Succinic acid (sodium succinate, butanedioic acid) is a key biochemical molecule.
Nature uses it for energy metabolism in plants, human and animal tissues. For many centuries it has been used as an analgesic and a natural antibiotic. Succinates are natural regulators of the body's processes. The need for them arises with increased loads: both physical and emotional. Acid is unique in that it accumulates only in those areas that it needs, bypassing healthy cells and tissues.
The use of succinic acid prevents the development of tumors, reduces sugar and neutralizes stones in the kidneys. With varicose veins, butanedioic acid removes inflammation, restores blood circulation, and as a result, veins are regenerated.
Clinical and pharmacological group
It belongs to the group of metabolic drugs and has pronounced antioxidant, metabolic and antihypoxic properties.
Terms of sale from pharmacies
Can buywithout a doctor's prescription.
How much does succinic acid cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of190 rubles.
Composition and form of release
Pharmaceutical products containing succinic acid or its compounds are available in tablets, powders, capsules, solutions.
Auxiliary components: talcum, sugar, calcium stearate, ascorbic acid, aerosil, starch (potato).
What is succinic acid?
Succinic acid is a natural compound necessary for all living organisms, as an active component of organic synthesis. The largest reserves of it on Earth are represented in the form of amber known to all. Amber was the starting material for obtaining succinic acid. Modern methods for making it others - from benzene or n-butane, a white powder is obtained, consisting of crystals, sourish to the taste, soluble in water.
The substance obtained is safe and, which is the most valuable, has a positive effect on the human body. In the surrounding world, succinic acid is found in coal, resins, berries (unripe grapes and gooseberries), turnips, plants (aloe, hawthorn, alfalfa, sugar cane), sunflower seeds and barley. There is this acid in lactic acid products, cheeses, aged wines, flour products from rye flour, yeast, seafood, etc.
But such products are not so much, so it is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in various preparations to make up for its deficiency.
Pharmacological effect
Succinic acid is an antioxidant and immunomodulator. It has a metabolic, antihypoxic and antioxidant effect. Metabolic action is that the cells enter the finished substance, which is included in the Krebs cycle, during which ATP is produced. This effect allows cells of all organs to get more energy for their needs, and, therefore, to work more effectively and better.
The antihypoxic effect of succinic acid is that it improves tissue respiration, that is, the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the interior of cells and its utilization. The antioxidant effect of "amber" is that it neutralizes free radicals that damage cell structures and lead to their death. In addition, due to the antioxidant effect, succinic acid slows the growth of malignant tumors. Also, succinic acid and its compounds (succinates) possess the properties of adaptogens, that is, improve the overall resistance of the organism to adverse effects of the external environment, such as stress, viruses, bacteria, severe psycho-emotional and physical stress, etc.
Amber acid has the above effects on the cells of any organs and tissues without exception, and therefore improves the condition and functioning of the whole organism as a whole. However, the most pronounced improvement against amber acid is noted in the work of the brain and heart, since these organs use the greatest amounts of oxygen and energy. Therefore, succinic acid preparations are successfully used to prevent senile changes in the central nervous system and in the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases.
The liver under the influence of "amber" quickly neutralizes various toxic substances, due to which any intoxication passes in a short time, including alcohol and nicotine.
In general, we can say that succinic acid has the following effects on the work of various organs and systems:
- Increases the efficiency of work and increases the flow of oxygen to the cells of the nervous system;
- Strengthens the therapeutic effects of drugs, which can significantly reduce the dosage and duration of treatment of various diseases;
- It relieves the development and maintenance of the inflammatory process, including allergic, thereby accelerating recovery from chronic diseases;
- Improves nutrition of the brain and heart, creating optimal conditions for their work;
- Accelerates the neutralization of various toxic substances in the liver, so that any intoxication against succinic acid continues to be much shorter than without it;
- Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors;
- Reduces the growth rate of tumors;
- Increases the body's resistance to infections, stresses and other adverse effects of the environment;
- Stimulates the production of insulin;
- Improves microcirculation of blood in peripheral tissues (arms, legs, etc.);
- It has excellent antidepressant properties, helping to remove irritation, anxiety, fears and negative emotions;
- It relieves chronic inflammatory processes in the genito-urinary organs.
Thus, succinic acid is a very useful biologically active additive, contributing to the transition to the optimal mode of operation of all organs and tissues.
Indications for use
The use of succinic acid should be agreed with the attending physician. In general, the indications are:
- ARVI, influenza, cold (complex forms) - including in children, pregnant women;
- acute bronchitis;
- myomas, tumors (prevention of development);
- chronic stressful conditions in humans;
- heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- anemia;
- radiculitis;
- diseases of the reproductive system;
- allergy;
- asthma;
- oncological diseases as an antitoxic agent;
- hangover, alcoholism;
- the intake of vitamins, drugs to reduce their toxic effects;
- intake of food additives;
- prevention of diseases in the elderly.
The drug is not allowed to use to persons who are hypersensitive to the active component - succinic acid. Consumption of the formulation is prohibited under the following pathological conditions:
- heart failure;
- propensity to allergic reactions;
- stomach ulcers;
- stones in the kidneys and bile ducts;
- arterial hypertension;
- glaucoma.
Intended use for pregnancy and lactation
Succinic acid is not recommended for use during pregnancy. If there are indications for admission, the remedy can be taken as prescribed by the doctor in the dosages indicated to them.
During breastfeeding the composition can be used by a woman in a dosage of 1 tablet per day. It is important to monitor the child's condition, there is a risk of allergic reaction, because the active ingredient penetrates into breast milk in some quantities.
Dosage and route of administration
As indicated in the instructions for use, take succinic acid tablets after meals, with plenty of water. Dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the age of the patient and the nature of the disease. In most cases, the drug is taken in the following dosages:
- children under the age of 5 years - three times a day for half a tablet;
- children aged 5 to 12 years - twice a day for 1 tablet;
- patients older than 18 years - three times a day for 0.5-1 tablet.
The average duration of treatment is 30 days. After the first course of treatment, take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment with the drug.
Adverse Reactions
Effects that can occur against the background of taking the remedy:
- gastralgia;
- hypersecretion of gastric juice;
- increase in blood pressure (only if there is a tendency to this).
Overdose Symptoms
Overdosage of succinic acid is impossible.
Compatibility with other drugs
The product as a whole has good compatibility. It is not necessary to combine the reception of succinic acid with anxiolytics and barbiturates.
Amber acid for weight loss
The positive effect of the use of succinic acid for weight loss is due primarily to the ability to purify the substance the body from accumulated toxins, activate the function of the digestive system and remove excess water from the body.
Analyzing reviews of nutritionists about the effectiveness of the drug, we can conclude that for weight loss it should be used only as an additional stimulant of metabolic processes. Without adjusting the diet and exercise, you will not be able to get rid of the stores of subcutaneous fat.
Losing weight is recommended to take a three-day course of 3-4 tablets a day. The fourth day is made unloading: the tablets are not drunk, and they also restrict eating and exercise.
The second option involves a daily intake of 30 grams of 1 gram of succinic acid. The whole dose is taken at one time before breakfast.
Succinic acid and alcohol
Accepted alcohol in the liver very quickly turns into acetaldehyde. The use of succinic acid accelerates the decomposition of acetaldehyde into less harmful substances for the body, accelerates detoxification and improves overall health.
You can take the additive:
- before drinking;
- with hangover syndrome;
- for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.
As part of complex therapy, it is possible to use alcoholism. Course use within a few months is allowed only on the prescription of the doctor and only after the patient has undergone a comprehensive examination.
The use of succinic acid in a hangover
Many toxicologists tend to consider succinic acid as the No. 1 remedy for a hangover. Influencing the cycle of tricarboxylic acids, which is the key link in the energy metabolism, succinate stimulates it in accordance with the principle of mobile equilibrium and promotes the removal of under-oxidized metabolic products.
If drinking alcohol was accompanied by a plentiful snack, it is recommended to supplement the use of YaK with enema. To remove hangover syndrome it is recommended to take one tablet 0.1 g every 50 minutes. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. Higher doses can trigger heartburn.
To prevent a hangover about an hour before the planned feast should take 2 supplement tablets. The action develops in half an hour and lasts from 2 to 3 hours.
Patient Reviews
We offer you to familiarize yourself with the opinions of people who used Amber Acid in tablets:
- Svetlana. A wonderful tool! At me all acnes, spots and the like have descended from the face on 2-nd day of reception on 3 pieces, my beautiful complexion has returned and in 2 weeks the fat from a waist has departed!!! And most importantly, the hair now does not split and grow, as though they were smeared with turpentine !!!
- Natalia. My acquaintance with the drug occurred during the student's life, when I simultaneously studied and worked. Constant lack of sleep and chronic fatigue began to affect health. Mom advised to drink a course to raise the tone. I read the description on the Internet and bought. Since then, I constantly use the drug, and my health has improved!
- Oksana. Every autumn I get sick all the time. I bought expensive immunomodulating agents and vitamins, but the effect was zero. This year I decided to take a chance and drink the course of succinic acid, because according to the reviews of the girlfriends, he has an excellent result. That I can tell or say: this autumn I not only did not hurt, but also have noticed improvement of a status of an organism.
Shelf life and storage conditions
Store the product at room temperature, not exceeding 25 degrees, in a place inaccessible to children, characterized by the absence of moisture and direct sunlight.
Shelf life - 4 years. Amber acid is released without a prescription.

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