Can I warm my ear with otitis

How did you treat the otitis media? Can I warm my ear?



How to treat an ear otitis?

Traditionally, the treatment of all types of otitis is accompanied by the appointment of antibiotics, less often - sulfanilamide preparations (ciprofloxacin), which are used for severe inflammation and elevated temperature.
With external otitis media, gauze turundas moistened with 70% alcohol are usually injected into the external auditory canal, warming compresses are made, physiotherapy procedures are performed, and vitamin therapy is prescribed. When an abscess is formed, its opening is shown. With diffuse inflammation, the ear canal is washed with disinfectant solutions (3% boric acid solution, furacillin solution).
With otitis media, bed rest is prescribed, antibiotics, sulfonamide preparations, antiseptics according to indications. At a high temperature, amidopyrine, acetylsalicylic acid. Locally apply warming compresses and physiotherapy. To reduce pain in the ear, digest in the warm form of 96% alcohol. With the appearance of suppuration, instillation is stopped in the ear. In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment, the dissection of the tympanic membrane is performed. After the appearance of suppuration from the external auditory canal, it is necessary to ensure its drainage. If, after cessation of purulent discharge from the ear and scarring of the tympanic membrane, the hearing remains low, a purge, pneumatic massage is prescribed.

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When otitis inner ear (labyrinthite) apply conservative treatment (bed rest, dehydration and antibacterial therapy). With labyrinthitis with a fistulous symptom and a preserved function of the labyrinth, with ineffectiveness of antibacterial therapy, general cough trepanation is used. Absolute indications for the operation on the labyrinth, along with the operation on the middle ear, is the sequestration of the labyrinth or the purulent labyrinthitis with labyrinthogenic intracranial complications.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva

Damir! Self-treatment is dangerous! Address to the doctor, he will give you all the necessary appointments!
Get right! All the best to you!

Ivan Pritula

In general, of course, it is better to consult a doctor, since otitis can be different (purulent, chronic, catarrhal, etc.).
From drops you can buy in the pharmacy Dioxydin in ampoules and a pipette, and drip warm dioxin in your ear 2-3 times a day for a few drops. You can also buy ear drops sfradeks, aurisan. These drugs are even more convenient to use, they do not need to be heated before use and the flacon is immediately pipetted.
Try not to get water in your ear when washing your head or taking a shower. If the otitis is accompanied by a runny nose, you must also get a drop in your nose and at the same time be treated for both the cold and otitis. If the otitis acute, you can warm your ear with a blue lamp, warm salt, an alcohol compress is also very appropriate, that is, any dry heat. The faster you start to be treated, the less chance that the otitis from the acute will become chronic.
Stay healthy!

At what otitis it is possible to warm an ear. I have external otitis



At no one!


Otitis of the external ear (external otitis) is an inflammatory disease of the external auditory canal. There are two forms of external otitis - limited, which is a furuncle of the external auditory canal and diffuse, which is an inflammation of the entire ear canal.

Auricle of auditory canal (limited otitis externa) occurs as a result of infection (most often staphylococcus) in hair follicles and sebaceous external auditory canal, facilitated by minor injuries when manipulating the ear with matches, hairpins etc. In addition, a contributing factor in inflammation in the external auditory canal is the constant action of water. The shape of the ear canal protects us from the constant action of water - it usually flows out of it.

In addition, the skin of the auditory canal has an acid reaction that protects it from infection and fungi. However, in some cases, water can remain in the auditory canal for a long time, which leads to a change in the skin: its acidity is dissolved, as it were, by water. Also, if there are small wounds, cuts or scratches on the skin of the ear canal, water helps to get the infection there.

Causes of otitis media of the external ear

The causes of external otitis media include infection. It can be staphylococcus - the main cause of the furuncle of the ear canal, as well as a fungal infection. To contributing factors is the constant moistening of the skin of the ear canal, as a result of which the protective skin barrier is broken. In addition, the wounds of the infection in the skin of the auditory canal are small wounds, scratches and cuts as a result of ear cleaning from sulfur (matches, toothpicks, hairpins, etc.).

Risk factors for external otitis media

Usually, otitis externa is common in children. This pathology contributes to this disease, such as eczema, in which peeling and erosion are noted. Cork is also a risk factor for external otitis media, as there is an increased possibility that the patient will try to clean the ear by himself.

Other risk factors may be narrowness of the auditory canals, as well as chronic otitis media, in which a purulent discharge is constantly observed in the auditory canal. It promotes infection in the skin. The risk factors for the skin of the auditory canal are diseases accompanied by a decrease in immunity. For example, diabetes mellitus.

Otitis externa is manifested by the following symptoms:

Severe pain while moving the ear or tragus is part of the cartilage of the auricle immediately in front of the auditory aperture.
Constant pain in the ear or ear. Usually, external otitis is observed on one side.
Itching in the ear. Itching is often characteristic of fungal lesions of the skin of the ear canal, as well as eczema.
Edema of the external auditory canal or enlarged lymph nodes in the ear.
Feeling of congestion in the ear.
Isolation of pus from the ear.
Hearing loss.

Can I warm my ear with otitis: doctor's recommendations

Feeling a severe pain in the ear, it is necessary to appear to the otolaryngologist. In most cases, discomfort arises from the onset of inflammation. After the examination, the doctor will be able to pinpoint the cause of the problems and tell you if you can warm your ear with otitis. You do not need to prescribe yourself thermal procedures alone.

Types of disease

Specialists distinguish three types of otitis. Inflammation can begin in the outer, middle and inner ear. This problem is often found in young children. Leaving it without attention is impossible, because chronic inflammation can lead to complete or partial hearing loss.

Before you find out whether you can warm your ear with otitis, you need to understand the type of disease.

  1. External inflammation often occurs after swimming in open water bodies or swimming pools. But his appearance may lead to injuries. To diagnose external otitis is not difficult - the skin of the auricle and the visible part of the ear canal becomes inflamed. Eczema and furuncles become visible.
  2. The cause of pain in most cases becomes otitis media. It occurs after the transmitted viral diseases, angina. Painful sensations with it are pronounced, they can concentrate both in the ear itself, and in the area of ​​the teeth and neck. The average otitis can be catarrhal or purulent. Before assigning procedures, you must precisely determine its type.
  3. The most dangerous is internal otitis media. It can become a complication of inflammation of the middle ear. When it develops, there is a risk that the infection can penetrate the blood and the meninges.

Features of the disease

Even if you know all the signs of inflammation and methods of therapy, you should not decide how to treat otitis media. Whether it is possible to warm an ear with a blue lamp, it is better to find out from an otolaryngologist.

If the doctor confirms that you have catarrhal inflammation, then you can use the heating procedures. But with purulent otitis make it dangerous. After all, heat will stimulate the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, it will improve blood circulation in the heated areas. As a result, this will allow bacteria to penetrate into the connective tissues.

If the inflammation of the inner ear begins, then there is a risk of infection of the brain envelopes. Knowing this, you can determine for yourself whether you can warm your ear with acute otitis without a prior visit to the doctor.

Initial stages of the disease

Many people say that you can do thermal procedures immediately, once you feel uncomfortable. But the opinion of doctors on this subject is not so unambiguous.

Of course, if catarrhal inflammation has begun, heat will help reduce pain, relieve spasms and improve blood circulation in affected areas. This will quickly restore them. But it is impossible to determine the type of the disease.

At the initial stages, purulent discharge will not be noticed. When the disease progresses, they begin to flow out of the external auditory canal. In this case, of course, everyone can understand that he started a purulent inflammation.

Particular care must be given to the parents of young children. Do not listen to grandmothers if they do not have medical education. Not all people know if you can warm your ear with a purulent otitis.

Possible consequences

If you decide to do self-medication and yourself have appointed thermal procedures, then be ready to deteriorate. If you have purulent otitis, then warming up will only intensify the manifestations of the disease. The pain will become even stronger.

In addition, the bacteria will begin to multiply more intensively. With such an otitis, the eardrum can be damaged. If pus or blood develops from the ear, then the doctor can not do without. In such situations it is not even worthwhile to find out whether it is possible to heat the ear with an average otitis. Under the ban are not only thermal procedures, but also various drops. After all, you can not check the integrity of the tympanic membrane.

Children's problems

According to statistics, almost 80% of children know how their ears hurt when taking otitis. The main cause of the disease is inflammatory processes in the nose and throat, which lead to violations of the patency of the Eustachian tube. It can also be transmitted by enlarged adenoids.

If a child wakes up at night with pain and you do not have the opportunity to get to a doctor, you should not ring up acquaintances with the question of whether you can warm your ear with otitis. It is necessary to drip the child in the nose vasoconstrictor drops, for example, the usual children's "Farmazolin." In addition, you need to alleviate the condition of the baby. To ease the pain, any drug made on the basis of ibuprofen will help. You can give syrup "Nurofen "Bofen" or other similar. Paracetamol has a less pronounced analgesic effect, but if you do not have anything else, you can give an age dose of the syrup "Efferalgan "Paracetamol."

Action Tactics

Feeling pain in the ear, it is better to go to the otolaryngologist right away. He can immediately examine the patient and establish a diagnosis. Note that in most hospitals, patients with acute pain are served without recording and out of turn. The sooner adequate treatment is started, the more chances to get rid of problems in a few days. But the untimely appeal to the doctor threatens that otitis can go into a chronic form.

If the doctor confirms that your tympanic membrane is intact and there are no purulent discharge, then you can ask how correctly to warm your ear with a blue lamp when you take otitis. Also the doctor can advise and other methods of warming up. In addition, he is likely to prescribe ear drops with analgesic and anti-inflammatory action: Otipax, Otizol or other analogues.

Warming Methods

Inpatients and outpatients of ENT departments with catarrhal otitis media often receive physiotherapy procedures. UHF therapy is popular. Under the influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field, the permeability of the capillary walls increases. This promotes a more intensive penetration of protective cells into the focus of inflammation.

At home, when it has already been determined whether you can warm your ear with otitis in your case, use other methods. If you have a blue lamp, then you can conduct all the thermal procedures with it. Also, you can warm your ear with a regular salt preheater. You can buy it at any pharmacy or make it yourself.

If the doctor has allowed thermal procedures, then there is no sense in addition to find out if you can warm your ear with otite salt. Any dry heating can be used. The procedures are carried out for 10-15 minutes, they can be repeated several times a day.

Under the influence of heat begins the outflow of fluid in the inflamed middle ear. Blood circulation there improves, and it promotes faster restoration of fabrics. After each heating, it is desirable to cover the ear canal with a cotton swab.

Terms of use of the blue lamp

To find out if you can conduct thermal procedures, you need only a doctor. One of the most effective methods of home heating is the use of a blue lamp. Before its operation it is necessary to check up, whether it is serviceable. If the light comes on, does not blink, no foreign smells or noise occur during its operation, then the appliance is OK.

Warm ear with a blue lamp you need at least 3-4 times a day. Usually a 3-5-day course of treatment is sufficient to get rid of otitis. The main thing is to observe the established rules.

  • The included lamp should be kept near the ear for 10 minutes.
  • The distance is determined by experience. If the ear becomes too hot, then it is necessary to push the lamp slightly further. If the heat is practically not felt, then it is better to push it closer.
  • The optimal distance is 15-20 cm.
  • Please note that the heat from the lamp should be noticeable, but it should not cause discomfort.
  • During heating, it is desirable to keep the lamp not strictly perpendicular to the surface of the ear, but at a slight angle.
  • It is necessary to understand that treatment is achieved due to radiated heat, which is amplified by reflex reflection from the mirror surface.

The color of the light bulb is not so important.

How to warm your ear

Inflammatory processes in the ear cavity cause pain. There are many reasons for the occurrence of otitis: hypothermia, water caught in the ear, complication of colds or usual draft. In the easy stages of the disease, warming up is excellent, and taking antibiotics is not necessary in this case. You can warm your ear in various ways at home, but it is advisable to still see the doctor.


  1. Take boric alcohol and drip a few drops inan ear, and from above put the cotton wool so that it does not leak out. If you do not have such alcohol, you can use ordinary vodka or a medical alcohol diluted to 40-50 degrees. Do not be afraid that you will burn the inneran ear- That will not happen. Of course, after you drip alcohol, a burning will appear, but it will gradually subside. It is necessary to conduct the procedure daily, preferably at night.
  2. If you for some reason did not dare to dig inan earalcohol, go to the pharmacy and buy any drops with a warming effect. When there are not only unpleasant sensations in the ear cavity, but also severe shooting or aching pains, buy drops not only with a warming property, but also with the content of antibiotics. Use the product in accordance with the directions on the package, and better visit the lora.
  3. Ear phytocreams are also used for warming up. They are sold in many pharmacies. Insert the candle in thean earnarrow tip, and wide should be on top. Light the candle and lie on the opposite side. You should feel the heat, there should not be a burning sensation. The composition of the ear phytochemicals includes various additives, which contribute to a speedy recovery.
  4. If you have a special appliance at home, warm upan earthey are 10 minutes three times a day. The effect will not make you wait long, and you will notice a positive result in a few days. To enhance the warming action, drop a few drops of boric alcohol before heating the device.
  5. When you do not feel like going to the pharmacy, but there is nothing suitable at home, you can use improvised means. Pour warm water into an ordinary bottle, the temperature of the liquid should be about 60-70 degrees. Wrap the container with a towel and attach it to the sick ear. If you have natural woolen socks, then put one of them hot in the frying pan salt. Lie with an improvised hot water bottle on the ear until it starts to cool down.

The ear aches! Is it possible to warm??? Is it possible to warm?


* *

OTIPAX is a drug on lidocaine. It anesthetizes and relieves inflammation.


sufrodeks drip

mybotip mybotip

This will tell you the doctor after he looks at your ear.
You did not even say the reason that it hurts what to say you can warm up or there is no point.


all in fact maybe the reasons are different, buy in the drugstore bromine or something, just do not remember the acid, ask for the night in the ear cotton wool with impregnation, it will not be within two days we go to the doctor. or even deafen you can


otypax will relieve pain and treat
not sufrodeks, and sophradex, not bromine, but boric... eh... We will treat or let live? )))

Igrek Kent

The reason for the pain is important.

Try a warm vodka drop a little and wipe with a damp vodka.
At night you can leave it like this

Sweet Princes |

Aloe juice, drip 2-3 drops, cover something with your ear and turn to the side where the sick ear is!


Camphor oil should be warmed up, the flagellum should be wetted and inserted into the ear, wadded up and covered with a warm kerchief. To drip it is impossible it is possible to damage or injure; hurt a tympanic membrane, she will dry. And from a homeopathy I shall advise hammomilu 6 it from an earache. (itself so was treated, and to that that it is impossible to drip, so I was almost deaf. all the same alcohol it dries the eardrum)


If it is otitis, then you can warm up and need it. in this case, treat the ears with cotton swabs with warm oil, a blue lamp. and of course after the warming up, you can not go out and even more so without a hat. and it is even better not to engage in self-medication, and stomp straight to LOR: to suffer today, and tomorrow to the doctor. Still, hearing loss is very difficult to treat.


take any analgesic (analgin, paracetamol or ketorol), in the ear can be sfradedek or otinum in drops (necessarily warm). you can compress a vodka on the parotid area. heat can be, if there is no temperature!


Otypaks!!! Do not warm anything!!! even with cotton wool do not heat !!!

I'm a Girlfriend-I'm

pain can be removed with boric alcohol, dripped into the ear or moistened with cotton wool and inserted into the ear, and heating at elevated temperature is prohibited (may become more inflammable)

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