Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Symptoms and treatment of cervical spondylarthrosis
    • 1.1The nature of the disease
    • 1.2Etiology of pathology
    • 1.3Symptomatic manifestations
    • 1.4How is the diagnosis made?
    • 1.5Treatment of pathology
  • 2Cervical spine: symptoms and treatment of spondylarthrosis
    • 2.1What is the Danger of Cervical Facet Syndrome?
    • 2.2Causes of the disease
    • 2.3Methods of treatment of cervical spondylarthrosis and prevention
    • 2.4Conservative therapy
  • 3Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine - symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1What is cervical spondylarthrosis
    • 3.2Treatment
  • 4Cervical spondylarthrosis: symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Etiology
    • 4.2Classification
    • 4.3Symptomatology
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment medication
    • 4.6Prophylaxis and prognosis

Symptoms and treatment of cervical spondylarthrosis

When spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine develops, the treatment is most effective in the early stages, when destructive processes have not yet become irreversible.

Complex methods of therapy can stop the development of pathology, not allowing serious consequences.

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It should be remembered that the neglected form of the disease leads to the operating table, and otherwise there is a threat of immobilization.

The nature of the disease

What is the spinal cord spasm of the cervical spine? This pathology is one of the forms of deforming osteoarthritis, which is expressed in the defeat of cervical arcuate joints. The disease develops:

  • on a chronic degenerative mechanism with growth of marginal bone growths (osteophytes);
  • thinning and subsequent destruction of cartilaginous tissue;
  • deformation of articular bone articulations.

In the advanced stage, it can lead to a complete loss of mobility as a result of the progression of ankylosis, i.e. adhesion of articular surfaces.

Deforming spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine (cervico-arthrosis) draws into the destructive process almost all the articular elements:

  1. cartilage;
  2. joint capsule;
  3. subchondral bone;
  4. musculo-ligament apparatus;
  5. tendons.

A specific feature of the cervical vertebral part is considerable mobility in different directions with a high frequency and amplitude, i.e.

is under considerable load of tensile and compressive character.

Constantly acting loads under the influence of provoking factors lead to a change in the structure of the joint tissues, a violation of segmental nerve conduction and blood supply.

It should be noted that earlier the spondyloarthrosis of the neck was considered a problem of elderly people, but recently, the disease is also being detected in young people.

Already at the age of 32-35 years, there are signs of articular pathology in the neck and shoulders, promoted by the lifestyle of modern youth, and it is the prolonged stay near the computer monitor with the torso tilted forward, which creates significant overloads of the cervical segment the spine.

The pathogenesis of the disease is due to the following processes. Under the influence of the relevant factors, a reflexive increase in the size of the joint capsule arises with the formation of puffiness.

Anatomically arcuate joints are equipped with a complex innervation system, and capsular expansion causes compression and jamming of the nerve roots, which responds to the emergence of a sensitive pain syndrome in the area neck. There is a response from the muscular system in the form of muscle spasm to limit joint mobility. The result is a narrowing of blood vessels and a violation of the blood supply of tissues.

One of the variants of the development of articular pathology is unco-vertebral arthrosis. It occurs when uncovertebral articular formations appear between the cervical vertebrae, which should not normally be present.

The very fact of their formation indicates a pathological degenerative process.

In this pathology, intervertebral discs and facet joints are affected, which causes violation in the structure of the transverse channel, leading to compression or displacement located there neurovascular bundles.

Etiology of pathology

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine (symptoms, treatment) - most often the problem of people older than 52-54 years, which unequivocally proves the degenerative-dystrophic etiology of the disease.

the cause of the development of pathology is a gradual shift of the vertebrae as a result of constantly acting significant loads on the cervical region, and to a greater extent this is due to incorrect posture.

The following provoking factors are distinguished:

  • congenital disorders in the structure of the spinal column;
  • serious injuries or frequent microtrauma of the spine and cervical region;
  • shear of the vertebrae;
  • diseases that cause structural disorders in the intervertebral discs;
  • hypothermia of the neck;
  • infectious effects;
  • long-term presence in an abnormal neck posture;
  • incorrect posture;
  • endocrine diseases.

The most common cause, triggering the etiological mechanism of pathology - physical overload, falling on the cervical spine. Often, this factor stimulates the hypotension of the lifestyle, when the muscular system is weakened and unable to securely fix the vertebrae.

In elderly people there is a gradual accumulation of destructive factors, however it is possible to single out groups of people who have an increased risk of developing the disease.

To this group should be counted the people whose work is associated with lifting and wearing weights (athletes, loaders) or head in one position for a long time (work on the computer, drivers, dispatchers and etc.).

Symptomatic manifestations

In the development of cervical spondylarthrosis, it is possible to note the staging with different signs of pathology and the degree of severity of the disease:

  1. The first stage (1st degree). This is the initial phase of the disease, when the clinical picture has no pronounced manifestation. Articular tissues are already beginning to destruct, losing elasticity, but a person feels only a slight discomfort in the neck, and even then only after considerable loads. It is at this stage that treatment should be started, but calls to the doctor are rare, and the disease is detected only when carrying out a preventive examination.
  2. The second stage (illness of 2 degrees). During this period, with the load on the cervical region, there is a pain syndrome localized in the neck with irradiation in the back and shoulders. The development of the disease clearly shows the degenerative nature.
  3. The third stage (grade 3). This stage is characterized by the formation of osteophytes and the provocation of inflammatory processes. The sick person feels the limitations of mobility, caused by the violation of the functions of the joint.
  4. The fourth stage (4th degree). At this stage, you can talk about the neglected form of the disease. The joint significantly or completely loses mobility. There is a deformation of the joint, ankylosis, spondylosis, sprouting of osteophytes. At this stage, the processes are irreversible. Therapeutic task is put real - this is a stop of further progression of pathology, and the only effective way of treatment is a surgical operation.

In order to be able to effectively combat cervical spondylarthrosis, it must be identified as early as possible. In this regard, it is especially important to be able to identify the first symptoms of the disease. In the beginning, neurological signs appear.

Then you should pay attention to such symptoms:

  • pain in the occipital region;
  • short pain syndrome in the neck region with irradiation in the forearm, arms, scapula;
  • dizziness;
  • visual problems;
  • "Cramped" neck immediately after the morning ascent.

When the pathology progresses, the symptoms become obvious:

  • numbness in the neck and shoulders;
  • background noise in the ears;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • limitation of joint mobility.

The most characteristic sign is intense pain.

If in the 1-2 stages pain sensations appear only after the load and disappear after rest, then in the subsequent pain syndrome occurs and at rest.

It is especially unpleasant when pains are excruciated at night, causing insomnia. Pain spreads from the neck to the occipital region, shoulders, back, hands.

What is dangerous cervical spondylarthrosis? A direct consequence of a neglected disease is a complete immobilization of the joint, i.e. impossibility of turning the head.

How is the diagnosis made?

The primary diagnosis is made on the basis of expressed signs, but for its clarification and differentiation of pathology from other arthrosis and arthritis, a complex of diagnostic studies is needed. A blood test is performed. Instrumental techniques include such studies:

  1. X-ray. Detection and evaluation of osteophyte growth, disorders of bone structure, vertebral shear, changes in the width of the joint space.
  2. CT scan. Clarifying studies that can detect even very small joint disorders.
  3. MRI. This method is considered one of the most informative, allowing you to specify the degree of damage in the cartilage and bone tissue, ligaments and vessels.
  4. Scanning with radioisotopes. It allows to accurately detect the focus of inflammatory reaction.
  5. Angiography. It is designed to determine violations in the vertebral artery.
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Treatment of pathology

Treatment of cervical spondylarthrosis should be performed according to the doctor's prescription. This is a long process, involving a complex impact, such as:

  1. drug therapy;
  2. physiotherapeutic procedures;
  3. Exercise therapy;
  4. massotherapy;
  5. reflexology;
  6. manual therapy.

The treatment regimen depends on the stage of development of the pathology and the phase of its chronic course. At an exacerbation the basic procedures are carried out after a cupping and removal of a pain attack.

During remission, preparations are used both systemic and local, external application.

The planned course of treatment should be brought to an end, and not interrupted after the relief of the condition of the sick person.

Medication is a basic therapy and aims to:

  • cessation of inflammatory reaction;
  • elimination of pain syndrome and other manifestations;
  • prevention of the development of infectious disease;
  • the maximum possible recovery and regeneration of tissues;
  • strengthening immunity and the whole organism.

Most often this scheme is used:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Naklofen, Ortophen, Reopyrin, Ibuprom, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Myelox, which are aimed at preventing inflammatory processes, for anesthesia and reduction swelling.
  2. Spasmolytics No-shpa, Actovegin, aimed at vasodilation, elimination of spasms, reduction of muscle tension.
  3. The vasoconstrictive agents (Ascorutin), which reduce the permeability of the vessel walls.
  4. Anesthetics Novocain, Trimekain, Lidocaine, used to stop a pain attack.
  5. Vitamin supplementation with Group B drugs, which provide better blood supply and cell nutrition.
  6. External means in the form of warming ointments Nikoflex, peppermint, which help reduce pain, promote vasodilation, have anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Chondroprotectors Arthra, Dona, Teraflex are considered to be the main drugs for stimulation of cartilaginous regeneration and normalization of intraarticular fluid production.

Physiotherapy is an important place in the medical complex. The most commonly prescribed procedures are:

  • electroanalgesia;
  • electrophoresis;
  • exposure to a magnetic field;
  • phonophoresis;
  • ultrasound and laser exposure.

Good results are achieved with the use of thermotherapeutic treatment, when applications with ozocerite and paraffin, mud applications on the collar zone, cryogenic technology.

The complex of therapeutic gymnastics should be composed by a specialist and consist of special exercises of isometric type. Professionally, a therapeutic massage should also be conducted.

Medical measures should be started at an early stage, when the process is reversible. In the advanced stage, the only way to treat is surgery.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/spondiloartroz/lechenie-spondiloartroza-shejnogo-otdela.html

Cervical spine: symptoms and treatment of spondylarthrosis

The cervical spine due to its anatomical structure is more vulnerable than everyone else.

If we turn to medical statistics, we can distinguish a number of diseases that provoke pain in the neck and disruption of the normal functioning of this fragile vertebral column.

And one of the first places among them in the frequency of diagnosis is spondyloarthrosis. It is revealed in forty percent of cases.

Disease spondylarthrosis, otherwise known as facet syndrome, is characterized by pathological changes in facet (arched) joints that are located between the vertebrae and serve to connect their arches with each other friend.

In a healthy spine, these articular joints ensure its flexibility and mobility. In this case, the shape and location of the joint planes in the form of a wedge does not allow adjacent vertebrae to shift left, right, forward or backward.

The intervertebral joint, like any other in the body, is surrounded by a strong and airtight capsule.

Inside it is filled with synovial fluid, which moistens and nourishes the cartilage, helps reduce friction between their surfaces. With age, the amount of secreted fluid decreases, nutrition of the joints worsens.

Gradually, the elasticity of the ligaments is lost. Due to friction, the surface of the joints begins to collapse, and the volume of movement in them is limited.

Against the background of age-related changes, the amount of fluid in the intervertebral discs, responsible for vertical damping of the spine during movement, decreases. Water, which is in the core, maintains the necessary pressure in the disk and its optimum height.

When the amount of liquid in it decreases, the disc begins to settle. This helps to increase vertical pressure on the vertebral bodies and facet joints, accelerating the deformation and changing their shape.

Affected joints can no longer fully perform their functions - this is how deforming spondyloarthrosis develops.

What is the Danger of Cervical Facet Syndrome?

Since the intervertebral discs can no longer withstand the load on the spine, increased pressure on the joint, there is a probability of a shift of one joint surface in relation to other.

This leads to stretching of the facet joint capsule. Trying to protect her from deformation, the body includes protection - the neck muscles tighten, a spasm arises. Due to this, the joint is fixed in the wrong, shifted position.

In the patient, this phenomenon causes severe pain.

At this stage of the development of the disease, many prefer to eliminate discomfort with the help of a home medicine kit and do not go to the hospital.

This leads to the fact that the pain syndrome recedes for a while, but the immobility of the joints in the cervical spine is preserved.

Functions of the blocked segment are forced to take on other nearby vertebrae and joints, which leads to instability of the spine, its looseness.

Frozen joints without motion can not normally eat and recover. As a consequence, destruction occurs in their cartilaginous tissue. An inflammatory process begins, which further aggravates the situation. At this stage, the pain in the cervical region becomes very intense.

Since the bone part of the joint loses its hardness as a result of osteoporosis, it deforms under load, osteophytes are formed. Intervertebral joints change their shape and spatial position. Normal functioning of the spine becomes impossible.

Further development of this process without medical intervention leads to a severe complication - spinal slippage - spondylolistosis. To eliminate it in most cases it is possible only with the help of surgical intervention.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the appearance of the facet syndrome can be conditionally divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital are:

  1. anomalies in facet joint development;
  2. disorders in the formation of vertebral arches;
  3. violation of the fusion of vertebral bodies and arches;
  4. congenital hypermobility of the vertebrae, their propensity for a significant displacement, which is especially evident when performing slopes or turns.

Among the acquired causes of spondylarthrosis are the following:

  • microtrauma and trauma;
  • long static loads on the vertebral column associated with sedentary work;
  • age-related changes in the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • excessive physical activity, professional sports;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • metabolic disorders.

The listed reasons are risk factors. If they are, the occurrence of spinal cord necrosis of the cervical spine is not necessary.

However, all those who have such a predisposition, should be very careful about their health. At the first symptoms of the disease, a trip to the doctor is mandatory!

The degree of severity of signs of deforming spondylarthrosis depends on the stage of development of the dystrophic process in the cervical spine. Suspicions for the presence of facet syndrome cause:

  1. periodic or persistent neck pains that increase during movement and spread to the shoulder blades, forearms, and shoulders;
  2. limited mobility of the neck, a feeling of stiffness in the shoulder girdle, which often appear after awakening;
  3. a kind of crunch, audible when turning or tilting the head;
  4. loss of balance, visual impairment;
  5. dizziness, noise in the ears, pressure jumps;
  6. chest pain (occur in later stages);
  7. regular muscle spasms.

For instrumental diagnosis of this disease and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radioisotope scanning, ultrasound.

Methods of treatment of cervical spondylarthrosis and prevention

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine is a chronic disease. No treatment regimen allows you to get rid of it completely. But to stop the development of ailment on a relatively safe and not causing a special discomfort stage is quite possible.

How to treat spondylarthrosis? The most effective is a comprehensive approach to this medical problem, when the help of the patient is provided by doctors of narrow specializations: rheumatologist, neurologist, vertebrologist, etc.

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Conservative therapy

Drug treatment of spondylarthrosis in the cervical spine includes the use of:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief and relief of inflammation;
  • muscle relaxants to eliminate spasms and pain;
  • Chondroprotectors with the purpose of normalization of metabolic processes in cartilaginous tissues;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes for restoration of immunity;
  • ointments for removal of a painful syndrome and an inflammation, warming and stimulation of inflow of a blood in a cervical department of a backbone.

Physiotherapy is particularly effective in the initial stages of the disease. It is carried out in parallel with drug treatment and can include:

  1. PhysiotherapyWhen spondyloarthrosis helps to strengthen the corset muscles of the spine and increase their elasticity, and the complex Respiratory exercises are shown with pronounced pain, when the rhythm of breathing changes, and it becomes superficial.
  2. Acupuncture. It restores the functions of the nervous system, normalizes muscle tone.
  3. Manual therapy and osteopathy. Soft displacement of the displaced joints is performed.
  4. Massage. Promotes restoration of blood circulation, relaxation and strengthening of spasmodic muscles.
  5. Traction traction of the spine. It allows to lower the tension of ligaments and muscles, to reduce edema of the nerve roots and tissues that surround them.

All procedures are appointed strictly individually and are performed only by experienced specialists under the general supervision of the attending physician. To consolidate positive results, patients with a similar diagnosis are recommended to have spa treatment and balneotherapy.

Surgical intervention is used to treat spinal cord spondyloarthrosis if all the above methods are not effective.

It is carried out more often at the last stage of the disease - ankylosing spondylarthrosis, when joints and vertebrae are spliced, i.e. develops more and spondylosis. The mobility of the spinal column is then lost, and the patient experiences constant agonizing pain.

During the operation, an implant is implanted in the spine of the patient - an interstitious spacer or distractor.

He returns the interval between the spinous vertebral appendages normal size, unloads the joints and intervertebral disc.

The nutrition of tissues is restored, the process of their regeneration is started. This allows to significantly improve the patient's condition.

As the prevention of such an unpleasant and dangerous disease it is enough:

  • Watch for proper posture.
  • When working sitting every hour to perform simple exercises for the muscles of the neck and back.
  • Control your weight.
  • It is good to eat.
  • Do sports, intelligently dosing the load.
  • To swim.

The implementation of this list of simple preventive measures can not only reduce the risk of disease deforming spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine, but also protect the body from many other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A source: http://pomogispine.com/zabolevaniya/spondiloartroz/shejnyj-otdel.html

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine - symptoms and treatment

This disease is characterized by severe pain.

In advanced cases of osteochondrosis of the cervical part, joint surfaces deform and the appearance of bone-cartilaginous growths, and this requires urgent surgical intervention. Therefore it is important not to allow the development of pathology and will be cured at an early stage.

What is cervical spondylarthrosis

A common form of osteoarthritis is the deforming spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine.

During the development of pathology, the process of growth of osteophytes on the vertebrae begins, the intervertebral discs become thinner as a result.

With DDZP spine in the neck sometimes there is a complete fusion of the surfaces of the joints, as a result of which the upper spine loses its mobility.

The risk of developing spondylosis includes people older than 60 years, but the disease can occur earlier - about 30. There are about 10% of such cases.

The risk factor is, in addition, excessive physical exertion, which is felt by professional athletes. No less dangerous for the development of the disease is a sedentary, mostly sedentary lifestyle, in which the head is in one position.

Unco-vertebral spondylarthrosis can manifest as a result of neck damage (with bruises, sprains).

Arthrosis of the facet joints develops with the manifestation of certain symptoms. However, the pathology may not show signs of presence during the first year, unless significant changes occur in the human body. Each stage of the disease is symptomatic:

  1. The first degree of spinal cord spondylarthrosis in the neck. Intervertebral discs lose their elasticity, the ligamentous apparatus becomes more complicated. Symptoms at the initial stage of pathology a person does not feel, spondyloarthrosis of degree 1 is diagnosed accidentally.
  2. The second degree. For this stage of the disease, minor pain symptoms are characteristic. Mostly the patient feels them, being in an uncomfortable position. For 2 degrees, there are inherent feelings of fatigue in the back, impaired mobility of the vertebrae.
  3. Third degree. Inflammation begins, the disease affects the bones of the joints, the growths develop, the work of the ligaments worsens.
  4. Fourth degree. Completely immobilized affected spondylarthrosis department of the spine. The adulthood increases in size, as a result, there is a disturbance in the normal circulation. At this stage, the disease is irreversible and becomes chronic.


To prevent the development of DDS and the transition of the disease to a chronic condition, it is important to begin treatment in a timely manner.

If this is not done, the destruction of the near-vertebral cartilage and deformation of the spine will begin. The most favorable outcome for a person will be the impossibility of painless movement of the neck.

To treat spondylarthrosis is necessary in a comprehensive manner, including medicamental, folk therapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

To facilitate the patient's condition during an exacerbation of the pathology, the doctor prescribes a course of admission analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs: Nimesulide, Aertal, Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Diclofenac, Ketorolac or others.

For the removal of spasms can prescribe No-shpu, Midokalm or Sirdalud. To expand the narrowed vascular walls, you can take Ascorutin and Emoxipine.

In addition, specialists often prescribe pills that stimulate blood microcirculation: Trental, Biloba, Agapurin and means for restoring cartilaginous tissues (Hondroflex, Teraflex).

Deforming spondylosis continues to be treated through physiotherapy exercises. With their help, the neck muscles are strengthened and the pain syndrome passes.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe injections of vitamin B6 to improve nervous patency.

In addition, it is recommended to treat spondyloarthrosis with folk remedies:

  1. Warm compresses for the spine. Salt warm in the oven, wrap in a cotton cloth flap. Apply salt pouch to the area of ​​pain localization, keeping the compress until cooling.
  2. Herbal decoction for pain relief in spondyloarthrosis. Pour 500 ml boiling water 50 grams of willow bark, 40 g of birch leaves, 10 g of elderberry flowers. Take a cooled decoction on the glass at least three times, but not more than 5 times a day.
  3. Ointment from cervical and thoracic spondylarthrosis. To improve blood flow, lubricate the site of pain localization with a mixture of vaseline and tincture of peppers (:) or paste a pepper patch.

Find out what to do with the diagnosis of cervical spine osteochondrosis.

A source: http://sovets.net/5802-spondiloartroz-sheinogo-otdela-pozvonochnika.html

Cervical spondylarthrosis: symptoms and treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 4033

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative process leading to the formation of bone growths on the edges the body of the vertebrae of this localization, which is fraught with a gradual thinning of the discs located between the vertebrae and the fusion joints.

The main cause of the formation of the disease is an intense physical load, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of the entire spine and its cervical part in particular.

Pathology has a rather specific symptomatology that can not be ignored. The most pronounced are the pain in the occipital region, impaired mobility of the shoulder girdle, and deterioration of visual acuity.

To make a correct diagnosis, patients are assigned a wide range of instrumental examinations. However, not the last place is taken by the information obtained during the initial diagnosis.

The disease can be cured with the help of conservative methods, among which in the first place go to physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastic exercises.


Cervical spondylarthrosis is a chronic ailment that affects all components of the joint, which are represented by:

  1. cartilage and capsule;
  2. subchondral bone;
  3. ligaments and muscles.

This leads to a restriction or complete lack of mobility of a joint, which in the absence of treatment reduces the quality of life of the patient, as well as fraught with disability.

Thus, the causes of the disease can be:

  • congenital anomalies in the development of the cervical spine, namely in the zone of the first or second vertebra;
  • single severe injuries or regular microtrauma of the cervical spine;
  • the presence in a person of any stage of obesity;
  • a wide range of deformations of the spine;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • the course of osteochondrosis or other pathological processes in the spine;
  • arthrosis of the axial joints, which are considered the hip and knee;
  • scoliosis and flat feet;
  • disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • endocrinological diseases leading to hormonal imbalance;
  • long-term effect on the body of low temperatures;
  • displacement of cervical vertebrae;
  • formation of the intervertebral hernia;
  • long finding of the neck in an uncomfortable position - this can be observed either during sleep or under specific working conditions;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • professional sports;
  • the course of any infectious or inflammatory process in the joints;
  • pathological fracture or dislocation of the hip;
  • previously diagnosed diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of physical activity in human life;
  • addiction to bad habits - clinicians trace the direct relationship between cigarette smoking and the formation of growths on the vertebrae.
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It is generally accepted that the main risk group is people over fifty-five years of age, but at present More and more people of the able-bodied age category are being affected by the disease, namely from twenty-five years.

It should be borne in mind that in people of the first category, the disease is formed because of the natural process - the aging of the body, and in young people the development of the disease is previously provoked by the above factors.

A distinctive feature is also that cervical spondylarthrosis is diagnosed much more often than degenerative-dystrophic processes in the thoracic or lumbar spine.

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine


Specialists from the field of vertebrology and orthopedics are divided into a similar pathology depending on the severity of its course:

  • 1st degree spondylarthrosis- characterized by initial changes in the arcuate joints. In this case, clinical signs may be completely absent. Sometimes patients complain about the appearance of a characteristic crunch during head movements;
  • 2nd degree spondylarthrosis- At this stage, there is an expression of pain. Mobility is insignificant and does not lead to loss of efficiency;
  • spondylarthrosis of degree 3- manifested in aggravation of motor functions. If you do not start treatment at this stage, the person will be assigned a third group of disability;
  • spondylarthrosis of the 4th degree- In addition to pain and deformity of the vertebrae, their dislocations and subluxations develop. In this case, there is a sharp restriction of mobility and a significant decrease in efficiency. Often people can not fully cope with their professional duties, and are forced to change jobs. Absence of therapy is fraught with the fact that the patient will receive the first or second group of disability.


At the initial stage of the course of such a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the cervical spine segment, clinical manifestations may be completely absent. Characteristic signs begin to appear from the moment of transition of a chronic illness to the second stage.

The first sign of the deforming spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine is pain, which exists in two forms:

  • cervicalgiaThe chronic pain is chronic, expressed on an ongoing basis and has a low or moderate strength. Localization of pain is observed in the neck, but they often extend to the nape of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • cervicago- differs in that soreness appears quite suddenly as a lumbago. The degree of expression is very high. The duration of such an attack is a few minutes, but can cause a sharp increase in sharp movements, turns or head inclinations. Rarely irradiates into one of the upper limbs.

Against the background of the main clinical sign, the following symptoms appear:

  1. reduction or complete loss of sensitivity of the skin in the neck and arms;
  2. lowering of muscle tone in the upper limbs;
  3. paralysis of some arm muscles;
  4. impassable headaches;
  5. severe dizziness;
  6. the appearance of noise and ringing in the ears;
  7. disturbance of balance;
  8. the appearance of crunches when moving head;
  9. violation of concentration and memory impairment;
  10. general malaise and decreased performance;
  11. lordosis alignment in this area of ​​the spinal column;
  12. violation of visual acuity;
  13. stiffness of head movements, especially after sleep;
  14. formation of a "hump
  15. fits of loss of consciousness.

It is worth noting that if cervical spondylarthrosis was triggered by the course of another disease, but did not develop as a independent pathological unit, the above signs will necessarily be supplemented by symptoms disease-provocateur.


In cases of occurrence of one or more of the above symptoms of unco-vertebral spondylarthrosis (the second name of the deforming spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine) should be consult with:

  • vertebrologist;
  • Traumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedist.

Any of such specialists will be able to diagnose the disease and determine how to treat the disease.

The establishment of the correct diagnosis should have a comprehensive approach and, above all, it is directed at performing some manipulations directly by the doctor. Thus, the primary diagnosis includes:

  1. studying the medical history of not only the patient - to establish the fact of the pathological nature of joint destruction in the cervical region;
  2. acquaintance with a person's life history;
  3. the physical examination is performed by palpation and percussion of the problem segment of the spinal column;
  4. the implementation of a neurological examination - to assess the reflexes, mobility and sensitivity of the problem area;
  5. a detailed questioning of the patient - to get a complete symptomatic picture, in cases when the disease was provoked by some other pathology.

Laboratory diagnostic measures are not used, because they do not have value in the process of establishing the correct diagnosis.

Finally, the diagnosis of spinal fusion of the cervical spine can be made only after performing such instrumental procedures:

  • CT and MRI of the affected segment;
  • radiography;
  • electromyography;
  • myelography.


Treatment medication

Eliminate the disease can be through the use of conservative therapeutic methods, namely:

  1. taking medications;
  2. physiotherapeutic treatment;
  3. thermotherapy and mud therapy;
  4. massotherapy;
  5. acupuncture and hirudotherapy;
  6. LFK - with spondyloarthrosis isometric gymnastics is used. This is a complex of exercises, in which the muscle tenses, but does not lengthen.

Therapy with medicinal products provides for the use of:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances;
  • antispasmodics;
  • drugs aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • anesthetics;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • warming ointments for topical application.

You can treat spondylarthrosis with the help of such physiotherapy procedures:

  1. drug electrophoresis - eliminates inflammation;
  2. magnetotherapy - reduces puffiness;
  3. electroanalgesia - it stops pain;
  4. ultrasound and drug phonophoresis - affects the renewal of tissues;
  5. Laser therapy - affects the improvement of blood flow.

Thermotherapy, namely paraffinotherapy, ozokeritotherapy and cryotherapy, has the following positive effects:

  • analgesic and anti-inflammatory;
  • vasodilating and metabolic;
  • trophic.

Therapy with folk remedies involves the preparation of medicinal ointments at home on the basis of:

  1. honey and analgin;
  2. propolis;
  3. royal jelly;
  4. beeswax;
  5. bee venom.

Apply this treatment only after consultation with your doctor.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

To reduce the likelihood of diagnosing such ailment, there are no specific preventive measures, this means that people need only carry out the following measures:

  • completely get rid of bad habits;
  • to lead an active lifestyle, and with sedentary working conditions, perform gymnastics for the neck every few hours;
  • keep body weight within normal limits;
  • avoid traumatizing the spine;
  • engage in timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that can cause the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes of the cervical department;
  • Regularly undergo a full examination in the clinic with a visit to all clinicians.

As for the prognosis, cervical spondyloarthrosis is not dangerous for the patient's life, because it can be completely rid of, provided early detection.

Symptoms and treatment of spinal cord spondylarthrosis are two factors that affect not only impairment of mobility, but also the formation of such a complication as disability.

A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/sustavy-kosti/2529-spondiloartroz-sheinogo-otdela-simptomy

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