Arthritis collection: herbal treatment


  • 1Treatment of arthrosis and arthritis of joints with herbs
    • 1.1Verified recipes
    • 1.2Saving garlic
    • 1.3Use of herbal remedies in the treatment of arthrosis
    • 1.4Helping other herbs
  • 2Treatment of arthrosis with herbs: what kinds of drinking for joints
    • 2.1What is valued sabelnik
    • 2.2Treatment of arthrosis with proper nutrition
    • 2.3Treatment of articular pathologies with herbs
    • 2.4Examples of recipes for joints
  • 3Osteoarthritis is an effective aid to phytotherapy. Herbs for arthrosis
    • 3.1The main manifestations of arthrosis are:
    • 3.2The basic methods of preventing this disease are:
    • 3.3Compresses for arthrosis:
    • 3.4Decoction for taking baths with arthrosis:
  • 4Rheumatoid arthritis Folk recipes
  • 5Herbs for arthritis: fighting the disease with proven methods
    • 5.1To swim or not to swim?
    • 5.2Fighting the disease with proven methods for centuries
    • 5.3Talk about nutrition
    • 5.4Healing bouquet of taste

Treatment of arthrosis and arthritis of joints with herbs

Herbs for arthritis are increasingly being used to treat problems of the musculoskeletal system.

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Such popularity to the means of national origin is explained by the fact that medicinal preparations can not always be used.

In this case, it is the herbs that provide irreplaceable help in the therapy of the disease.

Verified recipes

Rheumatoid arthritis is successfully treated with the use of potatoes. To prepare such a tool, you need to take green tubers, it is good to wash them and grind them (do not clean). This mass must be filled with water and brought to a temperature of 38 ° C, after which to prepare a vegetable from the compress.

Immediately after the heat, the sleep will come and the pain will disappear after about 30-40 minutes.

If the compress does not start to heat, it means that it is made by the wrong technology, which means that air will get under the oilcloth. Duration of treatment is a week.

In the absence of a pronounced positive result, the use of potato compresses can be extended a little.

A popular remedy is prepared on the basis of lemon and celery. It is required to take 500 g of such fruits and a similar amount of celery. Ingredients should be ground, then crushed through a meat grinder until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Add to the composition, kg buckwheat honey and mix again. Next, the drug should be infused in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. The drug should be drunk at 1 tbsp. l. at least 3 - 4 times a day for 30 - 40 minutes before eating.

When the drug is over, you need to take a break, and after 2 weeks, repeat the therapy cycle.

With arthrosis of the knee joint, tincture on vodka is very often used.

For its preparation, take 50 g of gold mustache and 1 g of propolis, pour in 500 ml of pure alcohol, then insist for 14 days.

Use this drug should be 1 tbsp. l., with the product must be diluted with water. Multiplicity of application - 2 times a day before meals.

With osteoarthritis very often use ointment based on apple cider vinegar. To cook it, you need to take a chicken yolk and stir it from 1 tbsp. l. turpentine.

Add 60 ml of apple cider vinegar and mix well. The medicine should be applied a thin layer on the skin and gently rubbed into the aching joints until completely absorbed, the course of application 2 to 3 times a day.

Such a device has a pronounced warming effect.

In the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a noble laurel has long been used.

To prepare a medicine, you need to mix this plant, juniper and butter in the proportions 12.

This ointment should be rubbed into the joints, it has a pronounced analgesic and soothing effect.

Saving garlic

With arthrosis, garlic is often used. Such a vegetable is for every mistress, so the product is considered to be generally available.

Cut garlic (5 heads), pour, l of vodka and place in a cold, dark place. After 10 days, the drug is ready for use. You need to drink it for 1 hour. l. before eating.

If the drug seems too strong, it must be diluted, adding to the required dose of 2 - 3 st. l. water.

You can be treated and another recipe based on garlic: rub on the grater 3 heads of the vegetable, add a lot of lemon juice and 1 hour. l. horseradish (pre-crushed).

Such a mixture must be insisted in a warm and at the same time dark place for 3 weeks. To use the solution must be diluted 1 h. l. elixir in 200 ml of water.

Drink this remedy twice a day.

There is another garlic recipe:

  • grate the vegetable finely;
  • squeeze out the juice from it;
  • use the drug 10 drops 4 times a day.

Note that it is recommended to dilute such a product in warm milk. In addition, for the treatment of joints use garlic lotions, which are made from the juice of this vegetable. To avoid burns, before applying the drug should lubricate the skin with a fat cream.

There is another effective way, through which rheumatoid arthritis is treated, - the use of garlic ointment. To make it, you need to grind 3 vegetable dough and mix it with honey.

The received medicine to rub in sick joints 1 - 2 times a day. The course of therapy is 10 - 14 days.

Note that there are some contraindications to the use of garlic drugs:

  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • liver and stomach diseases.

With the help of such a product it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Use of herbal remedies in the treatment of arthrosis

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with herbs is a rather popular method, since such substances can not damage to health, and, if prolonged and regular use is made, a pronounced therapeutic Effect. Widespread recipes for herbal medicines:

  1. A tool based on the flowers of black elderberry, birch leaves, and also willow bark in the proportion 5. This drug has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anesthetic effects. All ingredients must be crushed and mixed. Take 1 tbsp. l. finished mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the medicine for 30 minutes and drink 3 to 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Mix birch leaves, dioecious nettle and three-colored violet in equal quantities. Blend the mixture with boiling water, insist and apply 2 - 3 times a day.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis is also treated with a mixture of burdock root, nude herring, high elecampane and yarrow. Note that you can use both the infusion of one component, and their combination. To prepare the broth, take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour boiled water and boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  4. From the arthritis helps infusion inflorescences of chestnut and lilac. Such ingredients fill the glass jar to 2/3, and then alcohol or vodka is poured into the container. After this, the medication is insisted for 30 minutes in a dark room, and then the substance is used for rubbing the joints. Note that after the procedure you need to wrap yourself up well.

With inflammation of the small joints of the hands and feet, you can make special baths based on birch leaves.

Components should be poured with boiled water, hold it on low heat for a short time, then dilute with cold liquid and lower the legs or hands into the bath.

When deciding to boil the drug, pine needles and sea salt are added to it. The course of such therapy is 10 days.

Helping other herbs

Herbs for rheumatoid arthritis can be used as ointments, baths or tinctures. An affordable recipe - take 20 - 30 g of elderberry flowers, boil them in 1 liter of water, and then take inside 3-4 glasses a day, instead of tea.

Another drug - take 2 hours. l. herb yarrow and tansy flowers, then pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 2 hours in a warm place. After that, the therapeutic drink should be filtered and drunk at 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

You can cook a lime decoction. For this you need to prepare 3 tbsp. l. dry linden flowers, 1 tbsp. l. horse chestnut, 35 g of elderberry flowers, and then mix all the ingredients. Then you need to take 2 tablespoons of the finished mixture and pour it, l boiled water. The broth should be kept on low heat for 15 minutes, then cool and strain with gauze.

Use this medicine is recommended three times a day for a glass.

Another effective preparation is prepared from 100 g of dry root of ayr (pre-ground), after which it is poured, l of vodka and insisted for 9 days. Note that regularly this infusion should be shaken and filtered.

Take the drug is allowed for 1 hour. l. before eating. In addition, effectively reduce pain medicinal napary from black elderberry, sweet clover, hops and chamomile.

The grass should be filled with water, brought to a boil, folded into linen bags and attached to diseased joints. They must be applied very carefully, after wrapping around with a cotton cloth or slightly cooling.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of skin burns. The course of such therapy - 2 - 3 weeks.

Effective tincture is prepared from the heads of flowering dandelions, which are filled with vodka in the ratio: and insist in a dark room for 12 to 14 days. After this, it is necessary to lubricate the skin in the area of ​​affected joints for 5 minutes, and then rub until the burning sensation develops.

A popular recipe is prepared from the flowers of the bear's ear (mullein). 100 - 150 g of such a plant should be poured into 1 liter of vodka.

All must be mixed well and left for 2 weeks, so that the remedy is infused. At the end of this time, the medicine is required to strain and rub it into the affected joints every day.

Such a drug effectively helps in the removal of pain, which were caused by arthritis.

Good results are given by ointment based on clover and St. John's wort. It is necessary to take flowers of these plants (2 tbsp. l.), combine them with petroleum jelly (50 g) and grind until a uniform consistency is obtained.

An excellent herbal preparation is prepared from honey, vodka and nettles. It is required to take 5 tbsp. l. components, mix them together, and then insist for 7 days. Take medication in the morning and evening after eating for 1 hour.

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l. The duration of the course of therapy is six months.

The most simple and common treatment with herbs is the use of cabbage and bee products. You need to take a cabbage leaf, smear it with honey and attach it to the sick joints. The course of such treatment lasts until the disappearance of painful symptoms.

This choice of therapy allows you to forget about pain in the joints without the use of medications.

A source:

Treatment of arthrosis with herbs: what kinds of drinking for joints

Arthrosis is a disease caused by a violation of the functional mobility of the joints. In the initial stage, the disease manifests itself as a characteristic crunch that occurs during movement or under heavy load.

In the future, because of the growth of bone tissue of the joint, partial destruction of cartilage articulation begins.

This is because a metabolic disorder contributes to a significant narrowing of the blood blood vessels, as a result of which nutrients, microelements and oxygen can not enter joint.

A consequence of a lack of oxygen are degenerative and dystrophic changes in the joints.

Today, the treatment of arthrosis and osteochondrosis worries not only elderly people, but also the younger generation. The causes of these diseases are several:

  • overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive load on the joints.

As measures of prevention, gymnastic exercises, an active lifestyle and a regular, healthy diet are usually used. At the first manifestations of pathology, you need to seek medical advice from a doctor. The complex treatment of arthrosis joints includes:

  1. drug treatment;
  2. a strict diet (no more than 2000 calories per day) will ensure the improvement of metabolic processes;
  3. treatment with folk remedies.

As folk remedies, infusions of herbs are ideal. One of these medicinal plants for arthrosis is the saber. This amazing perennial has a value of creeping roots. Since a long time, the saber has gained fame as a joint doctor.

What is valued sabelnik

The main healing qualities in arthrosis are the roots of the saber, which contain:

  1. tannins;
  2. carotene;
  3. flavonoids.

And in leaves and stems in large quantities are microelements and vitamin C. Sabelnik used for the preparation of alcohol extracts, which are effective in calcination (deposition of salts) and for removal from the joints of the inflammatory process with arthrosis.

Tea from the grass has anti-inflammatory, astringent and diaphoretic properties. In addition, he stops bleeding. Sabelnik with rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases is included in a variety of recipes.

Tincture of the saber and decoctions from the grass are recommended and with diseases of the digestive organs, as they improve metabolism and strengthen the human immune system.

In addition to hoods and tinctures, the saber is used to prepare flours that are used for external treatment. For this, the stems and leaves of the grass are crushed and poured with boiling water, then this liquid is used for the preparation of compresses and lotions.

Treatment of arthrosis with proper nutrition

Of course, the saber is not the only healer of joints. Restoring the cartilaginous tissue is facilitated by protein-rich food and proper nutrition with joint arthrosis. Cottage cheese products and milk help to restore bone tissue and prevent its further deformation.

Dishes are recommended to cook for a couple.

  1. In the diet of a patient with arthrosis must be present food gelatin. This product is rich in thick meat broth, cooked on the bone, pork feet, ears, beef hooves and tails.
  2. Diseases of the joints require foods rich in carbohydrates.
  3. In your diet you need to enter fruits and berries, they contribute to weight loss.
  4. Patients with arthrosis should give up baking and sweet dishes.
  5. It is useful to eat cereals and nuts.

Treatment of articular pathologies with herbs

The most common method of combating articular diseases is phytotherapy.

Herbal infusions are effective both in themselves and in combination with medicines.

To achieve a good result, herbal decoctions must be consumed for several years. However, a positive effect will be noticeable within one to two months.

In no case can you stop treatment if there has been a noticeable improvement or well-being completely normalized. After each month of therapy, you need to do a seven-day break.

The recipe for the normalization of cartilage functions: take two tablespoons of crushed leaves of calendula and nettle, fill them in a thermos and pour boiling water. To insist the medicine must be overnight. Use 4 times a day for ½ cup for two months.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 3 hours l. Grass of sweet clover;
  • 3 hours l. rosemary shoots;
  • 4 hours l. succession;
  • for 2 hours. l. trichromatic violets, flax seeds, mint, nettle and St. John's wort.

Ingredients pour, l hot boiled water and insist one night. In the morning you can drink broth (4 times a day).

Means for prevention, arthritis and arthrosis:

  • 2 roots of the Kalgan;
  • 1 hour l. roots of aira;
  • 2 parts of eucalyptus;
  • 5 fruits of hawthorn;
  • 4 parts of violet;
  • 1 hour l. St. John's wort;
  • 3 parts of thyme;
  • 2 parts of mint;
  • 3 parts of oregano;
  • 2 parts of the pine kidney.

All components are placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water (, liter). In a day they start taking ½ cup 4 times a day.

Mixtures of herbs are recommended for brewing in enamel ware. Must be broths must be filtered, and they need to be hot. Such treatment requires the refusal to drink alcohol and spices.

Examples of recipes for joints

In addition, from the diet it is necessary to exclude fatty foods and do after a month of taking a break. Many decoctions and infusions have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, so they are recommended for joint diseases.

With lumbar pains take a decoction of cowberry and birch.

To make a preparation you need to take one teaspoon of both products, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes.

This broth is taken in small sips for three days. Such treatment helps to reduce swelling in the area of ​​damaged vertebrae.

For the removal of arthrosis, grasses, which have a positive effect on the genitourinary system (have a diuretic effect), also help.

For example, infusion of common yarrow: 1 tablespoon yarrow poured 200 ml of boiling water and wrapped for 1 hour with a warm cloth.

Then the liquid should be filtered and taken 4 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.

To prevent arthrosis, sometimes tincture is prepared from the roots of horse sorrel. To prepare the medicine, take 1 tbsp. l.

chopped roots and pour them with boiling water. The medium should be cooked on moderate heat for 15 minutes, and then drain well.

Use the broth is recommended 4 times a day.

With arthrosis, very popular are infusions of lilac. To prepare a healing drink you need dried flowers.

They are placed in a bottle prepared in advance and left in a dark place for infusion for 8 days. Take this decoction of 40 drops 3 times a day.

This liquid can also be rubbed problem areas.

To eliminate intense pain in arthrosis, tincture of radish is widely used. The method of preparation is as follows: one glass of natural honey is mixed with radish juice and 100 ml of vodka. Take the drug before going to bed one glass. They can also rub the problem areas.

Infusion of oats helps to remove pain in the joints. To prepare it, you should:

  • take one glass of corn,
  • pour it with 1 liter of water,
  • put for evaporation,
  • the liquid should evaporate by ¼ part.
  • use infusion 3 times a day for ½ cup.

To treat articular pathologies of the spine can be with the help of a white bird cherry. This plant has remarkable healing qualities. For cooking, you need only one glass of vodka and 2 tbsp. spoons of bark. Insist 8 days.

Popular in traditional medicine is the infusion of thyme, for the preparation of which you need to take 1 cup of boiling water and 10 g of dry raw materials. The mixture is insisted for 30 minutes and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

In cranberry infusion enters the leaves of the plant (10 pieces) and a glass of boiling water. The leaves are poured and insisted for two hours. Take a decoction before eating.

This folk remedy significantly reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, speeds up the metabolic processes.

Cowberry broth serves not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of arthrosis.

Equally beneficial and other joint diseases is a beverage from burdock horses. Burdock is often used in the preparation of special ointments and cream. It is recommended to take the plant of the first year of life for making the drink.

The roots should be 50g. If they are very large, they need to be cut to pieces. Then the raw material is poured with boiling water. Infusion from the roots of burdock stimulates the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates the infection that has entered the body.

However, without special diets and regular physical activity, it is impossible to overcome joint pathologies alone with broths and infusions.

A source:

Osteoarthritis is an effective aid to phytotherapy. Herbs for arthrosis

Osteoarthritis(osteoarthritis, deforming arthrosis) is a rather heterogeneous group of diseases, which is based on the damage of the constituent partsjoints.

Basicthe cause of arthrosis- a change in the cartilaginous tissue that occurs due to injuries to the joints, overweight, heredity, estrogen deficiency in women who have undergone joint operations.

Osteoarthritis in the first placeaffects articular cartilage, then there is deformation of the bone located under the softened cartilage. Further, the articular membrane, ligaments, capsules and periarticular muscles are involved in the process of degeneration.

The main manifestations of arthrosis are:

  • - morning stiffness
  • - pain felt in the depths of the joints, which increase with physical activity and decrease at rest
  • - rust in the joints
  • - stiffness of the joints
  • - joint deformation due to bone growths
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Usually at the initial stage of the disease, pain occurs periodically, only after a serious physical exertion, and quickly pass. However, as arthrosis progresses, the intensity of pain increases, and pain does not go away after rest, but often appears at night.

The basic methods of preventing this disease are:

  • - timely and correct treatment of injured joint
  • - high motor activity throughout life
  • - reduction in body weight
  • - timely correction of congenital or acquired disorders of the joints.

Because thecauses of arthrosisare still not precisely established, popular medical literature often suggests that premature "wear of the joint" is caused by physical stress.

Serious medical research refutes this erroneous message and demonstrates on the factual material that sports activitiesdo not lead to osteoarthritis.

On the contrary, any form of motor activity aimed at strengthening the muscles, preservingjoint mobilityand improved coordination of movements, helps the body resist arthrosis.

All patients at risk of this disease (low physical activity, joint injuries and obesity), doctors recommend performing exercises with a measured load on the joints. These include: cycling, swimming, climbing stairs and walking.

Turning to the description of methods of treating arthrosis withmedicinal plants, it should be said that they help achieve the desired result only in the overall complex of measures internal and external influences, ranging from proper nutrition and ending with herbal baths and massages. Cartilage tissues in our body are restored very slowly and unevenly, so the treatment of this disease can take many years.

An important auxiliary factor in the therapy of arthrosis is ymagnification in the diet of calcium, which is contained in almonds and dairy products, as well as vitamin E, which is rich in sprouted wheat and oil from its sprouts (wheat germ oil). Very important for the treatment of this disease andvitamins of group B. Replace table salt in your diet with spicy andrich in vitamins herbs,such as coriander, parsley and basil. But the sour fruit - oranges, lemons and grapefruits should be at allremove from the menu.

Beginning of any herbal collection, first necessarily check out the possible contraindications, which have herbs included in its composition.

Here are some of the simplest recipes that can be found in any pharmacy:

Compresses for arthrosis:

• Mix 100 grams of aloe juice, 200 grams of honey with 300 grams of vodka. After insisting in a dark place for 3 days, make a compress and apply it overnight. The course of treatment is 10-12 days with repeat in a week.

• Forcompresses on the metatarsal jointIt is necessary to take a sheet of mug and apply a thin layer of turpentine on its reverse side. Sheet attach to the joint, cover with polyethylene and fix it with a bandage.

Juniperus vulgaris- Another useful plant for the prevention and treatment of arthrosis. Needles and fruits of juniper contribute to the improvement of metabolism and providepowerful anti-inflammatory action.

Recipes for their medicinal use are very simple. To do this, scald the dry needles of the juniper with boiling water, cool and evenly spread it on the gauze. After that, the compress is superimposed on the joint.

From above it is covered with polyethylene, warmed with woolen cloth and left for the night.

Preparation of infusions of juniper fruits for oral administration:

1 tablespoon chopped fruit, pour 200 ml of boiled water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool and drain for 45 minutes, squeezing the rest of the fruit into the solution.

Adults can take infusion of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals, but not more than 2 weeks.

The internal reception of infusions of juniper fruit promotes the excretion of uric acid, which is extremely important for patients with arthrosis in combination withgout.

Decoction for taking baths with arthrosis:

200 grams of needles and juniper fruits boil 30 minutes in 2 liters of water, strain and add to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes at a water temperature of + 37 ° C.

Well proven in the treatment of arthrosis alcohol tinctures based on available plants - the root of burdock, rootcomfrey, grass sweet clover, hops, wild rosemary, wheat grass and thyme.

They are prepared according to the traditional technology: a liter of vodka is covered with crushed grass or roots (50 grams) and insists 2 weeks in a dark place.

After filtering, the solution is ready for rubbing and ingestion.

For internal reception it is possible to recommend such recipe:

Especially it would be desirable to cancel powerfulregenerative actionpreparations based on rootscomfrey.

This is one of the few plants that activates the processes of regeneration of cartilaginous tissue.

Tincture, prepared according to the above recipe, should take at least 3 months for 20-30 drops for half a cup of water 3 times daily before meals.

Good pain relief for arthrosisfees, consisting of severalmedicinal herbs.

For example, from leaves of a birch, a nettle and flowers of a violet three-colored.

1 tablespoon of a dry mixture of these herbs enough to pour a glass of boiling water and 15 minutes to warm in a water bath. Take infusion 4 times a day for half a glass.

Regenerating propertiesbark of some treesvery useful in the treatment of arthrosis.

For this, take 100 grams of birch bark, 100 grams of aspen bark and add to them 10 grams of bark of oak.

All well crushed in a coffee grinder, and then 1 tablespoon of bark mixture pour steep boiling water, boil for 7-8 minutes and filter. The reception is carried on half an ½ cup once a day.

Good for the treatment of arthrosis are the flowers of marigold mixed withbark of willow, birch and nettle leaves mixed in equal parts.

Two tablespoons of this mixture is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and it is insisted 12 hours. Drink a decoction of half a glass for half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Duration of admission is 2 months.

In recent decades, the leading positions in the treatment of joint diseases have come outmarshmallow.

Spirituous tincture from this plant can not only be used for compresses, but also take inside by -1 tablespoon, diluting them with one glass of water. The course lasts for 6 months.

Compared with the healing effect of taking a swamp saber, a more powerful analgesic effect on the jointsalcoholic tincture of fruits of orange clover. Whentreatment of joint problemsмаклюра - the first agent.

The maximum effect is achieved by the joint application of tinctures of маклюры, мази маклюры and water infusions сабельника болотного (1 tbsp. spoon of stems of the sabernik to brew with a glass of boiling water, to insist for 1 hour, strain and drink for a day in equal parts).

As you know, sabelnik effectively relieves joints from salts, but often causes severe exacerbations, which can be mitigated with the help of preparations of maklyura.

The effect of admission sabelnik comes after 4-6 months of admission, maklyura acts almost immediately, so the combination of these two products gives the most noticeable and persistent results even in the advanced stages disease.

In the treatment complex,oleic acidexternally on the joints of the hands and feet, as well as on the spine 2-3 times a day, rubbing intensively.

Beneficial to the affected joints herbal baths with decoctions of not only needles and fruits juniper, but also chamomile, the root of valerian and St. John's wort, after which you need to spend a light massage the joint.

For such a massage is ideal:30% Turpentine balsam- a mixture of vegetable oils with cedar resin (gum) orButter(infusion, which is prepared by 2-month infusion of fresh fruits of makluery with any vegetable base oil). Baths + tritons can quickly remove the pain, providing a relaxing, anti-inflammatory and powerful local therapeutic effect directly on the affected joint.

When using herbal remedies, it should be borne in mind thatcourse of phytotherapybrings improvement not earlier than after 3 weeks of regular intake of herbal dues, baths, sprays, ointments. A stable effect in the treatment of arthrosis in its early stages occurs only after 9-12 months.

Repeated courses of phytotherapy of osteoarthritis should be performed after, -2 months, as well as in the period of surgical interventions, respiratory diseases, in spring and autumn for 4-5 years. Reduction or increase in breaks between courses should be focused on the general condition of the patient.

A source:

Rheumatoid arthritis Folk recipes

Arthritis causes severe pain in the joints. Who experienced them, there is no need to explain for a long time.

One joint is worried, but more than one joint is affected at once.

Types of arthritis: inflammatory, metabolic, degenerative, rheumatoid.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most dangerous. They lead to deformation of the joint and disability.

Doctors still have not figured out the reason for the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment is sometimes very inefficient. The disease can lead to immobility of the joints. This is its danger.

Therapeutic herbs include antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs.

People's collections of medicinal herbs relieve pain, are able to stop the development of the disease at an early stage, improve the mobility of joints.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, in no case should not abandon the medical treatment, but herbal treatment is necessary, as air.

Why should you use medicinal herbs?

Relieve pain

Reduce inflammation

Keep the mobility of the joint

Remove discomfort when driving

Recipe for joint mobility in rheumatoid arthritis

The collection consists of several herbs. All the herbs are combined, carefully mixed, we measure a tablespoon for 500 grams of boiling water, insist and take half an hour before eating 60 to 70 grams.

Simply, but in no case do we add sugar.

Medicinal herbs (we measure a tablespoon, I think it will be more convenient)

Camomile flowers -2

Deerslayer -2

flowers of black elderberry - 3

linden flowers -2

horsetail - 2

leaves of birches, glasses - 3

flowers of calendula - 3

We take three times a day for a month.

Herbal infusion is useful for ingestion, but it will help you if you make compresses.

How to make compresses with rheumatoid arthritis?

The infusion should be heated and this is very important.

Wet the napkin in warm infusion.

Let's apply it to a sore point.

Top with a layer of cellophane

We will wrap up the bandage

Keep the compress 3 hours.

Compresses are done regularly, until the moment you feel better.

Medicinal herbs can be used different. According to popular beliefs, water-alcohol solution of the sabernik, tincture of arnica, rava and flowers of the twilight, cranberry leaves, sprouts of the ledum are very helpful.

Brew grass can be one at a time, but the fees are more powerful in its operation.

Anesthetic medication for rheumatoid arthritis

For a better mix of medicinal herbs it is desirable to grind them after mixing in a coffee grinder. Accept, as in the first recipe, before the meal.

We measure the useful herbs with a tablespoon:


yarrow - 2

melissa -2

three-color violet -2

horsetail -2

Ledum - 4

We insist in half a liter of 50 grams of collection. At reception it is necessary during the day to drink 200-250 grams of infusion. Drink the infusion until the condition improves.

Tinctures for rheumatoid arthritis

For fans of the application of tinctures, many do not want to brew grass, prefer to take tinctures.

The best tinctures that recommend: tagolga vyazolistna, rennika, calendula.

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Tinctures of herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy, but you can do it yourself.


for 50-70 grams of boiled water, add 5 drops of tincture.

We drink 10-15 minutes before eating.

Fast and useful!

Ointment for rheumatoid arthritis

Good helps rubbing ointments.

How to prepare ointment?

Preparation is simple: take vegetable oil - gram 50-60, add the grass and rub it. Medicinal herbs we put on volume in 2 times more, the taken oil.

Which is better to take herbs: St. John's wort flowers, cones of hops, sweet clover.

Rub the ointment in a sore spot.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies is simple. Choose medicinal herbs, apply. After the course of admission, make sure to break and repeat again. It is useful even with a stable condition to make medicinal infusions, compresses, rubbing with ointment for prevention.

Do not forget about proper nutrition in this insidious disease.

What are the most useful products?

The list is large. But I want to note the following:

  1. plums
  2. apples
  3. blueberries
  4. stone berry
  5. sorrel
  6. sea ​​buckthorn
  7. currant.

No less useful self-massage, only you need to know how to do it properly, so as not to cause additional pain. We do not need this.

Massage will improve blood circulation in the affected joint.
You can apply stroking, tingling, rubbing. Use a wooden roller, oh, everything should be comfortable.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be won, only you have to have patience.

To fulfill necessarily the recommendations of a doctor, to use the recipes of people's treatment. There are a lot of national recipes, I introduced you to only a few. If you are interested in the topic, please share with me.

The forces of nature are endless. Let's learn how to use them correctly.

I wish everyone more health!

A source:

Herbs for arthritis: fighting the disease with proven methods

For centuries, folk medicine has been looking for new ways of treating arthritis. Decoctions, compresses, infusions, rubbings - which are only used in the fight against the disease. Arthritis is a chronic disease.

Alas, it is not possible to heal him, alas, even by folk healers, but it is quite possible to slow the development of the disease.

The main thing, before applying any, even the most harmless at first sight, means, consult with specialists, so that the treatment of arthritis at home can not turn into trouble for the body.

To swim or not to swim?

With reactive arthritis, as with any other joint disease, a person at the first visit to the doctor receives a lot of contraindications and learns about what to do from now on he is categorically forbidden. There is a common opinion: to go in for sports, if joints have amazed any illness, it is impossible. This is absolutely wrong.

With arthritis, sports can not be stopped, but the amount of exercise will be quite different. Swimming is an important question. In some cases, it can significantly slow the course of the disease.

Swimming and water aerobics are considered one of the most effective non-medicament ways to fight arthritis. Swimming can reduce pain symptoms.

It strengthens muscles and increases the tone of the body, increases blood circulation, improves the speed of tissue repair.

To avoid overloading to the affected joints, swimming should be strictly dosed. Exercises in the water can initially take no more than 10 minutes.

Fighting the disease with proven methods for centuries

Natural fruit, berry or vegetable juice is an excellent way to combat arthritis. Carrot juice is a cure for various ailments. It has a unique property to slow the aging process in the body.

When arthritis, carrot juice is added with spinach juice, honey, and a tonic organism is obtained. Beetroot-cucumber juice with carrots is excellent for arthritis. Beet juice in its pure form is considered very saturated and will bring harm.

It can not be eaten separately, that's why it is mixed with juices of other root crops and fruits. Beetroot and apple juice is recommended to drink regularly to people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

In the fight against this disease, an excellent additional means of helping the body is beetroot-pumpkin juice.

No less widely used in the treatment of diseases of the joints of cabbage. From her leaves make compresses and apply to the sore spots. Cabbage has the ability to relieve pain and inflammatory symptoms.

Basically, for compresses, cabbage is used in combination with honey. Cabbage leaves are heated, lubricated with natural honey, applied to the affected joints. The procedure is performed at night.

Compress should be wrapped with cellophane, and on top of it - with a warm woolen cloth.

Mummy with arthritis helps the function of regenerating connective tissue. He is rightfully considered a miracle cure. If you take mummies, after completing a full course, then it can quickly strengthen health.

Mumiye is a universal folk remedy for almost all types of this uneasy disease. With the help of mummies with arthritis, you can quickly destroy the painful symptoms of the disease. The functions of affected joints are completely restored.

Talk about nutrition

The food that a person consumes is capable of both negatively and positively affecting the condition of his joints. All procedures of traditional medicine will have the most effective effect under the condition of proper nutrition.

Folk healers to people suffering from arthritis, usually recommend more fish products. English scientists have confirmed: if there are vegetables with bright yellow and orange flowers, the course of the disease slows down.

If a person regularly eat citrus fruits, sweet peppers, which contain active antioxidants, the disease will recede.

However, it is necessary to remember and those products that are categorically contraindicated in arthritis. These include fatty meat and whole milk. People with arthritis should not eat dishes that contain trans fats. Despite their vegetable origin, they are contraindicated.

Flaxseed oil is useful for adding to various dishes. It is an effective means of preventing arthritis.

Official medicine uses flaxseed oil as part of medicines used in joint diseases. Flaxseed oil is good for compresses, for making grits at home.

Apple cider vinegar, like linseed oil, is used for arthritis externally and internally. Apple cider vinegar is added to water and the "medicine" is drunk during the day several times in small portions.

If apple cider vinegar is mixed with incense, you will get a grist, which has been used in Russia for many centuries by representatives of a wide variety of estates.

The use of spices and seasonings for arthritis is a special issue. Cinnamon in arthritis helps, like the bay leaf, to slow down the inflammatory processes. Cinnamon can be mixed with honey or added to tea.

Cinnamon is able to treat many types of arthritis, including those that are already in chronic stages. Cinnamon (not more than a pinch) is mixed with honey, then the composition is poured with boiled water and consumed portion before and after sleep.

There is a mass of funds for arthrosis with the use of bay leaf. A sheet of arthritis is added to the prepared broth. The bay leaf can be brewed with boiling water and drunk with infusion in small portions. The sheet for arthritis is boiled and its infusion is used for compresses.

Essential oil, obtained from bay leaves, is also in the rubbers from arthritis. If bay leaf is poured with sunflower oil and let it brew for 2 weeks, you get ointment from arthritis.

Healing bouquet of taste

In the treatment of arthritis, you can use a variety of plants.

They include:

  • ginger;
  • green tea;
  • Golden mustache;
  • the bark of the elm;
  • thistle;
  • oat straw;
  • dream-grass;
  • pine gum;
  • mint;
  • leaves and poplar buds and others.

Ginger with arthritis began to be used relatively recently. Ginger in small amounts can be added daily to tea, which will not only have a special taste, but also unique healing properties.Ginger and green tea - the best prevention of inflammatory processes in the joints.

The use of herbs in arthritis is possible in combination with these products. However, herbs can cause an allergic reaction, so before using this or that collection, be sure to consult with specialists and find out how the herbs will affect your health.

The golden mustache has about the same effect as the decoction of the bay leaf. Broth of bay leaves significantly reduces the dynamics of inflammatory processes, and the golden mustache acts in a similar way.

Broth from the leaves of a golden mustache is easy to brew as well as a decoction of bay leaf. Natural raw materials are crushed, poured with boiled water, infused. Such a decoction will reduce the pain syndrome.

If you add sea salt to the broth of the golden mustache, you will get a remedy for healing baths, which are necessary for the qualitative treatment of arthritis.

The mummy is able to quickly quench the painful symptoms that occur with arthritis. Mumiye treats any kind of arthritis and at all stages of the ailment relieves pain. Mummies have arthritis for two decades. Take a break and repeat the course of treatment.

Mummy is taken in parallel with a number of vitamins that support the human immune system. Most often, mummies are used internally in the form of an aqueous solution in arthritis. The general course of taking the drug, including breaks, lasts six months.

Mummies with arthritis should be used and as rubbing. To do this, it is mixed with natural rose oil, and yolks of fresh homemade eggs are added to the composition. The effect of using such rubbing comes in the first weeks.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

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