A strong wet cough in the baby

Wet cough in the baby

wet cough in the child

Coughing is one of the most frequent symptoms of respiratory diseases. He can testify about a variety of diseases, from banal ARI to tuberculosis. Parents need to know that coughing a child can be dry or wet, and distinguish between these two concepts, because the approach to their treatment will also be different.

Wet, or so-called productive cough in the child is different in that, coughing, the baby coughs up sputum accumulated in the bronchi. This process is a physiological variant of self-healing of an organism, and often does not require additional treatment. For example, this situation can arise when a child has a runny nose and mucus not only escapes from the nose, but flows down the throat inward, causing a wet cough without temperature. This is absolutely normal phenomenon, and you need to treat here not a cough, but a cold, creating for this comfortable conditions (fresh moist air, a healthy sleep, a plentiful drink).

But often the causes of the appearance of a wet cough are more serious diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchial asthma and others. On such a symptom it is necessary to respond by an immediate visit (or a call to the house) of a doctor. Attention to parents should be such signs:

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  • strong and frequent moist coughing in the baby, especially at night;
  • wheezing;
  • sputum unusual color, turbid, with greens or blood;
  • combination of cough with high temperature (more than 38.5 ° C);
  • a prolonged (prolonged) wet cough in a child that does not pass for a month or longer.

Treatment of wet cough in children

How to treat a wet cough, in each specific situation, the doctor decides, having inspected and listening to the lungs with the help of a phonendoscope, and if necessary and making tests. It directly depends on the diagnosis. Independently "appoint" the child cough medicine in any case can not be - this can only aggravate the situation. Parents are encouraged only to alleviate the suffering of the baby, remembering the following.

  1. With a damp cough, only expectorants can be used, but in no case drugs to suppress cough. The first include drugs such as lazolvan, doctor mom, ambroxol, bromhexine, licorice root syrup, pectusin, breastfeeding and others. They dilute sputum and promote easier removal from the bronchi, while antitussive drugs only contribute to suppression cough reflex, which in this case is ineffective and will lead to deterioration of the child's condition and complications to the lower respiratory tract.
  2. In addition to syrups and pills, great importance in therapy is played by the air that a sick child breathes. The air in the room should always be cool and damp. If the child does not have a temperature and is not shown bed rest, be sure to take a walk 1-2 times a day.
  3. Abundant drink, as you know, well removes toxins from the body. That's why doctors recommend it for any infectious diseases. Give the child warm teas with honey and lemon (in the absence of allergies), compotes of fresh fruits and berries,treatment of wet cough in childrennectar, mors from raspberry, black currant, cranberry or kalina.
  4. Inhalations with a damp cough also help to sputum. Use for this purpose decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, breastfeeding) or water with the addition of soda. Remember that steam inhalations are contraindicated for children under one year, so a wet cough in the baby should be treated with other methods.

Keep in mind that without the involvement of a doctor, it is unlikely to solve the problem, therefore, the earlier you apply to a qualified pediatrician, the faster will be the annoying and exhausting cough of your child.


What is dangerous is a strong moist cough in a child without fever

A wet cough in a child without a temperature creates a lot of serious concerns for his parents. But often the cause of its appearance is hidden in ordinary dust. Therefore, before therapy, you need to find out why the baby cough.

The problem of wet cough in a child

Differences in wet cough

A toddler under the age of two years coughs many times a day. Doctors do not see in this phenomenon a serious cause for concern, if the overall condition of the child does not deteriorate. But quite often cough for no apparent reason indicates dangerous diseases.

There are two types of cough:

  • dry;
  • wet.

Unlike dry, wet cough does not do without phlegm and wheezing. As for duration, it can be acute, prolonged or chronic. Therefore, in those situations where a cough does not last for three weeks, it can become protracted. If you can not cure it, then after three months it will grow into a chronic form.

The main causes of persistent wet cough:

Allergy in a child - the cause of a cough
  • cold and acute respiratory infections;
  • ENT infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy;
  • whooping cough;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • psychogenic factor;
  • insufficient air humidity;
  • reaction to chemical products;
  • getting a foreign object into the respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

There are many reasons for the appearance of a wet cough. Therefore, parents need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. He will appoint an effective method of treatment, and the baby will again be healthy and cheerful.

Wet cough as a symptom of disease

Often at the initial stage of the disease, a strong cough is its only sign.Often, he can stay after treatment for ARVI. Rhinitis and pain in the throat, as a rule, pass quickly enough. But coughing is still present for some time without causing heat and additional symptoms.

As for sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases of upper respiratory tract, the selection is quite often fall into the upper respiratory tract. This causes the attack of a damp cough in the baby. To avoid this, you need to treat the mouth and throat of the child with an antiseptic. For example, you can do inhalation tincture of chamomile. This procedure will be an effective preventive measure against throat inflammation.

One of the signs of tuberculosis is a frequent cough. In some cases, it is not accompanied by a high temperature. If the parents have serious suspicions about this, the baby should be shown to a qualified specialist.

Chemicals are the cause of a child's dry coughAllergic reactions can manifest themselves, and may be accompanied by other diseases. Sometimes the body with a dry or wet cough responds to certain components of medications. In this case, the child does not have a high fever.

One type of allergy is bronchial asthma. In this case, the baby except for coughing wheezing may occur, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing process. To establish the irritant, the child must donate blood for a number of laboratory tests.

As for whooping cough, a prolonged cough without fever can remind you of the illness. In this case, the child is nearing the night, there are attacks that resemble asthma. This phenomenon, as a rule, is psychosomatic.

Since parasites are able to move freely through the internal organs of a person, they can penetrate into the respiratory system. Then there is irritation of the lungs, bronchi and even sputum may appear. Such cases are quite frequent. It is often difficult to diagnose a helminthic infection because of the common cold symptoms.

Strong coughing attacks can go away, and then resume after a few months. The most active periods of worm propagation are autumn and spring. Since at this time the body does not have strong immunity, parasites begin to multiply rapidly.

Why cough does not pass?

Often, poor state of health can be caused by a number of emotions and worries that arise in critical situations.

A doctor's examination when a child coughsThe child's organism expresses anxiety and nervousness with the help of a cough. This is especially often seen at night or during a meal.

If the kid is involved in something, then he does not cough during this period. As soon as the child becomes tense, seizures resume. Sometimes they can not stop for a long time. Naturally, over time nervousness can retreat itself. But if a child grows more aggressive, it should be shown to a psychiatrist and neuropathologist.

Often, the cause of coughing can hide in the dryness of the air of the room, where most of the time the baby spends. To increase the humidity in the room you must either use a special humidifier, or put a container of water. These measures will help to soothe the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, as well as relieve the baby from the pain.

Often, various chemicals can cause a wet cough in a child. If the house often uses aggressive household chemicals, the baby can suffer from irritation of the mucous membranes. Harmful components of various drugs can enter the respiratory system of the child, so at the time of harvesting it must be sent to fresh air. After the cleaning procedures are completed, the entire apartment needs to be ventilated well, since there is a high risk of chemical poisoning of the baby's body.

Very often young children swallow small parts during games. The foreign body sticks inside, causing a strong irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. As a rule, in such a situation, there is an attack of a sharp cough. In this case, the child needs to be turned upside down and shaken well. In order for this to happen no longer, it is necessary to safely hide all small items. Also, you can not leave your baby alone in the room for a long time.

Often, a sick stomach and biliary tract cause a wet cough in a small child. Since the digestive products enter the respiratory system, they begin to cause irritation of the mucous membrane. This may well have an effect on the occurrence of a wet cough in a child without temperature.

Conclusion on the topic

A dry or wet cough without fever in a baby can have many reasons for its appearance. In this case, you can not independently treat the child. Therefore, you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.


Than to treat and how to stop a cough in a child 3 years old?

cough in children

Kids are often sick. Of course, curing a child who can not say exactly what bothers him, is much more difficult than an adult. Cough can appear due to various diseases. And the nature of the cough can be anything. It can be dry, barking, wet or wet. It is worth noting that the cause of coughing can be:

  • virus
  • asthma
  • allergy
  • microbes.

And in children, as a rule, coughing is a consequence of ARVI. A strong dry cough is called non-productive, and a wet cough is productive.

Quick deliverance

cough in a child 3 years than to treat

Usually in children 3 years of cough occurs after an inflammation of the nose or throat. The worst thing is that such a cough agonizes often enough, but the spitting does not occur. The child feels bad, that is, he suffers from coughing attacks, both in the daytime and in the night. To make the sufferings of the child easier, you need to take action. What methods of treatment can be?

  1. General methods.
  2. Medicamentous.
  3. Folk remedies.
  4. Additional treatment and prevention.

General recommendations

Everyone knows that the child needs to ensure proper diet and nutrition. In the room where the sick child is, there should be no dust, which can aggravate the condition. In the diet of the baby should be more vitamins, and the drink - abundant.

And the drink includes not only water. Of course, you can not do without it, but you should include herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes in the diet. These funds will help to get rid of sputum faster.

The video tells how to cough a child 3 years:

Medication intervention

Taking medication may be necessary. These drugs may be

  • mucolyticsmucolytics for the treatment of dry cough
  • expectorant
  • soothing agents.

Mucolytics will help to get rid of phlegm.

Expectorants can better cough. And soothing will reduce the active process of cough development.

If you decide to give your child a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions and pay attention to side effects. They can become dizziness and drowsiness. Because of this, know that these drugs are best given at night. Even if the child does not have allergies, carefully study the composition. Now there is a huge selection of drugs for treating dry cough in the pharmaceutical market. Among the medications worth mentioning are the following: Bromhexine, ATSTS, Ambrobene, Gedelix. Also among moms, Robottussin is a success, helping to block the cough. And Delsim is a suspension that has a fairly long-lasting effect.

Folk methods

  1. Treatment with pine buds. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of milk with 1 tbsp. l. pine buds. The mixture should be infused for 1 hour. The product is ready for use: you need to drink 50 grams, preferably every hour or two. If you apply the remedy during the day, then the next day you will see significant changes, the cough becomes much softer. There are children who do not tolerate milk, so in this recipe you can replace it with water. And instead of pine buds you can use shoots of spruce.than cure cough in a child 3 years old
  2. Badger fat. After 3 years or already in 3 years you can give the child badger fat from coughing. Up to this age, it can only be applied externally. Half a teaspoon after meals should be taken in pure form. Cough quickly leaves, this remedy is considered one of the effective. Also, you can dissolve the fat in warm milk and add honey.In pharmacies you will find badger fat in ampoules. Of course, not everyone in the house has this fat, so you can use goose. But you can not take it inside, you can just massage it with it.badger oil from coughing
  3. Cakes from honey and buckwheat. How to make a honey cake for a cough? Take in proportions 1 to 1 honey, flour, mustard powder, vegetable oil and vodka. Mix all these ingredients. Take half the mixture and wrap it in a cloth, then put it on your back, wrap it around the bandage and put on your pajamas. This remedy can be left overnight. But if you are afraid of the child's reaction, you can leave this remedy for the first time for 2 hours. If everything is good, then do not be afraid to leave it all night.Cakes from honey and buckwheat

Support procedures

To auxiliary measures most often include inhalation. They can be carried out with the help of a special device, which is sold in a pharmacy. But you can do without it, just letting the baby breathe over the steam, the main thing is not to get burned.It is also possible to put a container with hot liquid near the baby's bed, but you can not step back a step. When the water cools down, it can be poured.You can do inhalation with chamomile, sage or ordinary boiled potatoes. By reference, you can read how to breathe a child over a potato. Inhalations help to strengthen the effect of medications, mucus is liquefied, the airways are cleared, the baby will begin to cough more quickly.

how to properly wash the nose of an infant

Read how to properly wash the nose of an infant.

Here you can see the composition of the syrup from Kashlya Linkas.

Reviews on the use of milk with oil from cough: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/moloko-s-maslom-ot-kashlya.html.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

Wet cough differs from dry cough that there is separation of sputum, which in its properties is colorless and odorless. Very often a child may not even notice how he swallows it, or just clears his throat well.A common cause of this type of cough is viral infections, but if the cough is protracted, then this indicates more serious diseases.

The video tells what to cure a cough in a child of 3 years:

Children 3 years worse tolerate any kind of coughing than adults. This is due to the fact that the respiratory system of babies is still poorly developed, so sputum can be clogged in the aisles. Take care that the mucus does not accumulate in the bronchi. With prolonged accumulation, bacteria can multiply, which adversely affects the body. As in the case of dry cough, there are various methods of treatment:

  • General treatment.The temperature in the patient's room should be about 20 degrees. When vacuuming, take the baby to another room. Walking in the fresh air should be mandatory, but do not allow the baby to run and sweat. Constantly lying is not recommended. In this case, sputum will be clogged in the airways.
  • Medicated.There are drugs that help liquefy mucus, and then it comes out better from the respiratory system.There are a number of drugs that are made based on herbs.These include Pectusin, Doctor Mom (here it is told about its use for children), Solutan.

But drugs obtained synthetically, help not worse: Lazolvan (Lazolvan also used with laryngitis in a child), Bromhexin, ACTS. Carefully read the instructions to avoid allergies or severe side effects. Once the sputum is better off, stop taking medication.

Folk remedies

  1. Radish. After making a large depression in the radish, put it in some container vertically. Add honey to the hole and put it in a dark place for 4 hours, covered with a dense cloth. The resulting juice with honey should be taken 3-4 times a day.black cough
  2. Lemon- everyone knows that this is a good tool for strengthening immunity. 5 tbsp. l. Honey should be mixed well with the juice of one lemon. Take the medication several times a day.citric lemon
  3. Bow. It is necessary to grind 3 bulbs well, add ½ cup of honey. The agent should be infused for 3 hours, after which it is necessary to add 50 ml of water. Leave for another 3 hours. The mixture is ready, it needs to be taken several times a day.cough onion

Here you can find more folk recipes for expectorants.

Support procedures

Paraffin and ozocerite applications are helpful in case of a wet cough accompanied by snot. Well, if the inhaler will without additional procedures spray the substance throughout the oral cavity. You can also do massage, ultrasound, gymnastics. Massage helps to eliminate sputum faster. Therefore, it is necessary to stretch the back and chest, this procedure will even be pleasant for the child. Inhalation, as with a wet cough, should also be used. Remember that with a wet cough, in no case should you give antitussive drugs for children with a dry cough.

Features of treatment with and without temperature

If cough accompanied by fever, then you need to give antipyretics. Usually such agents are syrups such as Nurofen.If the temperature does not exceed 37, then you can make warm foot baths.nurofen for children

If there are any skin conditions, you can not rub it with various ointments. It is also forbidden to do with cardiovascular diseases and allergic reactions. If the baby has weak blood vessels, bleeding from the nose is often observed, then it is better not to inhale.

A child who has cough without fever can be given reasonable medicines listed above. Of course, depending on the nature of the cough.Tablets, syrups, ointments should be given in limited quantities.Of course, going outside at a temperature is prohibited. This can further exacerbate the situation. From bathing, too, it is better to abstain, you can do with ordinary grindings. If there is no temperature, you can take a shower.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

No matter how good parents you may be, no matter how you save your child from illness, a cough can still appear. Any cough is accompanied by a disease. In the lungs, a large or excessive amount of mucus is produced, the body is removed from it and cough is used to cure it. And the reasons for this may be infectious or allergic reactions, as well as unsatisfactory conditions in which the child lives. For example, the room is too hot, dusty. If the treatment is not properly prescribed, for example, the cough drugs you start giving to the baby, the mucus will remain and will accumulate in the body. And this will lead to pneumonia. With a damp cough, the use of expectorants can also lead to a severe cough, the child can cough all night. A visiting doctor will tell you that the baby has wheezy.

In the video - Dr. Komarovsky talks about cough treatment in a child of 3 years:

Komarovsky says that there is no "golden pill" for coughing. In order for a child to clear his throat, one has to make sure that the thick sputum becomes liquid.The cough itself is not treated, you need to be able to alleviate it or increase its effectiveness. To do this, first of all, you need to breathe wet, clean air. To make slime liquid it is possible only, having watered the child. It is worth knowing that no expectorant is comparable in effectiveness to an abundant drink.

By the nature of the cough to determine its nature can not be.But if the cough is accompanied by a disorder of the general condition, there is a temperature, a cold, then the infectious principle lies at the basis. If there are no such signs, then this is an allergic cough. It is necessary to analyze the general condition of the child and take action or contact the doctor.


How to treat a severe cough in a child?

Than to treat a strong cough in a childAll parents love when their children are cheerful, cheerful and healthy, but what to do if a child gets sick and is persecuted by a violent cough? First you need to understand why this is happening and, accordingly, choose the right therapy, because every disease - their own treatment.

How to treat a severe dry cough in a child?

The treatment involves the transfer of a cough from dry to wet, so that sputum begins to flow away. This can be achieved with the help of alkaline inhalations (a solution of soda, mineral water "Borjomi", "Essentuki"), as well as a number of drugs that dilute the mucus:

  • Sinecod;
  • Stopusin Fito;
  • Herbion;
  • Linkas;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Kodelak Fito.

How to treat a strong wet cough in a child?

If the dry cough has passed into the wet stage, you can take mucolytics (expectorants). On the appointment of a doctor and in the absence of temperature, a specialist appoints warming procedures, such as electrophoresis, inhalations, mustard, massage helps very well. Such drugs are used:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronchophyte;
  • ATSTS;
  • Pektolvan S.

When a child has a strong expectorant cough, the choice to treat it is still with the doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous, especially in children under the age of two, because of the overabundance of mucus, there are big problems with breathing. In addition to medicinal therapy, in babies sputum departs better with a mild rubbing of the back and chest massaging gentle movements. If the child is older, then the output of sputum may be facilitated by mobile games, but if there is no temperature.

How to treat a strong barking cough in a child?

With laryngospasm, when there is a barking (mainly at night) cough, should be inhaled with mineral water, take antihistamines preparations, antipyretic, distracting procedures, expectorants, and it is also necessary to often offer the child a warm drink.

Severe dry cough in a child than treatedIt is important to ensure the influx of fresh moist air to stop the attack. In serious cases, a prednisolone or dexamethasone injection is required.

Than to cure a strong cough in a child at night?

At night, the cough is different. This may be an allergic reaction, a viral disease, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. It is necessary to do a wet cleaning in the room, spend airing before going to bed, give plenty to drink to the baby during the day.

If the baby is coughing at night, it is better not to treat it yourself, as this will worsen the condition. In this case, you should see a doctor for an appointment survey.


Expectorant cough: how to eliminate an unpleasant symptom

CoughAn expectorant cough does not give the child and the adult person a lot of unpleasant sensations, like dry, but it also indicates the course of pathological processes in the body and necessarily requires treatment.

Features of wet cough

Cough in the babyIt is called wet or productive cough, as it is accompanied by the formation of sputum. The transition of dry cough to wet indicates the onset of recovery, because the departure of sputum facilitates the purification and release of the respiratory tract from pathogenic mucus. To speed up the healing process, that is, to clear bronchi more quickly, specialists to their patients prescribe expectorants.

The most common causes of expectorant cough in a child are such diseases:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • ARVI, ARI;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic diseases;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • tuberculosis.
Bronchi with bronchitisSpecialists often characterize the disease by the type of sputum. With bronchitis and tracheitis, abundant sputum is produced, pneumonia gives rise to mucus with a rusty hue. If the inflammatory process develops in the airway of the child, watery sputum is observed. A sign of bronchial asthma is considered viscous vitreous sputum. Signal of the development of heart failure or tuberculosis is the allocation of bloody sputum. With bronhoektaz and abscess of the lung, purulent mucus is produced with a fetid odor.

How to treat a wet cough?

Sputum in children from the respiratory tract is much more difficult than in adults. Such a process is due to the fact that sputum is more viscous in children, and the respiratory tract is not yet sufficiently developed.

It is important to cleanse the respiratory tract as soon as possible from pathogenic mucus, as it promotes rapid the reproduction of bacteria that can delay the healing process and cause the development of dangerous complications. For this reason, the main task in the treatment of wet cough is to facilitate the phlegm.

Taking the medicineTo do this, you need to know what the child has to cough up an expectorant cough to help him, rather than worsen his health. Drug treatment involves the use of mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Mucolytics increase the amount of sputum, which contributes to its cough, and expectorant drugs dilute too viscous sputum.

Expectorants depending on the origin of the components used in the production of medicines are divided into two types - natural and synthetic. The first type includes the well-known remedies Dr. Mom, Pectusin, Breast Collection, Solutan. The second category of expectorants is Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, ACC.

Auscultation of the lungsIn the treatment of children, it is better to use herbal preparations, but they must be used with caution. Since there is a possibility of allergic reactions. According to experts, synthetic drugs are more effective, they quickly dilute even too viscous sputum, so they can not be avoided in the treatment of cystic fibrosis or pneumonia. When treating a wet cough, it is strictly forbidden to use antitussive drugs that affect the brain, because suppressing cough, sputum will remain in the airways. The intake of expectorants should be discontinued at the stage of recovery, when the cough becomes productive and the child can clear throats during active movement.

If you do massage the chest and back, especially with the use of warming agents, sputum in children will depart much better. Light massage movements on the baby's chest will help to facilitate the evacuation of sputum in allergic diseases of the respiratory tract. Children after 3 years with an expectorant cough can be steam inhalation with the use of plant extracts, soda, essential oils.

Use of herbal preparations

Expectorant herbsMost expectorants for children are created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants. They are released in the form of potions, tablets and syrups. The structure of herbal preparations can include the root of althaea, ivy, licorice, thermopsis, plantain, coltsfoot, anise, eucalyptus and some other herbs. The action of medicinal plants on the bronchi occurs by absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Such drugs stimulate the bronchial mucosa, dilute sputum, resulting in an increase in its number. These medicines must be used under the supervision of a doctor, because, getting into the stomach, they can cause a vomiting reflex, so the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Drugs based on the root of the althaea are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema. Among such products belongs

Expectorant collectionmukaltin and alteyka. Grass of thermopsol is an effective expectorant, which contains many alkaloids and sodium bicarbonate, which contribute to sputum discharge. The medicine on the basis of this substance is available in the form of tablets and syrup, which are prescribed for difficultly isolated sputum. Thermopsol is part of the famous drug Kodelak bronho.

Many parents in the treatment of expectorant cough in children use a breastfeed that is brewed in the form of tea. The agent is characterized by anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic and antibacterial action. Depending on the type of collection, different herbs are used.

How to accelerate the process of recovery?

It is very good if the parents know how to cough up the cough for a child, but it is important to create favorable conditions in the room for a quick recovery. Experts recommend adhering to such rules:

  1. In the room where the sick child is, the optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees, when it's not hot, but it's not cold either. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and conduct wet cleaning in it, because getting into the respiratory tract of dust will significantly worsen the child's condition;
  2. Application of air humidifierIndoors it is important to create conditions of high humidity, so that sputum in the respiratory tract does not thicken;
  3. Reduce the viscosity of sputum will help abundant drinking, give the child juices, water, tea, compotes, warm milk;
  4. Walking in the fresh air with an expectorant cough is not a contraindication if the child does not have a temperature. Going to the street, you do not need to babble, it's important to avoid overheating;
  5. During illness it is not necessary to try to keep the child in bed constantly, after all physical activity promotes faster clearing of respiratory ways from pathogenic slime.

With an expectorant cough, the main thing is not to start the disease and correctly use the expectorant, combining medicamental treatment with physical activity and walking outdoors.


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