The recipe for a strong cough treats for the evening

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Heating compresses for cough - effective treatment

A frequent symptom of many diseases - coughing - can deliver a lot of painful inconveniences to a person. His convulsive attacks interfere with talking, leading to vomiting, do not let fall asleep to the patient, and people living next to him. All this brings a lot of inconvenience and greatly worsens the quality of life without that suffering person.

One of the tools that perfectly help to reduce the intensity of reflex convulsive exhalations and their soreness is a compress of cough. With its help, excellent results are achieved in reducing or even completely disappearing not only a painful symptom, but also many accompanying phenomena.

The advantages of compresses in the treatment of cough

The use of compresses has a number of advantages, as their correct application guarantees:

  • Simplicity of imposing.
  • Fast result.
  • Practically complete absence of side effects (except for cases of individual intolerance of individual components and preparations).
  • Saving money.
  • Availability.
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Principle of action of compresses against coughing

The secret of the effectiveness of the method lies in the thermal effect of the ingredients on the skin and nearby tissues. As a result, vasodilation and circulatory activation are carried out, which causes the release of antiviral antibodies. Thanks to this happens:

  • Increased oxygen influx to the affected tissues.
  • Reducing local edema.
  • Degeneration of foci of inflammation.
  • Acceleration of excretion of toxic substances.
  • The death of microorganisms-causative agents of the disease.
  • Overall improvement of health.
  • The disappearance of weakness and headaches.

How do I compress a cough?

One of the advantages of this method of treatment, like a compress, is its simplicity. It is superimposed in three stages and consists of layers:

  • Inner. A piece of cheesecloth or bandage is wetted by the chosen product, it is applied directly to the skin.
  • Medium. A plastic layer, a film, an oilcloth, a dense sheet of wax paper covers the wet layer from above, in order to isolate the liquid in the event of leakage.
  • Outdoor. The third layer insulates and fixes the lower ones. For this purpose, a scarf made of wool, bandage and cotton wool, a warm shawl, a towel is perfect.

All layers are superimposed on each other in turn, fixed on the back or chest. It must be remembered that the heart area should always remain open.

Features of the use of compresses for coughing

Compresses are almost universal cough remedy. They are successfully placed for adults and children from a year old. They are great for treating pregnant women.

Very effective compress with a dry cough. Already after its first use in many patients, the process of sputum evacuation and its expectoration begins. This method is excellent for getting rid of reflex jerks of the diaphragm, which are a symptom of such diseases as:

  • Bronchitis.
  • ARI.
  • Flu.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Pneumonia and others.

There is a small list of limitations in which this method can not be used:

  • Intolerance of the components used.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Acute period of cold disease.
  • Skin lesions, diseases, large moles, warts at the places of direct tissue application.
  • The age of the baby is up to 12 months.
  • Heart ailments.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Tumors.

Types of compresses from cough

Choose a suitable compress for a dry or wet cough is not difficult. They are a huge number: oily, cabbage, water, potato, honey, vinegar, cold, hot, curd, alcohol. And this is not a complete list. All of them are perfectly combined with other medical procedures, drugs and drugs.

Potato cough compress

This is ideal for those who have a very sensitive skin and a dry, violent cough. For such a bandage it is necessary:

  • Take a few potatoes, clean them thoroughly.
  • Boil along with the skin.
  • Stirred tubers.
  • Puree is divided into two sections of gauze, fabric until the middle.
  • Cover the gruel with a free edge.
  • One compress of potatoes put on the chest, the second on the back.
  • Top cover with polyethylene, fix with elastic bandages, warm.

Warm up the body for several hours, until the potatoes cool. The results can be seen after the first procedure.

Compress with dimexidom from cough

This dressing has an excellent warming effect. To apply it, you need to take the following steps:

  • The medicine is diluted half with water.
  • The resulting liquid is heated to 40 degrees.
  • In it, gauze or a clean cloth is moistened, pressed.
  • Immediately straightened, put on the chest sick person.
  • Covered with a bag or film.
  • Warms up, left for a time not exceeding 1 hour.
  • After removing the tissue, the skin is wiped with water.
  • The patient warms up.

It should be remembered that some people have an allergic reaction to a compress of cough with dimexidum. In this case, such a procedure can not be done.

Cough water compress

Very popular, effective and simple is a warming compress with vodka. To use it you need:

  • Take diluted alcohol or plain vodka without additives.
  • Heat the liquid to 40 degrees.
  • Wet gauze, bandage and squeeze.
  • Immediately apply a moist layer on the skin, cover with a film.
  • Put a waist, scarf or towel, wrap the bandage with a bandage.

The exposure time should not exceed 4 hours. If, after removing the layers, the skin turns red, then it indicates a burn. In this case, the exposure time in the future should be reduced.

Curd cough compress

Excellent in helping to cope with sharp reflex exhalations bandage of cottage cheese.

To superimpose it, the following actions are performed:

  • Cottage cheese is heated.
  • The liquid which has left is poured out.
  • The rest is wrapped in cloth or gauze, put on the chest to the patient.
  • It is covered from above with polyethylene.
  • It is wrapped in a scarf or towel.
  • The bandage is left for the whole night, and in the morning they are removed.

Cabbage pack of coughs

An affordable, simple, safe and very effective means to help get rid of the reflex jerks of the diaphragm is cabbage. It should be used as follows:

  • Tear off the fleshy leaf.
  • A little roll it with a rolling pin for dough.
  • Lubricate with honey, apply this side to the chest.
  • Cover with a plastic bag or wax paper.
  • Insulate, fix with a bandage.

Leave it all night. After a few procedures, the cough should pass.

Despite all the safety and effectiveness of compresses, it must be remembered that before using them, you still need to consult a doctor. After all, for a successful fight with a dry or wet cough you need to know how it is caused by the disease. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose ailment and choose the most effective means for getting rid of it.

Honey compress from cough - folk recipe

Compress with honey helps cure many diseases, stops the inflammatory process in the joints, relieves pain in varicose veins, also with this method can be cured cough. There are many recipes based on honey, everyone can individually choose for themselves suitable.

Value of a compress with natural honey

With the help of it you can withdraw phlegm, which is accompanied by a strong paroxysmal cough. To do this, you first need to rub your back and chest with honey. Polyethylene or parchment paper is applied from above, then it is necessary to put on a warm sweater or wrap around a warm blanket. Necessarily, that there was no irritation it is necessary to apply a vegetable oil on the skin, preferably olive oil.

It is recommended in compresses from cough to add grated horseradish, squeezed radish juice, so the effectiveness compresses intensify, it can also be used in the inflammatory process in the joints, for treatment osteochondrosis.

Folk recipes of compress with honey

1. You need to boil the beets, then rub it, add honey, put everything in a bandage with gauze, put on the sternum. With the help of it, bronchitis can be cured, it is also often used to treat otitis media.

2. To rub in the back and sternum you need this self-prepared ointment, it will require 200 grams vodka, 150 honey and 60 grams of aloe juice, all mixed and put in gauze, apply to the back area, breasts. In the morning, the compress is washed off necessarily with warm water.

Compresses with honey from cough for a child

Honey can perfectly warm the bronchial system, but it is necessary to use such compresses very carefully to children. Beer products must be natural and quality. The course of therapy should last no less than 15 days. Pay attention, children often have the strongest allergic reaction. To check if she has a child, you need to apply a beek nectar on the elbow fold. Wait about an hour. If the skin is red, the child can not use this recipe.

When the child has sensitive skin, before you make a copper compress, you need to smear the affected area with olive oil.

Often apart from a child's cough, painful sensations in the throat disturb, for this it is necessary to warm up the honey and lubricate the neck area, apply polyethylene, gauze, bandage on top, wrap up the scarf, withstand up to 40 minutes. Then you need to rinse the skin thoroughly with water. The procedure will be effective if it is repeated for a whole week.

Compress from cough with honey and cabbage

You need to take a leaf of cabbage, apply honey on it, and attach it to the chest and back. This is one of the best cough remedies. Be sure to use cabbage leaves in fresh form, they should be different in their elasticity, if the leaf is fading, it will not help cure cough. Separate the leaves must be extremely cautious, they should not tear. The leaves are processed, they are dipped in boiling water, in this way they are soft, warm and obedient. After you pull them out with boiling water, you need to gently lay them on a plate, grease with warmed honey.

Apply the leaves in the chest, back, if the cough is strong and does not go away for a long time, it is forbidden to put the leaves on the heart. When a cough is small it is possible to attach a leaf to either the chest or back.

After the leaves have already been applied, you need to cover them with food film, tie a towel around them, put on something warm, make sure that the sheet does not slip, it should hold tight. During the compress you need to lie in bed, so recommend to use it before bed. So overnight he can fully heat the back, chest. In the morning you can get rid of the leaf, the skin is wiped with a tampon soaked in warm water.

If the cough is severe, it is necessary to treat this compress by day, but it is necessary to adhere to bed rest. With the help of honey and cabbage the patient is quickly restored, dry cough becomes wet, he is not so frequent, there can be a rare coughing. Honey-cabbage compresses should be carried out no less than three times, effectively to perform them during the whole week. This type of treatment can be used for adults and children.

Compresses from cough with honey and other useful ingredients

1. You can use such a compress, for it you need to take honey, a half glass of vodka, 40 grams of aloe juice, mix everything, use it as a compress. With the help of this compress, blood circulation can be improved, it has a warming effect.

2. Helps heal a honey cough with flour. For the recipe you need sunflower oil, vodka, mustard, honey, a tablespoon of flour. All warm up and attach to the chest area, insist up to 50 minutes. After a few days, you can see the effect after applying the prescription.

3. Cough, colds can be cured with a mixture of honey, mustard. Put in cheesecloth, put on the back, chest, close all gauze, food film, put on a warm sweater. The procedure should be conducted one week, less will not help.

Internal remedies with honey from cough

In addition to compresses it is very important to take decoctions, infusions and tinctures with honey inside.

Excellent helps lemon-honey syrup, to make it you need to cut the lemon, squeeze juice from it, put glycerin, pour honey. If a rare cough should be consumed one teaspoon per day, if coughing disturbs at night, it is necessary to take it at night. In cases of severe cough, it is necessary to use the medicine three times a day. When the cough decreases, you can take it less often.

Children with whooping cough are recommended to give such a medicine, for it you need to mix honey with warm oil. You can give your child no more than one teaspoon per day.

When colds are advised to use this infusion, it should take hot tea, milk, lemon juice, raspberries, this is the best cough remedy, it has a diaphoretic effect.

Thus, a compress with honey is one of the best and effective cough remedies, with the help of it you can soon get rid of it.

Effective Wang's Recipes from a Strong Cough

A well-known prophetess from Bulgaria Wanga, was famous not only for her ability to predict the future, but also for healing abilities. Baba Vanga, knew perfectly well how to treat most diseases, for each of which she had a separate effective prescription. It deals with a cough, which still treats a lot of people on the orders of the prophetess and healer.

Recipes from Vangi cough: we are treated with benefit and pleasure

A real panacea for a strong cough, Vanga considered a black radish. With her words, several recipes have been recorded, in which this root crop appears:

  • Unclean the black radish grate (preferably shallow to a gritty state), wrap in gauze and parchment. Nose and bridge of the nose with linseed oil or vegetable oil, then apply this compress to it. Remember, you can not leave it for a long time. In order for the compress to work, enough for ten minutes.
  • Peel the black radish from the peel and grate it. Put the grated pieces in a clean sterile gauze and carefully wring out. In the resulting radish juice add a tablespoon of honey. If it's old. It can be heated in a water bath until it is liquid. The resulting mixture should be taken three or four times a day on a tablespoon, about half an hour before meals.
  • Grate the cleaned black radish on a grater, squeeze the juice with gauze and mix it in a one-to-one ratio with milk. Take the remedy three to four times a day.

Wang's Recipes from a Strong Cough

A strong cough that does not give rest, day or night, Vanga advised to treat with warming compresses of vodka or camphor oil. She recommended doing them at night.

She also recommended mixing butter and honey in equal quantities with a small pinch of vanillin and taking the resulting composition three times a day after meals.

For the excretion of sputum, she recommended taking instead of tea the decoction of the leaves of mother-and-stepmother. An effective prophetess also considered a decoction of flaxseed, which, according to her recommendations, should be drunk during the day.

Also advised the healer to boil the roots of mallow in milk and take the resulting broth twice a day for a small glass. This method can be used by smokers and people with a chronic cough.

The most effective recipe for Vangi cough

Among the other recipes of Vanga there is also the most effective remedy. It should be noted right away that it is unlikely to suit children, as well as those who, during illness, are forced to drive. Vanga advised to add one part of the vodka to two parts of honey and half of the mustard. All this must be mixed and taken in the mornings and evenings.

The recipes of the famous healer, according to the people who tested them, are very effective. However, if the cough increases within a few days of use, consult a doctor.

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