Attacks of a dry cough in a child: how to remove, what to do, how to stop

Parents of a young child and older children know what a dry night cough, attacks which most often begin at night. In this case, the baby wakes up from the painful coughing urges and tremors. From the outside hears wheezing with convulsive breathing in the child, he has tears, his face turns red, his nose is hammered. He awakens the sleep of all those around him and needs help.

Today we will look at how to relieve an attack of a dry cough in a child, what to do to parents, how to quickly stop a night cough.


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Why does the child cough at night?

The disease seems to be starting to recede. The baby is active during the day and feels fine. He almost does not care about coughing. Why does heavy attacks occur again at night, the baby coughs without a break?

The fact is that during sleep the body rests, physiological processes slow down. Calms breath. Night cough is associated with changes in the rhythm of breathing and the position of the child: it lies.

With the onset of coughing, antibiotics and other antimicrobials will not help, you need to know exactly the drugs that affect the cough center in the brain, the agents that dilute the sputum and provide it with a free exit, and other distracting( reflex) procedures and remedies.

Show the child for advice from a pediatrician. Talk with the doctor specifically on the treatment of cough in children, how to help the child with night cough, what can and can not be used.

Types of cough: dry, wet. ..

Immediately need to determine what cough torments the baby, why the attack begins? Coughing does not happen without a reason. In the body for a day, dust, allergens, mucus accumulate. They irritate the respiratory tract receptors, causing a sharp and strong flow of air, which is designed to automatically( reflexively) release the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs from any kind of irritants and foreign substances.

Dry cough is a symptom of any disease. Its humidity depends on the pathogen, which got into the body. Dry cough indicates the development of the following diseases:

  1. ARVI;
  2. inflammation of the vocal cords;
  3. pleurisy;
  4. diphtheria;
  5. whooping cough: the child can not clear his throat because of too viscous sputum, and dry cough is accompanied by suffocation.

One of the causes of dry cough is a disruption of the digestive tract. The acid that is in the stomach, with a belching falls into the mouth and irritates the throat. Especially often the attack happens when the baby sleeps.

Wet cough. The causative agents of wet cough are infections and viruses. It is accompanied by sputum discharge in the following diseases:

  1. ARVI: progressive stage;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. bronchial asthma.

In cases of nasal diseases and abundant mucus secretion, a moist cough appears. In a dream the mucus from the nose flows down the back wall of the throat. It accumulates in the bronchi. In a dream, it is difficult for a child to breathe, which leads to an attack.

Barking dry cough appears in the baby with the initial stages of the disease. This symptom shows that stenosis develops. There is a narrowing of the larynx. Air can not pass into the lungs. Barking cough is often accompanied by suffocation.

Stenosis occurs with edema of the respiratory tract, acute laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the adenoids. Cough is marked by sharpness, whistling sounds. Occurs in a child in a dream in the form of a severe attack.

convulsive cough is frequent, dry: accompanied by jerks and deep breaths. The baby can hardly breathe. Because of the strain, his abdominal muscles ache. A convulsive cough often indicates a whooping cough if the child is not vaccinated against the disease. Cough often provokes vomiting, redness of the eye proteins.

Allergic cough - how to remove symptoms? With allergies, cough is not the only symptom. It is accompanied by rashes on the skin, itching. Allergen could enter the body during the day, and coughing attacks occur at night. Allergic cough is always dry, can be accompanied by bronchial spasms and become barking .

Allergic cough can be triggered by food, household dust, smells, wool products. The body temperature of the baby is normal. From the nose, liquid mucus is released, tears flow.

Vocal Teeth is a kind of cough. Cough is a symptom of a neurological disease. He appears in the child in connection with the experiences. The baby begins to cough, if he is nervous, is stressed. Vocal teak is an easy, frequent cough.

At night, a tick appears if the child is to perform at the matinee in the kindergarten, before the test at the school. The kid will cough at night if he played with children during the day and became a loser. This symptom is an indicator of a nervous system disorder.

What to do: How to relieve a fit of cough, stop coughing in a child at night

When children have a fit of coughing in a dream, they experience the strongest fear. Do not leave them without attention.

  1. You need to turn on the muted light in the room, approach the baby. He should know that mom and dad will help him.
  2. Determine the type of cough.
  3. Do first help, according to the nature of the cough.
  4. Call emergency help if necessary.
  5. Report a night attack to the district pediatrician.

For the child create a soothing and comfortable environment. Sit him in bed or on his knees to normalize his breathing. They talk with him in a familiar voice, not showing any concern. It must always be remembered that the baby slept when a cough appeared. Sharp movements and nervous voice of parents will aggravate an attack.

Dry cough: Treatment what to do

If a child has a dry cough in his sleep, then all activities should be directed to moisturizing the nasal mucosa and throat .

  1. It is necessary to give a warm drink. Drink better in small, but frequent sips, so as not to provoke vomiting. Simple water is often replaced by non-carbonated mineral water. If a broth of chamomile or sage remains from the day's treatment, then it is heated, mixed with a teaspoon of honey and given to drink to the child. Well moisturize the mucous warm milk with a small piece of butter.
  2. Lubricate the nasal sinuses with a baby cream.
  3. Increase the humidity in the room. Open the ventilator, ventilate the room. To collect in a basin of hot water, that from it there was steam, and to establish it about a bed of the kid. He will breathe the steam.
  4. The bathroom is opened with hot water, and the room is allowed to fill with steam. The kid is picked up and goes to the bathroom: stay in the room until the steam settles.
  5. Make inhalation with mineral water or with saline solution. Inhalation is carried out in the event that the baby has ceased to be capricious and completely awake.
  6. As a bonus, they give him to dissolve a tablet with menthol, a spoon of honey or burnt sugar.

To remove a fit of cough help medication.

The pediatrician himself recommends which preparations in this case will be effective in treatment: you should not choose them yourself. If the child coughs in a dream, then give one of the antitussive syrups:

  1. " Sinekod " - for children from 2 years give drops, from 3 years - syrup, from 6 years - dragees;
  2. « Tussin Plus » - for children from 6 years;
  3. " Linkas " - for children from 6 months;
  4. « Libexin Muko » - from 2 years.

This therapy is used with a dry barking cough. Conducted activities will help against an attack of stenosis, with bronchial spasm.

First aid for a damp cough, what to do

If a child has developed a fit of a damp cough in a dream, then all actions of the parents should be aimed at making the speed up the withdrawal of sputum from the bronchi .

  1. Put the baby on the stomach, do a back massage: stroking, rubbing, tapping. Massage should be accompanied by a fun story, so that the baby was comfortable and not scared. Massage is done by both small and adult children.
  2. Put the baby in bed to give output to phlegm.
  3. Cotton swab clean the nasal sinuses from mucus.
  4. Give a warm broth: breastfeeding number 4, if the child is under 2 years old or 1, 2, 3 for older children.
  5. The air in the room must be wet.

To treat an attack of wet cough, do not give antitussives, use mukultinistye drugs:

  1. " Ascoril " - from 6 years;
  2. " Ambrobene " - from 6 years;
  3. " ACS " - from 2 years;
  4. " Mukaltin " - is allowed for children under 1 year.

Drug medications are taken as a syrup. They have a sweet taste, like children. Tablets are not recommended. There is a possibility that children will not be able to swallow them.

How to relieve an allergic cough?

If an allergic cough is accompanied by a gasp, immediately call an "ambulance" , and only then provide the child with first aid. Cough is always dry, so it is necessary to conduct proper measures to moisturize the laryngeal mucosa.

  1. From the room, remove all items on which the child has an allergy, the room is ventilated.
  2. If a reaction causes any component of the food product, enterosorbents are given: activated carbon, "Filtrumsti", "Polysorb".
  3. Suprastinum against allergy and a strong attack of a cough The antihistamine preparations are allergen-resistant: "Suproostin", "Zodak", "Tavegil".
  4. If a bronchial spasm develops, before the arrival of the "first aid" they make inhalation with "Berodual".Drugs are used only if they have been prescribed by a pediatrician before. Means give children from 6 months.

Parents should act calmly and clearly. Excessive nervousness in actions will harm the child. He will panic, the attack will not stop.

How to help with neurological cough?

Vocal teak is not defined as dry or wet. This is a frequent cough that prevents a child from sleeping. It is removed by sedatives. Give tea with valerian, melissa, motherwort. For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of dry ground grass: insist 30 minutes, filter. If the child has already woken up, but it does not become easier, then make a soothing bath, having drunk in the water lavender or mint oil.

Baby should be reassured by words and actions: tell him a story, sing a lullaby. With a teenager it's better to talk and inspire him that everything will be fine, he is not alone, his family supports him.

Folk remedies at home

To soften the attack at night recommend some recipes of traditional medicine.

  1. In the treatment of dry cough .Hot inhalation over potato steam. The procedure is recommended for children from 3 years old, if they do not have temperature. Cook the potatoes in the "uniform", crush it a little, until it has cooled down, give the child breathe over the vapors.
  2. From of a wet cough .Cooked potatoes kneaded, make a compress. You will need 2 diapers. The baby's breast is closed with one diaper, the potatoes are distributed on it, and the second diaper closes it.
  3. Folk remedies for cough - sage with milk. From all kinds of cough: milk with sage.15 grams of herb insist in hot milk for half an hour: filter, give small portions.
  4. In milk, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey, butter, yolk 1 egg. The medicine is drunk in a warm form.

Folk remedies with milk, herbs and honey are used for treatment if the child does not have allergies to ingredients. Honey is better to take buckwheat. Herbs are dry, shredded.


If there is a fear that the baby will begin an attack at night, then the plaster " Saddle " is attached to the clothes, pajamas, and shirt. The plaster is impregnated with eucalyptus oil, camphor. These funds will facilitate breathing, calm the child.

Before going to bed, make a bath with herbal decoction. They use chamomile, calendula, valerian. A little broth is left for night drinking.

Rubbing with ointments:

  1. turpentine;
  2. Doctor MOM;
  3. with badger fat;
  4. baby cream mixed with radish juice or sea-buckthorn oil.

In the children's room the temperature is not higher than +22 degrees, the air is moistened to 70%: humidity is measured with a hygrometer. To create a comfortable atmosphere, you get a device that moisturizes and ionizes the air. If there is no such device, then in the room hang wet diapers.

Dinner does not make too saturated and dense. Products that provoke gassing in the intestine, eat during the day. From citrus fruits, berries, sweet pastries, fast food is better to refuse. Acute food during illness is not given. It irritates not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the upper respiratory tract, provoking an attack. Dinner time is 2 hours before bedtime.

If the child is overexcited, it must be reassured before bedding. Otherwise, he will wake up from bad dreams or from a vocal tic. The time to go to sleep should always be the same. Avoid in the evening computer and active games, problematic and emotional conversations.

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Attack at night will not pass by itself. The first help to a child is always from his close people. In the children's medicine cabinet contain antipyretics, antitussive and mukultinistye syrups. At hand, you need to keep honey and butter. A night attack is best prevented by preventive measures so that the child does not suffer from coughing in a dream.


Татьяна .Faced such a problem. We must immediately try to understand what is the cause of the cough. If it's a runny nose, then clean and bury your nose. If the child is allergic, and there was a contact with the allergen - give an antihistamine. Well, if a dry cough - it's a good drink, inhalation with saline, airing the room and humidifying the air. And the main thing is not to panic!

Children's cough: How to stop an attack of cough

On the video channel "LadyZine".

Most parents connect with the problem of a strong cough in a child. Often, such attacks occur in babies at night and caring mothers do not know how to remove a fit of coughing in the child and what you need to do for this. Today we will tell you how to relieve a child of a coughing fit.

Source: https: // detskie-zabolevaniya / kashel-u-rebyonka-nochyu-kak-ostanovit-pristup

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