How can I restore my vision

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All the information about the external world we get with the help of complex sensory organs - analyzers. The most important tactile system is the visual system, because it is through it that we learn 90% of what is happening around us.Despite the fact that the human body is close to perfection, some functions may be weakened due to illnesses or with age. Vision begins to weaken already from 40-45 years, and for some this process begins even earlier.Thanks to the development of medicine, there are different ways how to restore vision.


  • 1Types of deviations
    • 1.1Myopia
    • 1.2Hyperopia
    • 1.3Astigmatism
    • 1.4Strabismus
    • 1.5Presbyopia
    • 1.6Amblyopia
  • 2Ways to restore
    • 2.1Vitaminotherapy
    • 2.2Gymnastics for the eyes
      • 2.2.1Methodology M. Norbekov
      • 2.2.2Gymnastics of eyes on Zhdanov
      • 2.2.3Methodology E. Avetisova
      • 2.2.4System U. Bates
  • 3Laser correction
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Types of deviations

There are several dozens of ocular disturbances of vision, having a different nature and degree of influence on visual functions.

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All of them are divided into two large groups:

  • Organic- develop due to congenital or acquired structural changes in the elements of the eyes. Some of them do not lend themselves to any treatment at all;
  • Functional- the disruption of functions is due to the change in the course of the light beam falling into the visual apparatus (pathology of refraction). Can be reversible or not, but most of them can be medicated and surgical, more often optical correction.

Functional disorders occur much more often. According to WHO statistics, people in the world are completely or partially deprived of vision, and 135 million. suffer from various ophthalmological disorders.


Myopia is a pathology of the refractive power of the eyes, in which the image is focused not on the retina of the eye, but in front of it.This leads to the fact that a person does not distinguish between distant objects and objects, but at the same time he sees well near. The first descriptions of this anomaly can be found even in the works of the ancient Greeks, and today from myopia affects more than 25-30% of the total population.

Vision in Myopia

In most cases, the disorder occurs even at pubertal age, and then persists at a stable level or progresses. Today it is successfully corrected by optics or laser technologies.


Hypermetropia is a pathology of the refractive power of the eye's optical system, in which the image is focused not on the retina, but in the plane located behind it.In this case, there is a poor discrimination between objects located near, the ability to see objects at a distance remains intact. It is more often diagnosed in the elderly due to the weakening of accommodative muscles.

Treatment depends on the degree of violation of refraction, often used optical correction.


Functional disturbance of the optic system of the eye caused by an irregular shape of the cornea or lens, which leads to distortion of the beam flow during refraction.Among all types of ametropia (pathologies of refraction of light) occurs in 10% of cases. The anomaly externally manifests itself in a fuzzy, vague perception of objects, because images are projected not on the retina, but on the surface behind or in front of it. An early correction of this disorder is necessary, since pathology can provoke the development of serious ophthalmic ailments, for example, amblyopia.


Congenital or acquired deflection of the axis of vision from the so-called fixation point, which leads to a violation of binocularity.The ailment is always accompanied by an external defect - the deviation of one or both eyes in different directions. It is usually formed at the age of 2-3 years, when the coordinated work of eyeballs develops. In addition to a serious cosmetic defect, strabismus leads to impaired visual functions, as there is no normal focusing on the object. In the absence of early treatment, strabismus leads to the development of myopia and ametropia in 50% of cases.



Decrease in the ability to accomodate the optical system of vision due to age processes in the lens.In almost all cases, it reduces the ability to see objects at close range, and is also accompanied by chronic headache and eye fatigue. Develops after 40-45 years, if before there was hyperopia, it can manifest somewhat earlier, and if myopia - later. According to the latest WHO data, about 30% of people are found.


Violation of the work of one or two eyes, characterized by a decrease in visual acuity, the inability to focus on the subject, the violation of color perception.Sometimes the disorder is completely asymptomatic, but there is a tendency of development with age. Because of the specific clinical picture, in ophthalmology this ailment is often called the lazy eye syndrome. The disease is infrequent, in the world there are only 2% of people suffering from amblyopia. As a rule, pathology is diagnosed in childhood.

All visual components are closely related to each other and represent a system, and not a collection of elements. Violation of the work of at least one of the structures can lead to the development of secondary pathologies.

Ways to restore

The development of medicine does not stand still and today there are many ways to correct vision, from the selection of special optics to complex ophthalmic operations.There are three directions that help to partially or completely get rid of visual disturbances.


Problems with vision in some cases are caused not by disease, but by deficiency of substances important for normal functioning in the body (vitamins and trace elements).In this case, not only visual functions suffer, but also the work of all organs. There are several vitamins, especially important for the work of the visual apparatus:

  • Vitamin A. It is an important component of the photosensitive part of the retina, with its deficiency, the visual acuity decreases, and the inability to see in the dark develops. In the body, it is synthesized with the help of carotene, a large number of which is found in bilberries and carrots;
  • Vitamin B1.It is necessary to enhance the efficiency of the eyes, helps to cope with large visual loads. Its lack leads to rapid fatigue during the concentration of vision;
  • Vitamin B2. He takes an active part in the process of the lens and cornea. With a lack of riboflavin, it becomes impossible to focus on objects in the twilight and darkness. Red dots and veins on the sclera of the eye - the main sign of a deficiency of this substance. An additional intake of this substance is also necessary during the treatment of optic nerve pathologies and cataracts;
  • Vitamin B6. It is necessary to quickly and successfully restore the visual system after heavy loads, with a lack of there is rapid fatigue of the eyes, and with a strong deficit, there may be a twitching during fatigue.
  • Vitamin C. Important for protecting blood vessels from exhaustion and brittleness, helps prevent hemorrhage on the retina, and improves the blood supply. Some experts believe that with a sufficient amount of vitamin C you can reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts.

The most common disease associated with a deficiency of vitamins is night blindness (hemeralopia), which affects the structures responsible for twilight vision.

In addition, there is a whole range of vitamins and microelements necessary for the full operation of the visual apparatus.As a rule, they are necessary only in trace concentrations in the norm, but are extremely important in pathologies and during treatment.

Vitaminotherapy for vision is represented by three main forms:

  • Instillation of vitaminized drops for the eyes;
  • Reception of tablets and biologically active additives;
  • Preparation of a special therapeutic diet consisting of products with a large content of essential substances.
Vitamin drops for eyes

The choice of the method is selected individually in each case, in addition, vitamin therapy is an important auxiliary element in the treatment of complex ophthalmic diseases.

Gymnastics for the eyes

This is one of the most accessible ways to correct and maintain eye health as normal, since exercises can be performed without leaving the workplace.There are several author's techniques based on a different principle.

Methodology M. Norbekov

The main idea of ​​Norbekov's complex is that restoration of visual functions occurs faster with a positive attitude.Therefore, during the execution of tasks, you need to maintain a positive attitude, a smile and a straight posture. The complex consists of 8 exercises, each of which plays an important role for vision correction. The time for the completion of the whole block of tasks is 30-35 minutes.

Gymnastics for Norbekov

Gymnastics of eyes on Zhdanov

According to the method of Zhdanov, all exercises are accompanied by proper nutrition, without which it is impossible to influence the restoration of visual processes.More than 11 different mechanics exercises have been developed, and the whole cycle of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

The Zhdanov method

Methodology E. Avetisova

The author shares all the exercises in the direction: stimulating the blood flow of the eyeball, strengthening the visual muscles, as well as tasks to improve accommodation. The complex of exercises is suitable for adults and children, and is also often used during recovery after ophthalmic operations.

Gymnastics of Avetisov

System U. Bates

The author of the technique developed the exercises proceeding from the fact that visual acuity depends directly on the psychoemotional state.That is why all tasks are aimed not only at the work of the eyes, but also to relieve psychological stress. There are numerous prescriptions and contraindications to the use of the method, for example, the Bates system can not be used for detachment of the retina.

William Bates Methodology

There are other techniques that are not widely used due to the low efficiency and complexity of the exercises. The choice of the system should be performed only by the physician, depending on the type and extent of the disorder.

Laser correction

In recent years, for the restoration of visual functions, laser correction is increasingly being used. It allows you to bring the vision back to normal, and also has virtually no contraindications. The most common methods are:

  • Lasic. A traditional technique that has gained great popularity around the world. The operation is carried out in three stages: with the help of a microkeratome, the epithelial flap is removed, the cornea is corrected by an excimer laser, the retracted flap is brought back into place. The disadvantage of the operation is that the individual anatomical features of the cornea of ​​the patient are not taken into account, correction is performed according to the given universal parameters;
Carrying out the operation Lasic
  • Epi-lasic. A more modern procedure, which is an improved version of traditional laser correction. The difference between the procedure is that the detachment of the epithelial layer does not violate its viability, which reduces the recovery time after the operation. In addition, this method is better suited for patients with a thin cornea and a low level of myopia;
  • SuperLasic. An improved version of the basic Lasic procedure. The main difference is that for correction of the cornea, the parameters are set individually, and not by the given matrix;
  • FemtoLasic. The procedure is similar to the traditional Lasic technique, but to remove the epithelial flap use not microkerate, but femto-laser, which allows you to make a more thin incision, which reduces the recovery time and pain after procedures;
  • KFK. This type of laser correction is the most painful and traumatic. The operation passes without anesthesia, so during the procedure the patient experiences severe discomfort. With the help of a laser, a new surface of the cornea is created, and the manipulation itself is controlled by an ophthalmologist. After the procedure, it is mandatory to wear a special lens to reduce pain, and a new layer of the cornea has become fully functional.

There are more than 20 types of laser recovery operations. The choice of the technique is carried out by an ophthalmologist depending on the competence of the surgeon and the capabilities of the clinic.

Recommendations for use

The choice of the method for restoring vision depends entirely on the degree and severity of the disorders.In the most severe diseases, a whole complex of procedures is applied, which allows not only to correct vision, but also to reduce the risk of subsequent complications. To select the correction tool, you need to consult a specialist, and also pass all the necessary diagnostic tests.



Vision is one of the most important feelings, but due to the complexity of the visual apparatus, violations can occur at any age.Today, numerous methods have been developed to effectively restore the eye, which significantly improves the quality of life.