A pressure chamber: what heals? indications and contraindications to treatment


  • 1Barocamera treatment - indications and contraindications
    • 1.1Oxygen chamber - what is it?
    • 1.2Than barotherapy for an organism is useful
    • 1.3What the altitude chamber treats: indications for use
    • 1.4What is HBO needed for pregnancy?
    • 1.5Possible harm from treatment in a pressure chamber
    • 1.6Contraindications to hyperbaric oxygenation
    • 1.7Reviews
  • 2What indications and contraindications are taken into account when using a hyperbaric chamber
    • 2.1General information
    • 2.2HBO
    • 2.3Indications
    • 2.4Contraindications
    • 2.5GBA
    • 2.6Indications
    • 2.7Contraindications
  • 3What is a pressure chamber? Treatment, indications and contraindications SYL.ru
    • 3.1Essence and features of treatment
    • 3.2Positive impact
    • 3.3In what cases is it appointed?
    • 3.4When this method of therapy can not be used?
    • 3.5Method of conducting
    • 3.6Possible complications
    • 3.7Cost of the procedure
    • 3.8Reviews
    • 3.9Finally
  • 4Oxygen hyperbaric chamber - what is this therapeutic method? Indications for use
    • 4.1Principle of operation of HBO
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Benefits of Barotherapy
    • 4.3Where is the method used?
    • 4.4Indications for hyperbaric oxygenation
    • 4.5Contraindications
  • 5Oxygen pressure chamber: indications and contraindications, aftercare, price, reviews
    • 5.1Benefit and harm
    • 5.2Indications for
    • 5.3Contraindications
    • 5.4Preparing for the procedure
    • 5.5How is the oxygen pressure chamber
    • 5.6Adults
    • 5.7Children and newborns
    • 5.8In pregnancy and lactation
    • 5.9Consequences and possible complications
    • 5.10Recovery and care after the procedure
    • 5.11Cost
    • 5.12Recommendations

Barocamera treatment - indications and contraindications

The main resource that provides life on Earth is oxygen, without which all life on the planet would perish. In this case, lack of oxygen - this is the main source of development of most diseases, as well as violations of the functioning of internal organs and systems.

In connection with this, the invention of the pressure chamber, as one of the most effective instruments of physiotherapy, led to a breakthrough in the framework of non-drug treatment.

It should be noted that the hyperbaric chamber is now a widespread apparatus, with the help of which a great number of diseases are treated in different countries.

Oxygen chamber - what is it?

Oxygen hyperbaric chamber - a special medical device that is used for therapeutic purposes and looks like a bathyscaphe.

The very first capsule was developed back in 1995, after which the equipment is very popular.

In itself, the design of the chamber is a glass, or a sealed capsule made of some other material, on the walls of which there are windows.

The peculiarity of the work of this equipment is that the air inside the capsule is saturated with oxygen.

At the same time, within the procedure, the patient is simply placed inside the device and is there in the supine position for a certain time.

The entire session, the patient lying on his back, breathes virtually pure oxygen, which has a therapeutic effect and restores the body's work at the cellular level.

It should be noted that inside the chamber there are special sensors that allow to control the level of oxygen in the air, as well as the pressure inside the chamber.


For this reason, the doctor or medical professional must accompany the patient during the whole session, being nearby and watching him through the windows-portholes.


The duration of one procedure can vary from 20 minutes to an hour, with the course of treatment lasting at least five days.

It should also be prepared for the fact that during the session, due to the inhalation of oxygen-saturated air, slight dizziness and minor discomfort, for this reason the outside should always be on duty medical employee. It is also important to note that in a cell a person should be dressed only in a paper robe. Any foreign object trapped in the capsule can lead to fire and explosion.

Than barotherapy for an organism is useful

In the process of being in the pressure chamber, the patient's body is saturated with oxygen, which feeds every cell through the blood.

With a variety of diseases associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system, blood flow is disturbed, so as blood vessels begin to bleed badly, which most often occurs with thrombosis, atherosclerotic changes and edema.

In a similar situation, liquid tissue does not come in the necessary volume to organs requiring nutrition - this phenomenon is called hypoxia.

When a person is in a pressure chamber, his blood is saturated with oxygen, which is an activator of cellular regeneration.

Thus, blood circulation is improved during the procedure, damaged tissues are restored and renewed during therapy, and necrotic cells are removed from the body, replaced by new ones.

The whole process is like a complex rejuvenation and recovery of the body, leading to external and functional changes.

It is also important to note that within the capsule the atmospheric pressure habitual for all has been changed - it is much higher, which increases the efficiency of the procedure.

The peculiarity of this condition is that pure oxygen begins to circulate through the bloodstream faster than it does under normal conditions.

As a result, food gets the most remote tissues, which badly need it.

What the altitude chamber treats: indications for use

This procedure is often used in medical practice as a method of treating diseases associated with impaired blood circulation.

It should be noted that a change in the capillary circulation is characteristic of a large number of ailments, not only related to the work of the cardiovascular system.

Also, the method of hyperbaric oxygenation can be shown as a procedure for overall strengthening of the health status of each person.


It is especially important to answer that during the saturation of each cell of the body with oxygen, increase the barrier properties of the body, the work of the immune system, which is an effective method prevention. Even one session significantly strengthens immunity, after which seasonal infectious diseases are not terrible, and chronic ailments become remission.


Thus, it is necessary to more clearly describe the indications for conducting a session of hyperbaric oxygenation in the pressure chamber:

  • various dermatological diseases, including furunculosis, psoriasis, dermatitis and degenerative processes in the form of pressure sores;
  • metabolic disorders, anemia, diabetes mellitus;
  • the procedure is indicated for endometriosis;
  • it is recommended to undergo treatment in a pressure chamber with stroke, atherosclerosis and a number of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • mental ailments, including diseases progressing due to poor cerebral circulation, etc.

Also, doctors advise to undergo a course of treatment in the pressure chamber with intoxication in case of poisoning with carbon monoxide and other poisonous substances.

In this case, any traumatic or pathological phenomena that are associated with a violation of blood saturation oxygen, are an indication for the treatment process through hyperbaric oxygenation.

Actively practiced visiting the pressure chamber for postoperative rehabilitation, as well as the restoration of athletes after injuries and grueling training.

What is HBO needed for pregnancy?

The procedure for hyperbaric oxygenation has already been much written, especially about the benefits of this procedure for a person, but now it is necessary to describe the specific treatment in the pressure chamber during pregnancy.

As part of this, it should immediately be noted that during this period of life the pressure chamber is not dangerous, but it is better not to visit it without specific reasons for it.

In addition, the procedure can be available for expectant mothers only after the 12th week of pregnancy.

In the case of a recovery visit, the following effects can be observed in women bearing a child:

  • the level of immunity increases;
  • intracranial pressure is normalized;
  • the respiratory center is stimulated;
  • improves metabolism, etc.

This procedure can have a positive effect on the growing in the womb of a child, especially when the pregnancy proceeds with problems.

Unconditional indication of such therapy during pregnancy will be dysfunction or disruption of placenta formation.

At the same time, there are a number of other problems in which additional effects on the maternal organism are required.

It should be noted that in the normal course of pregnancy the fetus suffices all and additional oxygen will not help the baby in any way.

Some doctors believe that a pressure chamber in the future will be useful for newborns, since the additional oxygen received in intrauterine growth period, helps to better adapt and experience less stress at the time of birth, however this statement is considered rather controversial.

The greatest benefit of a pressure chamber will come if there is such a common problem as fetal hypoxia.


There can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, but if you do not take the necessary measures in time, this condition can have extremely negative consequences for unborn children.


Thus, if the future childbirth has problems such as diabetes mellitus or heart disease, then it will be necessary to visit the pressure chamber even for preventive purposes.

Possible harm from treatment in a pressure chamber

In the event that the procedure is carried out at the doctor's prescription and there are no contraindications to its implementation, there will be absolutely no harm to otgiperbaric oxygenation. For this reason, before registering for a recovery session in the pressure chamber, you need to consult with a specialist.

Contraindications to hyperbaric oxygenation

To the great regret, in the world there is no single panacea that would save from all diseases and had no contraindications, hyperbaric oxygenation also applies here. There are a number of ailments in which it is better to refuse visiting the pressure chamber, since this can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the patient patient:

  • acute respiratory infections;
  • epilepsy;
  • fear of enclosed space;
  • cysts, cystomas and abscesses;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • violation of breathing through the nose due to degenerative and inflammatory processes, etc.
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A source: http://myadvices.ru/barokamera-pokazaniya-i-protivopokazaniya/

What indications and contraindications are taken into account when using a hyperbaric chamber

If there is not enough oxygen in the human body, hypoxia develops - so in the medical language is called oxygen starvation.

To saturate tissues and blood with life-giving gas, various methods are used, among which the treatment with a hyperbaric chamber is not the last.

But like any treatment, it has its pros and cons.

General information

The pressure chamber is a large sealed capsule with windows, where for a certain time - from 20 minutes to an hour - the patient is placed.

He does not have to do anything, just lie and breathe the air, sufficiently enriched with oxygen.

In the pressure chamber are built sensors that define parameters such as pressure and the level of oxygen that enters the capsule - this is how oxygen is called in Latin.

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Treatment in the hyperbaric chamber is called hyperbaric oxygenation (abbreviated as HBO). Translated into the universal language, this means saturation of the body with oxygen under pressure above atmospheric pressure.

In carrying out this procedure, oxygen enters the bloodstream of the patient much more intensively than during normal breathing.

And the blood carries it to all the "corners" of the body, which due to this activates the regeneration processes of each of its tissues: whether it is nervous or muscular, bone or cartilaginous, and so on.

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Undoubted effect of HBO-therapy is marked by a very wide list of pathologies, in which treatment in the pressure chamber is recommended. Indications for use of HBO concern the following ailments:

  • various diseases of the vessels of the extremities that have arisen due to circulatory disorders;
  • a variety of cardiac pathologies, including various arrhythmias and heart failure;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • among liver abnormalities HBO-therapy is susceptible to hepatitis - acute and chronic, as well as cirrhosis;
  • a cerebral infarction, called ischemic stroke in another way, craniocerebral and spinal injuries, encephalopathies, paresis of peripheral nerves are indications from the nervous system;
  • in the list of poisonings - a successful fight against botulism, carbon monoxide poisoning and even cyanide;
  • many eye pathologies can be treated, in particular, circulatory disorders in the retina;
  • from the endocrine system, the indication for HBO is such a complex disease as diabetes with insulin dependence, its complications, diffuse-toxic goiter;
  • indications for the use of a pressure chamber are also maxillofacial problems: periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, healing of wound traces after facial plasty;
  • diseases related to the field of obstetrics and gynecology. With regard to the appointment of the altitude chamber during pregnancy, the doctor will determine the indications and contraindications after necessary consultations with the therapist, endocrinologist, ENT doctor;
  • a lot of indications for newborns with various pathologies such as asphyxia, cerebral circulation disorders;
  • treatment of wounds, burns and frostbite, radiation injuries;
  • this technique has also been successfully tested in the treatment of drug addiction.

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With all the mass recommended for treatment of pathologies, there is a pressure chamber and contraindications for use, mostly associated with the respiratory tract.

It is impossible to use this method if the permeability of the Eustachian tubes and channels through which the inhaled air enters the paranasal sinuses is impaired. This may be due to the presence of polyps, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, middle ear, and developmental anomalies.

Contraindications also include:

  • ARI;
  • presence of abscesses, caverns in the lungs;
  • bilateral pneumonia;
  • undrained pneumothorax - a pathological condition in which air enters the pleural cavity;
  • there is a certain percentage of people who are hypersensitive to oxygen;
  • a bright contraindication is epilepsy in the anamnesis;
  • Hypertension with a constant blood pressure exceeding 160/90;
  • because the treatment procedure takes place in a confined space, then claustrophobia, in which a person is afraid of such a situation.

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GAB - abbreviated designation of the method of hypobaric adaptation. It is aimed at stimulating the defenses and reserves of the patient's own organism.

What is its essence? In the pressure chamber, reduced atmospheric pressure is created, as if imitating mountain air, which allows to train baroreceptors - endings of nerves located in blood vessels and reacting to changes in blood pressure. During the session, the patient inhales a much larger volume of air, while the oxygen level in the blood rises, due to what the respiratory organs, the cardiovascular system work better, the fat metabolism is normalized, the immune system is strengthened system.

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  • "Mountain air" treats bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, i.e. diseases in which the patient is difficult to breathe, - bronchitis, emphysema;
  • one of the testimony of the oxygen pressure chamber - treatment for a long time and often sick with colds;
  • it is useful to use the method for psychotherapeutic purposes: correction of boundary conditions; treatment of neuroses, depressive and hypochondriacal states, neurocirculatory dystonia, migraine (allowed only between seizures);
  • complex treatment and prevention of heart diseases, including rehabilitation of cardiosclerosis, which developed after infarction;
  • hypertension 1-2 degrees;
  • violations of lipid (fat) metabolism.

Do not interfere with the use of GBA and healthy people, especially those who are burdened by risk factors for ischemic heart disease and hypertension. This will improve the movement of blood along the vessels and the general condition. Among the indications can be called GBA-therapy as a means to improve the effectiveness of the sports training process.

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  • In hypobaric adaptation in comparison with the HBO method, two indications were noted among the indications: claustrophobia and impaired permeability of Eustachian tubes and canals;
  • It is impossible to use this method if there are diseases of veins on the legs;
  • at hernia, in whatever place of the organism they are;
  • if within a year there was a traumatic brain injury in the anamnesis - this also does not allow treatment in the pressure chamber under low pressure;
  • obstetric-gynecological problems in the form of uterine bleeding, as well as pregnancy;
  • acute infections and so-called somatic diseases during their exacerbation;
  • Do not show barotherapy to patients who have reached the age of more than 60 years.

In patients who have undergone the course of GBA, the underlying disease is much less likely to recur and aggravated, they are much less likely to seek medical treatment. This increases the performance - both mental and physical, reduces fatigue. The organism acquires resistance to unfavorable factors.

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A source: http://woman-l.ru/ispolzovanie-barokamery/

What is a pressure chamber? Treatment, indications and contraindications SYL.ru

In order for the body to function properly all organs and systems, each cell needs oxygen. The quality of gas is also important.

Unfavorable environmental conditions associated with the development of various industries, provoke the emergence of a variety of pathologies. This prompted scientists to create such a physiotherapeutic method of treatment, during which the patient can breathe pure oxygen.

This method was called "hyperbaric oxygenation." The procedure is carried out in special capsules - pressure chambers.

Essence and features of treatment

In the modern world, the vast majority of the population (especially people who live in cities) suffers from a lack of oxygen. Hypoxia is an oxygen starvation that has a harmful effect on all organs. First of all, the nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer.

It is important to know that a pressure chamber is a device that relieves oxygen deficiency in a short time, filling it with every cell of the body. In appearance, the capsule resembles a bathyscaphe intended for immersion in water.

The pressure chamber is hermetic, so when the patient is inside it, it can experience sensations similar to those that arise in humans during the takeoff and landing of the aircraft (increased pressure, stuffiness in the ears, lung dizziness).

The doctor observes the course of the procedure through the special windows in the capsule, the instrument readings help to control the process.

The essence of the treatment in the pressure chamber is as follows: the patient is placed in a chamber that is hermetically sealed, After that under pressure the gas supply process is started, which is maximally enriched with pure oxygen. They freely penetrate into all cells as long as the person is inside the capsule. Many people note an improvement in overall well-being after the first session.

Positive impact

With the help of an oxygen chamber you can get rid of not only from hypoxia, but also from some pathologies.

After the course of the procedures, the following changes occur in the patient's body:

  • recede fungal diseases;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • increases the resistance of the organism to the action of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • improves the condition in diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • there are positive changes in gynecological diseases.

Despite the fact that the pressure chamber is a method that presupposes the treatment with pure oxygen, it is necessary to consult the doctor in advance.

In what cases is it appointed?

Since hypoxia adversely affects the health status as a whole, it is important to be able to recognize it by the first signs.

These include:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • fast fatigue even after a long rest;
  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • psychoemotional instability.

In addition to hypoxia, indications for the pressure chamber are:

  • poisoning with gases;
  • process of withering of soft tissues;
  • recovery period after a heart attack or stroke;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathological processes in the respiratory organs;
  • thromboses;
  • treatment after mechanical asphyxia;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • various kinds of trauma;
  • burns;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • rehabilitation after drug dependence treatment.
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The doctor tells about the treatment of the pressure chamber.

Hyperbaric oxygenation is a method that is widely used in obstetrics, since oxygen therapy is preferable and safer than taking medications.

During pregnancy, procedures are prescribed for:

  • hypoxia of the fetus;
  • delay in intrauterine development;
  • risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • iron deficiency;
  • abnormalities of the placenta;
  • weakening of the protective forces of the organism of the future mother.

Immediately after the procedure, the pregnant woman improves her state of health and mood, normalizes blood pressure.

In addition, the method is often used in neonatology.

With its help, newborn children are treated for lack of oxygen, circulatory disorders and various injuries sustained during childbirth.

In some cases, hyperbaric oxygenation is a rescue for children who are born before the term or have serious illnesses.

When this method of therapy can not be used?

Like any other method of treatment, there is a procedure in the pressure chamber and indications, and contraindications.

In order to be sure that the pressure chamber will have an exceptionally positive effect, it is necessary to consult the physician in advance.

He will assess the adequacy of the method, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient's health.

The main contraindications to the pressure chamber are:

  • high blood pressure values;
  • viral infections in the acute stage;
  • claustrophobia (a condition characterized by the appearance of pathological fear when entering a confined space);
  • abscesses;
  • cystic structures in the lungs;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • bleeding.

In the course of an individual consultation with a specialist, the list of contraindications may be extended.

Method of conducting

Despite the fact that in a pressure chamber a person breathes pure oxygen, whose concentration is 5 times greater than in the ambient air, the procedure does not require any training rules before the procedure. The only recommendation is to come to the session in the most comfortable clothes.

Hyperbaric oxygenation is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. The patient is placed on a soft pull-out couch and placed in a pressure chamber. Then the capsule is hermetically sealed. Some medical institutions use large-scale pressure chambers, which can accommodate about 10 people at the same time.
  2. The doctor begins to gradually increase the pressure. As soon as it reaches the required level, a specialist asks a person to put on his face a special mask and starts the gas supply. At the same time, he is constantly interested in the patient's well-being.
  3. At the end of the session, it is recommended to stay for a few minutes in the prone position. After that, you can return to your normal activities.

The duration of the procedure depends on the indications, as a rule, it is from 30 minutes to two hours.

While in the pressure chamber, you need:

  • maximally relax and maintain a calm rhythm of breathing;
  • periodically perform swallowing movements to reduce discomfort in the ears.

Possible complications

What are the procedures in the pressure chamber, the indications and contraindications were mentioned above. If contraindications were not taken into account in the appointment of oxygen treatment, the risk of the following complications increases:

  • short-sightedness, which can be either short-term or long (up to several months);
  • damage to lung tissue;
  • injuries of the middle ear;
  • muscle cramps;
  • respiratory insufficiency;
  • deterioration of the current cardiovascular system;
  • damage to the tympanic membrane;
  • accumulation of fluid in the lungs.

Immediately after the procedure, the following conditions are considered normal: feelings of discomfort and stuffiness in the ears, mild dizziness.

Disturbing symptoms are:

  • impaired vision;
  • cough;
  • pain in the chest or in the ears.

Occurrence of one or several signs serves as a signal for immediate reference to the doctor.

Cost of the procedure

Oxygen treatment is a service provided by both public and private medical institutions in the department of hyperbaric oxygenation.

Both safety and technical equipment must comply with all established norms, not every institution can afford it, so there are not so many of them. The presence of this service should be specified in the registries of the clinics, specialists can also tell where there are pressure chambers.

The price of one procedure can vary from 700 to 3500 rubles.


The method is popular, due to its high efficiency. Most people note improvement in health after the first oxygenation session.

But it must be remembered that the pressure chamber is such a device, the treatment in which a qualified specialist should appoint.


Not everyone complies with this rule, therefore there is a small number of negative opinions.


Judging by the medical reports, the pressure chamber is a special capsule where a person can breathe the purest oxygen and at the same time gradually get rid of numerous diseases.


The conditions of life of a modern person sooner or later lead to hypoxia, which is the starting factor for the development of various diseases.

Hyperbaric oxygenation is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment that relieves not only oxygen shortage, but also many ailments.

Despite its high efficiency, it is first necessary to consult with the attending physician.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/366070/chto-takoe-barokamera-lechenie-pokazaniya-i-protivopokazaniya

Oxygen hyperbaric chamber - what is this therapeutic method? Indications for use

The word "pressure chamber" sounds somehow frightening. What this device is and for what it is intended, very few people know. In fact, there is nothing terrible in this word.

This medical equipment for hyperbaric oxygenation is a small hermetically sealed space in which pressure is created below or above atmospheric pressure.

In appearance, the pressure chamber reminds us of a bathyscaphe with portholes, windows, but only it is not in the sea abyss, but in a bright sterile room. For the first time barotherapy was used in 1955.

Principle of operation of HBO

A pressure chamber - what is it? This is a unique opportunity to apply the latest scientific developments for treatment.

The very principle of its operation is determined by the laws of physics, which are regulated by the dissolution of gases in the interstitial fluid.

Everyone knows that a person without food and water can survive for not more than a month, but oxygen starvation in a matter of minutes leads to a fatal outcome.

Absolutely with all pathological processes, when oxygen delivery to tissues is disrupted, hypoxia develops.

Such vital organs as the brain, heart, kidneys and liver, can not function normally.

Causes of hypoxia may be different: decreased hemoglobin, poor permeability of the vessels, heart failure, respiratory system diseases.

To resolve these conditions, specialists developed oxygen therapy. It uses special equipment - a pressure chamber.

Treatment under pressure can increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors.

It is proved that even pure atmospheric air can not eliminate hypoxia at the cell level.

Under pressure, oxygen dissolves more rapidly in interstitial fluid and blood plasma, thereby delivering the necessary amount of nitrogen to the organs. As a result, the affected area restores its functions.


The conditions created in the medical chamber are equivalent to immersing five meters under the water. During the session, the patient can lay his ears, but on this and exhaust all the unpleasant sensations.


Benefits of Barotherapy

The method has a wide range of positive effects. Barotherapy has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, accelerates the formation of the callus, normalizes the production of collagen.

So, to the question: "A pressure chamber - what is this?" Can be answered in the following way: this is a modern technical device that is used with a curative and a preventive goal, restores blood flow, promotes the growth of capillaries and prevents the development of osteoporosis, which clinically proved.

Hyperbaric oxygenation allows you to minimize drug therapy, shorten the term recovery, help patients cope with severe chronic pathologies and significantly strengthen the immune system. system. It is also actively used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Successful results of HBO show in narcology (cures abstinence syndrome), surgery, cosmetology, pediatric pediatrics and veterinary medicine.

Where is the method used?

Hyperbaric oxygenation is included in the complex of recreational activities in many sanatoriums and dispensaries.

The procedures significantly reduce the risk of the emergence of dangerous diseases, have a restorative and tonic effect, relieve irritability, pathological fatigue and increase muscle tone.

After a full course of therapy, patients note an improvement in their psychoemotional state and an increase in work capacity.

Physiotherapy is used in sports medicine to accelerate the recovery period after injuries and physical exertion.

The number and time of the session is calculated individually. On average, the duration of therapy is from 5 to 12 sessions.

The time spent in the oxygen room is about an hour. Usually the pressure chamber is well tolerated.

Indications for hyperbaric oxygenation

In addition to problems with the heart, blood vessels and circulation, the method is used to treat virtually all chronic ailments.

Oxygen therapy is used to control diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease, scleroderma, furunculosis, obliterating endoarteritis, cirrhosis, psoriasis and peptic ulcer.

The method is indispensable for hepatitis (any form), pancreatitis, hearing loss, mental illness, enterocolitis, multiple sclerosis, impaired cerebral circulation and obesity.

In addition, it is used to treat intoxication with any poisonous products, gas gangrene, frostbite, air embolism.

Also relieves of various wounds and traumatic ischemia hyperbaric chamber.


Unfortunately, HBO, like any other therapeutic procedure, is not a panacea.

Experts do not recommend using it for people with high blood pressure, epilepsy, polyps, acute colds diseases, cysts, abscesses and fear of confined space (claustrophobia), as well as with blood diseases and increased temperature. In all other cases, the oxygen pressure chamber shows excellent results. What kind of vessel is it and what is it for? It was described above. Health and well-being!

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A source: http://.ru/article/141572/kislorodnaya-barokamerachto-eto-za-terapevticheskiy-metod-pokazaniya-k-primeneniyu

Oxygen pressure chamber: indications and contraindications, aftercare, price, reviews

Today, the methods of treatment with such defeats of the body, when there is a lack of oxygen to the tissues, are very diverse and the effect of their application varies depending on the degree of susceptibility of the organism to the techniques used, and on the type of pathological process that led to a similar insufficiency. And the oxygen pressure chamber, which is a completely enclosed space with changed in comparison with standard indicators atmospheric pressure, perfectly copes with many manifestations of oxygen deficiency, dangerous for health and well-being rights.

The beginning of the use of the oxygen pressure chamber is dated 1955, and this method fully met the expectations of physicians: quickly eliminating the manifestations of oxygen deficiency, the conditions created in the pressure chamber make the patient's body more resistant to negative external influences, stimulating immunity and increasing almost all indicators of health rights.

Hyperbaric oxygenation, which is the basis of this method, makes the equipment under consideration the most effective during treatment during pregnancy, when the list of possible treatment effects is limited.

Also, the altitude chamber has proven itself in the treatment of oxygen deficiency in children, and the lack of restrictions on aging makes this method particularly often used in pediatrics.

At the heart of this effect lies the penetration of oxygen molecules into the interstitial fluid.

Hypoxia, manifested in the form of deterioration of general well-being, decrease in all indicators of vital activity, can begin to manifest with reduced hemoglobin, poor permeability of blood vessels, depression of the nervous system.

Since even with the inhalation of pure atmospheric air the probability of complete tissue saturation with oxygen is minimal, remember that it is the oxygen pressure chamber that will help in the fastest possible time to eliminate the deficiency of oxygen in the blood and tissues organism.

There are no variants of this procedure for healing the body: the method is based on placing the patient in a completely isolated hyperbaric chamber, where conditions identical with submersion under water to a depth of about 5 m. At the same time, the most rapid penetration of nitrogen from the oxygen into the interstitial fluid, which contributes to the greatest saturation of blood and tissues oxygen.

What is the oxygen pressure chamber and what is it useful for, will tell the video below:

Benefit and harm

The benefit of this method of healing and healing is the gradual and deep saturation of tissues with oxygen, which allows increase the degree of activity of the person as a whole, reduce his need for sleep, increase the performance of each body and system.

The specificity of the method should be considered the possibility of maximally rapid penetration of oxygen into the blood, elimination consequences of hypoxia: increased fatigue and a high rate of fatigue, reduced efficiency and concentration of attention.


Many who have already applied this method of oxygen saturation with tissues have noted the rapidity of the onset and manifestation of a positive result from the therapeutic effect, which allows to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of even the advanced stages of pathological states.


The most obvious positive effects when assigning an oxygen pressure chamber are:

  • achieve early recovery after major physical exertion;
  • acceleration of the metabolic process;
  • elimination of stagnation in the tissues of the body;
  • stimulation of the work process of internal organs;
  • more rapid manifestation of symptoms of improvement in general condition in inflammatory, infectious and bacterial processes.

The use of an oxygen pressure chamber does not have any harmful effect, which is important in the treatment of children, neglected conditions of diseases of any kind, as well as in the treatment of elderly people age.

However, when prescribing this procedure, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications, which include epilepsy, serious lesions of the cardiovascular system, polyps, oncological lesions of any localization.

Indications for

According to studies conducted by analyzing the condition before and after such a procedure, the oxygen pressure chamber helps in the treatment of many diseases and pathological conditions of the body. These include:

  • erectile problems in men;
  • lung diseases with insufficient oxygen supply;
  • after surgical intervention to accelerate the healing of tissues;
  • with a view to preventing colds and viral diseases;
  • heart damage and vascular system.

Also the use of an oxygen pressure chamber helps in the treatment of children, in the therapy of adults and in veterinary medicine: saturating the tissues with oxygen, eliminating pain manifestations and contributing the growth of blood vessels, oxygenation with the help of a pressure chamber is a good help for the prevention of osteoporosis, with manifestations of immune lesions and for general strengthening organism.

A wide field of application of the method allows to achieve significant improvement in periodontitis, diabetes, psoriasis, which practically can not be cured, as well as with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, furunculosis, cirrhosis liver. In dermatology, the oxygen oxygenation method helps to eliminate the increased dryness of the skin, allows you to quickly remove the effects interference in the skin with surgical and therapeutic effects, reduce the rate of oxidation, which helps to prolong youth organism. Linear scleroderma, focal scleroderma, frostbite are also indications for the application of the method.


The use of an oxygen pressure chamber is not indicated in the following conditions and diseases:

  • in the presence of cysts in the body;
  • at acute stages of inflammatory processes;
  • at oncological processes of any localization;
  • with blood diseases.

Increased body temperature and fear of enclosed space should also be considered contraindications to the procedure.

Preparing for the procedure

For the procedure, the patient must change into a special cotton suit that will not contain synthetic impurities, and will be convenient for a long time in it. Also, you should collect hair, removing them under a handkerchief or a special cotton headdress.

The video below will describe the benefits of such treatment:

How is the oxygen pressure chamber

One of the important advantages of the procedure under consideration is the simplicity of its implementation. The algorithm of action when using an oxygen pressure chamber is as follows:

  1. Before starting the procedure, remove contamination from the skin, makeup.
  2. Removed all the jewelry from any material.
  3. The patient should change clothes from everyday to special - usually cotton to improve the penetration of oxygen from the air to all parts of the body.
  4. The patient is placed in a horizontal position in the device pressure chamber. Adoption of a comfortable position allows you to achieve the greatest relaxation, which also allows you to have the most pronounced positive result of the procedure: for a long time in one position, it is necessary to maximize relax.
  5. The frequency of the procedure is 10-12 repetitions. Such a course will make it possible to eliminate manifestations of the disease in the shortest possible time, to consolidate the positive result obtained.

The oxygen pressure chamber provides a good effect in numerous diseases, it is prescribed by the doctor after carrying out the relevant studies and analyzes.


To carry out the procedure under consideration, it is sufficient for adults to follow the above sequence of actions, since it allows the best effect on the root cause of the disease. The scheme of application of the oxygen pressure chamber by adults requires the observance of the listed rules for the use of this method of therapeutic effect.

Children and newborns

In childhood, the use of the oxygen chamber procedure requires carefulness due to the frequent fear of children in an enclosed space, therefore, during its implementation, it is necessary to control the reaction child. The duration of the procedure in childhood is somewhat less than for adults, it is 20-30 minutes.

In pregnancy and lactation

During the period of gestation, the oxygen pressure chamber is also allowed with the indicated indications, the control of the treating doctor-gynecologist is required to prevent negative effects. Excessively high blood pressure, the presence of cancer or the threat of miscarriage should be considered as a contraindication for the use of an oxygen pressure chamber.

Lactation is also not a contraindication for this type of treatment.

Consequences and possible complications

The procedure of the oxygen pressure chamber has practically no negative consequences and complications.

Recovery and care after the procedure

After the oxygen chamber has been performed, it is necessary to rest for 30-40 minutes to completely restore the patient's strength and normal state of health.


The price of the procedure of the oxygen pressure chamber depends on the level of the medical institution and ranges from 750 to 1050 rubles per procedure. The effectiveness of this form of treatment is higher in case of preliminary examination and constant monitoring by the attending physician.


In the course of taking the course of an oxygen pressure chamber, one can achieve the most pronounced positive result with a parallel use certain methods of traditional medicine, which will stabilize the general condition of the patient and eliminate manifestations pathology.

For example, the use of a decoction of a dandelion helps to purify the blood and more likely to remove toxins from the body.

Dandelion is crushed and boiled with boiling water, after which it is necessary to boil the mixture and then let it brew for 15 minutes.

Take a dining boat 3-5 times a day with a parallel intake of the course of the pressure chamber procedures. In the same way, clover infusion, mixture of berries of the Kalina and mountain ash at elevated pressure is used.

The method of using an oxygen pressure chamber is used today in practically all large cities of Russia.

For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, there are many medical centers that offer carrying out the procedure of an oxygen pressure chamber to stabilize the patient's condition, improving the process of feeding tissues oxygen.

Even more useful information about the method is contained in the video below:

A source: http://gidmed.com/dermatologiya/lechenie-derm/sposoby/kislorodnaya-barokamera.html

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