Headache. The reasons why the headache. Tablets for headaches, a list of effective drugs

Surely, any home owners in the medicine cabinet have painkillers for headache pain. I can even argue that there are unlikely to be many such people experiencing frequent severe headaches that run to the doctor at the appearance of the earliest signs of malaise.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of patients know that pain is a signal of trouble in the body, a violation of its work. To signals should listen and take measures to eliminate the causative factors of the pain syndrome, especially in the head.

Keep in mind that an independent reception at home of medications is possible with single and rare attacks of pain in the head.


Headaches and the reasons why the headache?

Selecting drugs for headache, a person needs to navigate:

  1. on the cause of the origin of the pain symptom;
  2. on the nature of painful sensations, the localization of discomfort, the multiplicity of manifestation of an unpleasant condition.

There are several reasons for the development of discomfort in the head:

  1. Unstable nervous state, constant stress, neurosis.
  2. Genetic predisposition to migraines.
  3. Infectious diseases that occur in the tissues of the brain or in the muscles of the neck.
  4. Colds, flu, SARS, poisoning.
  5. Hypertension, hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia.
  6. Defeat of the upper spine: osteochondrosis, myositis, cervical migraine.
  7. Stenosis of blood vessels, an aneurysm of the brain, pre-stroke state.
  8. Lack of oxygen: being in an unventilated room, permanent residence in a gassy city.
  9. Fatigue, high mental, physical activity.

The cause of unpleasant sensations can be trauma, a bruise of the cranium. Pain can be localized in the nape, temples, frontal region. Give in eyeballs, ears, superciliary arches. Appear when you tilt, sneeze, cough, amplify because of loud sounds. Each disease is characterized by its peculiarities of headache manifestation.

Medicine, how to choose?

Patients note a different nature of sensations of soreness: aching, shooting, squeezing, bursting.

Depending on the cause of discomfort, the peculiarities of the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the head, the course of the disease is selected from headache pills.

All drugs can be divided into groups, depending on the type of exposure:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Analgesics.
  3. Spasmolytics.
  4. Sedatives.

Migraine, what is it?

An intense obsessive headache is a sign of migraine. Some patients note a suddenness of attacks, someone can describe the aura: the condition before the onset of the headache, characterized by nausea, photophobia, intolerance to sharp sounds.

Since migraine does not respond to treatment, a person should use pills that reduce the manifestation of symptoms and help with headaches.

It is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Aspirin.
  2. Ketorolac.
  3. Diclofenac.
  4. Metamizole.
  5. Ibuprofen.

Anti-inflammatory drugs stop inflammation in the irritated nerve centers of the brain, some have a hemorrhage effect.

People who mark the onset of migraine by aura can take medicineAlmotriptan, Sumatriptan, stopping the development of an attack.

Helps in the first hours of a headacheCofetamine, which normalizes blood circulation, increases the tone of the vessels of the brain, it can operate all day.

Effective for the treatment of migraine drugs that combine in their composition several active substances, which have both analgesic effect and sedative, relaxing:

  1. Caffetin.
  2. Pentalginum.
  3. Solpadein.

Since migraine attacks occur regularly in people, before taking pills, you need to consult a doctor. It is advisable not to increase the dosage of the drug per day on your own, if it ceases to help. It is better to be examined and get a prescription for a new medicine.

Headaches caused by stress

If a person for a long time is in the same position, performs heavy physical work, is subjected to strong psycho-emotional, mental stress, he can develop tension pain.

Unpleasant sensations can last a short period, about an hour. Sometimes the discomfort does not last a day.

Tablets from a tension headache are used the same as those from migraines. You can supplement the list with medicines:

  1. Indomethacin.
  2. Piroxicam.
  3. Ketoprofen.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken after meals, washed down with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to drink milk, tea, coffee. Categorically contraindicated alcoholic beverages in combination with drugs.

To avoid disruption of the bowel, on the day of taking these medications you should drinkLineks, Lactobacilli.

Pain in the head of vascular origin

Sometimes the cause of narrowing of blood vessels is the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls. To avoid discomfort, you need to eliminate the increase in cholesterol, and not just drink tablets that help for a short time from a headache of vascular pain.

Unpleasant sensations in the brain often cause low blood pressure. Hypertension can not be a cause of permanent discomfort, but a sharp increase in blood pressure once a day also causes inconvenience. The therapist can prescribe a set of drugs that normalize the patient's blood pressure.

To get a short-term help with a seizure of a vascular headache, you can use analgesics:

  1. Analgin.
  2. Piretin.
  3. Новалгин.
  4. Paracetamol.
  5. Baralgin.
  6. Нобол.
  7. Ronaldin.

Medications-analgesics negatively affect the nervous system, cardiac muscle, cause disruption of the intestinal tract. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is only possible to take these medications once if the headache is rare.

You can drink 1 tablet at a time. If you drink more than six tablets a day, more often 20 times a week, the drug may develop addiction, the patients also have abusus headaches.

To relieve the discomfort in the head, which arose because of the lowering of pressure, a person can takeCitramon. This drug raises the pressure due to the caffeine contained in it.

If the unpleasant sensations are caused by a vasospasm, the therapist prescribes antispasmodics:

  1. But-shpu.
  2. Papaverine.
  3. Drotaverine.
  4. Galidor.
  5. Buscopan.

Usually it is necessary to drink not 1 tablet, but two, antispasmodics are dosed in a half dose. In order not to be mistaken, you must carefully read the instructions.

Effective for the removal of violent, intrusive migraine attacks in vascular lesions combined drugs:

  1. But-shpalgin.
  2. Spazmalgon.
  3. Andipal.

Preparations of this group are not desirable to take every time with discomfort and use a long period, if a person has cardiac, renal, hepatic insufficiency.

If the headache is caused by the widening of the brain vessels, the trigeminal nerve damage, a specialist can recommend the use of selective serotonin receptor agonists:

  1. Zomig.
  2. Rolpex.

These drugs are used with particularly strong discomfort, which are not eliminated by conventional tablets. 1 tablet does not help get rid of recurrent seizures, you need a course of drug therapy.

You can not start independent treatment with agonists, as they can provoke complications and the development of side effects: anaphylactic shock, tachycardia, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor at the first unpleasant symptoms.

Lykovodinamicheskaya pain and its elimination

A severe headache is caused by differences in pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, there is a stretching, a disorder of the meninges, the proportional arrangement of the brain structures changes.

Attacks of liquorodynamic pain can be provoked by infectious diseases, meningitis, benign and malignant brain tumors. Conventional tablets from a severe headache caused by cerebrospinal fluid changes do little to help. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if the patient complains of bursting headaches, worse with coughing, sneezing and not stopping from taking analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pain of a psychogenic nature

Mental and neurological disorders can provoke psychogenic pain in the head. There is a development of discomfort even with minor deviations in the psyche. Man by force of will convinces himself that he has a headache and, indeed, after a while, begins to experience unpleasant sensations.

Suffering psychogenic pain people suffering from depressions, phobias, neuroses. To pick up pills for a headache caused by nervous disorders, you need to turn to a neurologist. Since the discomfort does not develop due to a systemic disease of the body, and as a result of auto-suggestion, conventional drugs, analgesics, antispasmodics, discomfort will not stop.

Treatment in this case is to eliminate the source of stress, withdrawal of the patient from depression, drug therapy of mental disorder. The psychotherapist most often recommends the use of sedatives:

  1. Phenobarbital.
  2. Codeine.
  3. Sedavit.
  4. Phenazepam.

Only after curing a mental illness or having achieved a stable remission, you can get rid of a psychogenic headache.

Headache abusus

Excessive use of drugs for headaches leads to the development of the opposite effect.

Provoke the appearance of abusus headaches analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If a long period each time to take only one medicine, for example, Paracetamol, Citramon, Ibufen, other means to remove discomfort in migraines, dull headaches appear, manifested with varying intensity throughout the day.

It is not possible to remove soreness with the help of conventional drugs. When taking the usual medication in a larger dose, the discomfort recedes for a short time. Help in this situation can a neurologist.

It is recommended that the usual drug be abolished and the sparing regimen allowing to endure a serious condition. At unpleasant sensations of high intensity the doctor can recommend reception of sedative preparations.

Effective drugs for headaches, a list

They are popular painkillers for headache, taken once, without the appointment of a doctor:

  1. Citramon.
  2. Analgin.
  3. Aspirin.
  4. Ibuprofen.
  5. But-shpa.
  6. Ketoprofen.
  7. Paracetamol.

It is not allowed for prolonged attacks of a headache to take several drugs at the same time! If the discomfort does not go away, you need to see a doctor and get a comprehensive treatment.

During pregnancy, which tablets are taken from a headache is possible

Pregnant women often complain of discomfort in the occipital, temporal part of the head. Unpleasant sensations can cause hormonal changes in the body.

If a woman has previously had migraines, during pregnancy the attacks are aggravated. What to drink from a headache pregnant, so as not to harm the fetus? To reduce discomfort, you can take one time:But-shpu. Paracetamol. These drugs are slightly absorbed into the systemic circulation, have minimal effect on the fetus.

Take Citramon, Codeine, Analgin can not without consulting a doctor. Only an expert can evaluate the potential benefit of the drug for the mother and the possible risk of side effects for the child.

A pregnant woman can not tolerate a headache for a long period of time. If the proposed drugs do not help cope with the discomfort, contact the neurologist.

When the child's head hurts, what can I give to it?

A child who has already turned a year old can complain about a headache. Most often, discomfort is caused by infectious diseases. Children are recommended receptionIbuprofen, Paracetamol.

You can drink not 1 tablet at a time, but only part of it. Dosage is calculated according to the weight and age of the child. The medicine for pain in the head for the child can not be chosen independently. You need to see a doctor who will prescribe a treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of discomfort.

8 Ways to Relieve a Headache Quickly

Discharge without pill from headache

To reduce the number of medications taken with migraines, you can use folk remedies that help with headaches.

Massage and self-massage. To relieve the pain of tension, you can rub the neck, the occipital part of the skull.

Compress is applied to the head, warm or cold, depending on what brings relief.

Walking in the fresh air, frequent airing of rooms for sleep. Water procedures - taking a relaxing bath, preparing a foot bath with mustard.

Helps to eliminate nervous pain medicinal broths from herbs: anise, motherwort, cowberry, hawthorn, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, bearberry. You can prepare a decoction of one type of herbs or mixtures thereof.

Remember, taking pills from pain in your head can be rare, no more than once a month. If discomfort is noted often, discomfort does not go away when taking medications, you need to seek the help of health professionals.

Source of publication:https://bolitgolova.info/lechenie/tabletki-ot-golovnoy-boli.html

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