Cough with genyantema

At me a genyantritis. and acute cough than cure :?


~ * Ya Ru [email protected] LkO * ~

Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane, and sometimes the bone walls of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus.

Causes of the disease.
Sinusitis is often accompanied by a common cold, flu and other infections. Infecting microbes, getting into the maxillary sinuses, located on both sides of the nasal septum, cause their inflammation.

Symptoms of sinusitis are pain in the area of ​​the affected sinuses of the nose, "congestion" of the nose from one or both sides, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose, pain, a sense of pressure on the head and eyes. If the runny nose does not pass within a month, this may be the first symptom of maxillary sinusitis.

Folk remedies for the treatment of genyantritis:

Garlic. In case of genyantritis, rub the skin over the inflammation spot with garlic, then rub the mixture of birch charcoal with the root of the burdock root for 20-30 minutes. 2-3 procedures are recommended.

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Eggs. Eggs boiled in a steep, hot to attach to the maxillary sinuses and keep until they cool down completely.

Propolis tincture. Boil the water in a saucepan, pour in a teaspoon of 30% alcohol propolis tincture. Breathe in steam over this pot, covering yourself with a large towel.

Mix in equal parts by volume aloe juice, celandine grass and honey. Bury 3-5 times a day for 5-10 drops in each nostril.

Radish. Rinse the untreated root of black radish on a fine grater, 1-2 tablespoons of gruel wrap in a piece of cloth and put on a sore spot, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil or baby oil cream. Cover the top with parchment and wrap it with a scarf. Such a compress is done before bedtime for 10 minutes with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Honey.1-2 drops of honey honey to enter into one, then into another nostril every 3-4 hours. Treat the treatment until you feel relieved.

Butter. In the morning or evening, lie down on the pillow and, having thrown back his head, dig into each nostril for 5-7 drops of melted butter. Then be sure to lie a little, about 5-7 minutes.
Vegetable oil. In acute and chronic sinusitis, dig in the nose 6-8 times a day, sea buckthorn or dog rose oil.

Herbal collection. Mix the plants in the following proportion: sparse common, medicinal sage, lavender, eucalyptus Spherical, chamomile - 2 tablespoons each; a yarrow ordinary, a sequence threefold - on 1 dining room spoon. For 2 liters of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Take 100 ml 6 times a day. In the evening, do inhalations 4-6 times every hour.

Cyclamen juice. To get rid of the headache that occurs as a result of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, use fresh cyclamen juice. The patient should lie on his back and put two drops of juice into both nostrils. The reaction occurs after 5 minutes: the patient begins to sneeze, cough, feeling strong heat in the body, sweat. After that, during the day, a thick yellow-green pus is released from the nose, which was the cause of severe headache. The patient has a prolonged healthy sleep, after which the disease recedes.

Honey. With sinusitis, boil an incomplete water kettle, put into it 1 tablespoon of honey, cover with a large towel and breathe then one, then another nostril. Do 9 procedures.

A mixture of juices. Squeeze the juice of aloe vera - 2 tablespoons, calanchoe pinnate, highlander and vortex onion - 1 tablespoon. Mix and drip into the nose. Dripping into the left nostril, turn the head to the left for 30 minutes, then drip into the right nostril and turn the head to the right for 30 minutes. After that, warm up the maxillary sinuses with a blue lamp or just before the electric stove and go to bed.

200 g of grated spruce gum, 1 onion, 15 g of copper sulfate and 50 g of olive oil, mix and bring to a boil, cool. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with the resulting ointment. Ointment has a warming property, so it can also be used to treat bruises, abscesses and bone fractures.

Treatment of cough:

Andrei Borisovsky

Blow and take mukultin from a cough ..


The diagnosis the genyantritis was put by the doctor? he had to prescribe a cure.



What can be the cause of sinusitis?


[email protected]

What is genyantritis and what are the causes of it?
Sinusitis is an inflammation of one or both of the maxillary sinuses. Sinusitis can also be considered as a special case of sinusitis. The most common cause of sinusitis is a different kind of infection. The causative agents of maxillary sinusitis can be staphylococci, streptococci, hemophilic rod, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, fungi.
Sinusitis can be an independent disease, but often develops as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection (ARI). For example, in case of influenza, genyantritis can occur after blockage of the exit opening of the maxillary sinus due to the growing swelling of the nasal mucosa. In other cases, the source of infection may be a sick tooth or chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils).
The risk of sinusitis is especially high in the autumn-winter period, when there is a natural decrease in immunity and seasonal hypovitaminosis.
In more rare cases, the cause of sinusitis can serve as curvature of the nasal septum and allergy.
Children of one of the frequent causes of sinusitis can have adenoids that disrupt the process of nasal breathing and serve as a constant source of infection.

What are the symptoms and signs of sinusitis?
Symptoms and signs of sinusitis are very diverse and depend on the form of the disease.

In acute sinusitis, there is a fever, severe pain in the face, below the eye, nasal congestion (possibly one-sided). Also for sinusitis is characteristic of the discharge of a large mucus of a greenish shade from the nose.

In chronic sinusitis, the most pronounced symptom of the disease is a persistent night cough that does not respond to traditional treatment. Cough occurs due to the flow of pus from the affected sinus to the back wall of the pharynx. Another symptom of chronic sinusitis can often be a recurring runny nose, nasal congestion, persistent keratitis and conjunctivitis.

One of the classic symptoms of sinusitis is headache. The occurrence of a headache is associated with the accumulation of pus in the inflamed sinus. Headache with genyantritis, the pressure is often located in the forehead, behind the eyes. Often, patients can tell about the pain that increases with pressure on the infraorbital area or when lifting the eyelids. Another characteristic sign of headache in sinusitis is its noticeable relief in a prone position or in the night, which is explained by the release of pus from the affected sinus.

How dangerous is sinusitis? What can be complications of the disease?
The danger of sinusitis comes from the anatomical location and structure of the maxillary sinus, the thin walls of which form the orbit and contact the membranes of the brain. In the case of sinusitis, there is always a risk of infection spreading into the cranial cavity with the development of meningitis.
In addition, chronic sinusitis can play the role of a source of infection, which leads to frequent recurrences of sore throat, pharyngitis, can cause dental diseases, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. In acute sinusitis, neuritis of the trigeminal nerve can develop, accompanied by severe attacks of pain in the obsolescence of the face. Often, chronic sinusitis is complicated by the formation of an abscess - a closed cavity filled with pus.

olga prisakar


Status, violate nasal breathing: a deviated septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (nasal turbinate increase) in children - adenoids, allergic nasal disease.

Immunity disorders, which lead to long-term chronic diseases, parasitosis, allergic conditions, etc.

Untimely or incorrect treatment of the common cold, acute respiratory disease, rhinitis, which causes complications of sinusitis.

Bacteriosis. Many of you are familiar with the honey procedure. examination, when doctors take smears from the nose on bacteriological crops. Often a patient has a so-called staphylococcus, which lives for a long time in the nasopharynx of a person. The latter, if not examined, would not know that he is a carrier. For a long time these bacteria can not cause serious damage to health. but even with the common cold, staphylococcus can activate and manifest its pathogenic properties.

Congenital disorders of development of anatomical structures of the nasal cavity.


In the first place - hypothermia. In the second untreated ARVI.
A disappointing fact is that very often the sinusitis turns into a chronic form, and will appear from time to time.


Cold. In time, the coryza was not cured or the head was chilled. Sinusitis is a bad thing. Close the forehead when it's cold.


This is a respiratory or allergic disease.

Ekaterina Trush

My non-cured cold was the reason that I got sinusitis. I was relieved by the condition of the tablet of Cinnabsin, appointed by lor. Tablets have a natural composition and facilitate nasal breathing.

Cough does not pass after illness

Cough after diseaseCough after the illness often causes serious anxiety in patients. It would seem that the main painful symptoms, for example, increased body temperature, runny nose and general fatigue behind, and there is nothing to worry about. But the presence of this symptom indicates that the disease has not yet completely left the body. What should I do in this situation and should I rush to a doctor? In order to understand this, it is necessary to find out, because of what diseases you may not have this symptom.

What can testify cough after pharyngitis and tracheitis

Cough after pharyngitisPharyngitis - a disease in which the inflammation of the back wall of the larynx. This ailment is accompanied by perspiration and scratching in the throat, mucosal edema, a profuse rhinitis and a strong paroxysmal symptom that causes the most anxiety. The edema of the larynx causes spasms, which lead to the appearance of this painful symptom.

Inflammation of the trachea also leads to mucosal edema. Residual cough after tracheitis is not so painful and painful, but also pile-up. As with pharyngitis, it softens after the laryngeal edema subsides. A long non-passing symptom may indicate that the mucosa of the airways is still inflamed.

If, after these diseases, it does not go away for a long time and causes severe anxiety, consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a consequence of severe complications, which requires serious treatment.

Cough after ARI does not last long, what should I do?

cough does not pass after ARIIf after a cold or ARI has passed a sufficient amount of time, and all the accompanying diseases the symptoms left your body in peace, and the cough still does not pass, you should seriously think about the visit to the doctor. The residual symptom in this case may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the organs of the lower respiratory tract. Many mistakenly suggest that bronchitis and pneumonia, which are the most common complications after acute respiratory infections and colds, always occur with an increase in body temperature. But this is not so. Here everything depends on how much the person has strong immunity. These diseases are not always accompanied by sputum discharge. In this case, the cough is unproductive and paroxysmal.

What does cough after tonsillitis testify?

cough after tonsillitisTonsillitis, which is better known as angina, is a disease that is contagious. Dangerous angina is that after it, patients often have various complications. After this ailment, there may be problems with the heart or kidneys. The symptom that interests us after tonsillitis occurs in two cases. It is observed with rheumatic fever. This dangerous disease requires immediate medical intervention. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and antibacterial drugs.

Pharyngitis can also cause cough after tonsillitis. Edema of the posterior wall of the larynx after sore throat is not uncommon.

Cough after genyantritis

Cough after genyantritisMucus that flows profusely from the nose with sinusitis and sinusitis, often gets into the respiratory tract, draining along the back wall of the larynx. Because of this, cough receptors are irritated, which leads to the appearance of a dry paroxysmal symptom. If the genyantritis has been cured, and cough still does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor, to establish the etiology of the disease.

What is the cause of cough after heartburn and GIT diseases?

cough does not pass after illnessIf you are tormented for several hours by heartburn, which causes a dry, painful symptom, then your gastrointestinal tract has failed. Cough due to heartburn can be observed in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis or ulcer. Treatment of these diseases, provoking seizures, should be entrusted to the gastroenterologist. Only he can assign the necessary studies and write out the necessary medications.

Antibiotics for the treatment of genyantritis

Antibiotics prescribed for genyantemaThe last century is called "the era of antibiotics." Having received the medicine, acting on the causative agent of the disease, the doctors urgently included him in the treatment of all in pharmacies, they were in free sale, and the patients themselves prescribe therapy. This led to the development of mass resistance to the main groups of antibiotics, the development of allergic reactions.

New means based on plant raw materials for the treatment of inflammatory processes have been synthesized. At present, the absence of a bactericidal (destroying) effect of antibiotics on viruses and fungi has been proven. They are completely useless in the genyantrites caused by influenza viruses, adenoviruses, herpes, with complications of measles and chicken pox.

Sinusitis - an inflammation of the nasal sinuses often complicates the common cold. Antibiotics for sinusitis are used in cases of radiographic confirmation of the disease. Question: "What antibiotics to drink at a genyantritis?" - Excites every patient, tired of a headache, a cold and the absence of nasal breathing. Let's try to figure out the most effective treatment for sinusitis, we can be sure.

When to start taking antibiotics for genyantema

When to start taking antibioticsThe disease begins with a common cold, which is not paid attention or trying to apply drops in the nose. But the headache, dilating pains under the eyes joins, the temperature rises, and the nose is so clogged that you have to breathe with your mouth. Clinical symptoms are confirmed by an additional examination. The doctor prescribes antibiotics for sinusitis after the first treatment of the patient.

How to take an antibiotic depends on the severity of the condition. You can choose from tablets, injections, drops or sprays.Sprays have advantages over tableted treatment and drops: there is no unnecessary effect on mucous membranes stomach, the drug in a concentrated form is delivered almost to the place of inflammation, convenient in application.

Drops with a vasoconstrictor are prescribed at the initial stage of sinusitis to facilitate breathing. Correct introduction of drops into the nasal passage is carried out in the prone position with the head turned to the side. Recommended remedies such as naftizine, galazoline, xylenes.

The drops "Sinupret" have antiviral activity, do not cause an allergic reaction. Made from famous herbs. They are not buried in the nose, you have to take it for treatment. Given the safety of drops, sinupret is used in the treatment of a common cold in children; there are no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

Sinusitis can cause serious complications

  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain (meningitis);
  • the appearance of isolated suppuration (abscess) in the brain substance;
  • persistent loss of sense of smell;
  • inflammation of the branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves;
  • transition of the process to the orbit and the bone of the upper jaw;
  • spread down the respiratory tract to the trachea and bronchi.

Therefore, timely treatment of sinusitis with the use of antibiotics serves as a reliable solution to possible problems.

Use of antibiotics in sprays

The combination of a convenient form of administration and antimicrobial action makes it very effective to use a spray form of antibiotics to treat sinusitis.

  • Bioparox (fusafungin) - nasal aminopeptidny spray, has a strong nebulizing property, deeply penetrates into the tissue. It is active against staphylococci, streptococci, fungi, Recommended for the treatment of fungal and bacterial sinusitis. Of the side effects known: redness of the skin, numbness of the nasal mucosa.
  • Isophra - spray based on the antibiotic framicetin, a member of the aminoglycoside group, has a wide spectrum of action. Allergic reactions are possible.

What antibiotics are more often used for genyantritis

Frequently used antibiotics for sinusitisUsually prescribed penicillin, ampicillin, cephalosporins (cefazolin, cephalexin), sporidex, augmentin. There are antibiotics of more powerful action, they constitute a group of "reserve" for the treatment of sinusitis. Because of side effects do not apply for sinusitis in pregnant women and in the period of breastfeeding.

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  • Macroben (midecamycin) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The negative consequences include: skin rash, stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), loss of appetite, dyspnea associated with bronchospasm. Gives a cross-allergic reaction with drugs containing aspirin. It is not recommended in the treatment of sinusitis with concomitant liver damage, in children up to three years.
  • Zitrolide - belongs to the group of macrolide antibiotics, it also has a wide range of effects on various pathogens. Less toxic. Side effects are observed in the form of bloating (flatulence), pain along the bowels, insomnia, palpitation and pain in the heart. Therefore, it is not recommended for patients with chronic severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, elderly people with a disturbed rhythm of the heart, children under 16 years old.
  • Azithromycin is an analog of zitrolide. Can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea (diarrhea), allergic reactions.

Rules for taking antibiotics

It must be remembered that

  • whatever remarkable antibiotics the doctor has appointed, they will only work in a sufficient dose. Do not arbitrarily increase or decrease dosage.
  • The course of treatment of sinusitis with antibacterial drugs in drops, tablets, sprays or injections must be brought to an end. Usually it's 7-10 days. Otherwise, a very unpleasant process of drug resistance to the drug is developing.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics is one of the reasons for the development of intestinal dysbiosis, in which useful intestinal microorganisms are destroyed.
  • If you are hypersensitive to some medicine, tell your doctor.
  • During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages.
  • When buying an antibiotic in a pharmacy, pay attention to the expiration date, it is indicated on the package.
  • The appearance of any incomprehensible symptoms on the background of antibiotic treatment should be reported to the doctor in charge.

The use of antibiotics to treat sinusitis in children

Children often have acute sinusitis as a complication of normal rhinitis. More than adults have an allergic component in the disease, so pediatricians must prescribe drops in the nose with anti-allergic drugs. Antibiotics are not always needed.

Sprays for children should not cause burning sensation in the nose. Often prescribe sprays from sea water to wash the nasal passages.

The use of drops of vasoconstrictive action should be limited to three to four days.

The most frequent antibiotics recommended for children

  • Amoxicillin - even prescribed to the newborn in the form of a suspension (mix granules with water).
  • Solutab flemoxin is a combined preparation containing the antibiotic aminophylline. A syrup or suspension is also prepared.
  • Cefuroxime is an antibiotic from the group of cephalosporins. It is part of the drugs: aksetina, zinnata and zinatsef.
  • Antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group are part of nasal sprays of polidex and isophra. Isofra is shown for children older than a year, polydex is older, years.
  • Sumamed (azithromycin) from the group of macrolides is the least toxic antibiotic. It is prescribed to children from six months to three years in the form of a suspension. The elder - in tablets.

The era of antibiotics was over, but they did not stop using them. The attitude towards these funds has become more reasonable. The sale of antibiotics in pharmacies is limited to prescription instructions of doctors.

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