Effective treatment of colds with folk remedies at home

The peak of colds falls on the autumn-winter periods. First, the weather conditions contribute to human hypothermia.

Secondly, in confined spaces due to heating devices, the humidity of air is minimal, as a result of which the nasopharyngeal mucosa is strongly dried and ceases to be a protective barrier for the penetration of viruses.

Hence the epidemics in the teams. But the risk of getting colds exists at any time of the year.

Contents of the article:
  • Possible causes
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • Traditional medicine recipes
  • What is not recommended to take?
  • Prevention of

Possible causes of

The main reason is a decrease in immunity. Immunity is the ability of the body to resist infections, the severity of which depends on the way of life.

Strengthening of the body is performed by means of hardening and motor activity. With oppressed immunity, it is sufficient for the disease of acute respiratory viral infection and acute respiratory disease to subcool the organism or contact the person with the disease in the early acute stage.

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  • Dryness and sore throat.
  • Frequent sneezing and discharge from the nose of liquid clear mucus( on the second day of discharge stops, it becomes difficult to breathe, there is swelling of the nose)
  • Headache and general weakness
  • Cough usually appears on the second, third day after the appearance of the first symptoms.
Regarding the increase in body temperature, it either may increase slightly( up to 37 - 37.20C), or, if the cold was caused by severe hypothermia, rises to 38 - 38.50C.

General recommendations

Cold is a viral disease, it can be cured, as well as medicamental and home remedies. Treatment takes between three and seven days. To cure as quickly as possible, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  • Abundant drink( for the body to sweat more, then all toxins are removed)
  • Bed rest in a ventilated and humid room( to ensure moisture of the nasal mucosa)
  • Warming of the lower extremities( warm socks, baths with hot water)

The above are general recommendations, and for the treatment of individual symptoms will help popular methods.

Recipes of traditional medicine

  • Throat Treatment .For disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action will help the rinse solution of soda and salt. In a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of soda and salt, add three drops of iodine. With this solution, the sore throat every two to three hours. Remove inflammation infusions of chamomile, calendula, oak bark. Herbs are sold in pharmacies in ready-made filter bags. Two packets are filled with a glass of boiling water and let us brew for 15 minutes. Infusions are used for rinsing. Tip: For small children, 2-3 years old, who do not know how to gargle independently, you can do irrigation with a small syringe. To do this, the resulting solution of chamomile is diluted with water for a lower concentration, we put it into the syringe and injected into the baby's throat, the child's head is bent over the basin, for spitting.
  • Treatment of the common cold .In the first days, when the mucus in the nose is liquid, we wash the nose with concentrated salt solution( 1 teaspoon per glass of water).We inject the solution with a syringe into each nostril. To treat the cold, we prepare beet juice. Washed, peeled raw beets, rubbed on a grater. Then squeeze the juice with gauze. We dig in two drops three to four times a day. Pre-rinse the nose with salt water. Before going to sleep, rub the sinuses and nose bridge with menthol oil massage movements.
  • Treatment of cough .From the raw radish cut off the top, center the groove and add a couple of teaspoons of honey. The present juice is ingested by a teaspoon several times a day. To remove inflammation, take infusions of herbs of sage and mint. A tablespoon of sage( one filter pack) and a half teaspoon of dried mint leaves, boil with boiling water for 15 minutes. We take it 3-4 times a day on a tablespoon.
  • To reduce the temperature will help the cranberry fruit or cranberries. A glass of berries grind in a sieve over the pan, squeezed berries also add to the pan and pour two liters of water and add sugar( two tablespoons), bring to a boil and leave on fire for five minutes. Ready mors filter, take inwards hot before going to bed, cover with a warm blanket. Within an hour the body will begin to sweat intensely, and the temperature will decrease.
  • Immunomodulating agent .Grind to 200 gr.dried apricots, raisins and 100 gr.walnuts, dried berries( cranberries, currants).All mixed with honey and put in a container. Take every day in the morning on a tablespoon.

Application of the above methods for colds will help to cure the disease in a short time.

What is not recommended?

In order not to aggravate your situation and not get complications, does not need to bring down the temperature on the first day, if it is not above the level of 38.50C .It is necessary to allow the body to develop its own interferon for fighting viruses.

In no event will practice the rubbing of the body with vinegar or alcohol-containing solutions to avoid penetration of harmful substances through the skin into the blood.

Do not ingest vodka with pepper or other similar cocktails to avoid getting alcohol poisoning in addition to the temperature. Cowberry fruit juice, tea with raspberries - optimal warming drinks.

Can I drink chamomile during pregnancy? Indications and contraindications to use.

Is it possible to warm the nose with genyantritis? How to do it correctly, find out from this article.

How to cure a dry cough in an adult with folk remedies?http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lor-zabolevaniya / suhoj-kashel-u-vzroslogo.html


To prevent catarrhal diseases, one should increase one's own immunity: hardening, physical activity, injecting foods containing vitamin C( citrus fruits, persimmons,cabbage, parsley, dog rose).

In the autumn-winter periods, you should be responsible for choosing clothes, it should not be too cold, to avoid hypothermia, and too warm, so that a sudden wind does not envelop the sweaty body.

In the seasonal peaks of the incidence, use additional precautions - handle the nasal inputs "Oksolinovoy" ointment, eucalyptus oil and do not neglect wearing the gauze mask.

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