Drainage MASSAGE for bronchitis in children video

Massage of the chest in bronchitis in adults: video how to do

Bronchitis is a serious disease requiring antibiotic treatment. If the body temperature is normal, but the cough is still strong, the doctor will allow you to undergo a course of therapeutic massage.

This procedure favorably affects the course of the disease and in no case cancels therapy with medications.

Also it is allowed to do massage with chronic bronchitis. If it is performed correctly, it is possible to avoid complications and alleviate the condition of adults and children.

Why massage?

The answer to this question is very simple: during the massage it is possible to increase blood circulation, muscle contraction of the bronchial walls, to maximize the movement of the bronchial epithelium. Massage with bronchitis of the chest facilitates the rapid evacuation of sputum, helping the patient to cough up productively. In this way:

  • the phlegm departs;
  • the general intoxication of an organism decreases;
  • the patient recovers.

Massage with bronchitis can be done for patients of any age. However, elderly patients are rarely recommended, and children are shown a procedure in a more gentle regime. And not always it is allowed to massage the chest in the home. For example, there are certain types of massage that are better to entrust to the masseur:

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  1. point;
  2. canned.

They have some features.

Vibrating, drainage massage

With bronchitis

Why massage?e chest massage can be vibrational. The basis of this procedure consists in accurate tapping on the back for good separation of sputum. Such a massage is allowed even for infants. Perform a vibrating massage with bronchitis in such a way that does not touch the zone of the spine.

If you perform tapping to a child, you should do this not on your back, but on your own hand. In this case, the vibration will be less aggressive.

Another type is a drainage massage with bronchitis. It also helps to sputum. For the procedure, you should lie on your stomach, and at this time the masseur rubs your back to the skin:

  • she blushed;
  • heated up.

Only after that, the pads of the fingers are passed along the intercostal space. Movements should be made from the bottom up. Next, slap your back with a brush, squeezed into the "boat." The final stage is the compression of the diaphragm on the sides of the base. The patient is seated, given an opportunity to clear a throat. During the procedure, the proposed movements are performed 3-4 times. This is an excellent option to conduct treatment of bronchitis at home

To conduct a massage session, it is necessary to indoors, the humidity of which is not less than 65%. The room temperature should not be more than 25 degrees. If these conditions are met, sputum is fast.

The patient should have no symptoms of inflammation, high fever. This is important for preventing airway spasms that make it difficult to expectorate.

Massage is best done:

  • in the morning 2 hours after breakfast;
  • in the evening 2 hours before night sleep.

Can, Point

can massageThe canal massage with obstructive bronchitis allows to achieve positive dynamics thanks to the vacuum. It is formed in a special massage jar, which is placed on the chest or back of the patient. The procedure is also allowed for pneumonia (pneumonia).

Due to this effect, it is possible to increase the current of lymph, blood. This contributes to:

  • improvement of tissue nutrition;
  • acceleration of the recovery process.

A can of massage stimulates the functioning of the immune and respiratory system.

Massage of the chest can be a point. Its basis is the impact on certain points on the body. To get rid of bronchitis, you should massage the points located on the hands, shins, shoulder blades, in the neck and behind the auricles.

Movements must be precise and accurate.

Honey and cryomassage

Honey and cryomassageAnother popular variant of massage is honey. It is very useful and effective after severe bronchitis. Natural honey contains a lot of important for the body microelements, vitamins and nutrients.

Before applying this product, you need to do a warming back massage. Then the masseur acts on the skin of the chest with the help of the technique of "palpation" (what is it, you can see on the video on the network). When massage ceases to be pleasant, it should be stopped.

To get only a positive result from the procedure, 30 minutes before the procedure, you need to drink an expectorant.

It is better for the patient to lie down so that his head is below. It is forbidden to start a massage when:

  1. elevated temperature;
  2. hypertension;
  3. cancer.

For treatment it is necessary to take only liquid honey. After the massage it is useful to make a compress on the breastbone, take a warm shower, go to bed.

Such massage will be an excellent way to alleviate the condition of adult patients with pneumonia.

Cryomassage is not practiced often, but this does not mean low efficiency of the procedure. Massage of the chest begins with the massing of the right hypochondrium with the transition to the upper part of the left.

The impact is produced by a cryopacket, the temperature of which is from 21 to 23 degrees. First, stroked cover, and then make a short-term applique (no more than 10 seconds). Further, it is required to apply the cooling bag twice for 3-5 minutes, wrap the patient with a warm blanket.

In the same scheme, a back massage is performed in the scapula area.

Exercises for bronchitis

The medicine has developed special exercises, suitable for both adults and children. One of these exercises will be "Embrace". It is required to stand upright, on the inhalation to spread hands on the sides. After that, they take a very sharp breath, tightly embrace themselves with their hands. The limbs are placed on the hips:

  • right to the left thigh;
  • left to right.
Exercises for bronchitisExercise "Skier". The starting position is standing straight, hands are located along the body. At the inhalation, hands are lifted, and then, very much exhaling, they lower them half-bent. When exhaling, it is required to sit down, imitating skiing.

"Cutting firewood" requires you to stand up, straighten up, and put your feet on the width of your shoulders. Performing the exercise, hands are closed with hands, as if clapping. On inhalation, hands are lifted by the head, but not unclenched.

Another great exercise that you can do at home is Air Extraction. To perform it you need an assistant. He puts his hand under the patient's chest, and the second hand between his shoulder blades. The patient should:

  1. draw a full chest of air;
  2. exhale sharply.

At the same time, the assistant grasps his hands.

Each of the proposed exercises against bronchitis is allowed to be done three times a day. Air during the procedure is inhaled and exhaled only by the mouth! A detailed video of how this is done can be found on specialized medical sites on the Internet.


Massage with cough

Massage with coughA competent influence on certain points in the human body can cure a large number of diseases. A good massage can not do every person. The art of pinpointing the body is subject to units. If such a person is not around, you can learn some simple techniques and do the massage yourself.

How to do a massage with a cough?

When you cough, massage is just necessary. After all, it improves blood circulation and relaxes the body. If you do a massage before going to sleep, a person will quickly fall asleep and almost no night cough will make him sick.

How to do a massage with a cough? First of all it is necessary to put on hands an essential oil or medical ointment. The session lasts about thirty minutes. Begin massage from the neck, you need to gradually move to the waist, massaging the entire back. Especially carefully, the chest and shoulder area should be massaged.

Massage should be done until complete recovery. The chest and throat area before the massage can be warmed by compress. If a person is not sick at all, he can still take a course of massage. Do it with cocoa butter, because it improves the well-being and circulation.

It should be remembered that at a temperature, massage should not be done in any case. In order for massage to help get rid of cough, before the procedure you need to drink an expectorant decoction or vegetable syrup.

The patient needs to be put on the stomach and smeared his back with cream or oil. The massage begins with the warming of the back. It is necessary to rub the back from the shoulder to the waist and back. Then every half of the back is stretched, including the sides. Tingling and clapping are done from the top down and back. Then the patient is turned over on a back and massaged area of ​​a breast. If a person does not have allergies to honey, then massage can be done with honey.

Massage for a child when coughing

An effective auxiliary technique, which is used in conjunction with medicamental treatment, is massage. A good massage strengthens the circulation in the lungs, helps to clear your throat and get out phlegm.

Massage is a universally accepted medical technique, however, it should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

By the time of birth, the child has completely formed bronchi, but the muscle and elastic fibers are poorly developed. Because the respiratory muscles are poorly developed, mucus often stagnates in the bronchi and the children begin to cough. Complete differentiation of the pulmonary system occurs only to seven years.

Vibration massage with a child's cough involves rhythmic tapping on the back. It helps to get phlegm. This kind of massage is prescribed even for the smallest patients, because it is done gently and gently. When a mother or a massage therapist taps on her back, he must remember that in no case should the area of ​​the spine be touched. It is advisable to put your palm on the child's back to knock on it.

It also helps to drain the phlegm from the drainage massage. The child is put on the cushion with his belly down. The head should be lower than the legs. The masseur studies intercostal spaces with light massaging movements, this is done from the bottom up. After that, the diaphragm contracts from the sides. At the end of the child, you need to plant and allow him to clear his throat. If the baby does not begin to cough, you need to gently push him on the root of the tongue with a warm tea spoon or finger (the main thing is not to overdo it and provoke a vomitive reflex).

Previously, a can of massage was practiced. In the place where banks were put, a vacuum formed, which promoted the improvement of blood circulation and lymph circulation, that, in turn, nourished tissues, improved respiratory function and strengthened immunity.

Acupressure is the most difficult form of massage, since it is difficult to remember where these or those points are. When coughing, you need to massage certain points on the neck, shoulder blades, nape, on the hands and legs, and behind the ears.

With a chronic cough and a prolonged course of the disease, you can hold a honey massage. In honey, there are many microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Honey removes toxins and toxins from the body. Do this massage if the patient does not have temperature and allergies to honey. Before a massage, you should take a warm relaxing bath and do not eat before the procedure.

Drainage massage with cough

Why do children get sick much more often than adults? It is not difficult to answer this question. The thing is that the child's respiratory system is finally formed only by the age of twelve. Immunity in children is much weaker, infections and viruses rarely fly by.

Cough is a constant companion of colds. He protects the body by removing the mucus from the lungs, which is formed in them because of illness. In order to help the body to recover faster, you need to do massage and give expectorants.

Drainage massage for coughing is carried out on the fourth day of the illness, when the child starts coughing up sputum independently. When you hold it, you need to hold the baby under a slight slope, namely, head down. To do this, you can use a pillow, which must be put under the belly of the patient. In order for sputum in the lungs not to stagnate, when a child sleeps you need to turn it over often.

Massage with a cough begins with rubbing with the tips of your fingers back, you need to make the skin a little red. Then you should massage your back from the spine in the direction of the intercostal spaces. The procedure lasts from fifteen minutes to half an hour. After the massage you need to wrap your baby for half an hour, preferably in something woolly.

In order to improve blood circulation in the chest and help to withdraw phlegm, you can conduct a game exercise, which is called "Wheelbarrow". The adult takes the child by the feet, and the kid touches his hands on the floor. So you can go along the corridor or the whole apartment. This exercise is suitable for grown up children, who, at least, can walk.

Chest massage with cough

Everyone knows that when you cough you can do a massage. But very few people know exactly how to conduct it. The simplest thing is to "drive the wave". The baby is laid on the stomach and shoved under the neck roller, then lightly stroke the back and help the crumb relax. Then they make tiny movements from the middle of the back to the shoulders, to the sides and to the armpits, imitating the wave. You can do massage with the edge of the palm, movements are made obliquely from the shoulder blades to the shoulders.

Massage of the chest with a cough ends with wrapping. It is necessary to wrap the child in a wool blanket or shawl, some make a compress. For the compress will need a tablespoon of honey, vodka and sunflower oil. All components are heated with a water bath. Then, a linen cloth is taken, it is wetted and applied to the interscapular zone and the neck area. Then you need to put cotton and cellophane, tie with a handkerchief and roll up a shawl or a wide scarf. It is advisable to persuade the child to sleep in such ammunition. It is important that the nodules of the strings were on the side, and the room was well ventilated and cool. Linen rag should be thrown away or washed, otherwise there may appear diaper rash or an allergic rash. Make compresses every other day.

Massage from the cough

Acupressure with cough

A person who is far from medicine is unlikely to be able to independently carry out acupressure with a cough. After all, not only need to know exactly where the points are located that are responsible for certain functions in the body, it is necessary to take into account the force of pressure. If the pressure is too weak - there may not be an effect, too much pressure will lead to serious consequences.

The point "Feng-moon" is located in the middle between the ankle joint and the knee edge. It is massaged with headache and liver disease. When coughing, you need to massage the "Feng-men" point, which is located between the second and third thoracic vertebra.

Honey massage with cough

Everyone knows about the magic power of honey. With the help of this curative natural substance you can do massage.

Honey massage when coughing mobilizes the body's strength, and the person begins to quickly recover. Honey heats not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous veins.

How is massage done? First you need to apply warm honey on the upper back and collar zone. The hand should move from left to right and from top to bottom. The palm should be kept and then severed sharply. At first it is easy, but gradually the hand sticks harder and the blood circulation in the place where it is done, the massage intensifies. This kind of massage can cause painful sensations, if the patient can not tolerate, especially when it comes to the child, you need to stop the procedure. In the end, the body is wiped with a towel soaked in hot water. The patient is covered with a blanket and asked to lie down for half an hour. It is advisable to do such a massage at night, so that the patient can immediately go to bed.

Honey massage improves blood circulation, warms tissues, speeds up metabolism, strengthens immunity and removes toxins. It can not be done if a person is allergic to honey, blood clotting is impaired, there is a high temperature or pressure.

Massage from the cough

Avicenna and Galen in ancient Rome used cans for the treatment of various diseases. To date, treatment by banks has become a thing of the past and very few people use this procedure.

A can of massage from the cough improves the circulation of the lymph. Vacuum, formed under the can, affects the skin receptors, removes the swelling of muscles and removes excess fluid.

Banks are used for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pleurisy and cellulite. In no case can they be used during a period of exacerbation of a chronic illness, epilepsy, mental illness and cancer.

Non-specialist banks should not be put, because only a person with medical education knows exactly the structure of muscles, the location of lymphatic and blood vessels.

For carrying out of massage rubber or glass jars will be necessary. A can of massage is much more effective than any other, but it is necessary that its specialist conduct it, otherwise, except for complications, a person will not get anything.

Massage with cough video

Massage for a child coughing video

Drainage massage with cough video


Massage with bronchitis in children

Massage with bronchitis in children

Unfortunately, our children get sick more often than adults. In particular, the younger generation is subject to diseases related to the respiratory system. The fact is that the formation of this system in children occurs up to 12 years. Therefore often begun ORVI quite often ends in the child with a bronchitis. Imperfection of the respiratory system may be reflected in the stagnation of sputum, Of course, in the treatment of bronchitis, mandatory use medicines that promote better expectoration of sputum, and also relieve spasms and inflammation. But there is one more tool that provides excellent help in the treatment - a massage for children with bronchitis.

Necessity of massage with bronchitis in children

This procedure facilitates the clearance of sputum in bronchitis. Even with obstructive bronchitis in children, massage greatly alleviates the condition. It works this way: when the massage increases blood circulation, which increases the muscle tension in the bronchial wall. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the movement of the epithelium of the bronchi, which causes the accumulated sputum to be removed more quickly. The process of intoxication of the body slows down, which means that recovery will occur sooner. The procedure can be performed for children of any age, even in the infancy of half-yearly age, a bronchitis is allowed. The only contraindications are fever, false croup and tracheal disease.

Types of massage with bronchitis

Generally, the following types of massage are distinguished with bronchitis:

  • drainage;
  • vibratory;
  • canned;
  • point;
  • honey;
  • chest massage.

With can massage, special jars are used to create a vacuum on the surface of the skin. As a result, blood circulation increases, and respiratory functions improve. When acupressure is necessary to influence certain points, which helps to normalize the work of the respiratory system. With prolonged bronchitis, honey massage is shown - a procedure that removes toxins from the body. These three types of massage because of its specificity should be conducted only by professionals. But the drainage, vibrating massage and chest can and should be done at home at home.

How to do a massage with bronchitis?

To conduct a massage in the room should be no more than 25 degrees of heat. To moisten the air, put a wet towel on the battery. Before a massage during the day, give your child a warm drink and expectorant. Massage is done one hour before bedtime and one hour before meals or 2 hours after.

Let's start with a drainage massage for bronchitis, because this is the simplest method of indirect bronchial warming up. When back massage with bronchitis the child should be placed on the stomach or pillow with the stomach so that the pelvis is above the head so that the sputum drains from the lower parts of the bronchi. First, for 1-2 minutes, warm up the back of the skin with rubbing movements.

Massage with bronchitis in children1

Then, tapping with finger pads or an edge of the palm of the intercostal areas of the back is performed starting from the bottom.

Massage with bronchitis in children2

After that, in the area of ​​the base of the diaphragm, it is necessary to perform stroking movements from below-upwards.

Massage with bronchitis in children3

The procedure of drainage massage for bronchitis to the child should last 5-7 minutes.

Vibration massage with bronchitis lasts 2 minutes and is suitable even for the youngest patients. His technique is based on a neat rhythmic tapping of his fist on the back of a patient in the lungs, excluding the spine. The child should be put on his pillow.

Massage with bronchitis in children4

The baby is allowed to be exposed to the impact of the fist by the knuckling of the fist for up to a year.

Massage of the chest with bronchitis begins with 5 strokes of the palms from below upwards to the shoulders.

Massage with bronchitis in children5

After this, the pads of the fingers perform rubbing translational movements from the bottom upwards in the form of a spiral along the edges and in the sternum. Then the fingers should rub the sternum, moving from the middle sideways around the intercostal spaces.

Massage with bronchitis in children6

The procedure should be completed by stroking the back and chest. Then the child should wear clothes from natural materials and put on his back.


How effective is massage with bronchitis in children?

ARVI can go to bronchitis, in this case, additional massage will be massage with bronchitis in children. The child's respiratory system is formed only by the age of 12, which is why he is sick more often than adults. The sputum stagnates in the lungs, it is necessary to take a complex of medicines to remove it.Massage is an auxiliary method for the therapy of bronchitis, it is used in combination with drug treatment prescribed by a doctor.

The problem of bronchitis in children

Massage helps to sputum, improves the child's well-being. The process of blood circulation is accelerated, which leads to an increase in muscle tension in the bronchial walls. As a result, accumulated sputum is easier to expectorate. Since there is no main source of infection, the child is much faster recovered.

Conditions of medical massage

It should be noted that improper conduct of the procedure can not only not facilitate the course of the disease, but also worsen the condition of the child. The service market represents a lot of courses that teach different types of therapeutic massage.

A doctor's examination with bronchitisRestriction - the age of the child to six months. Massage is not performed at elevated temperature, with inflammation of the trachea and larynx, and also with individual contraindications.

It is necessary to prepare the room for the procedure: the temperature should not be above 25 ° C, the humidity should start at 65%. Humidify the air in the room you can by covering the battery with a damp towel.

Prepare a child for the procedure, for this, give him during the day preparations that help to sputter and warm drinks. Massage can be done an hour before meals and sleep or two hours later.

Talk with the child, the vibrations when pronouncing the words have a positive effect on the bronchi. Observe the mood of your ward, do massage only if the child is in good spirits. To keep the baby quietly behaving and not tossing, turn on him cartoons or tell a story. Adjust the child to recovery. Depending on the state of health of the patient, the procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day. The average duration of one session is 20-30 minutes.

Drainage massage

Drainage massage is the most common way to warm up the bronchi. First, put the baby on the stomach, under which place the pillow or cushion, the pelvis should be above the head. Thus, sputum from the lower parts of the bronchi will go up.

Drainage massage with bronchitis
  1. For several minutes, warm up the back of the child with massaging movements.
  2. Starting from the waist and heading to the neck, gently tap with fingers and ribs of the palms along the intercostal space of the back.
  3. Find the base of the diaphragm and stroke the area from the bottom up, slightly pressing with your fingers.
  4. The massage line should be directed from the bottom up. Drainage massage can cause a strong cough attack. In this case, let the child sit down and clear his throat, then continue the procedure after a short rest.
  5. Massage ends with a stroking of the palm.

The whole massage should take 5-7 minutes. Carry out the procedure for 5 days.

Vibration and can massage

Vibrating massage is shown to children from six months, the duration of its performance is only 2 minutes. Lay the baby's belly on the pillow and gently rhythmically tap the area of ​​the child's lungs, while not touching the spine. For children up to one year, it is better to carry out vibrating massage through your palm or by easy tapping of fingers.

To conduct can massage, use only medical jars.

Lubricate the back of the child with massage oil, petroleum jelly or cream, and you can also use olive oil.

Bacterial massage with bronchitis
  1. Take a cotton swab, dab it into alcohol, set it on, heat the jar for a minute. Swab the tampon, put the jar on the back of the child in the area between the spine and the scapula. Repeat with the next jar the same thing and put it on the other part of the back. Depending on the age and size of the child's back, up to 4 cans are used.
  2. Banks, without tearing off the skin, move in the following directions: from the bottom upwards straight, spiraling, zigzagging, drawing the "eight" from the center of the back to the shoulders (without touching the spine). Continue along the semicircle from the middle of the neck to the shoulders, ending with circular motions along the edge of the seventh vertebra.
  3. Finish the procedure, put on your child pajamas made of natural cloth, wrap them in a warm blanket, put them to bed.

Features of honey massage

Honey is a proven remedy for many diseases, including bronchitis, used both inside and outside use. Massage with honey can be done only if the child does not have any allergies to this product.

Everything is done according to the old scheme: the child lies with his stomach on the pillow. Slightly massage the back of a small patient, warming it, then apply a thin layer of honey on the bronchial region. Do patting movements until the hand stops sticking to the skin. Honey, do not wipe after the massage, cover the child with a dry warm towel, on top - with a blanket. Now the child needs rest.

Chest Massage for Toddlers

Chest Massage for ToddlersFor this massage, special vegetable balsams, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, are suitable. If you are carrying out a chest massage to a newborn baby, make sure that it is comfortable. If the crumb does not like the procedure, stop and continue only after the baby calms down.
  1. Put the baby on his back, rub the chest area, excluding the heart zone, with vegetable balsam.
  2. Perform stroking movements with your fingers from top to bottom.
  3. Raise one handle up first, lower it. Repeat the same with the other hand.
  4. Cross the child's arms on the chest, let him lie down for a while in this position (no more than a minute).
  5. Pass in circular motions of fingers from the bottom of the baby's breast upward.
  6. The final stage is soft stroking of the chest with a palm.
  7. Heat your baby's clothing warmly.

It is possible to conduct such procedure every day until full recovery.


Has a high broncho relaxing effect. Such a massage should be performed by a specialist, since the impact must be exerted on certain points on the child's body. It can be vibrating or circular, but necessarily continuous motion. The stronger the effect, the shorter it is in time.

Acupressure for childrenFor people who do not have special skills, the following techniques of acupressure are available:
  1. Shallow or strong pressure.
  2. Touch and stroking.

Points that are affected:

  1. Fossa under the base of the seventh cervical vertebra. It is well palpated when the head is tilted.
  2. Jugular breast cutting: the effect is on the center of the bone.
  3. The point between the thumb and forefinger from the inside of the palm.

Effects on these points should be done with great care. It is not necessary to conduct acupressure on your own without having the experience.

After the end of the massage, you can conduct respiratory gymnastics, for this, ask the child to imagine that before him a hot lunch, which must be cooled. Let the kid blow at him. Then the child gets up straight, takes a deep breath, spreading his hands to the sides, and then a sharp exhalation, clasping himself with his hands. These simple manipulations will improve air ventilation in the lungs and facilitate the departure of phlegm.

Doctors advise massage with bronchitis in children as an auxiliary therapy for basic treatment. Correctly performed procedure will reduce the risk of complications of the disease and lead to a speedy recovery of the child. When massage as an additional medicine, you can use balms and rubbing with a warming effect, except for cases of fever in the baby.

For any type of massage, except honey, use a massage oil to warm your back. After the massage, always wipe the back of the child dry with a clean warm towel or diaper.

Avoid directional effects on the heart and kidneys, do not massage the spine.

After all the procedures of a small patient, it is better to put him to bed or at least rest. Let the baby spend less time on his feet.

Remember that massage is not only a physical treatment of the body, but also a positive psychological effect. In addition, this is the time when the parent gives his child the maximum attention and care.


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