Herbs from alcoholism, which are and help better

Because chronic alcoholism is characterized by a pathological predilection for alcohol with complete loss of control over the quality and quantity of alcohol taken, it is also accompanied by the patient's lack of self-criticism and awareness of his illness. A person who is dependent on alcoholic drinks, about his treatment in the narcological office, most often does not want to hear anything. And violently how to treat an alcoholic? You can, for starters, try to convince a patient with alcoholism about the beginning of a gradual reduction in the number of drinks and their duration, and also try to start home treatment of with herbs from alcoholism and drunkenness.


What herbs are used of alcoholism and which one helps them better?

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Medicinal herbs come with cleansing medicinal properties( which is needed especially for the liver), fortifying, relieving poisoning( or alcohol intoxication) and disgusting alcohol. In each case, the collection of herbs from alcoholism is separate, but also medicinal herbs and plants can be applied in a complex manner. This will provide the best healing effect. Necessary ingredients for recipes and preparation of infusions, tinctures, decoctions, teas can be bought at a pharmacy at reasonable prices. Read also reviews on the use of certain herbs and plants.

See also the article: "Monastic tea from alcoholism."

Cleansing Herbs

As early as 1903, Professor VM Florinsky in his book on herbal therapy recommended the following collection, which has an antitoxic effect, clears the body of toxins and decomposition products, improves digestion and liver function:

Take 50,0 grams.bitter wormwood, St. John's wort, perforated peppermint, yarrow;on 25,0 gr.thyme, juniper berries and angelica root. All this is mixed in one bowl, larger parts of the plants are better to grind. For treatment, take 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture and brew with 1.0 liter of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, wrapped a vessel. The resulting infusion is taken throughout the day.

This amount of herbal mixture will last for a long time. It is necessary to introduce the habit of taking infusions during the day. The course of treatment can be from one to several weeks.

Common restorative plants

This includes adaptogenic plants:

  • ginseng,
  • Schisandra chinese,
  • eleutherococcus spiny,
  • levzieu safflower,
  • radiolo rosa( golden root).

Tinctures and syrups, cooked on their basis, increase the overall tone of the whole body, increase muscle strength, work capacity, raise mood, improve night vision and tissue resistance to hypoxia.

Also useful for the whole body: onion, garlic;berries cranberries, cranberries, blueberries;pumpkin, apricots, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, oranges, lemons and the like. Of course, if not allergic reactions to them.

Herbs that remove poisoning

To remove the effects of intoxication of the body from circulating in the blood of alcohol breakdown products, the following are used: alternating, meadow geranium, dandelion medicinal, glutamate, gentian, wormwood, thyme, avran medicinal, eleven British or white-smoked. Not necessarily all use these plants at the same time. You can start with those that are easier to get or buy from a pharmacy and prepare a medicine from them.

From alternating lines or from geranium meadow, butterbur ( this herb from alcoholism is similar to mother-and-stepmother, but larger) can be prepared with infusion: 1 tablespoon of dry herb pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse it 2 hours, wrapped. All received volume is taken inside during the day.

From the root of the dandelion , a decoction is prepared.1 teaspoon of plants pour 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. Insist half an hour, cool, filter. Drink during the day the whole volume of broth obtained.

Pear-leaf .1 tbsp. A spoon of the ground part of the plant( or leaves) is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and pressed for 15 minutes over low heat. Insist to cool down, filter and drink during the day.

Grass thyme, or thyme creeping cleanses the body and positively acts on the liver. For one day brewed 1-2 tbsp.a spoonful of grass in a half liter of boiling water.

Gentian .To prepare the infusion for 1 day, take 1 teaspoon per half liter of boiling water.

After applying one or two of these herbs with a cleansing effect for 7-10 days, you can use herbs with a different healing effect. But it is better to continue cleaning the body with herbs further.

Plants that disgust alcohol

Grass Kukolnik from alcoholism

Treatment of herbs from alcoholism should begin with cleansing of toxins and toxins. Then, plants are used that can disgust alcohol and suppress the pathological attraction to it. Here it is possible to allocate grass to the helper ( in the people call - puppeteer ) and kopen European .Grass thyme from alcoholism also possesses coding properties, which cause aversion to alcohol.

The puppeteer has a pronounced effect causing nausea and vomiting. After applying the decoction of the herb, after some time, the patient is given 50 ml.alcohol, which he causes nausea and vomiting. At the same time, the patient is psychologically inspired by aversion to alcohol, which is reinforced by physical sensations from the action of the puppeteer.

The puppeteer has the most effective substances in the roots, less in the aerial part of the plant. But if you can not get the roots of the plant, then use the aboveground part. Take 1 teaspoon of grass for 1 glass, heat until boiling and rinse for about 10 minutes over low heat, cool, filter. Apply 1 tablespoon inwards in patients in a state of intoxication before the appearance of a feeling of nausea and vomiting. At occurrence of a nausea the purpose is reached or achieved and more, infusion should not be given. The patient is told not to drink alcohol in the future, that now with every drink he will be sick and vomited.

The European cauliflower

It is considered less toxic compared to the checer( the puppeteer).Although the hoof is a poisonous plant( after all, it is potent), used for coding from alcoholism. In addition to the nausea-vomiting effect, the hoof influences the liver well. Avicenna spoke about this:

"Severe liver disease can not be treated without clef"

Alcoholism always affects the liver! Beneficial influence of the hoof on the central nervous system, sexual function.

The grass of the centipedes also removes cravings for alcohol with regular use of infusion from it for a month.

Mixture of herbs .4 tablespoons thyme creeping, 1 spoonful of wormwood and 1 tablespoon goldfish shredded and poured a glass of boiling water. Wrap up, insist. After 2 hours, the infusion is ready. Take 1 tablespoon before meals several times a day. The course of treatment up to 3 months.

Treatment of herbs from alcoholism, as a rule, long - up to 6 months.