Diabetes sugar: types, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies, medicines

Diabetes- a common group of endocrine diseases that occurs in adults and children, which is based on a violation of the absorption of glucose in absolute or relative insulin hormone insufficiency.

The main sign of the disease: hyperglycemia, or persistent increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, manifested in a number of characteristic symptoms of increased sugar in the body. Today we will consider the treatment of diabetes mellitus with official medicine, folk remedies at home.


Types 1 and 2 of the diabetes: insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent

Diabetes mellitus is a very common disease. If the total number of cases of various diseases is taken as 100%, then diabetes accounts for about 2%. People who are more than 40 years old are more often ill.

With absolute insulin deficiency, the insulin content in the blood of patients is usually sharply reduced, and they need constant insulin administration.

This type of diabetes is calledinsulin-dependent.

With relative insulin insufficiency, the level of insulin in the blood of patients usually approaches the norm (or slightly elevated). In this case, thenon-insulin-dependentdiabetes. This type of diabetes does not require the introduction of insulin, compensation is achieved by pills or diet.

With diabetes all kinds of metabolism are violated, but carbohydrate metabolism suffers most.

Potentially dangerous complications of diabetes are hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

Complications: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, coma

HypoglycaemiaIt develops if the sugar content in the blood drops to a very low level. The main symptoms of hypoglycemia are headache, aggressive behavior of the patient, emotional imbalance and fainting.

When hypoglycemia, you should immediately eat something sweet or go to the nearest medical institution for intravenous injection of glucose solution. If attacks of hypoglycemia occur frequently, it is necessaryREVISE POWER SUPPLY.

Hyperglycaemiadevelops with increased sugar content in the blood. The first symptoms are frequent urination, excessive appetite or thirst, dizziness, visual impairment, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, loss of strength, deep rapid breathing and coma.

A patient with diabetes mellitus should always be on the alert and with the appearance of such signs as:

  1. pain in the stomach and vomiting;
  2. blood sugar levels above 200 mg;
  3. body temperature above 37.5 ° C;
  4. a lot of sugar and acetone in the urine -IMMEDIATELY APPEAL TO DOCTOR!

Treatment of diabetes mellitus: general recommendations how to treat

How to treat diabetes in children

Treatment of diabetes in childrenshould be comprehensive, with the mandatory use of insulin and diet therapy. It should provide for not only facilitating the course of the disease, but ensuring the proper development of the child. Food should be close to the age physiological norm, but with the restriction of fat and sugar. The use of digestible carbohydrates should be limited.

With an increase in the liver from the diet of the child, it is necessary to exclude all sharp and fried dishes, the food should be cooked for a couple.

The daily dose of insulin is determined strictly individually, taking into account daily glucosuria. The daily dose of insulin, prescribed for the first time, can be calculated by dividing the daily loss of sugar with urine by 5. All changes in the appointment of insulin dosage should only be done by an endocrinologist.

After the disappearancesymptoms of comaappoint coffee, tea, biscuits, broth, mashed apple, chopped meat, fruit juices. Gradually switch to a full-fat diet with a restriction of fat. With clinical compensation, the patient can be transferred to a combined treatment with the use of prolonged-action insulin.

Whenhypoglycemiathe patient is given sugar syrup, tea with white bread. If the symptoms of hypoglycemia do not disappear, the patient should be administered intravenously a 40% solution of glucose.

What can not be taken for food with diabetes, everyone knows, but how and how to treat this disease, it is not known to everyone.

Many folk healers believe that it is best to use traditional medicine to treat diabetes. Around us there are many herbs that are effective in the treatment of this ailment. However, the medicinal effect can not only be provided by medicinal plants. Physical methods, various natural substances can also be useful in the treatment of diabetes due to the fact that they contribute to the partial recovery of pancreatic cells that produce insulin.

Treatment of diabetes with folk remedies

Traditional medicine at home advises to treat diabetes after adjusting the glucose level in the body with the help of preparations of official medicine and under the supervision of a doctor-endocrinologist.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, diet and medicinal plants need to constantly monitor blood sugar levels.

Based on the nature of the disease, with mild forms of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to choose the most affordable ones from the following means.

Millet, buckwheat and cornvery well reduce blood sugar. Grind cereals and pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour of any of them with a glass of water or kefir. Insist the night, and in the morning drink. The constant use of such a solution normalizes blood sugar. Only make flour from raw, not fried cereals.

The second row of plants that contribute to reducing blood sugar isbeans.Traditional medicine knows many cases of their use for this purpose. One diabetic, for example, every morning swallowed an empty small black bean on an empty stomach, the second soaked at night two white beans, and in the morning they chewed them and ate them. In both cases, the result was positive. The third diabetic patient needed to consume six bean grains in order to maintain the sugar.

Good hypoglycemic properties havepeanut.Pour 0.5 cups of raw peanuts with vinegar, insist for a week and eat 1 nut in the morning and evening, regardless of food. In some cases, sugar was reduced from 13 to 5.5 units, i.e., up to the ideal rate. If you use instead of 1 peanut nut 10, then you can normalize the pressure in hypertension. Peanuts for treatment should be taken raw, with an intact film, in no case packed in cellophane.

I would like to pay special attention toartichoke,which has good hypoglycemic properties. Its action is soft and persistent. Use Jerusalem artichoke, adding to salads its young leaves and tubers. In autumn and spring they are eaten fresh, and in winter - dried. Also take baths with Jerusalem artichoke: 1,5 kg of crushed mixture of leaves, leaves, flowers, fresh or dried tubers fill with a bucket of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat, leave for 20 minutes, pour into a bath with not very hot water and steam for 15 minutes. Follow the procedure every other day. In total it is necessary to take 15-40 such baths, depending on the result achieved. Helps such treatment for hypertension, diabetes and salt deposition.

Good results for reducing sugar in diabetes mellitus gives application in treatmentflax.2 tbsp. Spoons of seeds should be grinded in flour, then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil 5 minutes in enameled dishes. Cool without removing the cover. Drink the broth warm, at a time, 20-30 minutes before eating. The thicket can be thrown away, but if you have constipation, it is better to eat the decoction together with the thick. In a month you will feel lightness in the abdomen, pain in the pancreas will pass, the complexion will improve. The broth should be drunk fresh.

Green parsley(parsley juice has the ability to strengthen blood vessels, especially capillaries, which is important in diabetes mellitus, greenery and parsley root also have a sugar-reducing effect). Enter in your diet salad: 100 g of parsley root, 2 apples grate, 2 g of fruit sugar (xylitol or sorbitol), juice of 1 lemon, add parsley to taste.

60 g of leavesblueberriescollect in May - June, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, cool, strain. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day. It is useful to eat blueberries, since the microelements contained in the leaves help reduce the sugar content in the blood.

Youngdandelion leavesuse in the form of salads (in young leaves of dandelion contains insulin). Let the leaves soak for 30 minutes in water, dry and finely chop, add greens (parsley, dill, radish or young turnip leaves, etc.), egg yolk, season with mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil.

The roots of a dandelion.Brew for 1 hour. spoon of finely chopped roots, leave for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Drink one quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day.

Take ready (sold at the pharmacy)extract of Eleutherococcusprickly in 20 drops 2-3 times daily before meals.

Ready tinctureSchizandratake 20-25 drops 1-3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of dog rose:1 cup of boiling water for 10 pcs. crushed rose hips. Fruit pour boiling water and hold in a small fire for 3-5 minutes, turn off the fire, insist 5-6 hours, strain. Drink half the glass 3-4 times a day.

Take 1 hour every day. a spoonfulJerusalem artichoke powder(ground pear). Dug nodules Jerusalem artichoke, wash, finely chop, dry and powder into powder. Jerusalem artichoke treats almost all vascular and metabolic diseases, it allows to reduce the daily dose.

50 gramsnettle leaves(better fresh) pour 500 ml of boiling water in enameled dishes, let it brew. After 2 hours strain. Drink for 1 hour. spoon 3 times daily before meals. Recommended for use in food and nettles. Leaves and shoots of young nettles are best harvested for the winter, drying or fermenting them. And all winter to prepare infusions, soups, teas with leaves of nettle. The same can be done with a dream. Leaves of nettle and whiskey are a storehouse of microelements.

Horsetailuse in the form of salad and infusions. Pour a glass of boiling water 30 g of horsetail, boil for 5-7 minutes, insist 2-3 hours, strain. Take 2-3 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Gathering 1for the treatment of diabetes: 20 g of blueberry shoots, bean leaves; 15 grams of horsetail, hips; on 10 g of the root of the aralia of the Manchurian, the herb of St. John's wort, the flowers of chamomile. Mix everything, place 10 g of collection in enamelware, pour 2 glasses of hot water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool to room temperature, strain. Take infusion of one-third of the glass 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 20-30 days. After 10-15 days, repeat the course. During the year, you can repeat these courses every 3 months.

Pour boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed walnut leaves, boil on low heat for 20-30 minutes, let it brew, strain, take during the day.

Drink freshjuices of carrots, cabbage or raw potatoesone quarter of a glass of each 4 times a day.

To treat diabetes, up to 150 herbs are used. Thus, some insecticides have infusions and decoctions obtained from roots and shootsrice, wheat, barley.Apply infusions of stems and leavesmulberry, carrot, caraway seeds, caraway seeds, garlic, lemon crusts, hops, tea from infusions of sage peel and beans, decoctions of blueberry leaves, tincture of zamaniha.It is proved that these plants contain substances that in their structure approximate the derivatives of guanidine, which have hypoglycemic properties.

A prescription for the treatment of diabetes is commonoat diet: 100g of seeds, pour 3 glasses of water, boil for 1 hour, leave at night, strain and take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

In a 5 liter container, pour in 3.5 liters of water. In the boiling water throw two full handfulsShells of mature walnutsand simmer 30 minutes on low heat. When the water turns brown, put in it 5 full handfulspods of dry beansand boil for another 5 minutes. Then throw in a boiling water handfulleaves of mulberryand boil for another 10 minutes. Insist 1 hour under the lid, strain. Drink 150 g 3 times a day with increased blood sugar. Dose in accordance with the level of sugar.

Infusion of kidney lilac.20 g of kidneys pour 1 cup of boiling water (do not boil!). Insist 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

Cookcollection 2:

  1. roots of dandelion drug - 25 g;
  2. the leaves of nettle are dioecious - 25 g;
  3. leaves of blueberry ordinary - 25 g;
  4. leaves of beans ordinary - 25 g;
  5. grass cuffs - 25 g.

Mix everything. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of water, boil for 3 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day (without sugar).

Brothroots burdock.10 g of dried root roots into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Cookcollection 3:

  1. blueberry leaves - 2 parts;
  2. straw of green oats - 1 part;
  3. leaf bean pods - 2 parts.

A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

The sugar content in the blood will drop if you take 1 teaspoon of the following mixture before meals:

  1. 100 g of lemon peel;
  2. 300 g of parsley;
  3. 300 grams of garlic.

All pass through the meat grinder, soak for 2 weeks in a dark place.

Infusion of birch buds.Kidneys collect in the spring during their swelling. The daily dose is 3-4 tablespoons of kidneys per 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 6 hours, strain.

Brothroots and herbs of dandelion medicinal.6-10 g of dry crushed raw materials on a glass of water, boil 10 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

Brewer's yeast.Dry yeast yeast should be taken 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.

Mustard seeds.Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.

Infusion of flowersclover meadow (red).5 g of dry raw, brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Infusionleaves of plantain.10 g of dry crushed leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals.

Infusion of leavesblackberry. 2teaspoons of dry crushed leaves for 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink during the day in three divided doses.

Brothleaves of strawberries. 20g dry powdered raw material pour 1 cup boiling water, boil5minutes, insist2hours, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon4-5once a day.

Decoction of rhizomescouch grass. 4tablespoons of dry, finely chopped rhizomes5glasses of water, boil until the volume decreases by a quarter, strain. Take 1 tablespoon4-5once a day.

Infusion of leavesblueberries are common.A teaspoon of dry chopped leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour in a warm place, strain. Drink one-quarter of a glass4times a day. Infusion should be taken with the initial forms of diabetes mellitus.

It must be remembered that blueberries are useful to diabetics always and in any form.

Flax seed.Take in pure form: 1 teaspoon of dry seeds in the morning and in the evening (drink water, milk or compote). Seeds can also be used in the form of mucus: 3 teaspoons of seeds per glass of cold boiled water, leave for 3 hours, stirring. Drink before bedtime.

Infusionleaves raspberries. 2Tablespoons of dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink one third of a glass 3 times a day before meals.

In a glasskefirpour a tablespoon through a coffee grinderbuckwheat groats,stir well and drink. Use morning and evening for 30 minutes before eating.

In the spring it is good to eat daily on a raw tuber of earthen pear of Jerusalem artichoke.

Leaves of walnut.To make infusion, 1 tablespoon chopped leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 1 minute, insist 1 hour, strain and drink during the day.

You can also useseptum walnut.To do this, collect partitions from 40 nuts, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer on a water bath for an hour. Insist 2 hours, strain. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

2-3 crushedbulbspour 2 teaspoons of lukewarm water, soak for 7-8 hours, strain and drink infusion over the coffee cup 3 times a day.

Drinkbroth of wild roseto strengthen the body.

Aspen bark.1 tablespoon of dry crushed bark boil for 30 minutes on low heat in 2 glasses of water. Insist, wrapped, 3 hours, strain. Take one fourth of the glass 3 times a day before meals. Cookcollection 4:

  1. chicory root - 1 part;
  2. laurel leaves - 1 part;
  3. leaves of blueberries - 1 part;
  4. bean pods - 1 part.

A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Strain. Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

Decoction of leaves and shootsblueberry marsh.Spoon a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, persist for 1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass 3 times a day.

Decoction of leavesbearberry ordinary.10 g of dry shredded leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Infusion of flowerslindens heart-shaped.Two tablespoons of dried flowers for 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink like a hot tea.

Tincture of the rootpeony evading.Take 30-40 drops 3 times daily before meals.

Decoction of herbscudweed steep.20 g of dry ground grass, pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil 5 minutes in a sealed container, leave for 2 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of herbsalternating tripartite sequences.A tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 12 hours. Strain. Drink half the glass 3 times a day.

How to treat diabetes: pills, drugs, medicines

Ten years ago, in the initial stages of type 1 diabetes, patients were recommended to take immunosuppressants to reduce damage to pancreatic cells. Their application seemed logical, but the lack of effect and side effects severely limited it.

It is now established that patients with diabetes mellitus need more drugs that improve liver function and reduce the development of fat changes in it. These include Essentiale and vitamins. Vitamins are also needed because when decompensating diabetes, water-soluble vitamins are lost in the urine. Usually prescribe vitamins B, C, A, E, sometimes in the form of multivitamin preparations.

In addition to vitamins and drugs that support the function of the liver, drugs that improve the permeability of the vascular wall, and the so-called antiaggregants (Aspirin, Heparin, etc.).

When accessing purulent infections that can cause rapid decompensation of diabetes mellitus, antibiotics are prescribed in large doses and longer than with a patient who does not suffer from diabetes mellitus.

Tablets that reduce blood sugar levels fall into two groups: sulfonamides and biguanides.

More than 60% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are treated with tableted hypoglycemic drugs.

For more than 40 years, sulfonylurea has been the mainstay of therapy for this disease. The main mechanism of action of sulfonylureas is the stimulation of the secretion of its own insulin. Any preparation of sulfonylurea after ingestion binds to a specific protein on the membrane of pancreatic cells and enhances the secretion of insulin. In addition, some of them restore (increase) the sensitivity of beta cells to glucose.

Sulfonylurea drugs are attributed to the ability to increase the sensitivity of fat, muscle, liver, and some other tissues to insulin, to increase the transport of glucose in skeletal muscles and the activity of certain liver enzymes, to inhibit fat breakdown, and so on.

Like other drugs, tableted hypoglycemic drugs are not devoid of side effects. Thus, sulfonamides can cause allergic skin reactions, digestive disorders, changes in blood composition.

Biguanides sometimes cause nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal pain, diarrhea. But these complications are quite rare and not very pronounced. With ineffectiveness of tableted hypoglycemic drugs, insulin therapy is prescribed.

Advantages of tablets are the disposal of the patient from daily injections of insulin, a good hypoglycemic effect, a small amount of allergic reactions in their use. Disadvantages: the possibility of using only in type 2 diabetes mellitus; they are contraindicated in far-advanced stages of angiopathy, severe vascular diseases, in pregnant women, with a tendency to ketoacidosis.

In pharmacies, you can buy the following collection for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (arfazetine).

  1. Runaway bilberries - 20 grams,
  2. bean leaves - 20 grams,
  3. the roots of the Manchu aralia are 10 g,
  4. horsetail field - 15 grams,
  5. rose hips - 15 g,
  6. herb St. John's wort - 10 grams,
  7. chamomile flowers - 10 g.

Take two tablespoons of the collection. Pour into enameled dishes, pour 2 cups of boiling water (400 ml), heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for at least 45 minutes, strain, and remove remaining raw materials. The volume of the obtained infusion is added with boiled water to 400 ml. Take infusion for 30 minutes before meals (preferably in a warm form) for ⅓-½ cup 2-3 times a day for 20-30 days. After 2 weeks, repeat the course. In a year 3-4 courses are conducted.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin: pig and human

Currently, pig and human insulin are used.

Insulins vary in the duration of the action.Short-acting insulinstarts to act in 15-20 minutes, the maximum effect reaches in 1-1,5 hours and ends its effect in 3-4 hours.

Insulin of medium durationstart the action after 1.5-2 hours, the maximum effect is achieved after 4-5 hours and complete the effect after 6-8 hours.

Long-acting insulinsstart their action in 3-4 hours and reach a maximum effect after 6 hours. Their duration is 12-14 hours.

There are alsoinsulin action.They start their action in 6-8 hours, reach a maximum effect in 10-16 hours and finish functioning in 24-26 hours.

There are also so-calledmulti-peak insulin,when in a single vial in certain proportions insulin of short and long action is mixed.

Usually breakfast requires 2 units of insulin, for lunch - 1.5 units, and for dinner - 1 unit. But these figures are strictly individual, and they can be determined only by constantly monitoring the sugar in the blood. This so-calledintensified insulin therapy(closest to the normal operation of the pancreas), allows you to lead a lifestyle that differs little from the usual for people without diabetes.

There is also the so-calledtraditional insulin therapy,when the patient makes himself two (less often one) injection. Insulin injections of short and long-acting are done twice a day: before breakfast and before dinner. This kind of insulin therapy has a significant drawback: lunch should be eaten at a strictly certain time (during the peak of the action of prolonged insulin, which is introduced in the morning) and should contain a certain number of grain units.

According to the rules, insulin should be stored in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. The vial can be kept at room temperature.


Before the injection, the insulin flask should be warmed by lowering it for several seconds into hot water. To correctly dial the dose, you need to dial into the syringe air for as many divisions as you need to introduce long-acting insulin, and inject air into the vial with this insulin. Then, without removing the syringe, to collect the necessary amount of insulin prolonged action (the same should be done with a bottle containing short-acting insulin). Release air bubbles from the syringe. Introduce insulin under the skin. Injections can be done in the abdomen, thigh, buttocks, under the shoulder blade or in the arm.

Insulin is the most tested medicine used in diabetes for all patients of type 1 and for certain indications for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with type 1 diabetes require constant insulin replacement therapy, the hormone must be administered daily, because only in this case the body can absorb glucose.

Insulin is a protein compound, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, under the influence of gastric juice it is digested and loses its healing properties. Therefore, it is administered by injection to enter directly into the blood.

For the introduction of insulin, special syringes and syringes are used, which make it possible to inject almost painlessly, in any situation, without preliminary sterilization. To ensure that the level of blood sugar during the day was close to normal, it is necessary with the help of injections to maximally simulate the secretion of insulin in a healthy person, i.e., to ensure its constant level and increase in quantity after the increase in the concentration of blood sugar due to food.

The peaks of the therapeutic action of insulin should, if possible, coincide with the peaks of the rise in blood sugar (which occurs after eating), which is checked by the blood sugar level at 1 and 2 hours after breakfast or lunch.

At present, there are many types of insulin, differing in the time of action (see Fig. above), so the doctor has the opportunity to select an individual treatment regimen for each patient.

The optimal types of insulin and the scheme of their use are determined by the endocrinologist, taking into account the severity of diabetes, complications, concomitant diseases.

Insulin therapy is usually prescribed for patients with type 1 diabetes, but with ketoacidosis, diabetic precoma and coma, with infectious complications and surgical interventions insulin is one of the most important remedies.

Special resorts for patients with diabetes mellitus are absent. They can relax and be treated at any time of the year in sanatoriums and resorts, where the therapeutic diet is organized, provided there are no general contraindications for staying at the resort. The resort is directed to certain indications, and if the patient is sent to a sanatorium with any concomitant disease, then diabetes mellitus can not serve as an obstacle for referral.

It is most expedient to direct to the resort treatment of patients with pre-diabetes, latent diabetes, mild form of the disease, and also a form of moderate severity in the phase of stable compensation without the phenomena of ketoacidosis.

The overall health-improving effect of the sanatorium and health resort is beneficial for diabetics. The main condition is that in the sanatorium or rest home the patients should be provided with the possibility of insulin therapy and diet.

In severe diabetes mellitus, spa treatment is indicated only with a stable course of the disease and a stable compensation of metabolic processes, in which case local sanatoria are preferable.

Sanatorium treatment is also shown for patients with diabetes mellitus combined with cardiovascular, nervous system, obesity, gout, joints, gastrointestinal and liver diseases.

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment for diabetes mellitus

Climatic factors in the treatment of patients

The climatic factors of therapeutic effect both in the resort and in the out-of-resort environment can be used with great success in the treatment of any chronic disease. However, patients always need to remember that these methods aresubsidiaryand treatment with them is performed against the background of the main therapy recommended by the doctor. The methods of climatic influence are especially useful in the treatment of comorbid conditions (cardiovascular, nervous system, skin, joints, muscles, etc.).

For the patient with diabetes mellitus both in the conditions of the resort and in the home environment, the rational use of climatic factors is of great importance. The sun, air and water exert a strengthening effect on the entire body, tone up, "harden" it. Improving the course of metabolic processes, increasing the resistance of the body to colds and infectious diseases, climatic factors contribute to the maintenance of health, cheerful mood, which favorably affects the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism.

Climatic factors can be applied not only in summer, but at any time of the year.


Abuse of these potent climatic factors can have a harmful effect on the patient's diabetes.

Air and sun bathing, bathing and wiping, moderate walking also actively affect the improvement of the course of diabetes. Concerning the possibility of using this or that climatic factor, about its dosage and the possibility of alternation with other types of treatment, one should always ask your doctor.

In addition to climatic factors, sanatorium treatment includes: regimen, therapeutic nutrition, vegetable hypoglycemic agents, mineral water (internal and external use), mud and physiotherapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, exercise therapy according to the indications and in accordance with the profile of the resort.

Treatment with mineral waters

Mineral water in combination with diet and other methods of sanatorium treatment significantly improve the general condition of almost all categories of patients. Mineral water, penetrating through the mucous membrane of the intestine into the blood and lymph, exerts its multifaceted effect on the whole organism. The activity of tissues, organs and fluids of the organism changes, which distinguishes them from the state in which they were before taking water.

The drinking course, which usually lasts a month, exerts its active effect to a greater extent than the unsystematic use of water in a short period - less than 25-30 days.


Mineral waters are found everywhere on the territory of our country, but the most popular water is the so-called Kavminvodskaya group. The mineral waters of this region have a powerful curative effect on carbohydrate metabolism (which, incidentally, is of most interest to patients with diabetes mellitus). We should not consider the effect of therapeutic waters on carbohydrate metabolism in isolation from other metabolic processes. Providing a multi-faceted effect on the body as a whole, therapeutic water through a complex system of adaptations also affects carbohydrate metabolism.

When prescribing a drinking course to a diabetic patient, the medicinal waters of Essentuki No. 17 and 4 are most often used. Mineral waters of this group possess property in more or less pronounced degree of decrease in blood sugar level, the great importance not only character assignable medicinal water, but the state of the patient's body: comorbidity, which may be a patient with diabetes, a condition of the nervous system, metabolic processes, etc.

However, no mineral water can replace insulin. It is impossible in the cases shown to cancel treatment with insulin counting on the beneficial effect of medicinal water. Drinking course in spa treatment brings the desired result only in combination with insulin and other means. Therapeutic water without dietary regimen also does not give a good result.

In the body of a patient with diabetes mellitus, metabolic disturbances and changes in acid-base balance usually occur. The normalization of this equilibrium is achieved through the use of a number of therapeutic and prophylactic measures: the regime of the day, proper nutrition, physical and water procedures, The appointment of a drinking course is the responsibility of the doctor.

The healing water should be taken at the source not only for reasons of preserving all the healing qualities inherent in water, but also because, while walking to a mineral spring, the patient expends muscle energy, and this is particularly beneficial for carbohydrate metabolism, thereby reducing to some degree of blood sugar.

Therapeutic water should be taken three times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 1-2 glasses of natural temperature, i.e., without heating, 45-60 minutes before meals. Prescribe usually healing water "Essentuki № 17", which has the most pronounced alkalizing effect. Therapeutic water "Essentuki No. 4" is prescribed in the presence of concomitant diseases. The number of glasses, the temperature of the medicinal water taken, the hours of admission are determined both in connection with diabetes mellitus and with concomitant diseases.

A wide application in the treatment of diabetes mellitusexternal use of medicinal waters(baths): they have a great effect of a complex of their properties (thermal, mechanical, chemical).

The body that directly perceives the action of the baths is the skin. The patient, who is in the bath, changes the permeability of the skin, contributing to the penetration of gaseous substances (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, radium emanation). Some influence on the severity of the action is the amount of salts contained in the water, i.e., the degree of its mineralization.

A good curative effect gives a course of 10-14 baths. There are several methods for the release of medical baths, of which the most common treatment bath every other day.

Studies have shown that after baths, fluctuations in blood sugar levels are noted. The most beneficial effect on the entire body is provided by "gas" baths, i.e., carbonic anhydrides.

Therapeutic baths act on the nervous, cardiovascular system, the function of the digestive tract, the work of the endocrine glands, which contributes to the normalization of disturbed metabolic processes.

Only a doctor prescribes a bath, and strict adherence to his instructions should be the rule for the patient.

Staying in the bath more than the time appointed by the doctor, taking more baths, an arbitrary change in bath temperature, regardless of the doctor's appointment, can cause harm instead of the expected therapeutic effect.

Before taking a bath and after you need to rest. The most useful effect is if the receiving procedure is comfortable and feels good in the bath. If, while in the tub, you feel uncomfortable, then all the unpleasant sensations experienced by you during bathing and after it, should always tell the attending physician or the attendants.

Therapeutic mud in diabetes mellitus and its complications

Mud treatment is used mainly in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes. The therapeutic mud has a multifaceted, complex effect on the entire body as a whole. The deep changes that occur in the body as a result of mud treatment are evidenced by the fact that after a mud procedure there is a feeling of fatigue, weakness, an increase in body temperature, a change in the composition of the blood, etc.

Mud treatment in many cases lowers the level of sugar in the blood. Treatment with mud is not included in the complex of therapeutic agents used in the resort for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Depleted patients with the presence of significant manifestations of diabetes mellitus should not be prescribed.

With a favorable course of diabetes, even for patients receiving insulin, with the available indications for the treatment of concomitant diseases, mud treatment is indicated. Without worsening the course of disturbed metabolic processes observed in diabetes mellitus, mud treatment is used for diseases of joints, muscles, nerves, infectious (not tubercular) origin, as a result of impaired metabolism, and after trauma.

In the absence of contraindications and in combination with other means, mud therapy is successfully used for mono- and polyneuritis of diabetic origin. Dirt is also used for chronic inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity - stomach, duodenum, intestine, liver and biliary tract.

In disorders caused by a violation of sexual function, it is also possible to apply mud therapy. In all these cases and in a number of others, when mud treatment is shown, diabetes mellitus does not serve as a contraindication for its use.

The temperature of the mud, the duration of the procedures, their number per course are determined by the appointment of the doctor, and under no circumstances should one arbitrarily, at will, change the medical appointments.

Patients with diabetes mellitus who use mud therapy should know that the mud routine should not be taken on an empty stomach. It is especially important to know the patients who receive insulin. If you feel unwell, fatigue is better for transferring the mud procedure. Before taking the procedure, well-being should be good - only in this case one can expect a favorable effect. Rest before, and even more after the procedure is mandatory. In the days of the mud procedure, no other procedures should be taken, except for the weak ones, if they are prescribed by the attending physician. In days of reception of mud procedure excursions are not recommended.

Patients receiving mud procedures and receiving insulin, going to the mud bath, should have sugar or sweets in case of hypoglycemia.

On the appearance or exacerbation of pain, poor health in connection with the reception of therapeutic mud should always be reported to the attending physician.

If it is necessary to conduct a course of mud therapy for people with diabetes mellitus who can not use the usual application method, other types of mud therapy (electric mud, diathermo mud, mud ionophoresis) are prescribed for better tolerability. These procedures act in the same way as ordinary mud, but are more gentle.

Electro-mud treatment can be widely used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus in the elderly, with pronounced age-related changes in the cardiovascular system that interfere with conventional mud therapy. The rules for taking these procedures are the same as for ordinary mud.

Recommended resorts

The following resorts can be recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus and its complications: Berezovsky Mineral Waters, Essentuki, Mirgorod, Truskavets, Odessa, Borjomi, Jermuk, Druskininkai, Djava, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Sochi, Shmakovka (Primorsky Territory).

Berezovsky mineral waters

Drinking and balneological resort. Located on a plain 25 km west of Kharkov, in a beautiful wooded area. The main therapeutic factors are slightly mineralized hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium water with organic matter content, used for drinking and externally in the form of baths, as well as peat treatment.


Famous balneological and climatic health resort of Georgia. It stretches in a picturesque mountain gorge, at an altitude of 704-806 km above sea level. The resort has several mineral springs with carbonic-sodium bicarbonate-sodium water, used for drinking and baths.


Drinking balneological and climatic resort of South Ossetia, located at an altitude of 1124 m above sea level. The climate is moderately warm. High therapeutic properties are carbonic-hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium mineral water.


High-altitude resort of Armenia, located in the subtropical zone, at an altitude of 2100 m above sea level, in a picturesque area with the presence of large forest tracts. The climate is mountainous, with moderately cold winters and cool summers. Water refers to carbonate hydrocarbonate sodium and is used for drinking treatment and baths.


Drinking, mud and climate resort of Lithuania. For therapeutic purposes, chloride sodium-calcium water is used.


Balneological drinking and mud resort with carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters. Located in the mountain-steppe region at an altitude of 600-630 meters above sea level. The climate is hot in summer and moderately cold in winter. The mineral waters and mud of Tambukan Lake are used.

Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk

For many years these resorts are famous for their sanatoriums and good climatic conditions. In the treatment of patients, mineral waters and radon baths are used. Treatment in the sanatoriums of the Caucasian group positively affects the state of health of patients with diabetes mellitus.


Drinking balneological and mud resort of Poltava region. It has mineral sodium chloride water and peat mud.


Balneological resort of Ukraine, located in the foothills of the Carpathians. There are several mineral springs with high healing properties.

Good conditions for the treatment of diabetes and related diseases have been created in sanatoriums near Moscow, on the Riga seashore, in local gastric sanatoriums.

Physiotherapy and acupuncture: procedures

These are types of non-drug treatment aimed at improving the functions of the insular apparatus and enhancing the sugar-reducing effect of insulin, sulfonamides, biguanides, and mainly on the treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus.

Hyperbaric oxygenation of blood (HBO).Diabetes reduces the oxygen transport function of blood, which leads to oxygen deficiency of tissues. Elimination of these phenomena improves the absorption of glucose by tissues. HBO also contributes to the restoration of the gas composition of the blood, the normalization of acid-base balance, increasing the sensitivity of receptors to insulin, the activation of glycolysis, etc.

It is recommended to conduct 10-15 sessions of HBO for a course of treatment with a duration of the session of 40-60 minutes. Sessions are held daily. HBO is particularly well appointed for decompensation of diabetes mellitus, diabetic angiopathy of the lower limbs, even with gangrene phenomena, as well as with diabetic polyneuropathy.

Improve metabolism is facilitated by ingestionoxygen foam.This procedure also helps to reduce body weight with its excess, reduces dyspeptic phenomena, since the foam stretches the stomach and gives a feeling of satiety, which reduces the amount of food intake, and oxygen has a positive effect on redox processes.

For the preparation of oxygen foam, use infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, infusion of dogrose or broth of oats. To them, add whipped egg white egg whites (2 l take protein from 1 egg). The ready-mixed mixture is foamed, passing oxygen through it with the aid of the apparatus "Health". Oxygen foam patients take 2-3 times a day for 1 hour before meals in a volume that causes a feeling of saturation. The course of treatment is 3-6 months under medical and laboratory control.

Oxygen foam is contraindicated in acute gastrointestinal bleeding, exacerbation of pancreatitis, adhesions, frequent attacks of angina pectoris.

Use and impact on the area of ​​the projection of the pancreasMicrowave therapy of the decimeter range.The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 procedures. Microwave therapy improves metabolic processes in the gland tissue, improves blood flow in it, stimulates insulin production.

Ultrasonic pancreatic stimulation is performed daily for 5 minutes, for a course of 10 procedures. This method of stimulating the production of insulin.

Impactalternating magnetic fieldimproves microcirculation and is used for neuropathy.

Acupuncture or acupunctureIt is used for neuropathy and consists in the introduction of special needles in BAT. Assign 2-3 courses of treatment for 10 sessions each. As a result, the general condition of the patients is improved, the pain and sensitivity of the lower limbs are reduced, the level of glucose in the blood and urine decreases temporarily, which may require correction of the insulin dose.

Use also electro- and laser puncture, acupressure, exposure to a permanent magnetic field, microwaves with a human biofield frequency.

With diabetes, such treatment methods as hemosorption, enterosorption, plasmapheresis can be used.

HemosorptionIt is often used for diabetes mellitus, complicated by diabetic nephropathy. The duration of the session is 60-90 min. At the same time, the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism improve.

Enterosorption- reception of sorbents inside. In 50% of patients, it is possible to reduce the dose of insulin and other hypoglycemic agents, improve lipid metabolism, and reduce manifestations of polyneuropathy.

Plasmapheresis- removal of the patient's plasma and introduction of plasma substitutes. The method is used for septic complications and for renal failure

Ultraviolet irradiation of bloodIt is used in complex therapy with a combination of purulent-inflammatory diseases and allergic diseases.

Ozone Therapy

In recent years, a new direction has emerged in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases -ozonotherapy.The magic effect of ozone is familiar to everyone and not by hearsay! It is unlikely that there will be a person who has never experienced a fabulously easy feeling that most people have after a thunderstorm. And after all, the after-freshness is caused by the molecules of ozone contained in the air.

But the effect of ozone on the human body is not limited to this. Human health ozone can destroy all kinds of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. The ozone formula allows it to have an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and healing effect. Ozonotherapy is based on a variety of therapeutic effects of ozone. The benefits of ozone are undeniable and great.

First of all, it concerns the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, ischemic disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases. The fact is that most of the problems of our body are somehow connected with hypoxia - oxygen deficiency in tissues. Oxygen is necessary for the vital activity of absolutely any cell - it causes oxidation processes and thus maintains all organs and tissues in working order. Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) occurs with nervous and physical overload, with an incorrect eating pattern and insufficient motor activity, and simply with age. At the same time, oxidative processes in the body slow down, the nutrition of the cells is disrupted, fat deposits appear. Saves active oxygen from hypoxia - that is, ozone!

Hence the effect of ozone rejuvenation on the human body. Ozone therapy of diabetes mellitus is one of the leading places in the treatment of other diseases. This is due to the fact that ozone participates in a number of important processes occurring in the body, and everywhere has a positive effect.

Ozone increases the permeability of cell membranes, which helps to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood by better entering it into the tissue. The energy hunger of tissues decreases. Decrease in protein breakdown. Thus, ozone performs a number of functions characteristic of insulin.

The next important circumstance is that glucose metabolism in erythrocytes is activated and tissue oxygen release is facilitated. This property of ozone plays a key role in the treatment process. Reducing hyperglycemia, improving the flow of glucose into tissues, increasing the supply of tissues with oxygen and removing hypoxia, ozone therapy prevents damage to blood vessels.

As a preventive and therapeutic agent, ozone is used in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus having atherosclerotic lesions of the cardiovascular system, such as ischemic heart disease, vegetovascular dystonia, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower limbs.

When carrying out ozone therapy, it is necessary to take into account the effect of ozone on the immune system. For insulin-independent diabetes is characterized by suppression of immunity, which causes a tendency to chronic infections and pustular lesions of the skin (furunculosis).

Diabetes mellitus type 1: symptoms and treatment

How to treat type 2 diabetes: symptoms and treatment

Conversations with Doctor of Biological Sciences Gorchakov Vladimir Yurievich on the ways of development of type II diabetes and the possibilities of its treatment. The reasons for the ban on the use of radio asteroids.

What benefits are prescribed for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Available and effective natural remedies against diabetes mellitus.

Unfortunately, not all patients with diabetes know that by law the state should provide them free of charge with life-saving medications. In addition, diabetics who have a disability are entitled to a full "social package". That is, along with medications - get a free ticket for treatment in the sanatorium at least once every three years. Undoubtedly, everyone has the right to refuse from the social package and has an additional bonus in money from the state. In this case, it is better to think what is better: additional pennies that will not cover the cost of buying even a tiny part of the drugs you need, or get expensive drugs in full from the budget?

Benefits for people with disabilities who get disabilities?

The decision on disability, depending on the severity of the disease, is made on the basis of medical and social expertise. The referral to the examination bodies is given by the attending physician. Although everyone can insist on this on their own. You do not have the right to refuse a doctor. Your only wish will be indicated in the direction. The fact that you are sick is not always an occasion to get the status of a disabled person. Disability is given with functional disorders, which lead to the limitation of vital activity.

With diabetes, there are different criteria. They are typical for both diabetics of the first type, and the second. Disability of the first group is given to seriously ill patients, those who have retinopathy (both unseeing eyes). Neuropathy (persistent ataxia or paralysis), diabetic encephalopathy with bright mental disorders, heart failure of stage 3, severe angiopathy of the lower extremities (gangrene), terminal stage of chronic renal failure, frequent coma. Such patients need constant help from outsiders, because they do not have the ability to serve themselves and move independently.

The disability of the second group in diabetes is given to those who do not always require the care of their loved ones. Violations of the functions of the affected organs are expressed, but to a lesser extent than the applicants for the first group. They have retinopathy of 2-3 stages, terminal stage of chronic renal failure with adequate dialysis, grade 2 neuropathy, encephalopathy with persistent mental changes.

Disability of the third group is determined with mild and moderate severity of the disease and moderate disabilities of functions that lead to restriction of movement, labor activity. That is, in any case, violations are expressed. If you have signs of compensated diabetes without insulin, disability will not be given to you. Children with type 1 disease (those who depend on insulin) are given a disability without a group.

Source: O.G.G.G. N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia. - Moscow: Publishing house Eksmo, 2012.