Large-heart attack of myocardial infarction: how to get into 60% of survivors

Myocardial infarction is a disease of the heart, in which cardiac muscles die. Their death occurs due to poor blood supply or lack of it. A large-heart infarct is a violation of the coronary circulation.

Slowing and stopping blood circulation can be due to the formation of thrombi or a strong pronounced spasm of the artery.


  • 1 General
  • 2 Risk Factors
  • 3 reasons
  • 4 Danger
  • 5 Consequences
  • 6 symptoms and periods
    • 6.1 island - the first two hours
    • 6.2 Acute - the first ten days
    • 6.3 Subacute - the first month
    • 6.4 postinfarction - six months
  • 7 Diagnosis andECG signs
  • 8 Tactics of treatment
  • 9 Prognosis and rehabilitation
  • 10 Prevention

General information

The difference between a large-focal lesion from a shallow focal one is in the size of a coronary lesionarna artery .A small-focal infarction can pass absolutely unnoticed, it can be diagnosed after a few months or years after its appearance. Also small-focal infarction gives much less complications than a large lesion.

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Large area of ​​myocardial infarction says about partial or complete death of the muscular wall of the heart .In the classification of myocardial infarction in the defeat of all the muscles of the heart through it can be called transmural. Dying of the heart muscles is extremely dangerous for a person, because the heart begins to contract not correctly( ie, it does not work properly).

About 30 - 40% of cases of large-heart infarction lead to death on the first day.

Large-angle infarcts of may occur independently or be formed from fine-frontal necrosis of ( tissue death).About 30% of all cases flow into a large-focal form. The disease is common among men, because they develop atherosclerosis before. In women, heart attacks are common at the age of 50-70 years and account for about 40% of all sudden deaths.

Risk factors

  • Harmful habits( smoking, alcohol).
  • Elevated blood pressure, hypertension.
  • Rheumatism with affecting the heart membranes.
  • Infectious diseases caused by streptococci, staphylococci.
  • Increase in blood cholesterol, which forms atherosclerotic plaques.
  • A significant decrease in the blood of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which collects "bad" cholesterol from the walls of the arteries.
  • Decrease in the level of triglycerides( cells take energy from it for life).
  • Significant decrease in physical activity.
  • Age changes, retirement age( men after 40, women after 50).
  • Male gender.
  • Pollution of the environment in the place of residence.
  • Diabetes, obesity.
  • Heart Disease.
  • Diseases of the immune system.
  • Previously transferred small-scale and large-focal heart attacks.

Reasons for

Any myocardial infarction appears as a complication due to coronary heart disease, its most acute form. More reasons can be drawn up with the list:

  1. Ischemic disease.
  2. Atherosclerosis.
  3. Vascular thrombosis.
  4. The patient's blood viscosity is usually elevated. Often this is due to coronary artery disease, but it can also be an independent cause.
  5. Severe spasms of the arteries.
  6. Hypertension.
  7. Angina pectoris.
  8. The person has several risk factors.
  9. Nervous exhaustion, constant stress.
  10. Emotional shocks.


A large lesion site complicates treatment. The mortality from this disease in the first hours, when its most acute form passes, is no more than 40% of .The defeat of a large number of tissues leads to their death( necrosis).This does not allow the heart to function normally.

Large-heart attack infects the entire muscle middle layer of the heart, and sometimes even goes beyond the myocardium. Such extensive necrosis of muscles and tissues can cause irreversible changes.

Large-focal infarction is dangerous by the appearance of an aneurysm, a heart rupture, heart failure, thromboembolism, ventricular fibrillation. Often, complications after such a heart attack can be complex , leading to a deterioration in the quality of life of the patient.

Consequences of

Large-focal myocardial infarction leads to serious complications, therefore to the region negatively affects the body of patient as a whole. The consequence of any myocardial infarction is a change in the rhythm of the heart. Some patients find out about the transferred disease( its easy form) after passing the electrocardiogram( ECG).

Cardiac insufficiency may occur with abnormal cardiac contractions of due to scarring of the myocardium, because the function of contraction is partially lost.

If the on the myocardium grows too large , a sack protrusion may appear on the vessel wall - an aneurysm. It is treated only surgically. If the operation is not carried out, the aneurysm will burst.

Symptoms and periods

Large-heart infarction of the myocardium may occur suddenly or develop gradually .About half of the patients noted the occurrence of angina pectoris. It manifests itself in emotional shocks or under physical stress.

Acute - the first two hours

  • A pronounced pain in the chest, giving off in the left ear.
  • Severe pain in the neck, teeth and jaw.
  • Pains in collarbone and scapula.
  • Weakness of muscles.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • The state of panic, monstrous fear due to intolerable pain.
  • Pressure boost. Pale skin, sweating. Tachycardia, arrhythmia.

Acute - the first ten days of

  • No pain.
  • Temperature.
  • Symptoms of heart failure.
  • Low pressure.

Subacute - the first month

  • Absence of pain syndrome and temperature.
  • The state of health is gradually improving.

Post-infarction - half year

Scar is completely formed, the symptoms are absent.

Diagnosis and ECG signs

First-line diagnostics are usually performed by ambulance doctors, an anamnesis is being prepared for this. The patient is then given an ECG.It clearly shows changes in the rhythm of the heart. With a large focal infarction, appears with a deep Q scar and the scar R disappears - a pathological QS scar appears.

During the first month, the ECG chart will determine the negative T-scribe value and increase the Q-scar .Then the scar T becomes in the form of an isosceles triangle, Q - is preserved.

Tactics of treatment

In the acute and acute periods, the patient is sent to the intensive care unit .Before the arrival of an ambulance man lay his head on the pillow, open the window. Under the tongue lies a pill of nitroglycerin, he chews up aspirin. Also, sedative medications are given to reduce feelings of fear and panic, painkillers, panangin, beta-blocker( eg, metaprolol).

When cardiac arrest, it is necessary to begin resuscitation( indirect heart massage, mouth-to-mouth breathing) and continue until doctors arrive.

In hospital, the patient is administered blood thinning medications , preventing the formation of thrombi( aspirin).Beta-blockers( metaprolol, atenolol) are also prescribed, which reduce the need for cardiac muscles in oxygen.

If drug therapy does not help, the patient is assigned coronary balloon angioplasty( vasodilatation) or aortocaronal shunting of the heart vessels. This is two ways of surgical intervention of , which will save a person's life.

Forecast and rehabilitation

Life after a major focal infarction can never return to its course. Recovery after the disease has to be long, gradual. Preventive measures can prolong a person's life for many more years.

Quality of life depends on the area of ​​tissue necrosis, complications and response of medical workers.

Recovery lasts the entire postinfarction period of .At this time, emotional rest and compliance with preventive measures against complications is recommended.


For prophylaxis it is necessary: ​​

  • Refuse from smoking and alcohol.
  • More to be outdoors. If possible, move to a suburb or city with a non-polluted environment.
  • It is necessary to monitor your weight, nutrition, blood sugar level.
  • Normalize blood pressure.
  • To go in for sports, physical education, therapeutic gymnastics.
  • More to be outdoors.

The defeat of the middle heart muscle is a dangerous disease, because slightly less than half of the patients die on the first day of .

It is extremely important to be able to provide the person with the necessary help at the first sign of myocardial infarction.

This video describes the rules of first aid:

After rehabilitation, a patient with may experience complications with the heart or any other internal body of the .An infarct can hit any person, but to protect yourself and stay healthy for many years, you should follow preventive measures and lead a healthy lifestyle.