Such a sensitive and complex organ as the human eye is prone to various kinds of diseases. Eye pathologies can be contagious, have a hereditary nature or arise as a result of trauma. In addition, various living organisms can parasitize the eye area. Among the chronic diseases caused by tiny mites, is ophthalmodemodecosis.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5Treatment of demodectic
5.2Treatment with folk remedies
Definition of disease
The population of microscopic mites can permanently be found in the sebaceous glands and hair bulbs of the eye lids, without causing any concern. But under the influence of certain factors, the population of these insects begins to increase sharply. There is a reddening of the eyelids and dry purulent crusts appear on their edges. The mites themselves are not dangerous, but the products of their vital activity are the strongest allergens, therefore, with a sharp increase in the number of these individuals, numerous negative symptoms appear.
Mostly, the ticks colonies are in the eye eyelid region, but with high activity of the individuals, the pathology can spread to the entire face skin. In this case, the forehead, cheeks and chin are covered with a pink rash. In rare cases, rashes extend to the shoulders, back and chest.
In addition to demodicosis, the human papilloma virus is still common. Among the common skin manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases, there is the formation of miliomas - small white rashes in the eyelid region provoked by the acne virus. And untimely skin care around the eyelids can lead to the development of hernias under the eyes. The factors of occurrence of the latter is not only poor hygiene, but such neoplasms affect the immune system, which can provoke demodecosis.
The cause of this unpleasant disease are tiny mites that can live and reproduce in the hair bulbs of the eyelashes and sebaceous glands.The size of the mite rarely exceeds, mm, so they are difficult to detect with the unaided eye. The product produced by these glands is well suited for nutrition and their vital functions. It is believed that about half of the world's population is the bearer of these insects, but painful phenomena do not occur to everyone and, mainly, in the presence of certain factors:
atHigh air temperature;
excessive hobby bath and sauna;
general decrease in immunity;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
endocrine and hormonal disorders.
Typically, in one hair bulb or sebaceous gland can be from 1 to 3 mites. When their number approaches 10, uncomfortable symptoms appear that indicate the development of demodecosis.
The cause of the development of demodectic eyes can be the use of certain cosmetics, which include hormonal components, which are an excellent breeding ground for ticks.
In the process of progressive demodicosis, the patient has the following symptoms:
severe itching on the edges of the eyelid in the eyelash zone;
sensation of rubbing in the eyes, as in the case of sand;
purulent discharge;
sticking of eyelashes;
redness of the eyelids;
frequent barley.
Sometimes you can notice the loss of eyelashes and the appearance of pink acne.
If such symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.
Possible complications
If you do not go to the doctor on time, progressive demodicosis can cause many diseases. The appearance of a large number of ticks on the eyelids can lead to the emergence of demodectic blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis.Inflammatory processes on the face skin take the form of pinkish acne, which can cover a large area. If the rash does not respond to treatment with anti-acne preparations, microscopic examination should be conducted for the presence of ticks. Abundant rashes can provoke a pustular infection, which can spread throughout the body.
In no case can not scratch the acne, as this can lead to serious diseases.
Treatment of demodectic
This disease is chronic and has stages of exacerbation and remission.It is believed that it is impossible to completely cure it and some quantity of ticks will be constantly present in the person.The most important thing in the treatment process is to achieve a stable remission.The process itself is quite long and can last from, to 3 months. Treatment is carried out in a complex way with the use of external and internal medicinal preparations.
When washing, good results are obtained by using tar soap, which is a natural antiseptic.You can use soap with salicylic acid. 3-4 times a day, it is recommended to wipe the eyelids with an alcohol solution of calendula or eucalyptus.
For the same purpose, Karbohol and Physostigmine eye drops are used.They are not buried in the eyes, and with the help of a cotton swab rub the edges of the eyelids. Good results are given by the gel Demolon, which is applied to the eyelids twice a day. It contains metronidazole, which is very effective in the treatment of demodectic infections. Avoid contact with the eyes. The duration of this procedure is not less than, months.
In the same way, you can use Blepharogel, which contains an extract of aloe and sulfur, as the main components.In parallel, antimicrobial eye drops should be used. These are Levomycetin, Gentamicin, or Ciprofloxacin. People who are prone to allergic reactions, when the first symptoms of demodicosis occur, you need to take antihistamines:
fexadine.Blepharogel is used in the treatment of demodectic
Treatment with folk remedies
In addition to the use of medications, some folk remedies can be used.
Three tablespoons of dry wormwood should be filled with a liter of water, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes.The resulting broth should be insisted for at least three days. Accept according to the following scheme:
1 day- 50 ml hourly;
2 day- 50 ml every two hours;
3 day and the following- 50 ml every three hours.
The course of treatment can last 10-15 days.
Well help compresses on eyelids from fresh juice of an aloe or broth of a camomile. You can eat on an empty stomach one clove of garlic.
It is very dangerous not to cure the disease, as a very rapid relapse occurs.
Demodectic is an infectious disease and is easily transmitted from person to person. In addition, in the process of treatment, you should protect yourself from infection with your things. To minimize the possibility of secondary occurrence of demodectic disease, the following rules should be observed:
all personal care items should be wiped off with alcohol;
The pillow case needs to be changed daily and calcined with a hot iron;
do not use a towel to clean the eyes;
all cosmetics and skin care products should be discarded;
avoid overheating in the sun;
observe a balanced diet.
In addition, during treatment, it is necessary to exclude close contacts with people and pets so as not to endanger their risk of infection. From cosmetics it is necessary to get rid, as in it mites could get and after recovery it can not be used.
During the treatment, alcohol should be completely eliminated and as it causes a rush of blood to the face.
Demodekoz disease is unpleasant, but not heavy. If you do not allow provoking factors and turn to a doctor in time, you can achieve a confident and stable remission. It is important not to start the disease and take appropriate measures at the earliest stage of its development.
What other diseases of the eyelids affect the human body, read in this article.