Effectively get rid of genital herpes

Diseases of the venereal nature are very common among modern people. Some of them are very dangerous, they are a frequent cause of infertility. Genital herpes is a viral disease that is transmitted in various ways from a sick person, affects the genitals. At the same time, many people do not even suspect the presence of this virus in their bodies.

  • What a disease
  • How can I get infected?
  • How is the disease manifested?
  • Primary infection
  • Secondary Infection
  • Recurrent type
  • Atypical type
  • Asymptomatic herpes
  • Photo of genital herpes
  • Than the ailment is dangerous
  • How is the disease in women
  • Genital herpes and pregnancy
  • Do children suffer
  • Types of genital herpes in newborns
  • Features of the disease in men
  • Methods of treatment
  • Medication
  • Is it possible to treat genital herpes at home?
  • Diet
  • Treatment of genital herpes folk remedies
  • Honey and celandine
  • Kalina
  • Arnica
  • Herbal collection from herpes
  • Means against herpes from Siberian healers
  • Preventive measures
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What a disease

Genital herpes - that this, the answer to this question can not give many. But this disease is considered the most common viral disease. The disease often occurs without any symptoms, many people who are ill do not consult a doctor, prefer to be treated independently. This led to a rapid infection of virtually the entire population. Currently, more than 90% of the population has this virus in the body.

The virus has two forms.

  1. The first type affects the face and upper body, relapses are rare.
  2. The second type extends to the genitals, lower limbs.

The virus is rather tenacious, it survives at a temperature of -70 degrees, ultrasound does not act on it. The virus can destroy the ultraviolet, X-rays, alcohol.

Important!Therefore, alcohol wipes should always be at hand.

How can I get infected?

In genital herpes it is important not only to know how to treat the disease. But also what to do in order not to get sick. Herpesvirus infection is transmitted through a sick person or a virus carrier.

How is the disease transmitted? Infection occurs with all kinds of contacts, by the way of life, through the blood and its components. Possible intrauterine infection of the child or infection during delivery.

The doctor believes that the primary infection occurs in children as early as preschool. They get the virus from adults by airborne droplets.

Important!Sometimes an ailment is diagnosed in people who have not had any sexual contacts. This indicates non-compliance with the simplest hygienic conditions - self-infection occurs through dirty hands. If there are herpes on the lips, after handling the rashes of the hand should be thoroughly washed.

How is the disease manifested?

Signs and symptoms of urogenital herpes can be very diverse. Clinical manifestations can be divided into several types.

Primary infection

At primary genital herpes illness proceeds seriously enough. Before the appearance of the first noticeable signs, a lot of time passes, a person, not knowing about his own infection, can infect partners and household members. The incubation period can last from a week to several months.

Important!Details about herpes in an intimate place can be found in our article.

What are the symptoms of the disease:

  • itching, a feeling of pulling muscles in the perineal region;
  • possibly a fever, pain in the muscles and head, inguinal lymph nodes increase, urination becomes frequent;
  • reddened areas of skin and mucous membranes appear;
  • rashes affect the genitals, can affect nearby areas, the bubbles are arranged in groups, inside is the liquid;
  • after a few days the liquid in the vesicles grows turbid, they burst, erosions appear in their place;
  • shortly, ulcers form crusts;
  • after they fall off, there remain sensitive specific islands of skin.

The duration of the acute period of the disease sometimes reaches six weeks. The manifestation of the disease can be found on the hips, lower extremities, buttocks and anus. Sometimes bubbles are found inside the rectum.

Secondary Infection

After a primary infection, a relapse of the disease is possible. Any hypothermia, stress can lead to frequent exacerbations of genital herpes. The disease may not have pronounced symptoms.

Recurrent type

Recurrent genital herpes often has a blurred clinical picture. In this case, people are the hidden carriers of the virus. With any decrease in the protective functions of the body, the disease can go into the active stage.

This type of ailment has several forms.

  1. With arrhythmic form of the disease, remission can continue for 2 weeks and 5 months.
  2. The monotonous form is characterized by constant changes of relapses and remission.

Long-term remission is inherent in subsiding genital herpes.

Atypical type

This type of disease can only be determined on the basis of laboratory tests. Because the symptoms of the disease are masked for other ailments. Approximately 10% of gynecological infections are associated with the presence of atypical herpes.

Asymptomatic herpes

This course of the disease is diagnosed in every second patient. About the presence of the virus a person learns by accident, when treating other diseases. This type of virus can lead to global epidemics.

Important!Using barrier contraceptives, infection can not be avoided. The virus can be transmitted through the body or hands.

Photo of genital herpes

Than the ailment is dangerous

Genital herpes affects both men and women equally, and children suffer from it. Therefore, you should know what is dangerous herpes.

Primary herpes causes a number of negative consequences in the body:

  • the functioning of the nervous system worsens;
  • articular problems arise, all the pelvic organs suffer;
  • the sexual organs swell, they form long-lasting non-healing cracks.

The virus affects immunocompetent cells, which leads to the appearance of secondary immunodeficiency.

In men, frequent genital herpes leads to disorders in the reproductive system, herpetic urethroprostatitis, prostatitis, cyst.

Genital herpes can affect the cervix, endometrium, fallopian tubes, which can lead to infertility.

How is the disease in women

Representatives of the fair sex are more likely than men to be infected with genital herpes. Women can recognize the disease by painful, itchy red spots that affect the external and internal organs of the genital area.

  1. Rashes appear in the area of ​​the anus, in the nearby areas.
  2. Pretty soon the specks are transformed into transparent bubbles. The disease can affect the walls of the vagina, the cervix. Sore spots are very itchy.
  3. In a couple of days, the rashes turn into shallow, but painful erosions. They will take several weeks to fully heal.

Herpes is accompanied by abundant white or transparent vaginal secretions. During urination, there is severe discomfort in the form of pain and burning. Such symptoms are typical for genital herpes in the acute stage.

Genital herpes and pregnancy

During pregnancy, the disease proceeds in the same way as in non-pregnant women. The clinical picture can be brighter due to the weakened body of a woman in the position.

In this case, a small number of women can be diagnosed with a disease for the first time, which leads to intrauterine infection of the child. The virus can penetrate the placenta, abdominal cavity, vagina, cervical canal.

When infected in the first trimester, the child can develop serious pathologies - cataract, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcification. At every third ill woman during this period there are spontaneous abortions.

Genital herpes on later terms can cause a newborn to develop the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • jaundice;
  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis.

There are often delays in the development of the fetus. Cesarean section is shown in genital herpes.

Do children suffer

Genital herpes, children become infected in the womb or during the passage of the birth canal.

Types of genital herpes in newborns

Disseminated form of the disease manifests itself 9-11 days after birth. On the skin of the baby, there are herpetic eruptions. The disease affects the liver, destroys the cells of the brain, nervous system, eyes and mouth are affected. If you do not start the right, timely treatment - the child will die (the probability of 80%).


  • marked a sharp weight loss;
  • the child is sick, it is difficult for him to breathe;
  • fever, jaundice, bleeding may occur;
  • cause of death is the shock of collapse of blood vessels.

Important!Antiviral therapy does not help all newborns, mortality during treatment is also high (about 20%).

The localized form is a neurological disease, the signs are manifested on the 15th day after the appearance of the baby. This kind of ailment can occur without skin rashes. But at the same time complex complications develop - encephalitis, erythema, keratoconjunctivitis.

The death rate from the disease is no more than 17%. But every second sick child has problems with a neurological plan.

Genital herpes is a dangerous and terrible disease for the newborn. Therefore, all women planning a pregnancy, you must first pass an analysis for genital herpes

Features of the disease in men

At the age of 20-30 years, at the peak of sexual activity, genital herpes in men is most common. The virus enters the body due to oral-genital contacts, kisses. The disease is transmitted through common household items, dishes.

Rashes hit the head of the penis, the head groove, the foreskin from the inside. Bubbles erupt quickly, erosions are formed instead of them, which do not heal for a long time. Treatment of herpes in the intimate zone should start immediately, as soon as the first symptoms are found.

Constant exacerbations of herpes testify not only to weak immunity. But they can signal the presence of serious pathologies in the body. Therefore, a comprehensive medical examination should be performed.

Important!Infection with herpes is possible even in the absence of visible signs of the disease.

Methods of treatment

Modern medicine is unable to completely eliminate the herpes virus. This disease settles in the body forever. But timely treatment of herpes at home helps quickly eliminate unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

During the treatment of genital herpes both in women and men there should be no sexual contacts. Diagnosis, properly selected treatment regimen of genital herpes contributes to a significant decrease in relapses.

To confirm the diagnosis use a number of special laboratory methods. Immunoenzymatic analysis is the most accurate, but also the most expensive - not every clinic can do it.

To effectively treat recurrent genital herpes, you should keep a diary of the disease. It should indicate the exact date of relapse and all previous events. This contributes to a more precise definition of the duration of remission. It will also help to identify and eliminate specific causes that lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

When the manifestation of the disease should not be delayed with a visit to the clinic. The doctor will be able to choose the best variant of antiviral chemotherapy. Effective treatment of chronic genital herpes is possible only with the use of special medicines.


When there are signs of genital herpes it is necessary to know how to get rid of this ailment. Treatment of urogenital herpes should be started with the appearance of itching or rash. Medicinal products lose their power as the activity of the virus increases. At the initial stage, the effectiveness of drugs is about 65%.

The most effective drugs for genital herpes contain acyclovir. Medications can be in the form of ointments, tablets, creams, suspensions, solutions for intravenous injection.

Acyclovir (zovirax) - the most common drug against genital herpes. During treatment, you may have a headache, an allergy, and stool disorders.

To achieve a stable remission, the drug should be taken regularly. It does not affect healthy cells, but eliminates the affected elements in the body, the disease can not develop. Daily intake of this product helps to reduce the appearance of exacerbations by 70%.

Important!In people with HIV infection and oncological diseases, acyclovir can cause rapid addiction, which will reduce its effectiveness to zero.

  1. Famavir (famciclovir) is a drug with fewer adverse reactions than acyclovir. With the help of this drug, the spread of the virus can be prevented. Treatment should be continued for 7 days.
  2. Zovirax, famvir, valtoekse with renal failure to use do not recommend.
  3. Interferon inductors (poludan, amixin, arbidol) showed good results in the treatment of this venereal disease.

Often the question arises as to how quickly to cure genital herpes. The drug reaferon lipin starts to act immediately. With chronic genital herpes, this remedy can be used outside the exacerbation phases. It should be taken every other day for 10 days.

How to treat genital herpes with severe skin lesions on the external genitalia? To do this, topically apply the drug poludan, it is administered subcutaneously. In a day, you need to make 2-4 injections.

Treatment of genital herpes in pregnancy involves the use of only topical preparations. Safe and effective means for treating pregnant and newborns is pentaglobin, cytotec.

Important!When genital herpes should be avoided underwear from synthetic materials that can cause allergies, poorly absorb moisture. It is worth knowing that the treatment of herpes on the lip during pregnancy is significantly different.

Is it possible to treat genital herpes at home?

To eliminate discomfortable sensations, you can take painkillers without prescription - aspirin, ibuprofen.

Pharmacy tincture of echinacea helps to strengthen immunity, to achieve a stable remission of genital herpes. Every half a year for a month should use 20 drops of tincture. The dose can be drunk before breakfast. Or divided into 2 receptions - morning and evening.

Sedentary saline baths relieve pain, eliminate pain, itching, burning. In 8 liters of water at a comfortable temperature, dissolve 50 g of sea salt. Take a bath in a day for 16 days. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes. After that, the affected areas should be soaked with a paper towel, rub it with an ice cube.


When dealing with home treatment, you must follow a diet. This will help to prevent the aggravation of the course of herpes. The principle of diet is an increased content of lysine, a small amount of arginine.

  1. Admitted products include low-fat dairy products, beef, chicken, various fish and seafood.
  2. For dessert you can eat ice cream, drink coffee and cream.
  3. Blackberries, black currants, peaches, apples, bananas contribute to the cleansing of the body.
  4. Additionally daily in the diet should be garlic and brewer's yeast (you can use pharmaceutical preparations in the form of capsules).
  5. You can eat three times a day a salad of green onions, dressed with olive oil. The dish is rich in retinol and ascorbic acid, which helps strengthen the body.
  6. Alcohol should be excluded completely. Consumption of sugar, sweets and nuts is minimized.

Treatment of genital herpes folk remedies

Natural remedies for genital herpes can only be used in combination with antiviral drugs.

Honey and celandine

Ointment based on honey and celandine helps to speed up the healing process of erosion. To prepare the product, mix 50 grams of dried celandine and slightly warmed honey. Mass should be made homogeneous, the medicine should be applied to the affected skin.

Important!Therapy should be carried out until the signs of herpes completely disappear.


Kalina helps to strengthen immunity, prevents complications of the disease.

  1. Crush 30 g of berries.
  2. Add 5 g of honey.
  3. Pour 270 ml of boiling water.
  4. Insist at least four hours.

Drink 120 ml 4 times during the day. Duration of treatment can be from 7 to 20 days, depending on the form of genital herpes.


For compresses, you can use a decoction of arnica inflorescences. In 400 ml of boiling water, fill in 12 g of grass. After 2 hours in the medicine to soak pieces of natural tissue, apply them to inflamed places.

Herbal collection from herpes


  • lemon balm and motherwort - 20 g;
  • inflorescence of chamomile, thyme - 25 g;
  • juniper (fruits) - 15 g;
  • crimson leaves - 35 g;
  • gorisvet, wormwood - 10 g each;
  • St. John's Wort - 30 g.

All components are ground into powder, mixed until homogeneous. In 420 ml of boiling water, brew 35 g of the collection. After an hour, filter out the broth. Therapy consists of a four-fold intake of 110 ml. The duration of the decoction is 14 days.

Means against herpes from Siberian healers

Squeeze out the juice from 6 bulbs, grate 17 small, unpurified apple Antonovka. Combine with 5 ml of honey, 70 ml of pumpkin juice.

Take 15 ml four times a day. The drug is effective both for the treatment of herpes in the acute stage. And to prevent frequent recurrences of the disease.

Important!During treatment, hot baths should be avoided. This will lead to a more severe course of the disease. And standing water will facilitate the transfer of the virus to other parts of the body.

Preventive measures

With drugs against genital herpes can not be guaranteed and absolutely cured of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly strengthen immunity, to strive to prevent infection.

Prevention of the disease consists of hardening, avoiding stressful situations, healthy habits and maintaining a balance in nutrition. People who do not have a sexual permanent partner should use personal protective equipment.

The drug miramistin is an individual prophylactic against genital herpes. But with the help of this drug can not be guaranteed to avoid infection, due to the large number of ways of transmission of the virus.

Currently, there is no effective vaccine against herpes. The vaccine that exists does not have enough protective properties, it can be used only in the latent stage of the disease. Developed countries are actively working in this area. Perhaps in a few years, a vaccine protecting against genital herpes infection will be created.

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