Pleurisy: treatment, symptoms, how to treat in adults, the elderly and children

Pleurisy - inflammation of the pleura, the disease occurs in adults, the elderly and children. The disease almost never develops independently, but is the result of other diseases - both respiratory organs and other organs and systems of the body.

Disease code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10: R09.1 Pleurisy.

Distinguish dry and exudative pleurisy. Exudate with exudative pleurisy can be putrefactive, purulent and hemorrhagic( with an admixture of blood).

Today we will talk in detail about the symptoms and treatment of pleurisy in the hospital and at home using medical procedures, medications, drugs, folk remedies.


Symptoms of pleurisy

dry pleurisy: Symptoms

It occurs in many diseases( pneumonia, typhus, rheumatism, collagenosis, etc.).It can be a complication of influenza infection, measles, whooping cough. In the overwhelming number of cases, dry pleurisy is diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. It can be said that dry pleurisy is the litmus test of a latent tuberculous process.

When dry pleurisy patients complain of pain in the chest, which is worse when coughing, talking, deep breath. Sometimes the pain can be localized in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, sometimes in the right hypochondrium( depending on the place of the pleural lesion).In addition to pain, patients are troubled by coughing. Cough is dry or with a small amount of sputum.

Of the general symptoms of the disease can be noted rapid fatigue, increased sweating, weakness, aches all over the body.

A very important symptom of dry pleurisy is the pleural friction noise, which the patient can even hear on his own with a deep breath.

The temperature in patients is often subfebrile( 37.0-37.2 ° C) and rarely reaches high figures.

The disease is relatively easy. The main symptoms last for about 10-12 days. Sometimes there are relapses of dry pleurisy, which often indicates the appearance of fresh tuberculosis foci in the lungs. The course of dry pleurisy always depends on the course of the underlying disease that caused it. If the inflammation captures large areas of the pleura, then in the end there are extensive adhesions limiting the respiratory mobility of the lungs.

Exudative pleurisy: symptoms

Almost 80% of cases are a companion of tuberculosis. The emergence of the disease contributes to a number of unfavorable factors, such as hypothermia, mental trauma, malnutrition, exhaustion and weakening of the body, etc.

Exudative pleurisy can be observed in infectious diseases( whooping cough, flu, measles), with heart disease, kidney disease,liver, blood, helminthiases( helminthic invasion), but the main cause of its occurrence is tuberculous intoxication.

Traumatic lung lesions can also lead to the development of exudative pleurisy.

The disease can develop gradually and sharply. With an acute onset, the temperature rises to 39-40 ° C for several hours, chills appear, pain in the side when breathing, shortness of breath, sweating. Sometimes, with severe intoxication, there is an exhausting headache, nausea, vomiting.

With the gradual development of the disease patients are concerned about rapid fatigue, coughing, headaches, nausea, excessive sweating - all the symptoms of intoxication( poisoning) of the organism started."Pulmonary" symptoms appear much later.

In all cases of pleurisy, patients complain of coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing( up to 30-40 beats per 1 minute).

Prognosis for exudative pleurisy in most cases is favorable and the disease ends in recovery. Only with the formation of massive adhesions and a thickening of the pleura can chronic pulmonary insufficiency develop.

Purulent pleurisy: symptoms

Develops as a result of changes in the lungs due to the tuberculosis process, ongoing pneumonia, lung abscess. Pus and air fall into the pleural cavity( there is pyopneumothorax).

Purulent pleurisy differs in severe course, accompanied by persistent high fever, chills, profuse sweating, shortness of breath, chest pains. All these phenomena occur against the background of severe general intoxication.

With prolonged flow, spikes are formed, partial or complete obliteration( infection) of the pleural cavity is possible.

Treatment - only in a hospital.

Tuberculous tubercle: symptoms of

May occur by contact, lymphogenous or hematogenous( infection enters the pleural cavity with blood or lymph flow).Inflammatory phenomena in the pleura can develop against the background of a sensitized organism in patients with primary or disseminated tuberculosis. In most cases pleurisy is the first manifestation of tuberculosis.

According to clinical manifestations, tuberculous pleurisy does not differ from pleurisy pleural effusive. The severity of individual symptom complexes depends on the age of the patient, the degree of its protection and sensitization.

How to treat pleurisy

Treatment of fibrinous( dry) pleurisy

Of the general treatment measures, rest, thermal procedures on the chest area are recommended.

For relief of pain apply compresses, pressure bandage on the lower half of the chest, patch, novocain blockade. Assign banks, mustard plasters, medicamental therapy.

  1. As anti-inflammatory agents are used Acetylsalicylic acid, Amidopyrine;
  2. antitussives: Mukaltin, Bronchicum, Codterpine, Bronchilyschle, Libexin;
  3. to prevent the formation of adhesions that interfere with breathing, prescribe a set of exercises for respiratory gymnastics.

Treatment of dry pleurisy consists primarily in the treatment of the underlying disease that caused the process. If it is tuberculosis, measles or typhoid fever, then specific treatment is performed.

Treatment of exudative pleurisy

An important treatment measure is a pleural puncture - extraction of exudate from the pleural cavity. In the sixth intercostal space along a line going down from the scapula, a puncture is made with a special thick needle. If the needle cuts into the pleural cavity, exudate is released through the needle outward. Absolute indications for pleural puncture are a significant accumulation of fluid. For the pleural puncture, the Poten apparatus is used.

Medications - salicylates, calcium chloride .If suspected of tuberculous etiology of pleurisy, preparations of Streptomycin, Ftivazid are indicated. A patient with pleurisy should comply with bed rest( lie on the patient's side).Assign banks, mustard plasters.

In the period of resorption of the effusion, to prevent the formation of massive pleural adhesions, the enhanced is recommended for the implementation of the breathing exercises. After completion of the main course of treatment, patients can be sent to sanatorium-and-spa treatment in Crimea, in forest sanatoria, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Prophylaxis of exudative pleurisy is, above all, the prevention of tuberculosis. Great value for increase of resistibility of an organism have zakalivanie, sports, water procedures.

Treatment of purulent pleurisy

Is the appointment of massive doses of antibiotics, including their intrapleural administration. According to the indications, surgical intervention is being undertaken. Of great importance is the correct supply of oxygen to the patient, as with other diseases of the respiratory apparatus.

Treatment of pleurisy with folk remedies at home

Medicinal plants are used from folk medicine:

  1. increasing the body's defenses: dogrose, sea buckthorn, licorice root, needles, black currant and red , etc.,
  2. allergy-removing nettle, chamomile , etc.),
  3. enhancing the sputum secretion and sputum ( mother-and-stepmother, root of the aura, sweet potato , etc.).

For the removal of respiratory pain , you can use the following method.

Take the treated skin of any small animal( rabbit, dog, muskrat, cat) and put it on the brine for three days( concentration - to float the egg).

Then the skin should be dried in the shade for 3 days. After drying, the skins are ready for use for 2-3 years. Tie the skin to the place with the greatest soreness and hold it as a compress for 7-8 hours. Usually, after such a procedure, the pains are either much reduced or completely removed. Repeat three to five times until the general condition improves. Compression of the skin can be used for all inflammatory diseases of internal organs( when heat is not contraindicated), with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and any neuralgic pain( myositis, myalgia, sciatica inflammation, etc.).

Periwinkle small .Prepare the broth: 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves pour a glass of water and cook in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Take one third of a glass three times a day.

Forest Prospector .Applied with inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, with diseases of the respiratory tract. The bastard dilutes sputum, acts as an expectorant and as an antispasmodic.

Blackberry, Coumarica, Azhina .The main action is astringent, anti-inflammatory and fixative. The leaves and fruits of blackberries are used. Wine from the fruits of blackberries, as well as blackberries and tea from them in folk medicine is used to treat influenza, pharyngitis, angina, bronchitis.2 tablespoons of leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink 100-150 ml 4-5 times a day in hot form.

Common fig tree ( figs ).Has a weak laxative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as an antitussive. Welded with milk fig fruits, are used in folk medicine, as a remedy for coughing, for gargling with laryngitis, pharyngitis, angina.

Althaea officinalis .The main action is emollient, expectorant and anti-inflammatory.2 tablespoons of chopped althea root pour 500 ml of cold water( cold infusion) and soak for 1 day. Obtained infusion strain, add a little sugar. Take a tablespoon every two hours.

Boil the onion in milk and drink half a glass of the broth 3-4 times a day( drink hot).

Eucalyptus blue .The main action is anti-inflammatory, especially in inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract( bronchitis).A tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves pour half a liter of boiling water and cooked hot infusion, drink 100 ml before meals three to four times a day for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Broth from rye or wheat bran ( cook with honey) helps with an exhausting, strong cough.

Pickler ordinary .The main action is expectorant. In folk medicine, hot infusions from this plant are used as an expectorant for bronchitis.3 teaspoons of the plant, pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Infuse drink throughout the day.

Boil 60 g pepper roots with 0.25 l of white wine, strain. Drink hot 3-4 times a day.

Glaucium ( poppy yellow ).Glaucin serves as a starting material for the production of antitussive drugs( glauvent and glauterin).In folk medicine, infusion or a decoction from the whole plant is used( a tablespoon of ground raw material for 300 ml of boiling water).Take one third of the glass three to four times a day.

Mother-and-Stepmother .The main action is expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Mother-and-stepmother acts as an antitussive agent and promotes sputum excretion in acute inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. A tablespoon of dried leaves pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 1 hour. Strain, drink 100 ml.4 times a day.

In Bulgarian folk medicine popular against cough is the following composition:

Gather 1 :

  1. 50,000 g gold,
  2. scolopendrovy leaflet - 50 g,
  3. coltsfoot - 50 g,
  4. linden flowers - 50 g.

2 tablespoons of this mixture, together with 1 teaspoon of flaxseed, pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink half or one third of a glass 3-4 times a day.

Ancient healers on the treatment of pleurisy. .. One of the men in the poem "On the properties of herbs" writes:

Wormwood: "Better, if you add honey and pepper to grated nettles, and, as mentioned above, take it with wine together. The lungs, the breasts will heal and the hernia of the pleurisy if it is taken in combination with honey. .. "

RUTA:". .. If you boil in water in combination with vinegar sharp, colic this broth in the stomach will soothe successfully, the lungs heal both the chest and the sideheals the suffering that the name wears pleurisy. .. ".

Black letter: "Black letters take a powder with boiled honey - it heals empyema and cough, as well as shortness of breath. .. with honey, the herb expels and coughs, softens the stomach;since every day the patient with fever trembles, ounces are taken by weight, and two ounces of black letter are combined with him and drunk, rastered, with warmed water before the chills are always a precursor. .. "

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The material is intended for senior medical students, as well as can be useful for interns, clinical residents, graduate students, teachers of higher medical schools, practitioners, as well as all people interested in internal human diseases.

The author is not responsible for the information provided. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to consult your doctor.

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We understand the symptoms and methods of treating pleurisy

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura that is a kind of case in which the lungs are located. The pleura maintains a constant pressure, which makes it easy to be straightened and perform gas exchange. There is a small amount of liquid in it. This makes it easy to move and slide when breathing.

Causes of inflammation of the pleura

  1. Viral infections( influenza).
  2. Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract( pneumonia).Microbes can get into the pleura from neighboring organs, and also come with a blood or lymph flow. Inflammation begins.
  3. Tuberculosis of the lungs.
  4. . Oncological diseases.

What happens

Normally, the pleura is soft and supple. With inflammation they become stiff. A person feels pain in the chest, especially when breathing. Inflamed cells of the pleura begin to vigorously secrete fluid - there is swelling.

The pleural cavity is sharply limited - the ribs do not allow the pleural cavity to stretch. Therefore, even a small amount of liquid in it is very dangerous. The lungs and the heart begin to squeeze. It becomes difficult to breathe, with inspiration and exhalation there is pain due to the fact that the lungs touch the inflamed parts of the pleura. The symptoms of the main disease - influenza, pneumonia - are aggravated.


Difficulty breathing, chest pain when inhaling and exhaling, high fever are the symptoms of pleurisy. If symptoms persist for 5-7 days, you need to see a doctor immediately. Chest X-ray and ultrasound will allow to see the liquid.

How to treat inflammation of the pleura

First of all, you need to cure the cause of the disease( flu, pneumonia) with antiviral or antibacterial drugs. Relieve pain and relieve swelling with anti-inflammatory drugs( ibuprofen).

If a lot of fluid has accumulated in the pleural cavity, it must be removed with thoracocentesis( drainage of the pleural cavity).Under local anesthesia, the doctor inserts a needle into the cavity of the pleura and pumps out the liquid.

If there are no signs of infection or cold in the pleurisy, a special study is carried out. Under anesthesia, a tool with a video camera is inserted into the cavity of the pleura. The doctor examines the cavity and takes pieces of tissue for analysis. First of all, you need to exclude tuberculosis and swelling.

Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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