 10 to 12 times. Without changing the position, the exercise "scissors" is performed, in which the legs are alternately interbred.

You need to repeat 10 to 15 times.

You can try after consulting a specialist another set of therapeutic gymnastics. To perform some exercises you will need gymnastic shells, but in their absence you can use the improvised means.

You need to start with squats, but not just so, but with a gymnastic stick, which is wound behind the back at the level of the elbow joints.

The legs are located on the width of the shoulders, while the stick itself is held behind the back by the arms bent in the elbows.

During the squatting, exhalation is made, and when returning to the starting position, one can take a deep breath.

You can stretch with your arms raised, while the legs are also placed on the width of the shoulders, and hands are raised. It is necessary to breathe in the moment when the arms are stretched upwards and exhale during the return to the starting position.

In the starting position, standing with legs spread apart to the width of the shoulders, the gymnastic stick is wound behind the back at the level of the shoulder blades.

It is necessary to gradually straighten the hands that are wound back and hold the stick, the head is also thrown back and at this moment the breath is inhaled.

In the initial position, you can exhale.

Extension exercises

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After lying on the stomach, hands are placed on the shoulders. In this position, it is necessary to tilt the head as much as possible and to tear off the chest from the floor surface, and inhale. You can exhale when the body assumes the starting position.

On the gym mat, kneel down, lean on the floor with hands. The arms are bent in the elbow joints, while the trunk is lowered to the floor by the thorax and is pushed forward. In this unusual position, an inhalation takes place, and exhalation returns to its original position.

After you need to lie on your back and try to relax as much as possible, while the hands are located parallel to the body. Further, the hands slowly wound up behind the head, we return to the starting position.

Stretching with a fitball

The effect will be on applying stretching exercises, but they need to be performed only under the supervision of the instructor. To do everything correctly, you need a fitball or a large and elastic ball.

First, you need to lie on the ball with your chest. Hands at the same time rest on the floor, in this position you need to try to move on the ball.

Keep an eye on the balance! After you can use the same exercise, only on the ball sit back.

You can hold fitball on arms outstretched above your head, you should not be afraid of it, it's easy. In this position inclinations are made in different directions. It is recommended to perform the exercise in several approaches, between which a break is made.

In order to eliminate the feeling of numbness in the legs, you can try another exercise. Its essence lies in the fact that lying on the floor on the back, we lay our feet on the fitball and roll it back and forth. During the exercise, the calf muscles experience a strain.

Are there any other options

The effect can be from simple crawling on all fours, as in childhood. Approximately fifty steps are made, during which the thorax maximally bends downward, and the elbows are divorced to the sides.

Lying on his back, neatly made a hem, while legs are bent at the knee joints, and the support falls on the feet, shoulders and head.

The back and the pelvis are completely detached from the floor surface. This position is maintained for 2-3 seconds.

And then you can take the starting position.

Sitting on the floor straighten legs, the brushes are laid on the shoulders. With the help of hands in this position, circular movements are performed backwards or in a counterclockwise direction. At this time, the muscles are tightening, which reduce the scapula.

Gymnastics can be supplemented by a massage, which in the group will give the most positive result.

It must be constantly remembered that the complex is chosen strictly by a doctor or an instructor individually, otherwise there is a risk to health.

It is better to do gymnastics in the early stages of development, when it is possible to fix everything as quickly as possible.

A source: http://spina-sustav.ru/pozvonochnik/uprazhneniya-pri-kifoze-kotoryie-pomogut-ne-navredyat.html

Exercises for kyphosis

Kyphosis is the curvature of the spine in the form of the letter C, because of which a hump appears. This pathology can be acquired and congenital.

The problem is complicated every year, but hard work can achieve positive results.

How is kyphosis classified?

The kyphosis is subdivided into several varieties:

  • - type compression;
  • - a kind of senile;
  • - genotypic kyphosis;
  • - mobile view;
  • - kyphosis total (curvature of the entire spine, often this occurs in newborn babies);
  • - Rakhitic form;
  • - angular.

This pathology by severity of pathology is divided into three stages:

  • Easy stage (first) - the spine is bent 30 degrees.
  • Moderate stage (second) - the curvature of the spine occurs at 30 -60 degrees.
  • Severe stage (third) - the spine is bent 60 degrees or more.

The reasons for the occurrence of kyphosis include stiffness, various back injuries, osteochondrosis is progressing, in addition, elderly people are at risk.

Principles of treatment of kyphosis with the help of physiotherapy exercises

Absolutely all people sick with kyphosis doctors prescribe therapeutic exercise.

LFK must necessarily be coordinated with a specialist. Only a specialist with education will be able to select suitable gymnastics, tell you with what intensity you need to perform it, the number of exercises, and also how often they are performed.

When choosing the exercises will take into account such factors:

  1. Age of the sick person. If a sick teenager, then kyphosis can be completely corrected with the help of intensive exercises.
  2. In what physical condition is the patient, and also his capabilities.
  3. Degree of curvature of the spine.
  4. The patient's psychological state, that is, how much the patient believes in his recovery.
  5. The presence of factors that will aggravate the development of pathology. If the spine has been previously injured, then it is necessary to be very careful, that is, the exercises should be done sparingly and not intensively.

Maximum load for kyphosis: for women - three kilograms, for men - five. To take the load more, you need to lie on the floor, but there is every chance of injury or a hernia.

Recommendations for the exercise of exercise therapy

  1. Under no circumstances should we lift weights.
  2. In the process of implementation, you must always ensure that your posture is correct. This should be remembered, even if you are not in a class or outside a medical facility.
  • Before physical culture it is necessary to take a hot bath or a relaxing massage. Thanks to this, the muscles relax and will be ready to take the load.
  • Increase the intensity of exercise is necessary gradually.
  • That the muscles are not overextended, one lesson should not exceed thirty minutes.
  • Performing exercise therapy under kyphosis, it is worth listening to your health. In the case of dizziness, malaise, nausea, or any sensations, the gym should be canceled immediately.
  • Do not do exercises on horizontal bars or run. They can appoint doctors only individually.
  • Take loads, more than it was appointed by specialists is not worth it.
  • Exercise should be done regularly. From how much the patient strives to recover depends on the effectiveness of therapeutic physical education.
  • Approaches should be at least three times 20 times. It is necessary to give the muscles rest, so there is a short break between the approaches.
  • When the legs numb, the exercise with the fitball helps. It is necessary to sit down and put the ball under your feet and slowly roll. So the muscles of the legs will be able to relax, and consequently, numbness will pass.

Contraindications to prescription of exercise therapy:

  1. - fatigue and stress;
  2. - high body temperature;
  3. - if the body has inflammatory processes;
  4. - high pressure;
  5. - hemophilia or blood coagulability.

Exercises for kyphosis of the cervical vertebra

  • It is necessary not to forget that it is necessary to fight this disease with a set of tools that a specialist will appoint.
  • Take prescribed medications regularly, to which are added therapeutic exercises for kyphosis.
  • All the prescriptions of physicians need to be carried out, to control the load and to regularly perform exercise therapy.
  • After all, otherwise, there will be no progress on recovery.

In this physiotherapy exercise, the main detail is a stick. It can be either a special gymnastic stick or an ordinary one. It should be about a meter long, smooth and not heavy.

  1. You need to get straight and spread your legs a little. The stick is wound behind the back and is pressed against the shoulder blades. We crouch on inhalation, but on exhalation we rise. Exercise repeat ten times. The number of approaches can be gradually increased.
  2. To become on socks. On the inhalation, the hands must be lifted upwards, and lowered in the exhalation. Focus on your health, do as many times as your health will allow.
  3. We hold the stick pressed to the shoulder blades in our hands. On inhalation, arms are pulled upward, the head is thrown back. On exhalation we return to the starting position.
  4. Lie on your back and lean on your elbows. Inhale - the thoracic part bends upwards, exhales - the starting position.
  5. Lie on your stomach, and put your hands on the back of your head, while diluting your elbows to the sides. Breathe - up the shoulders and chest area, exhale - the starting position.
  6. You need to lie on your stomach and get your hands so that a blade rests on your shoulder blades. On the inspiration, the spine bends upwards, and the head stretches to the shoulder blades. Exhalation is the starting position.
  7. Lie on your back and take your hands over your head with a stick so that you are stretched out in line. Legs need to stretch to one side, and hands with a stick to the other. Thus, stretch the spine.

Complex of exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic vertebra

Mandatory gymnastics is prescribed and with kyphosis of the thoracic spine, which also involves a stick.

  • It is necessary to lie on your stomach, and with your hands to take one's shoulders. On inhalation, you need to bend in the lower back and try to stretch upwards, on exhalation will return to the starting position.
  • This exercise is similar to the first, only a stick is used. The stick is laid on the shoulder blades and the head extends upwards. Further, the back bends, while the area of ​​the blades should be maximally leveled.
  • The starting position on all fours. The head tilts back, and the back bends up and down. Exercise is done like a kitty.
  • Standing, the stick should be attached to the shoulder blades and fixed in such a way that it was armpits. Do squats, while the back should be leveled, and the head stretches up.
  • It is necessary to pick up a stick and put your hands back so that it is behind. You need to raise your arms up while not bending, and the back should bend forward.

Physiotherapy with kyphosis of the lumbar spine

The main emphasis should be made on stretching and lumbar alignment.

  1. The starting position is standing. You need to take a gymnastic stick and stretch your arms up, while leaning in one side and the other.
  2. It is necessary to bend downwards, thus to clasp legs on ankles. The loins need a good bend.
  3. Lying on your back, try to raise your shoulders up in such a way that your lower back is rounded.
  4. The starting position on all fours. Do the arching of the back up, the loin needs to be pulled up.

As you can see, all exercises are similar to each other, but in each of them the emphasis is on the sick site. All of them are aimed at strengthening the muscles.

  • Remember that you can not get rid of pathology only by physical training, so you should definitely consult a specialist.
  • To get rid of problems with a back it is possible only complex approaches.

Make sure that the child develops correctly. Do not sit in one place, do sports and do not forget that the problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate.

A source: https://osankasovet.ru/kifoz/uprazhneniya-pri-kifoze.html