Pityriasis in man - photos, symptoms and treatment

Peregrine lichenPityriasis lichen (or varicolored lichen) is a skin disease that occurs when the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur) multiplies in the stratum corneum of the epidermis.The causative agent is a conditionally pathogenic fungus that is found in 90% of people on the scalp, upper parts of the trunk and in the folds of the skin.

Pityriasis strikes the upper part of the trunk, localizing mainly in the neck, head, abdomen, and chest. This disease is also called multicolored lichen because of the appearance of an external characteristic symptom - a discoloration of the skin.

The disease manifests itself in the form of spots on the scaly skin of brown, whitish and yellowish hues. Pigmentation can be of different sizes and shapes - cylindrical, oval, round. The spots merge into abstract figures that resemble a geographical map. The patient feels only a slight itch in the corresponding areas.

Causes of appearance

Why does pityriasis appear, and what is it? The disease provokes a yeast-like fungus, which lives almost everywhere in the environment and on human skin. As a rule, it causes problems in wet and hot weather, typical for the countries of the tropical belt. When favorable conditions come, the fungus begins to grow and multiply faster, forming large colonies on the skin of a person.

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The emergence of the disease can provoke certain factors. These include the following causes of pityriasis:

  • increased sweating,
  • change in the chemical composition of sweat,
  • seborrhea,
  • reduction of physiological skin peeling,
  • decreased immunity,
  • pathology of internal organs,
  • diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, AIDS (found in these diseases in 52-63% of cases),
  • increased air humidity (this explains the high frequency of pityriasis in tropical and subtropical countries),
  • pregnancy or oral contraceptives.

Before appointing treatment, the doctor orders the patient to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the causes that led to the development of color deprivation. When the problem is found, it must be eliminated in the first place, and after the elimination of the main cause, the lichen passes by itself, without the use of drugs.

Symptoms of pityriasis in humans

Pityriasis is common in middle-aged and young people, mostly in men. Very rarely, the infection is diagnosed in the elderly and children under 14 years old. The disease develops within a few months from the day its main pathogen hits the human skin.

Symptoms of pityriasismanifest themselves as follows:

  1. On the body or under the hair cover, there appear sharp spots of irregular shape, which differ slightly in color from the overall skin tone.
  2. Reproduction of spots, change in their color. Depending on the tone, black, yellow and achromatic (colorless) sunshine are distinguished;
  3. Depending on the type of skin, the spots are strongly or not very flaky, but without signs of itching.
  4. In the late stages of the disease, pigmentation can completely replace the original skin color in the affected areas.

Places where rashes can occur are underarms, back, neck, chest, shoulders. Affected areas of the skin do not respond to sunlight (not covered by sunburn), in the summer they look lighter than healthy skin.

If the diagnosis of pityriasis lichen treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, the spots begin to increase in size and eventually merge into larger foci. Affected areas of the skin look very unattractive from an aesthetic point of view and cause significant psychological damage. At the same time, pityriasis multicolored lichen can develop for several years, capturing more and more areas of the skin.

Pityriasis: photo

We offer for viewing detailed photos on which it is possible to see how the pityrious lichen in man looks.

How is the diagnosis?

The exact diagnosis of pityriasis is made on the basis of visual examination data and the collected history. I find out the balmy iodine assay of Balzera, after which the affected skin becomes dark brown.

In addition, doctors often use a special lamp from Wood. In its light, places of accumulation of fungi give a yellowish glow.

Treatment of pityriasis in humans

With diagnosed pityriasis, it is extremely important to observe personal hygiene during treatment. At home, you must take a shower at least two times a day. Clothing, linen, including bedding, should be washed at the highest possible temperatures and ironed.

Than to treat an otaroid lichen, on what groups of preparations to pay attention? At its discretion, the dermatologist prescribes the following types of medicines:

  1. Preparations containing terbinafine. These agents destroy fungal membranes, stop the growth of infection and prevent further spread of lesions. Preparations containing terbinafine are released in the form of a spray or cream, which treat the affected areas 2 times a day.
  2. Imidazole derivatives- blockers of the action of fungal enzymes. They inhibit the synthesis of their membranes and destroy pathogenic cells. This group includes Bifoconazole, Ketoconazole, Econazole, Miconazole and Clotrimazole. They are released as creams and ointments, with which the patient must treat lichen foci 2 r. per day. For the treatment of the scalp, shampoos with ketoconazole are provided.
  3. Drugs with pyroxolamine derivatives(cyclopyrox, tolcyclate). The effect of these drugs violates the penetration of substances necessary for the normal functioning and development of fungi. As a result, their growth and development stops, the fungal cells are destroyed. Ointments and cream are applied to the affected skin 1-2 times a day.
  4. Nizoral. It is used twice a day, the course of treatment is three weeks.
  5. Serno-salicylic ointment. Used at the beginning of the disease, when the rashes a little. The course of treatment is a week.

Common pungent lichen or its recurrent course is an indication for general antifungal treatment. It is conducted by ingesting such antifungal drugs as itraconazole, orungal, ketoconazole.

To successfully get rid of pityriasis depriving medicines should not be selected at random, but only after examination and consultation with a dermatologist.

Folk remedies

As a supplement to the treatment prescribed by a dermatologist, you can use traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Ointment from sorrel. The fresh leaves of the sorrel are ground in a blender and mixed with an equal amount of thick sour cream. Used for compresses to the affected area.
  2. Relieves the condition,removing itching and mantle oil, as well as an effective ointment from the powder of this plant. For this, part of the St. John's wort is taken and connected with Vaseline or smaltz.
  3. Apple vinegaris the most effective and simple folk remedy for treating pityriasis in humans. Lubricate the spots 5-6 times a day, within a week. Instead of vinegar stains can be greased with the juice of marigold, onions or cranberries.
  4. How else to get rid of pitybearing deprivation? Apply in treatmentRutu fragrant. We grind it into powder, mix it with butter one to five and lubricate the pityriasis lichen.

It should be remembered that phytopreparations (medicines on herbs) should be used only in combination with treatment antifungal drugs, prescribed by a doctor, compliance with diet and hygiene procedures.


People with multi-colored lichen should avoid:

  1. Excessive heat;
  2. Heavy loads;
  3. Stressful situations;
  4. Sweating;
  5. Long-term contamination (skin hygiene);
  6. Synthetic products (only 100% cotton).

Required disinfection of clothing, hats, bed linen and bedding in a 2% soap-soda solution and ironing with a hot iron with steam.

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