What is tuberculosis of bones and how dangerous is it?

TuberculosisIs an infectious disease that can be infected by airborne droplets, after communicating with the carrier of the infection, using his personal belongings. It is transmitted by the migration of tubercle bacilli, which are better known as Koch sticks.

A person can carry this infection from birth. That's why its presence in the body and activity is checked by Mantoux test.

Today we will talk about what is the tuberculosis of bones, how this infection is transmitted, what is dangerous, and how to get rid of it.

Getting into the body,sticks of Kochthey are looking for a "safe" environment for life and development in it. Most often these are easy. Because of our lifestyle (bad habits and catarrhal diseases) and the environmental situation, the lungs are the most vulnerable organ. Yes, and, strictly speaking, the first organ where this infection gets into the breath.

Settling in the chosen organ, it begins to develop, gradually destroying the tissues in which it lives. Naturally, the body resists such an invasion, so there are processes that are then seen in the pictures as scars. Yes, it is, the healing foci gradually cicatrize.

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Not detected in time, the infection can roam the body, spread by the flow of blood and develop further. Often Koch sticks choose bone tissue as a very convenient nutrient medium for further survival. There is a new focus, which is now calledtuberculosis of bones.


  • 1Types of disease
  • 2The causes of tuberculosis of bones
  • 3Symptoms and early signs
  • 4Symptoms typical of children
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Consequences of tuberculosis of bones
  • 7Treatment
  • 8Preventive measures

Types of disease

There are several types of tuberculosis of bones:

  • tuberculosis of the bones of the spine;
  • koksit - develops in the hip joints;
  • tuberculosis of foot bones and ankle joints;
  • omartrite - develops in the shoulder joints;
  • tuberculosis of the wrist joints (occurs rarely, usually in combination with an infection in the elbow (knee) and knee joints (drives));
  • Tuberculosis of phalanges of the hand and metacarpal bones - develops in tubular bones, mainly affects children's organisms.
Very much depends on the immune system of a person and the conditions in which he lives. If the immunity is weakened, the conditions for living at a low level, the food is bad, but still there is or was a source of infection, then there are no obstacles for the development of tuberculosis

The causes of tuberculosis of bones

A safe environment for the development of tuberculosis is a weak organismwith a lack of vitamins and minerals, in particular protein. It can be weakened by the effects of colds, influenza virus, post-operative period, after prolonged antibiotic treatment and metabolic disorders, insufficient work kidney.

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There are alsoother causes of tuberculosis of bones- this is bone trauma, and the emerging foci as a result of injuries can become attractive to defeat the Koch sticks.

Women who gave birth to three or more children and who breast-feed are at risk. The process of pregnancy and lactation requires from the female body the maximum of useful substances that are expended for the formation of the baby and his nutrition after birth. Therefore, such a woman is particularly vulnerable to infections.

People with immunodeficiency syndrome are not protected at all from any infections. Their immune system is absent, therefore for a tubercular infection there are no barriers.

Symptoms and early signs

If an adult or child has a small temperature on a regular basis for a long period of time (37-3), then this is the reason to look for the cause.

It can be colds. But without special manifestations, any inflammatory processes in the body, especially such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, can occur. Tuberculosis of bones also has a subfebrile temperature as a symptom.

With the development of the disease, there are more pronounced signs of tuberculosis of bones:

  • strong pain in the joints and bones, where the focus of tuberculosis develops;
  • lameness;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • swelling of tissues, appearance of swelling;
  • atrophy of soft tissues;
  • thinning of bones and joints;
  • formation of cavities in the joints and bones.

The state of health can be characterized by painful sensations, which appear as a result of movement and any physical activity, increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, nervousness.

Symptoms typical of children

When tuberculosis of bones, children are characterized by such symptoms:

  • presence of stoop;
  • shoulders raised up;
  • clubfoot;
  • limping gait;
  • difficulties with jumping on one leg.

Adult people often can not pay attention to symptoms, restrain their emotions, writing off them for fatigue (if you let the body relax, then the pain passes). Children perceive their state of health much more sharply and accordingly show it.

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The disease can develop both in the adult and in the child's body. It is not often possible to detect it in the very early stage of development.It is usually determined by Mantoux test(in children) and during the passage of X-rays in adults. Mantoux reaction is done to children (from 3 to 7 days from the moment of birth, at 7 and 14 years before the antituberculous vaccination). X-rays begin to pass from 15 years and make it annually.

The presence of an inflammatory process in the body will allow to determine the blood test. To confirm the presence of tuberculosis in the body, provocative tests are done. The result of the tuberculosis test will be known exactly after 2-3 weeks.

In the presence of fistula and inflammatory processes, fistulography or abcessography can be performed. This survey will allow us to clarify the parameters of the ongoing processes. Such procedures can identify the disease and take the necessary measures.

Consequences of tuberculosis of bones

The triggered disease leads to deformation of the spine, hump formation, disability, impaired motor function.


Tuberculosis infection is not so easy to drive out of the body. A person who at least once has recovered from this disease and successfully heals from it, continues to be in the risk zone.

Timely detection of tuberculosis of bones allows for faster treatment and prevention of consequences. Recovery can last more than a year, on average, treatment takes, -3 years.

Depending on the degree of damage to the bone tissues, the patient may receivemedicamentous treatment with the following drugs:

  • Kanamycin;
  • Paraminosalicylic acid;
  • Rifampicin;
  • Streptomycin;
  • Phytivazide.

Wearing gypsum, gypsum corset, use of gypsum bed can be recommended as a counteraction to deformation in the tuberculosis of bones in children.

The presence of serious lesions, the formation of cavitary inflammatory processes sometimes require surgical intervention and excision of affected tissues, removal of joints.

In theory, as a result of such operations, a person does not have any chances of movement. But it's a long time ago. Modern surgeons carry out effective operations on endoprosthetics, alloplasty and intraarticular necrosectomy.

To overcome the infection, the body must have strength. The patient needs to eat right, live in good hygienic conditions, more often to be outdoors and get more positive emotions.

Preventive measures

To ensure for yourself and your loved ones a healthy life, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Health requires proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals. Meat (chicken, turkey, beef), fish, sour-milk products, vegetables, berries and fruits must necessarily be present in the diet of a person, so that his body gets strength for life.
  2. To support the body's immune system, regular intake of vitamin complexes (coordinated with a specialist), herbal teas and compotes, decoctions, infusions is necessary. In addition, regular recreation (forest, sea, travel) and sports are important.
  3. Timely pass preventive examinations, not neglecting small things.
  4. Conduct samples and vaccinations recommended by your doctor.
  5. Carefully follow all recommendations given by your doctor.
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