Choose the best headache pill for adults

Headache tabletsHeadache is quite an actual problem, which requires a very serious approach. First you need to find out the reason for its occurrence. This will determine the range of measures that will most effectively help to cope with it.

Tablets from severe headache should be used only on the advice of a doctor. It is not necessary to appoint them independently, without understanding the causes of this condition.

In some cases, even a severe headache is not a sign of a serious condition, and in others a subtle headache can be a symptom of a serious pathological process. And the independent prescription of analgesic therapy will lead to the erasure of a picture of a particular disease and, accordingly, to late diagnosis.

What pills to drink from a headache

A list of inexpensive and effective drugs for headaches is quite extensive, where the most common groups are:
  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Very widely used, because not only relieve pain, but also fight with inflammation. These are familiar to all aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen. They have virtually no side effects, have little effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
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  2. Analgesics- antipyretics, a typical representative of which is paracetamol, used not only as an anesthetic, but also antipyretic. The same group includes: aspirin, analgin, tsitramon, panadol, efferalgan, migrenol and many antispasmodics (spasmalgone, spasmoverelgon);
  3. Spasmolytics. If you suffer from painful spasms in your head, then you should get antispasmodics. They are easily confused with analgesics, although they belong to a different group of agents. Spasmolytics are used to relieve spasm and eliminate pain. To this kind of medicine belong baralgin, spazgan, spasmalgon, novigan, but-shpa. Pain caused by spasms occurs unexpectedly and gradually increases.
  4. Antidepressants- for example, amitriptyline, prescribed for chronic tension headache, accompanied by a depressive syndrome.

You need to choose medicines only after the diagnosis by the attending physician. The doctor will determine the dosage, tell about contraindications, prescribe an effective drug. Almost all of the drugs listed in the article just eliminate the symptom - a headache, but in no way affect its possible cause.

Popular headache pills: list

What to take from a headache? Such a question is very relevant for people who have a headache and do not know what means will suit them. Depending on the type of pain and the location of its location, the doctor prescribes certain drugs. Here are the most common headache pills:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Nyz;
  • Citramon;
  • Analgin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • But-shpa.

It is impossible to find an analgesic for headache, since the organism of each person is individual. To choose the right medicine, you need to contact a specialist in order to avoid dangerous diseases.

Headache during pregnancy, what tablets can I take?

During pregnancy, the appearance of headaches can be prevented if you walk a lot in the fresh air and avoid stressful situations. If the headache still torments - you can just lie in a quiet and quiet place, listen to your favorite music and make a compress on your head.

Any remedy for headache during pregnancy is a potential "provoker" for the development of fetal pathologies, worsening of the general condition women and the development of her internal diseases, so take medication should be only after a medical consultation.

It is strictly forbidden to take drugs based on narcotic substances, for example, tryptamine (Zappigren, Amigren, Antimigren), drugs that are capable of provoke bleeding, (especially in the first trimester), child development delay: Aspirin, Citramon, Propranolol, Ergotamine, Nurofen. To conditionally permitted drugs are "Panadol", "No-shpa", "Paracetamol".

Take any obezbalivayuschie tablets should be only in extreme cases, and it is better to use other sosobami, allowing you to remove pain without using tablets.

How to get rid of a headache without pills

It happens that a person considers himself an ardent opponent of medications, then he can try to remove the head pain with the help of simple manipulations, which also can be attributed to folk remedies for headaches:

  • Use your hands. Acupressure and self-massage can help. Two key points for reducing pain with acupressure are located on the membrane between the index finger and thumb (press until you feel pain and under the crests of the vertebrae from behind on the neck (press there with two thumbs).
  • With light movements apply a balm "Golden Star", menthol ointment or essential oil (mint or lavender) to whiskey;
  • With pains in the nape (most often resulting from overwork), you can use the following method: "shake" head up and down 2-3 times, and then, having weakened the tension of the muscles of the neck, make several circular movements of the head in one and the other side. This "gymnastics" should be performed several times during the day.
  • Protect your eyes. A bright light, whether it's the sun, daylight, TV or computer screen, makes you squint and strain your eyes, which ultimately leads to a headache. It's nice to put on sunglasses if you go outside. If you work indoors, take breaks while working on the computer, and wear glasses with darkened glasses.
  • Apply an ice pack on your head, moisten the handkerchief with very cold water and wrap it around your forehead.
  • It is convenient to sit in a soft armchair or take a horizontal position on the couch, having previously created a quiet and semi-darkness. Sometimes quiet music helps.

Undoubtedly, all these remedies are good, but it is worth recalling that it is unreasonable to dispense with a doctor if the headache worries for a long time, not succumbing to treatment with various drugs. Still, traditional medicine has more possibilities not only to curb severe pain, but to find and eliminate its cause.

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