It is well known that there is not a single person who would not have any problems with vision.In some, these problems are hereditary and manifest from the first days of life, in others they arise when a certain age is reached. Some eye pathologies can be eliminated only with the help of a surgical operation. But few know how to restore vision at home.
1Types of eye deviations
2Methods of restoring vision at home
2.1With myopia
2.2With hyperopia
2.3With astigmatism
2.4With strabismus
Types of eye deviations
If we exclude infectious and traumatic lesions of the eye, as well as serious diseases, the most common eye deviations are as follows:
presbyopia; problems
Myopia or myopia is a visual impairment caused by the fact that the point of focus of the eye shifts and appears in front of the retina.
With this defect, a person can see closely located objects, and the removed ones are perceived indistinctly and vaguely.Most often, this pathology occurs as a consequence of pulling the eyeball along the horizontal axis.This defect is of genetic origin and manifests itself in childhood or adolescence. Also, myopia can be caused by one of the following reasons:
spasm of the eye muscle;
change in the curvature of the cornea;
traumatic displacement of the lens;
age-related changes in the lens.
Spasm of a certain eye muscle is also called false myopia, since this process is reversible. It occurs at a young age from prolonged and strained focusing of the eye on very close or distant objects.
False myopia is eliminated by eye gymnastics and the use of certain medications. Other forms of myopia require prolonged and radical treatment.
Hyperopia can be considered as the opposite of myopia.With this pathology, a person can perfectly see the removed objects, but what is located close to the eye is blurred and does not look clear. Especially this defect affects the workers of intellectual work, who have to work a lot with printed materials.Unlike myopia, with farsightedness, the focal point is located behind the retina in space.There are cases of hyperopia, when a person equally badly sees both closely located objects and distant objects.
The cause of hyperopia can be reduced on the horizontal axis of the eyeball. As a rule, all newborns have some farsightedness, which, with the growth of the visual organs, passes without external interference.The most common method of vision correction with farsightedness is wearing glasses or contact lenses.To treat this pathology, laser correction methods and microsurgical operations are used.
Prismatic correction
To prevent farsightedness and improve vision at home, eye gymnastics is recommended.
Astigmatism is considered a serious eye pathology.This defect is characterized by several false focus points, as a result of which the person equally badly sees both near and far objects. Astigmatism can be caused by deformation of the cornea, lens or eyeball and on the retina instead of the point an oval or other shape is formed.With some types of astigmatism, horizontal lines are not clearly visible, while its other form distorts vertical lines.
This pathology often develops at an early age and can be accompanied by myopia or hyperopia. A person with such a defect can see images of objects with double contours, his eyes quickly get tired and when reading or working with small objects a headache often occurs.
A radical way to treat astigmatism is laser correction or surgery.Astigmatists can be prescribed glasses with special cylindrical lenses or toric lenses.
Schematic representation of differences between the spherical and toric lens.
Presbyopia is called age or senile hyperopia.With this refraction violation, a person can not normally see printed text or small subjects located at close range. The mechanism of occurrence of presbyopia has not been fully studied, but it is directly related to age-related changes in the body.The most probable causes of age-long-sightedness are the decrease in the tone of the eye muscles and the sclerotic changes in the lens.
This pathology is subject to all, without exception, since the mechanism of aging of the body is a natural process.Usually the first signs of presbyopia appear at the age of 45 years. It is noted that the symptoms of age-long farsightedness are markedly reduced in bright light. This is due to the decrease in the diameter of the pupil, while increasing the depth of field. Most often, elderly people prefer to wear glasses, which after diagnostics will be written out by an ophthalmologist.But surgical methods or laser correction can be used to eliminate age-related farsightedness.
Laser correction
Strabismus is such a visual defect, in which the optical axes of the eyes do not coincide, and a person can not simultaneously see any point in space with two eyes.Strabismus can be congenital or acquired. The reasons for the appearance of this defect are many. Strabismus can be caused by the following reasons:
neuropsychic diseases;
a strong fright;
infectious diseases;
hyperopia and myopia of a high degree;
stressful situation;
paralysis of the eye muscles.Types of strabismus
There is an opinion that strabismus can pass by itself. This is completely wrong, so if this vision defect is not treated, the consequences can be the heaviest.
Treatment of strabismus is strictly individual and can last long enough. It can be therapeutic and surgical. All methods of conservative therapy are applied first and only if they do not show positive dynamics, surgical operation is recommended.
Methods of restoring vision at home
Not many people know how to restore vision with myopia, hyperopia or strabismus without surgical intervention. Severe, and most importantly neglected eye pathologies, completely cure yourself is hardly possible. But a comprehensive technique for visual defects in the initial stage can be of great help in improving and even restoring vision. You can independently use the following methods:
corrective eye exercises;
system of rational nutrition;
vitamin therapy;
some medicinal preparations.Products containing vitamins useful for vision
Properly selected exercises of eye gymnastics contribute to an increase in muscle tone. Such exercises should alternate with the methods of complete relaxation.
With myopia
Especially good effect can give gymnastic exercises with a weak degree of myopia.
fromthere is a straight back, raising his head.Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, then open for the same time. Perform 6-10 times;
in this same position, blink rapidly for at least 2 minutes;
standing, standing, legs shoulder-width apart.The index finger of the outstretched hand is slowly brought closer to the eyes until it doubles. Repeat 8-10 times;
the pose is the same. Finger of the outstretched arm slowly move left and right, focusing the sight on the tip of the finger. Do not turn your head. Perform 8-10 times;
in a sitting position, massage the closed eyes with your fingertips for one minute.Complex of exercises
With hyperopia
Eye exercises improve the blood supply of all the elements of the eye and train the muscles, making them more elastic and mobile.
it is convenient to sit on a stool with a rigid back and slowly perform deep turns of the head left and right. In the central position, it should be fixed for a few seconds, then perform a turn to the other side. Make 10-15 turns;
The hand with the extended finger is located at a distance of 40-50 cm from the eyes.Circle the fingers first in a clockwise direction, then against it. Look closely at the tip of the finger. Perform 8-10 times;
to draw a look of geometric shapes. This is a circle, a triangle and a square. Do the exercise 10 times in one direction, then the same in the other;
draw a look at the symbol of infinity or the lying eight. Run 10 times in opposite directions;
Quickly "switch" focus from closely located objects to distant objects. Do 2-3 minutes.
With astigmatism
To cure this pathology with the help of eye gymnastics is impossible, but it is quite possible to alleviate the symptoms much.
atFix the rotation of the eyeballs first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.Do 30 seconds per side;
to extend a hand forward. With your finger, draw shapes slowly in the air. It can be letters of the alphabet. The sight should focus on the tip of the finger;
Close your eyes tightly for 5-10 seconds, then open them and actively blink;
very useful for astigmatism exercises for rapid change of focus. In this case, the view shifts from close objects to distant ones and again to close ones.Types of visual exercises according to the Bates method
With strabismus
Eye exercises with strabismus are focused on making both eyes work at full load. All exercises are performed while sitting.
take a pencil in your hand and pull it out at eye level.Try to focus on the tip of the pencil with two eyes at the same time. If it does not work out, you need to use the mowing eye, and then connect and healthy. Then you need to change the distance to the eyes, as well as move the hand to the left and to the right, firmly holding the focus;
Draw a figure eight with a healthy and mowing eye alternately;
in a dark room, light a point source of light, for example, a candle and fixing a look at the light source, you should turn your head to the left and to the right, as far as possible.
if the eye is squeezed in, you should place the object on the left or right and, moving the eyeball outward, try to focus the view on the subject.
It is not necessary to immediately perform eye exercises in the recommended amount. It will be more useful if the exercises are carried out with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions.
It is proved that the eyes require about five times more vitamins than other organs.Especially the eyes need vitamins "A "C" and "E". Vitamin "A" is very important for the eyes, as it is part of the photosensitive layer of the retina. There are various vitamin complexes, designed specifically for use in ocular pathologies. Such drugs, which contain vitamins and minerals in addition, are dispensed without a prescription, but they should not be taken on their own. It is best to include in the diet more vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
Vitamin complex for improving vision
A large amount of vitamin "A" is found in egg yolks, natural butter and fish oil. A lot of beta-carotene is in carrots. It is best to use with oil, for more complete assimilation. Vitamin "C" is present in many fruits, berries and hips.
Products containing vitamin A
Fast food systems such as fast food and convenience foods should be avoided.
There are some eye medications that you can use yourself.These include eye drops that eliminate the dry eye symptom or vitamin drops, but most remedies should only be used as directed by the doctor.
PTo get a positive result in restoring vision at home is possible only with a comprehensive approach.This means that in addition to a long and regular exercise in ophthalmic gymnastics, you should observe a healthy lifestyle, eat well and often be outdoors.