Temperature, nausea, back pain: causes


  • 1Temperature and back pain
    • 1.1Etiology
    • 1.2Signs of kidney pathology
    • 1.3Symptoms
    • 1.4Tuberculous spondylitis and osteomyelitis
    • 1.5The reason to contact an ambulance
    • 1.6Therapy
  • 2Pain in the lower back, abdomen and nausea: what the symptoms say
    • 2.1Diseases not related to the spine
    • 2.2Gastrointestinal tract
    • 2.3Pelvic pain
    • 2.4Problems of the spine
    • 2.5Denial of responsibility
  • 3Causes of simultaneous low back pain and nausea
    • 3.1Diseases of the digestive tract
    • 3.2Inflammation of the appendix
    • 3.3Colitis
    • 3.4Intestinal infections
    • 3.5Inguinal hernia
    • 3.6Malignant tumors
    • 3.7Diseases of the urinary system
    • 3.8Urolithiasis disease
    • 3.9Urinary tract infections
    • 3.10Gynecological ailments
  • 4"Dangerous" 3% for life and health of acute pain in the back, chest

Temperature and back pain

Back pain and fever are frequent symptoms of flu, inflammation in the internal organs (kidneys, genitourinary system), injuries or colds of the muscles.

Sometimes the cause of the pathological condition is the more rare diseases associated with the defeat of bone structures.

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If, for example, such pain occurs after intensive training in a gym, heavy physical work or staying in a draft, then it is enough to limit the load and apply warming ointments.

In other cases, it is impossible to determine the exact cause, but self-medication is dangerous to health.

So, with the flu, the pain in the muscles arises from the common toxicosis. But the flu is fraught with complications, such as radiculitis, pneumonia, abscesses in the lungs.

Because of them, there is pain in the lower back, worse during coughing.

An important factor in the diagnosis of spinal pain with temperature is heredity.

People, in whose family someone suffered from kidney pathology, should be especially careful, because often such pains occur with pyelonephritis and can lead to kidney failure.

Thus, back pain, the temperature of 37 ° C is too indefinite a sign of any disease, which can be specified only through a full examination of a specialist and delivery of analyzes.


Possible reasons:

  • pyelonephritis and other pathologies of the kidneys (thrombosis of the renal artery, kidney stones);
  • flu;
  • stretching and trauma to the muscles;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • genital tract diseases urinary infections;
  • trauma and tuberculosis of the spine (tuberculosis spondylitis), osteomyelitis;
  • heart attack, aortic aneurysm or close to them, angina, as well as other disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • other inflammatory and tumor processes in the internal organs (lungs, GI tract) or spine and back muscles: pleurisy, acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcer, phlegmon of back muscles, etc .;
  • shingles.

If the patient has a backache and a high temperature of 37 to 38 ° C, the origin of these symptoms can be determined on the basis of the attendant factors.

Signs of kidney pathology

The most frequent kidney disease, which provokes back pain and temperature, is pyelonephritis.

You can notice small swelling (shin), swelling of the face in the morning, impaired urination (may be absent). A slight increase in pressure in young healthy-looking people (150/100) is also a warning sign. Sometimes there is nausea with vomiting.

The disease is more common among girls, young and middle-aged women than among the male population, but elderly people suffer from it. Causes of pathology: bad water, heredity.


During the flu, a person often breaks his back and the temperature rises to above 37 ° C. There is weakness, can vomit until vomiting. Pain in the muscles of the lower back increases with coughing, sneezing.

Pain in the abdomen at a temperature, with pain in the back, painful urination and blood in urine - a possible sign of cystitis in women and prostatitis in men.

In both sexes, such signs can also be associated with disorders of the genitourinary and digestive systems.

If the patient has sputtered or made an awkward movement or overworked, overtraining, and immediately after that his back hurts and the temperature rises to 37 - 38 ° C, so there is not only a mechanical trauma, but also an inflammatory process.

Tuberculous spondylitis and osteomyelitis

With aching pains and insignificant temperature of about 3 ° C, one can suspect the pathology of the bone tissue of the spine if all other variants are excluded.

Pain can be irradiated in the back with an infarction (the area between the shoulder blades and the left shoulder), pathologies in the lungs, genitalia and the gastrointestinal tract, and can arise directly in the muscles of the back and spine.

The reason to contact an ambulance

Emergency treatment requires the following diseases, in which the back can hurt and the temperature rises:

  1. heart attack, an attack of angina pectoris,
  2. aortic aneurysm,
  3. renal colic, renal artery thrombosis,
  4. pleurisy,
  5. ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  6. acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis,
  7. fracture of the vertebra, ribs,
  8. abscess (phlegmon) in the dorsal muscles,
  9. inflammation of the uterus,
  10. tumor.


Treatment of back pain with temperature can be etiological and symptomatic. Depending on the root cause, you can limit the removal of the burden on the back and spine or resort to medical or surgical intervention.

When after a hard work the back hurts, the temperature is 37 ° C and a little higher, it is recommended to lie down half an hour-hour and if the attack passes, independently consult a doctor to prevent recurrence and development inflammation.

Recommended procedures:

  • manual therapy, back massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy.

If there is no temperature or pain in the back against the cold, you can do compresses, rubbing, apply warming balms, apply a heating pad. But self-medication can only be done with the firm belief that the cause of pain is staying in a draft or a heavy load on your back.

At the temperature for massage, you can not use warming ointments for back pain - they will only worsen the general condition.

You can not also visit saunas and steam rooms - if the body temperature is high, additional stress on the heart is not needed. From the mustard plasters and compresses, even in the absence of temperature, patients with psoriasis and people with sensitive skin should be refused.

To warm a loin in this case it is impossible and if there is no anesthetizing - it is possible to apply neatly to a sick place the ice wrapped in cellophane and a tissue.

But do not overdo it so as not to catch your kidneys.

With injuries of the back muscles, you can not take analgesics and continue to move, because without feeling pain, a person can further damage the lumbar and other parts of the back.

If the pain is painful, it is impossible to move freely or the symptoms last for more than one day - emergency help is needed.

If the pain is irradiating, then in addition to stopping back pain and knocking down the temperature, specific medications are prescribed to treat the pathologies that caused these symptoms.

If the back hurts and the temperature of 38 ° C is a sure sign of the flu and other serious illnesses. It is necessary to take antibiotics, anesthetics in the form of local ointments and injections, antiviral drugs, immunomodulating agents.

Pyelonephritis can not be started, otherwise it will go to a chronic stage or lead to suppuration and other complications. With the started form of pyelonephritis, you will need to stay in the hospital.

Tuberculosis of the spine is treated exclusively in the hospital with the use of gypsum corset, mandatory bed rest, reception of antibacterial agents. Protein diet and other measures of complex treatment are shown.

Infarction and other dangerous conditions require immediate hospitalization, injections of pain medications and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

Thus, if a patient has a backache and a temperature of 37 ° C or higher, this may be a sign of a banal muscle overstrain, and a serious inflammatory process in the organs located closer to the back and lower back.

Treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the causes and alleviating the symptoms.

A source: https://prostudnik.ru/proyavleniya/temperatura/bolit-spina.html

Pain in the lower back, abdomen and nausea: what the symptoms say

Back pain, weakness, nausea, which often joins pain in the abdomen - what diseases can signal such feelings? It all depends on where their source is located. Consider the symptoms that characterize different diseases.

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Pain in the abdomen does not always mean abnormal processes in the abdominal cavity. It is possible, the main reason lies in the state of the spine.

And vice versa - the problems of internal organs often manifest painfulness, irradiating in the back: for example, pathology is "masked" under.

Soreness in the lumbar region may not be related to the spine - just the innervation of the internal organs "involves" its different departments.

Diseases not related to the spine

Gastrointestinal tract

Pain sensations, "leaving" in the lumbar region, can indicate acute cholecystitis, hepatic colic, peptic ulcer, chronic.

The main characteristics of such seizures are:

  1. one-sided, closer to the left or right side;
  2. pains irradiate not only in the lower back, but also, the base of the neck, into the area below the scapula;
  3. accompanied by vomiting of bile, nausea, fever.

Peptic ulcer disease:

  • sharp almost immediately after eating;
  • soreness also appears on an empty stomach, at night, sometimes combined with heartburn; strengthens with the load, passes in complete rest, with legs pressed to the abdomen;
  • unpleasant sensations sometimes spread to the lower abdominal cavity, thorax, lower back;
  • nausea, vomiting (sour), after which it becomes easier.

Perforated ulcer:

  1. suddenly and simultaneously acutely and acutely in the stomach and in the lower back (and also under the scapula, clavicle, in the shoulder), especially when trying to move and breathe deeply;
  2. soreness can be localized in the right side or above the navel;
  3. The abdominal wall is strained and strongly hardens.

Chronic illness :

  • shingles pain;
  • vomiting (there is no relief after it);
  • hiccough (eructation), dry mouth;
  • frequent pulse, shortness of breath;
  • increase in temperature and pressure;
  • pallor and sweating.

Hepatic colic:

  • suddenly acute, the pain goes to the shoulder, scapula, neck, lower back, it becomes worse when the palm of the hand is taped on the right lower ribs;
  • sweating, pallor, jaundice of the skin and eyes;
  • bloated tight abdomen;
  • vomiting, not giving relief;
  • colorless feces, dark urine.

Acute cholecystitis has similar symptoms, but soreness increases when the straightened right leg is raised, and also during palpation during inspiration.

Pelvic pain

When, it makes you sick, and your lower back aches, it is probably the inflammatory process of the pelvic organs.

For pregnant women, these symptoms can mean either physiological, natural changes, or some complications during.

Painful syndrome in the pelvic and lumbar region is also experienced by men who are advised to consult an urologist andrologist.

To correctly determine the essence of the pathology, the doctor pays attention to how intensively the lower back pain, the accompanying manifestations (, vomiting, unusual discharge, etc.).

So, acute cystitis, ovarian cyst in women, prostatitis in men can be manifested, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

If it makes you sick, but there are no peculiarities on the part of the digestive tract, there is inflammation, an intoxication of the body.

Also there is the concept of chronic pelvic pain, which is characterized by a periodic feeling of discomfort (the stomach and lower back ache), which lasts no less than six months.

Problems of the spine

Back pain and nausea occur due to the following diseases:

Especially often the state of health worsens after physical exertion, pain can go to the legs. A neurologist after a thorough examination can determine that all this is due to the condition of the spine.

With osteochondrosis, blood circulation is disturbed, so it happens that it appears.

The fact is that the lumbar spine and the spine are the most mobile, experiencing the greatest load, and therefore vulnerable and susceptible to deformation.

Even if initially the problem was only in the lumbar spine, the spinal column tries to compensate for it, "reconstructing" along the entire length, up to the base of the skull.

"Perestroika" occurs only when the muscular corset is weakened, that is, the muscles are not strong enough to support the spine in the proper position.

Conclusion: after the removal of acute symptoms under the guidance of a neurologist should be done - this will help.

If the lower part of the abdomen and lower back hurts, it makes you sick, - you can not get treatment yourself, because you need to know what to cure.

Therefore it is necessary to consult the doctors of the relevant specialties and pass the diagnosis. In a number of cases, this saves lives. The faster to take action and start therapy, the easier and faster recovery will come.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/bol-v-poyasnice-zhivote-i-toshnota-o-chem-govoryat-simptomy.html

Causes of simultaneous low back pain and nausea

Back pain and nausea, for sure, at least once, but worry every person. But together these two symptoms are not so common. What kind of disease signals in this way about its development? What triggered her onset and how to treat an illness that has happened?

All are accustomed to believe that if the back is hurting, then the cause is necessarily neurological diseases. But experts know that such a symptom also occurs in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and urinary tract, gynecological organs, with urological problems in men.

Pain syndrome can be acute and chronic. If a person feels constant aching pain, then this indicates a chronic inflammatory process.

But sudden and severe attacks speak of ailments that require immediate surgical intervention.

After all, severe pain can be felt during perforation or rupture of internal organs, with bleeding, with peritonitis.

If you feel pain in the lower back and nausea, notice an increase in body temperature, then you should immediately contact a health professional.

Only the doctor knows what diagnostic measures are necessary to determine the diagnosis, and what treatment to appoint in each case.

Let us consider in more detail what diseases can be hidden under common symptoms.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Inflammation of the appendix

Appendicitis can be determined by painful sensations in the groin area. Often such pains "give" in the lower back, especially if the appendix is ​​located inside the abdominal cavity unconventionally.

The character of the pain is pulling, blunt, with low intensity. In addition to discomfort in the lower back, such patients often feel nausea, general weakness, malaise.

Also, an important symptom that indicates an inflammation of the appendix is ​​severe hyperemia, vomiting and loose stools.

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Inflammation of the intestine from the very beginning is accompanied by paroxysmal colic in the navel. Pain is felt in the lumbar region.

Since the pain is spasmodic, most patients try to muffle it with conventional antispasmodics, masking the aggravation of the disease.

But, accompanying pain symptoms in the form of nausea, flatulence, loose stools or constipation will probably indicate the presence of colitis.

Intestinal infections

Infectious diseases of the intestine are also accompanied by pain in the lower back and nausea, discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, hyperemia.

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About intestinal infection is indicated by the presence in the stool of blood and mucus, as well as constant vomiting.

If you find yourself in such pronounced symptoms, then you should urgently run to the doctor, so that the disease does not lead to serious complications.

Inguinal hernia

When the inguinal hernia is infringed, the lower back also hurts and nausea and vomiting are felt.

The patient suffers from acute and severe pain in the field of pathological education. Pain sensations sometimes gain such strength that a syncope is possible.

Such a patient needs urgent hospitalization and urgent surgical intervention.

Malignant tumors

Back pain, nausea, flushing and malaise cause malignant neoplasms in the intestines in advanced stages.

Diseases of the urinary system

Urolithiasis disease

This pathology manifests itself by sudden attacks of renal colic. The patient has severe pain in the lower back on the left, right or at the same time from both sides. Painful sensations spread through the ureter, "give" in the thigh and genitals.

The person is restless, can not find a comfortable position, in which the relief of the condition comes. All this is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and hiccough. Colic can last from a couple of minutes to several hours.

When the pain subsides, the patient's urine may show blood, sand or traces of small concrements.

A little bit about secrets

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Urinary tract infections

Similar symptoms can be observed with cystitis and pyelonephritis. Such pathologies are provoked by microbial pathogens. With inflammation, symptoms can be general and local.

General - characterized by an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators, general weakness of the body, malaise, nausea, loss of appetite.

Local unilateral pain along the course of the ureters, the constant and aching nature of pain, frequent urge to urinate, the appearance of blood particles in the urine are local symptoms.

Gynecological ailments

In women, the waist suffers both in painful menstrual and gynecological pathologies. Pain in the lower abdomen, "giving" to the lower back is accompanied by nausea and weakness. Similar symptoms can "talk" about such diseases and conditions:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • uterine myoma;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometriosis;
  • torsion cysts;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • the bend of the uterus.

Determining the cause of back pain and nausea, it is worth considering that the above symptoms can be observed in the early stages of pregnancy.

That is why, if a woman feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the lower back and a sharp malaise after intensive physical exertion, she should immediately visit the doctor to prevent the threat miscarriage.

Consultation with a gynecologist is also necessary in case of discharge with blood from the vagina.

A source: http://TvoyPozvonok.ru/prichiny-odnovremennoj-boli-v-poyasnice-i-toshnoty.html

"Dangerous" 3% for life and health of acute pain in the back, chest

A condition that directly threatens life. Immediate first aid.
A condition that is potentially life threatening. Call for inpatient care.
A condition that does not threaten life.

There are many other serious causes that cause back pain, for example, internal diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc.

There are "danger signals" of pain in the back, on which you can identify the last group:

1. temperature increase;. gradual strengthening bol;. lack of clear localization of the bol; .

local loss of sensation when feeling the area of ​​pain; 5. lack of relief of pain in the body;. violation of urination;. vomiting, nausea.

"Unusual pain" - is different from the pain that you know yourself

9. violations of the general condition (dyspnea, weakness, etc.)

Serious causes of back pain are noted in 3% of cases. Most often, back pain is caused by nonspecific musculo-skeletal lesions - 97% of the dorsalgias, only 5% of them also have neurological damage (see Fig. more information)

Disease Characteristics of pain Objective data
Attack of angina pectoris After a physical or emotional load develops a compressive, burning pain behind the sternum or parasternally, in interblade area, neck, left scapula, lower jaw; pain of attacking character from 2 to 30 minutes Attacks of angina in the anamnesis; ECG in an attack can be normal. Pain is stopped by taking nitroglycerin.
If the pain does not pass, call an ambulance!
Myocardial infarction Similar to the attack of angina pectoris, the characterization and localization of pain, however more intense and prolonged (from 1 to 8 hours or more); accompanied by a strong sense of anxiety and fear of death Nitroglycerin, as a rule, does not help; unstable hemodynamics; changes in the ECG, corresponding to myocardial ischemia; increase of blood enzymes
Pericarditis Pain behind the breastbone of varying intensity, gradually increasing, sometimes with irradiation in the neck, back, shoulders, epigastric region Shortness of breath in rest; forced position of the body (sitting with a slight inclination forward), a breathing excursion is often painful, the movements of the trunk and limbs are free; auscultatory data of pericarditis; relevant ECG signs
Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta Very intense pain behind the sternum with irradiation along the spine, into the neck and to the left shoulder developing suddenly, more often against the background of arterial hypertension, after a physical or emotional load The general condition is severe, nausea, vomiting, unstable hemodynamics. Possible absence of pulse on the radial and carotid arteries; Pain removes only narcotic analgesics
Pleuropneumonia Intense or moderate pain in the lateral parts of the chest, scapula, deepening with deep breathing and coughing Common signs of infection: fever, cough, muscle pain, intoxication, inflammatory changes in the blood; auscultative data; radiographic features
Pleurisy At the beginning of the disease, sharp cutting pain in various areas of the chest, then (as the fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity), the intensity of pain decreases. When involved in the intercostal nerve process, the pain is shrouded in nature; respiratory movements are painful, cough increases pain Common signs of infection; auscultative data; radiographic signs; with lesion of the intercostal nerve, signs of neuropathy (hyperesthesia or hypesthesia in the innervation zone)
Pneumothorax (spontaneous) Suddenly developed acute pain in the chest with irradiation in the scapula Dyspnea; acrocyanosis; Reduction of chest excursion on the side of defeat, tympanitis with percussion of the chest; absence of respiratory noises during auscultation; radiographic signs.
Penetriruyuschaya ulcer (in the pancreas, omentum and biliary system) Expressed constant pain in the epigastrium with irradiation in the back; back pain is dull, deep with possible shingles in the lower thoracic region Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, melena; sometimes the tension of the paravertebral muscles in the lower thoracic region and abdominal muscles
Acute cholecystitis The pain is usually localized in the right hypochondrium, it can also capture the epigastric region; characteristic of irradiation in interscapular area, the bottom corner of the right scapula, the shoulder, the right half of the thorax; from several hours to several days The pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, jaundice of the skin, tenderness in palpation in the right hypochondrium, abdominal tension
Acute pancreatitis Suddenly, intense constant pain develops in the epigastric region with irradiation to the left lower part of the chest; sometimes pain gives back, shingles, radiating to the right and left hypochondrium, shoulder blade, shoulder strap, into the area hearts Deterioration of general condition; the patient is restless, rushes, groans; there is repeated vomiting, dry, lapped tongue; often lack of pulsation of the abdominal aorta; weakening of peristalsis
Retrocecal appendicitis Dull, aching permanent pain in the abdomen often radiates into the lumbar region, the right hip, the external genitalia With continued pain, deterioration in general condition; nausea; increased pain when flexing the right thigh (sign of interest in the lumbar muscle)
Renal colic Intermittent seizures of cutting pain in the lumbar region with irradiation in the hypochondrium, abdomen, along the ureter and in external genitalia; often provoked by physical stress; accompanied by frequent calls for urination Patients are restless, rush in bed in search of a position that can bring relief; may be celebrated nausea, vomiting, dizziness; a positive symptom of Pasternatsky; in the urine, the content of red blood cells is increased and leukocytes
Thrombosis of the renal artery Suddenly, intense pain develops in the lumbar region The pain is often accompanied by a sudden increase in blood pressure (diastolic more than systolic), vomiting, stool retention, oliguria; inflammatory changes in the blood
Diseases of small pelvic organs
Torsion of ovarian cysts Pain acute, paroxysmal, in the lower abdomen with irradiation in the perineum, thigh, lumbar region. The onset often after physical exertion, a sharp change in body position Deterioration of the general condition, restless behavior, often vomiting, tenderness in the palpation of the lower abdomen, sometimes a painful swelling
Acute inflammation of the appendages, uterus Acute pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation into the groin area, into the anus, inner thigh, lumbar region; often after supercooling Most often young age; relief of pain when the torso is tilted; soreness in palpation in the lower abdomen; inflammatory changes in the blood
Acute cervicalgia

Acute cervical brachialgia

Often after an awkward head or neck movement, physical or postural stress develops moderate or severe pain in the posterolateral regions of the neck (with cervicobrachialgia with irradiation into the region shoulder) Movement of the head and neck are limited (most often in any one direction); at rest the pain is not disturbed or significantly relieved; palpable spasmodic muscles of the cervical-collar region with the presence of trigger zones, sometimes painful spinous processes, often lower lobes vertebrae
Acute Thoracalgia After a physical or postural load, moderate or severe pain develops in the posterior parts of the chest, sometimes surrounding the character like a "shot" with deep inspiration The respiratory excursion and movements of the trunk are limited, with a deep inhalation the pain intensifies; palpable spasms of the back surface chest with the presence of trigger zones, while there may be painful spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, more often on the middle chest level of
Acute lumbargia

Acute lumbosciatica

After an awkward movement, physical or postural load develops moderate or intense pain in the lumbosacral region (with irradiation to the upper thighs with lumbosciatica) Torso movements are restricted (usually tilt forward); at rest the pain is not disturbed or significantly relieved; palpable spasms of the lumbar muscles area with the presence of trigger zones; Sometimes the soreness of the spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae (usually the lower lumbar vertebrae) and sacroiliac joints
Compression fracture of the vertebral body

(osteoporotic, metastatic or traumatic nature)

In patients of the elderly and senile age, after an increase in severity or even a simple inclination forward, intense back pain develops, often radiating in anterolateral sections of the thorax, abdominal cavity or upper thighs; sometimes severe pain develops gradually within 1-2 days for no apparent reason.

With a traumatic fracture - an explicit indication of a traumatic factor

Attempting to get up, coughing, sneezing, straining during defecation intensify the pain; the spinous processes of the vertebrae subjected to compression (as a rule, the lower thoracic and / or upper lumbar), sharply painful, marked spasm of paravertebral muscles; axial load on the spine increases pain; with osteoporosis is strengthened by the thoracic kyphosis. During the first weeks of the disease, the radiograph can be normal, and only after 1-2 months X-ray signs of compression of the vertebral body (the "fish" vertebra) or several vertebrae
Fracture of the ribs (osteoporotic, metastatic or tramatic nature) An intense pain in the posterior-lateral parts of the chest on the side of the lesion that developed as a result of exposure to a mild or obvious traumatic factor or after a violent cough Pain increases with deep breathing, coughing, movements of the trunk; severe soreness with gentle compression of the chest and palpation of the area of ​​pain; radiographic features
Phlegmon muscles of the back Gradually developed intense pain in the posterior parts of the chest on the side of the lesion Determined by the pain of palpation of the affected muscles, redness of the skin over them, local increase in temperature in the area of ​​injury and fever, inflammatory blood changes
Ischemic necrosis of the femoral head Moderate pain in the lower back, inguinal and gluteal region with irradiation in the leg; pain increases with postural and physical exertion; lameness In the position of the patient on the back, the limitation of the movements of the affected hip is determined (retraction and internal rotation). Requires magnetic resonance imaging of the hip joint, which immediately identifies changes in the bone of the femoral head. Radiography of the hip joint during the first weeks of the disease is normal. Only after a few months in dynamics you can see an increased density of the head with rounded shadows of reduced density
Shingles (herpes zoster) Constant intensive cutting pain in the thorax of a shingling character against a background of moderate manifestations of an infectious disease The pain increases with movements of the trunk, breathing; on day 3-4 the diseases are detected on the skin of the vesicle hyperemic base along the intercostal nerve; in the field of pain, hyperesthesia, hyperalgesia; moderate manifestations of general intoxication
Radiculopathy (vertebrogenic -compression of the root of the hernia of the disc, large osteophytes, associated with neoplasm, with fracture of the arch of the vertebra) The most common damage is the roots of C5, C6, C7, T4-T9, L4, L5, S1. When the spine C5 is injured, the pain in the posterolateral regions of the neck, shoulder blade and shoulder-blade on the side of the lesion is noted, when the spine is injured, the C6-pain irradiates into the arm along the outer the surface of the shoulder and forearm to the base of the thumb, the spine C7 in the anterior thoracic region and along the inner surface of the shoulder and forearm to the little finger; affection of the thoracic rootlets T4-T9 is accompanied by shingles in the middle thoracic spine; spine L4-pain from the waist irradiates into the groin, internal parts of the thigh and lower leg; spine L5-pain from the waist irradiates along the outer surface of the thigh and the anterior surface of the lower leg; spine S1-pain from the waist irradiates over the posterior surface of the thigh and lower leg external edge of foot Soreness and restriction of movements of the corresponding spine; soreness in the palpation of the spinous processes of the inferior, median or lower lumbar vertebrae, tension of paravertebral muscles; signs of radiculopathy (hyperesthesia, hypesthesia, hypalgesia) may not appear immediately; positive symptoms of the tension of roots - Lasega syndromes, Wasserman. MRI and CT signs of compression of the spine by various adjacent structures.

A source: http://www.artus.by/diagnoz6.htm

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