How does a genyantritis in a photo photo

Features, as the genyantritis on a roentgen

Many people are interested in what the genyantitis looks like in the picture. When diagnosing a disease, a simple person will not be able to properly identify it; as the genyantritis on a picture looks, the experienced ENT can tell only.Only specialists know how the detection of maxillary sinuses occurs, as it looks like maxillary sinusitis on the x-ray.

Inflammation of sinuses in genyantema

What does an x-ray scan show for sinusitis?

Usually the doctor first of all pays attention to the nasal sinuses. In the normal state, they are not pneumatized, therefore, the X-ray image will show a mapping in the form of dark semi-oval formations on either side of the nasal cavity. It is worth noting that the x-ray passes through air tissue formations and has no reflections from them. Thus, on the X-ray itself, reflection will not be fixed.

If there is a liquid in the cavity of the liquid, a large darkening is observed. As an example, one of the radiographs, which describes an experienced doctor. He notes that the definition of maxillary sinuses does not depend on the level and type of darkening. This does not mean that there is sinusitis in the picture. In the same way, one can not immediately determine and fronts. Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the sinuses of the nose. They will contain the following types of liquid:

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Sinusitis on x-rays
  1. Catarrhal.
  2. Mucous.
  3. Purulent.

In the picture, it can be noted in this disease the presence of a black shade of sinuses with a light infiltrative substance inside. By the presence of sharp contrast, the doctor can distinguish the pathology from the normal state. Remember that not always such a picture on the x-ray can indicate the presence of the disease. Therefore, do not engage in self-medication, and immediately go to a consultation with LOR. When he determines that there is PPN, therefore, will prescribe treatment for sinusitis.

The frontitis or sinusitis can be traced on the x-ray due to the presence of existing light shadows on the background of the black cavity around the nose. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. The fact is that if a purulent or catarrhal substance is formed, then in the picture it will not be in the form of a shadow. Rounded darkening appears with tumor formation or cysts. If the malignant formation of the paranasal sinuses begins to grow, then this growth can only be seen after a certain period of time. Cysts are likewise able to increase in their sizes in different directions proportionally.

What can not be recognized on an X-ray?

The scheme of the location of the maxillary pachuchiIt is determined that sinusitis, purulent or catarrhal can be seen in the picture of the nasal sinuses. But there are such things that can not be seen on the x-ray: this is a morphological type of infiltrate substrate. Pus and a simple inflammatory fluid on the X-ray look the same. In order to recognize the morphological type of the structure, it is necessary to do a sinus puncture.

Some doctors say that if pus is present, slightly light shades will appear, and if there is swelling, the whole shade of the picture will be uniform. But experts say that this information is not confirmed, since it is necessary to study this in detail.

Without contrast X-ray, it is impossible to determine the cyst or tumor formation. The disease is clearly visible and on a simple picture of a direct projection. To know for sure the exact diagnosis, you can perform additional examination in the form of nosopodbornoy, collateral and axial projection.

Remember that only a doctor should make a conclusion and prescribe appropriate therapy.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication.

Photographic materials

In this section we have collected for you photographic materials containing X-rays of the maxillary sinuses in the normal state and with various kinds of sinusitis. They will help you to know what the sinuses of a healthy person differ from sinuses in sinusitis, sinusitis, front.

The x-ray of the paranasal sinuses is normal

The x-ray of the paranasal sinuses is normal

An x-ray at a genyantritis in the form of a blackout with the top horizontal level (similarly at front)

Darkening with the upper horizontal level in the right maxillary and frontal sinuses

X-ray for right-sided maxillary sinusitis

X-ray for right-sided maxillary sinusitis

X-ray for allergic sinusitis

X-ray for allergic sinusitis

How does a genyantritis in a picture

How does a genyantritis in a picture

Sinusitis can be diagnosed in many ways. One of the most reliable is the diagnosis of an X-ray. In the picture, the inflamed maxillary sinus looks like a vessel partially filled with a turbid liquid.

Sinusitis is a chronic disease that is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinuses. Usually the causes of maxillary sinusitis are complications after the transferred infectious diseases or chronic rhinitis.

Maxillary sinusitis on X-ray

On the X-ray, which is done for the diagnosis of sinusitis, you can see the frontal bones of the skull, eye sockets, nasal passages. Under the eye sockets are the maxillary sinuses. If you look at a picture of the maxillary sinuses of a patient with sinusitis, you can see a distinct cloudiness in the region of the maxillary sinus. This turbidity indicates that there is liquid in it. In the normal state, the maxillary sinus is filled not with liquid, but with air. In a healthy person, the color of the maxillary sinuses in the image is the same as that of the eye sockets. If the color of the sinuses is more reminiscent of the color of the bone, that is, it is not dark, but whitish-matte - hence, there is liquid in them. Usually the sinus is filled with a liquid not by 100%. This effect is called the effect of "milk in a glass" - the sinus looks like a vessel that is not completely filled with whitish liquid.

Another sign of sinusitis - on the x-ray of the maxillary sinus clearly shows its marginal darkening. It has sharp contours and the same width all over the sinus. The reason for the dimming is mucosal edema.

The maxillary sinuses from the inside are lined with a thin layer of mildly innervated mucosa. A small number of nerves affects the weak carrying out of painful impulses, as a result of which inflammation of the maxillary sinus can proceed for a long time without any symptoms.

Diagnostic Problems

While the sinus is filled with fluid incompletely - sinusitis can be diagnosed by the picture. When the fluid fills the sinus one hundred percent, the x-ray of the sinuses will have a solid blackout and the sinusitis will be difficult to diagnose.

In cases where the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus has a significant thickness, sinusitis can be diagnosed according to the following feature: on the x-ray at an inclined position of the head in the chin-nasal projection, the lumen of the maxillary sinus has a strong darkening.

It is not necessary to be engaged in diagnostics and treatment of a genyantritis independently. It is better to consult an otolaryngologist and carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures (for example, diaphanoscopy).

There was a rhinitis made a picture-a genyantritis, wanted to go to the hospital.


Sokolov Vitaly

Let's see what kind of disease it is, and how the common cold can transform into sinusitis.
During a runny nose in the nasal passages the infection settles, pathogenic bacteria cause swelling of the nasal mucosa, the nose "pawns". Appears slime, first transparent ("snot flow"), and then a thick, green color. Here you need to be alert. The appearance of green mucus is a sign of severe inflammation. With a cold, we often blow our nose, trying our best to clean the nose. And often we forget that the nasal passages are closely connected with the maxillary sinuses located on both sides of the nose, under the eyes. From intense nose blows, mucus enters the sinus and inflammation begins - the sinusitis.
Diagnosis of genyantritis
The doctor determines the genyantritis after the examination: inserts the expander into the nose and visually inspects each nostril.
But an accurate diagnosis can be established only on the basis of X-ray data. The patient is taken an X-ray, and if there is sinusitis, the area between the eyes and the upper jaw will be opaque, white.
You can identify sinusitis and yourself: stand up, and slowly lean forward. With genyantritis you will feel a drawing pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and forehead.
Sometimes it happens that the roots of the upper teeth are very close to the maxillary sinuses, and then the patient with the sinusitis constantly feels pain in the entire upper jaw.
Acute and chronic sinusitis
Acute sinusitis declares itself a constant headache, thick mucous discharge from the nose, a feeling of pressure and bursting from the inside. The patient feels weak and shattered.
If the genyantritis is not treated, it goes into a chronic form. The pain gradually disappears, but the stuffiness of the nose, periodic headaches remain. MirSovetov does not recommend taking a sip of vasoconstrictor to make the nose breathe. But many people often use such medications, but if it is a genyantritis, then it can not be cured in this way, but one can only become addicted to the medicines used.
It is worth noting that with chronic sinusitis in the nose there is always a foci of infection, so any hypothermia or alcohol abuse (alcohol is a powerful blow to immunity) leads to a prolonged coryza. In the unfavorable course of chronic sinusitis, the nose develops polyps that need to be surgically removed. The most unpleasant consequence of chronic sinusitis is the loss of the ability to smell.
Treatment of genyantritis
In acute sinusitis, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient. Now there are powerful drugs that can defeat the disease in just three days. It's Zitrolid or Macropen. You need to take one capsule a day before meals, with plenty of water.
There are also older antibiotics used to treat sinusitis - ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephalexin. The choice of an antibiotic depends on the physician's preferences and on the presence / absence of a patient's allergy to this or that kind of antibiotics. To facilitate breathing, the doctor will prescribe vasoconstrictors, but also explain how often they can be used (galazoline, nasol, otrivin and others). If there is a suspicion that the allergic reaction has caused the sinusitis, antiallergic drugs will be prescribed: Clarotadine, Tavegil, Cetrin Suprastin, Zirtek, Claritin.

Tolkunova Anna

such questions should not be asked on the forum - it's not funny, even sad ...


It is necessary to squeeze the juice Kalanchoe therapeutic and drip (pour almost) into the nostrils. First it will be an eerie long sneezing, and then all the muck from the maxillary sinuses will fly out.

Igor komusak

Slept an inflammatory edema, but there was residual edema. Be like quartz in physiotherapy, but catching cold with this procedure is almost like death - therefore they offer hospital conditions and by puncture will speed up stabilization and general therapy.

Maria Dyachkova

Look with caution. My husband at one time did not cure maxillary sinusitis and his pus went into the frontal sinuses (this is called the frontitis). They did the operation. T. h. better treated under medical supervision!


Schema Treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis)
the drug "Sinuforte." A very caustic drug, irritates the mucous, I do not advise.
1. Antibiotics amoxiclav 1000 mg. For 1 tabl. - 2 times a day for 7 days (or augmentin 875 mg. )
2. Sinupret 2tab-3 times a day. 1014 days (improves the outflow-the exit of mucus, pus with sinuses) herbal preparation.
3 Rinsing the nose
You can wash your nose with saline solution or warm mineral water without gas, (or warm boiled) 2-3 times a day, only rinse better with a device for wash the nose (Dolphin or Rhinolife), or drip 2-3 pipets, and well vysmarkivatsya, but in no case can not draw water into the nose and rinse syringes. (since the water can get into the sinuses and auditory tubes,) or use the spray to wash the nose:
Aqua Maris Sea water,
SALIN. Nodium chloride,
Humer-150 adults and children are not diluted, sterile, isotonic sea water for washing the nose.
4. In the nose Polidex with phenylephrine on 1 injection-4 times a day 7-10 days.
5. Multivitamins
6. Erespal 1 tab - 3 times a day for 10 days (this is an anti-inflammatory drug)
You can try to do a cuckoo. This procedure helps only if there is an outflow, an outlet of mucus, pus.
Laura's consultation (you may need to do a sinus puncture by the doctor looking at the picture).
If you do not make a puncture, and he really needs it, pus can be organized and there can be polyps, etc.
People's opinion It is worth piercing... and went went obsalyutno not true, so reason people who are far from lor diseases, and unfortunately some doctors.
Just the nose is a weak spot and the next time it is as soon as you have a cold first you need to drip drops in your nose.
Sometimes, if you do not make a puncture at the time, you can be treated for a long time and without any result, and the treatment costs 2-3 times more expensive for money.
Doing a puncture or not on the iris remains a trace, and on it you can determine what the person was sick and when.
The cause of sinusitis can be a severe cold or a bad upper jaw (odontogenic cause)
With sinus sinus can not be warmed
Be sure to contact your ENT doctor

Marina Kravchenko

I agree that the treatment should be started as quickly as possible. In the early stages, it is possible to avoid a puncture. I was treated with Cinnabsin and my sinusitis passed. For more than a year, this sore does not bother me.

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