Principles of Treatment of Baker's Knee Joint Cyst

Baker's cyst is called a synovial fluid filled with benign neoplasm, which is located in the popliteal fossa. It is more common in elderly people suffering from chronic knee joint diseases.

The cusp of the popliteal fossa is a rounded, soft to the touch formation, located on the back surface of the knee joint.The inflammatory process in the knee joint provokes an increase in synovial fluid synthesis, in some cases this fluid accumulates in the joint bag, which is located in the space between the tendons of the two muscles (gastrocnemius and semimembranous), forming hernia baker.

If untimely treatment of the disease leads to:

  • compression of surrounding tissues;
  • development of pain syndrome;
  • restriction of motor joint activity.


  • 1Causes of the disease
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Methods of treatment of the disease
      • 3.0.1Conservative therapy
        • Therapy
    • 3.1Surgical methods
  • 4Features of the disease in childhood
  • 5Folk methods

Causes of the disease

Experts consider the main reasons for the development of Baker's cyst:

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  • traumatic injury of the knee (severe bruise, dislocation, ligament or meniscus damage);
  • degenerative-dystrophic processes developing in the tissues of the knee joint (deforming osteoarthritis, patellofemoral arthrosis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the knee joint (arthritis, synovitis, bursitis);
  • systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter and Bechterew disease, reactive arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus).
The risk group includes, first of all, people professionally engaged in sports or suffering chronic diseases of the knee joint, as well as those whose work is associated with increased knee.


The development of the cyst of the popliteal fossa may be indicated by the following clinical manifestations:

  1. Discomfortable sensations that appear as a result of the development of the neoplasm.
  2. Pain in the popliteal region, which increases with movement, it is possible to irradiate (spread) the pains to the muscles of the shins.
  3. Stiffness or limitation of the volume of movements in the knee joint.
  4. The appearance of a small rounded formation in the popliteal fossa region, in the absence of treatment, the swelling size increases.
  5. Decreased mobility of the joint, and then the legs as a whole.
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Methods of treatment of the disease

When the first symptoms of a neoplasm appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The diagnosis of Baker's cyst is based on external examination, X-ray examination, in some cases for a more accurate diagnosis is assigned magnetic resonance imaging.

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, the following methods are used

  • conservative or drug therapy;
  • operational methods;
  • means of traditional medicine.

Conservative therapy

Prescribe conservative treatment can only a doctor, based on research data, the general condition of the patient and the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Medication Therapy

In order to remove inflammation and eliminate pain syndrome, drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect are prescribed.These can be funds from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, mexylocam) or hormonal agents injected directly into the cyst cavity.

In itself conservative treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, it is better if drug therapy appointed after surgery, which eliminates the cause that caused the development of the Becker cyst.


With a large size of education in an outpatient setting, it is possible to perform a puncture.The procedure is to puncture the cyst shell, pumping out its contents using a syringe with a large needle and introduction into the joint cavity of preparations of the glucocorticoid series (hydrocortisone, diprospan).

Conservative methods include physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics, diet, orthopedic treatment (wearing orthosis, using elastic bandage).

The main disadvantage of any methods of conservative treatment is a high risk of relapse.

Surgical methods

The main surgical method is its removal. Indications for the operation are:

  • large sizes of neoplasm;
  • significant disruption of joint function;
  • rapid progression of the disease;
  • frequent relapses;
  • development of symptoms of compression of the neurovascular bundle (numbness of the limb, the appearance of varicose veins);
  • the inconsistency of conservative methods of treatment.

Operative intervention is performed under local anesthesia (in rare cases, use spinal anesthesia) and takes no more than half an hour.The essence of the operation is the complete removal of the joint bag together with the contents, after which the knee is fixed with a tight bandage or gypsum lint.A person can be discharged from the hospital on the second day. After 5-6 days, you can walk resting on the cane, and within 10-11 days the seams are removed.

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Relative contraindications for surgical intervention can be:

  • individual intolerance to anesthetic;
  • mental illness;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood coagulation.

Features of the disease in childhood

Since in childhood the occurrence of the popliteal fossa cyst is not associated with serious pathologies, focus on dynamic observation of the development of the disease and conservative methods of treatment.Cyst removal in children is rarely used.

Folk methods

Recipes of traditional medicine is best used after consultation with a doctor as an adjunct to conservative or surgical treatment. The following folk remedies are very popular:

  1. Tincture of a golden mustache:for its preparation it is necessary to crush stems and plant leaves to pour alcohol or vodka and insist for three weeks, after which the product must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Use as compresses or ingest 1-2 tablespoons.
  2. Compress of burdock leaves and celandine:raw materials to grind with a blender or meat grinder, attach to the knee and wrap it with cellophane, and on top with a warm cloth.
  3. Compress from unrefined sunflower oil:it is done twice a day for 1 hour, then the skin is well rubbed with a dry soft napkin.

Complication of the Baker cyst may be a rupture of the knee cyst. When ruptured, fluid from the cyst can enter the gastrocnemius muscle and cause swelling of the lower leg. The presence of Baker's cyst may increase the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, even if it does not break. It is quite difficult to distinguish the rupture of the biker cyst from deep vein thrombosis. In these cases, studies are performed to exclude thrombosis, and if it is detected, a course of treatment is prescribed.

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