Can I smoke with pneumonia?

Smoking with pneumonia


Hope Vnukova

Tobacco smoke almost all settles in the bronchi, does not reach the lungs. But! nicotine spreads blood everywhere, inhibits metabolism, interferes with the active work of antibiotics. Inflammation will be treated longer, residual effects in the form of sputum will "delight" twice as long. Conclusions make yourself)))

ken laeda

it is not necessary-it will be bad

region of bathing

Let the lungs at least get well, and then smoke if you so want!


No categorically this pneumonia can not be joked with this, pneumonia and more smoking, smoking, and so it hurts, and with pneumonia in general pipets will not cure this pneumonia!


yes on "health you want to hear it?

Asta Nielsen

It is possible, but the treatment will last for a long time.


Of course you can.
You can always smoke, even if you have lung cancer.
With pneumonia, you can definitely.
So chicken, eat your neck.

Suksun's samovar

If you are friends with your head, you understand that you are asking a stupid question... Any person will tell you that it is harmful to smoke at all, and with pneumonia especially, that's how to quit smoking, I can advise:

instagram viewer

To help quit smoking
It is necessary to realize that when smoking men develop impotence - all doctors claim this in view of the harmful effect of smoking on the reproductive system! And smoking girls can give birth to a sick child even with passive smoking - the mother's placenta can not protect the fetus from poisonous smoking products, and it can give birth to a sick, disabled or mentally retarded child! Also, huge harm is caused by smoking on our lungs, which become black gradually, and lung diseases, such as bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis, cancer, asthma, etc., gradually creep up. I propose my system, but it is good only for those who want to quit smoking, without coercion. For 20 years I was looking for something of my own and, finally, I found it!
I smoked in my youth for 20 years. For 17 years now, I have not taken tobacco in my mouth, neither cigarettes, nor any other. He threw on his system: 1. Do not freak out on trifles, do not stir up your nerves, keep your peace of mind; 2. Do not talk with smokers, stay away from them at least during their cigarette breaks, you must calmly endure the smiles of smokers; 3. To facilitate nicotine breaking, drink a warm oats decoction, it removes nicotine and cleanses the body; 4. Try to inspire yourself, as far as possible, the installation that it is simply vital to quit smoking for health reasons; 5. When an attack of the desire to smoke comes, then take a few deep breaths, the brain is saturated with oxygen and desire retreats; 6. To find myself an interesting distraction, I was engaged in running, in winter I went skiing, in summer I rode a bicycle, read interesting books, did gymnastics; 7. Do not overeat or starve, it is better to follow a diet, drink more water; 8. Finding yourself the same fellow, fighting this dangerous habit together is easier; 9. Always remember and imagine black lungs from smokers who simply fall off by themselves; 10. Remembering the advice of a sage: who smokes, he will never grow old (he will die in his youth), a thief will not come to him at night (he will cough), he will not be bitten by a dog (he will walk with a stick); eleven. Avoid companies with a drink, even to exclude beer, otherwise all efforts to stop smoking will go to rubble. 12. In order not to get fat, go in for sports and eat more vegetables; 13. To fix the result, it's better not to meet with smokers for a while! In general, some time you need to be alone in order to bring the nervous system into a state of balance - I recommend... But I think that basically oat broth was helping me... I was looking for an explanation for this and realized that the oats are the most fatty grain and it clears the lungs and also displays very different toxins and poisons... No electronic cigarettes and patches help or help... I have not heard Pons or Tabex helped someone... When I stopped smoking, I began to feel much better in half a month: the cough disappeared, it became easier to breathe, my health improved, life became More comfortable! I did not feel any harmful consequences from stopping smoking. Now I'm 68 and I'm happy that I have not been smoking for a long time! After quitting smoking, you will want to quit and drink, and swear... If you are interested in this matter deeper, then I invite you to read in my blog articles "To the Public Chamber "Law on Demography "Sunset of the Nation" and "My Reflections"... I wish good luck!

Can I smoke after pneumonia?


Anhen Kir

To smoke after a pneumonia is in general the greatest kajf!
A thin sphere of epithelium separated from the walls of the bronchi and, together with sputum, blood, left the bronchial tree.
From what follows, that they are cleansed and you should fill them again with a haze)))

Julia Julia

It is possible and during a pneumonia... but you need to think about your lungs and think very seriously.


Hello... It's like in one good movie *** Listen, but can you have these berries? You can - only poison... *** So here you can only thank your body, you will not say ...

Naamah Gothessa

you want to smoke. I smoke and on time it))


you can not smoke after pneumonia, it's too dangerous. it is necessary to protect the lungs.


And how much do you want to live?


It is necessary, necessarily, certainly! This will be the first day of your remaining life!


You can not smoke at all. Never.

Peter Cherkasov

After pneumonia, smoking can not be, there can be dangerous consequences. It's not my business, but it's better to try to quit this habit altogether

Is it possible to smoke with pneumonia, what is the risk of smoking?


Natalia Pugacheva

you can not smoke at all.. .
my neighbor smokes, -2 packs of cigarettes a day
last year was sick with pneumonia
smoked as usual
no changes
By the way, 3 years ago, being pregnant, she asked her gynecologist: but I need to quit smoking? the doctor answered that it would be stress for the limitation
Well, she did not quit
smokes and smokes
but she does not have 30 more
and what will happen in another 30?
believe me everything will happen
and smoking in general
and smoking during illness
and smoking during pregnancy
think NOW about your health


spit out the lungs with a cough

Anna Lyubova

Do you smoke? Smoke.. It will not be worse, better, too.

My name is "UG"

For complete happiness, drink it too!

Can I smoke, sick with pneumonia?




Nikitos Dmitriev

you can not smoke at all


Smoking can not be done!

6 Massi

Many smoke, but it is better not desirable

but if they say NO?
I mean to that,
if you smoke that question does not arise = (we do not need to eat, give a smoke)
And can this be done? ?
(and the outset, especially in days critical for the body = THIS IS MORE THAN MUCH MORE DISEASE)
what do you think?
(this is a complex question, and it must be approached individually)


Well, if specifically gathered for the next world, then go ahead! Smoke though!

Alexander Mazin

Grieve, how much your soul desires!

Sergey Atzilu

Smoke... soon feel better - you will not have to breathe ...


You want to smoke, smoke ...

Wali trawls

undesirable for the period of treatment

Can I put the jars in the treatment of pneumonia?

If the diagnosis of pneumonia is diagnosed, the question sometimes arises as to whether it is possible to put cans in pneumonia. For this, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of action of medical cans, as well as the peculiarities of this ailment.

Medical jars are vessels, glass or polymer, which have a round bottom and thick edges. The capacitive volume of them is 30-70 ml. Medical treatment by banks is still a contentious issue for people, and even employees of the medical environment are not able to give an unambiguous answer about the benefits of using them. But nevertheless they are actively used both for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Method of treatment by banks

The first mention of banks was five centuries ago. In some countries they are categorically forbidden, and many peoples still successfully apply them. But nevertheless such treatment concerns more likely to alternative, rather than to traditional medicine.

The principle of the medical bank is quite simple. Thanks to the vacuum, which it creates with the help of warm gas, the bank sucks to the patient's skin. The skin, being pulled into the jar, becomes red or brownish brown, which indicates the intensity of blood and lymph circulation, not only in the skin but also in deeper tissues. This increases their nutrition and resistance, resulting in inflammation begin to dissolve quickly.

Banks are usually put on areas of the body that have a sufficient muscle and subcutaneous fat layer, covering the protrusions of the bones. Installation of cans is as follows: a patient lying on his stomach, the skin area is lubricated with petroleum jelly or other neutral oil composition. To the bank bring a burning wick of gauze or cotton wool, soaked in alcohol, for 1-2 seconds, and then a sharp movement of the vessel is applied to the skin. Thus, the warm gas is reduced to room temperature, a vacuum is created and the skin is drawn into the cavity of the can. Remove the jars by breaking the vacuum, tilting the jar and helping with the finger of the hand. After this, it is necessary to remain in the heat for another 15-30 minutes.

Such procedures can lead to burns and significant damage to the skin. Technological progress does not stand still: now there are medical banks with a vacuum cylinder. Such a cylinder of PVC helps to control the injection of vacuum and reduces pain.

Indications for the use of cans

Of course, there are no established instructions. The need for cans should be determined by a medical professional. But there are major diseases in which banks are most often used. These are intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs, myositis.

Treatment with medical banks is contraindicated:
  • children under 3 years;
  • at high temperature;
  • with sclerosis and thrombosis of blood vessels;
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, heart defects);
  • with blood diseases;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with mental excitement;
  • when the body is exhausted;
  • with some skin diseases (abscesses, injuries);
  • during pregnancy.

Pneumonia and its treatment

To begin with, it is necessary to define pneumonia. Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is an inflammation of the lung tissue, usually of an infectious nature and with the predominance of the defeat of the alveoli and connective tissues of the lung.

A typical inflammation of the lungs is manifested by a sharp increase in temperature. Cough appears, as the disease develops, cough becomes stronger, with abundant sputum secretion, and sometimes with manifestation of pulmonary (pleural) pain, hard breathing and wheezing.

Inflammation of the lungs has a different etiology. Pneumonia can be both primary (act as an independent disease) and secondary (as a result of complications of other diseases, such as ARVI, bronchitis).

In addition, the inflammation of the lungs can be focal, segmental or lobar depending on the location of the inflammatory focus. Pneumonia can be one-sided (the focus is located only in one lung) and bilateral (the foci are in both lungs). Isolate pneumonia, provoked by various pathogens: staphylococcal, streptococcal, candida, and others.

Hospital pneumonia (hospital) is observed in patients in the hospital, most often this is due to artificial ventilation (IVL), as well as with surgery in the abdominal or thoracic cells. Aspirator pneumonia occurs after exposure to the lungs of foreign matter (for newborns it can be swallowing amniotic fluid).

All kinds can be both light and acute and sometimes have a protracted character. However, with proper treatment, predictions are usually always favorable.

The main way to diagnose this disease is an X-ray, and the main method of therapy is medication, and antibiotic therapy must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is dangerous, since pneumonia is a serious disease that can lead to death.

Due to the fact that medical banks are not considered medicamentous treatment, their use should only be of an auxiliary nature. Whether setting cans in each case is possible, only the doctor can determine. But as a rule, putting banks with pneumonia is prohibited. The danger of using medical cans is that as a result not only hematoma occurs, but also hemorrhage and ruptures in the lung tissues. In addition, pneumonia in most cases is accompanied by an increase in temperature, which, in turn, is a contraindication to the use of medical cans.

Without proper procedures and treatment, pneumonia can lead to very serious complications: an abscess (gangrene) of the lung, the formation of one or more purulent cavities, pleurisy, purulent pleurisy, acute respiratory failure, endocarditis, pericarditis, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, inflammation in the heart, pulmonary edema, meningitis. Therefore it is very important not to delay and on time to see a doctor for a successful treatment.


Conclusions on the use of cans for pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious ailment that causes many people to worry. And not without reason. If the treatment was somehow delayed and the patient did not receive it in the right measure, the result can be quite sad. Based on all the above data, it can be concluded that the use of medical cans is possible in a number of cases: if the use of cans was approved by a doctor, at the stage recovery and only as an auxiliary method in the event that the disease is not lingering, the patient has no temperature and other contraindications to this method treatment.

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