- What types of constipation can you handle yourself?
- How to get rid of the problem at home?
- What is useful and can not be eaten?
- What if the diet does not help?
- How to take laxatives?
- What folk recommendations will help to eliminate constipation?
- Other Tips
- How to help pregnant women?
- Related Videos
Usually, under stationary conditions, they treat constipation if it is one of the manifestations of a serious illness or causes such serious complications as rectal fissures, hemorrhoidal bleeding, intestinal obstruction. Patients are urgently brought to the surgical or proctology department.
Because how quickly "Ambulance" will arrive and the operation will be performed depends not only on getting rid of constipation, but also on the life of a person. To treat constipation at home, you should pay attention much earlier, before the formation of dangerous complications. To do this, you need to see a doctor and tell you honestly about the delay in the stool. The explanation of the cause depends on the further examination.
What types of constipation can you handle yourself?
To treat constipation at home, you can only be sure of the cause of the pathology, having obtained the advice of a doctor. Otherwise, taking medication can further disrupt the motor function of the intestine. There are several types of constipation, with which you need to start fighting as early as possible:
- situational - arises against a background of stress, in a journey;
- hypokinetic - accompanies a lack of motor activity, "sedentary" life;
- alimentary - the lack of daily ration of fruits and vegetables, the restriction of drinking water, the use of diets for weight loss lead to a deficiency in the intestines of fiber, fluid, thickening of stool, loss of muscle tone;
- endocrine - we mean hormonal restructuring in adolescence, in women during pregnancy, in the climacteric period;
- toxic - occurs under the influence of alcohol, heavy metal salts, early onset of smoking, drug use, long-term medication treatment;
- psychogenic - is a consequence of patience, restraint, fear of public toilets, the upcoming important event;
- Proctogenic - begins in women in the postpartum period, is associated with loss of muscle tone of the perineum and abdominal press.

In women seeking to look good, constipation can cause compression underwear, tight belts and corsets
These conditions are accompanied by a delay of stool for 2 days or more, bloating, blunt pain in the left half of the abdominal cavity, sometimes cramping colic, general weakness, nervousness, insomnia. It is these symptoms that cause untimely cleaning of the body from waste slag and a toxic intoxication with constipation.
How to get rid of the problem at home?
People who felt signs of constipation should take urgent measures.
Change the way of life
With constipation, you will need:
- refrain from smoking, alcohol, drugs;
- stop drinking strong coffee, beer;
- do without night companies;
- plan an active holiday in nature, tour. hiking;
- walk more;
- exercise at home or in the gym, swimming, fitness;
- remove tight clothes, dress according to size.

Proper nutrition requires its own schedule
To establish a constant dietary food
This refers to the mode of eating at one time, the absence of hungry gaps and overeating, the refusal of fast food, carbonated drinks and food to dry, the reception of warm, warm food, the exclusion of fatty meat, fried foods, smoking, pickles, spicy condiments, canned food.
What is useful and can not be eaten?
In the diet of constipation in adults, there should be many products with fiber, dietary fiber. They have the ability to activate the evacuation of feces. These properties are possessed by:
- vegetables and fruits;
- rye bread with bran;
- cereals from whole grains (especially buckwheat);
- sea kale;
- prune;
- figs.
Be sure to eat low-fat meat and fish dishes, chicken, cottage cheese as a source of protein, drink sour-milk drinks (preferably with bifidobacteria) - kefir, curdled milk, ayran, kumys, yogurt.
Useful for constipation, but not all are well tolerated: beans, cabbage, green peas, whole milk, buttermilk.
A significant amount of coarse fiber has:
- radish,
- beet,
- celery,
- pumpkin,
- zucchini,
- eggplant,
- turnip,
- tomatoes,
- cabbage.
They are necessary for constipation to stimulate the evacuation function of the large intestine. Of fruits: apples, bananas, avocados. Berries: currants, apricots, cherries. If you need to drink wine, you should prefer white. From red it is necessary to refuse.

Any doctor will advise to cure constipation, drink more water (up to 1.5-2 liters)
It is necessary to abandon the products that reduce intestinal peristalsis:
- sweets;
- pasta and wheat bread;
- cake and cakes;
- jam, sweets;
- coffee and cocoa;
- porridge from rice, millet;
- kissels;
- meat products from fat pork, lamb, goose.
Nutrition for children with constipation
Diet with constipation in the elderly
Diet with constipation in pregnant women
What if the diet does not help?
To cause a rapid evacuation of the intestine with constipation can be with the help of an enema. But it is not recommended to use it regularly because of the development of the "lazy intestine" syndrome. In the pharmacy special mugs Esmarha with a hose and rubber tip are sold to fight constipation.
In preparation for the procedure, 2 liters of water is boiled and cooled to room temperature. The tip is smeared with petroleum jelly. The patient is placed on the right side. A tip is inserted into the anus. The water should pass slowly painlessly. Do not push hard. If there are painful sensations, the procedure is stopped.
The patient is recommended to lie on his back for a while. Then he goes to the toilet and fast defecation occurs. Enemas do not only with constipation, but also for the purification of the intestine in preparation for an emergency or planned operation. In order to reflex call the urge on the stool, the rectal suppository with glycerin helps with constipation. The effect comes in 15-20 minutes.
How to take laxatives?
In the fight against constipation, not all laxatives are good. Before purchasing at a pharmacy, you need to consult a doctor. Pregnant women must necessarily consult an obstetrician. Particularly serious is to choose a remedy for atonic constipation for an elderly person. Usually in old age, except for constipation, accumulate various health problems, and intestinal stimulants affect the heart rhythm, blood pressure.
All laxative drugs are divided by the mechanism of exposure:
- On the contributing to the increase in the volume of feces - they retain fluid in the intestine and dilute the contents (flax seed, Mukofalk, Methylcellulose, Forlax), are recommended for chronic atonic constipation, after abdominal operations, injuries, eating disorders. Side effects are rare (flatulence, diarrhea).
- Natural and mineralized oils - lubricate the walls of the intestine, as a result of the contents slip and dilute stool stones (olive, sunflower, vaseline, linseed, almond).
- Irritant herbal remedies - constipation action is based on irritation of nerve endings of intestinal walls, stimulation of peristalsis (Senadé, Castor oil, Frutalax, Bisacodyl, buckthorn bark). The effect occurs after 8-10 hours after administration. Therefore, it is better to drink them before going to bed to get a toilet in the morning.

Senadé and Phytolax are available in the form of chewable tablets; for an adult, two are enough for a single dose
Guttalax (sodium picosulfate) is a liquid preparation, taken in drops, the dosage selection is individual. The maximum you can drink once to eliminate constipation 24 drops, diluted with water or juice. Motility stimulants - Motility, Coordination, Cerucal have the least effect on different organs. They are drunk 2-3 times a day before meals.
Lactulose - is indicated for children and pregnant women. The substance irritates the intestinal wall, delays water, activates the motor. Dufalac - for children it is better to buy in the form of syrup. It is given with food, preferably before lunch. If it is necessary course treatment, then apply 2-3 weeks. Based on lactulose, Lactitol and Exportal are synthesized. They are equipped with prebiotic capabilities, so they are more effective in the intestinal flora. Less often cause bloating.
What folk recommendations will help to eliminate constipation?
Folk remedies for constipation include oils, phytotherapy. Recommended oils, other than lubricating action, stimulate additional release of bile. And bile acids activate peristalsis. Folk healers advise among house remedies for constipation to have in the medicine cabinet oils.
On the chemical composition - liquid paraffin. It spreads over the walls of the intestines, it does not absorb. Take should be 2 hours before eating, an adult 2 teaspoons enough. Course - 5 days. Contraindicated in constipation caused by an infectious disease, pregnancy, intestinal obstruction.
Contains omega-3-acid, vitamins, helps restore immunity, eliminates excess cholesterol, lubricates the intestinal wall. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach or before going to bed, drink water. It is recommended in combination with honey and yoghurt. Contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and pathways, pregnancy, lactating mothers, against the background of taking contraceptives.
It has healing properties, stimulates local immunity, is prescribed on a teaspoonful for a month.

To the oil of sea-buckthorn should be carefully treated patients with pancreatic diseases
Activates the nerve endings of the muscles of the intestine, you can drink consecutively for no longer than three days, to improve the taste recommend to dilute kefir, tea, decoction of ginger. Contraindicated for pregnant women, with partial adhesive obstruction, low blood pressure, women before menstruation.
There are no contraindications, it is possible to use it for children and pregnant women on an empty stomach.
Olive and sunflower
Stir with the yolk to enhance the choleretic action, add to the enema.
Other Tips
There is a prescription for stimulation of the intestines with a saline solution: at night put a cleansing enema, in the morning for an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of cool salt water, so repeat 3 days, after which the intestine will work independently.
From phytopreparations recommend:
- decoction of plantain leaves;
- eat on an empty stomach 2 persimmons, 2 oranges or 2 apples with skin;
- cook and eat onion tincture on alcohol (10 drops each);
- decoction from the root of a dandelion to insist 12 hours, to drink for a day 200 ml.
- at night drink broth of wild rose;
- eat a few prunes berries;
- drink juice of sauerkraut or potatoes;
- laxative effect has juice of beet and radish;
- in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of cold water with a spoon of honey, and at night - kefir;
- the broth is prepared from a mixture of chamomile, bark of buckthorn, mint leaves, valerian - to be consumed during the day.
Some help to relieve constipation, if you add a tablespoon of linseed oil to the enema with salt solution, brew bran and eat during the day, add to the porridge. These simple recipes have been tested for years, but are effective most often after a single or double application. The body quickly gets used to natural remedies. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and combine with laxatives of different actions.
Never need to exclude the need for emergency care for diseases of the digestive system. With a marked swelling of the abdomen, pain syndrome, no folk remedies can be used. Strictly forbidden enemas. The patient should be examined by a doctor.
How to help pregnant women?
Do not forget that the physiological deviations during pregnancy are gradually passing. Unpleasant feeling of bursting and heaviness in the abdomen worsen the well-being of the future mother. Do not start with a drug immediately. Nutritionists recommend changing the diet and adding:
- carrot salad, fresh cucumbers, boiled beets, stewed zucchini and pumpkin, dried fruits, prunes and apples;
- increase the volume of kefir, yoghurt;
- on the first dish to cook sour cabbage soup;
- from prunes boil compote, decoction. You need to drink before eating 100 ml, and eat the fruits;
- in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of cold water with a spoonful of honey;
- you can brew tea as a mint, a chemist's daisy, add seeds of dill and cumin. When bloating, activated charcoal is allowed.
I'll have to forget about strong tea and coffee, chocolate, fresh baked bread, buns, semolina, blueberry compote. Constipation increases in women working constantly standing (sellers, teachers). Laxatives reflexively activate uterine contractions. This contributes to the termination of pregnancy. It is better to do without medication to prevent the effect on the fetus.

Physical exercises are recommended to perform sitting on the floor
Constipation - a symptom of many diseases. The treatment should be treated carefully, to perform the prescribed courses. Violation of defecation can cause bad mood, depression, increased irritability, headaches. It is not always possible to improve well-being at home. To understand, you should see a doctor.